目前分類:電子書籍 (18)

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The Essence of the Notes (接觸筆記的要義)-(英漢對照)-封面As

Chapter 10 - SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY   (Part 1)

第十章 - 科學與技術

10.1 Astrology

10.1 星象學

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Chapter 4 – PLEYARENS   第四章  普雷亞星系的外星人 - Part 8

4.4.2 Space rides

4.4.2 太空之旅

Plejarens take Meier on a flight to Saturn - 27.3-48

普雷亞人帶邁爾飛往土星 - 27.3-48

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Chapter 8 – HUMANITY   第八章 人類 – Part 1

8.1 Origin

8.1 源起

Spiritual reason & wisdom of Earth humans - 4.100-101

地球人類的靈性智慧 - 4.100-101

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第七章 地球 - Part 2

7.2 地球的狀態

環繞著地球的“能量球” - 39.42-44


採礦與石油鑽探等的影響 - 45.56-61

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Chapter 7 – EARTH   第七章地球 - Part 2

7.2 Status of Earth

7.2 地球的狀態

"Energy bales" that circle the Earth - 39.42-44

環繞著地球的能量球” - 39.42-44

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The Essence of the Notes (接觸筆記的要義)-(英漢對照)-封面As

第七章 地球 - Part 1

7.1 地理紀要

地球的年齡 — 6,460億年 - 45.75-100

地球的年齡 — 從氣態開始,已有6,460億年 - 51

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The Essence of the Notes (接觸筆記的要義)-(英漢對照)-封面As

 Chapter 7 – EARTH   第七章地球 - Part 1

7.1 Geography

7.1 地理紀要

Age of the Earth - 646 billion years - 45.75-100

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第六章 地外文明 – Part 5

6.5 與外星生命之間的互動

外星生命的造訪地球 - 2.26-28


外星人已經影響了我們的科技 - 8.153-157

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Chapter 6 – EXTRATERRESTRIALS   第六章地外文明 – Part 5

6.5 Interactions

6.5 與外星生命之間的互動

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The Essence of the Notes (接觸筆記的要義)-(英漢對照)-封面As

第六章 地外文明 – Part 1

6 外星生命

在其他星系上的生命 - 1.27-38


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The Essence of the Notes (接觸筆記的要義)-(英漢對照)-封面As

Chapter 6 – EXTRATERRESTRIALS   第六章 地外文明 – Part 1


6 外星生命

Other life forms in other star systems - 1.27-38

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第四章 普雷亞星系的外星人 - Part 3

4.2.1 與地球人類的溝通

普雷亞保存了地球上有史以來所有說過語言的知識 - 4.9-24


提問與回答問題的條件 - 8.25-43

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Chapter 4 – PLEYARENS   第四章 普雷亞星系的外星人 - Part 3

4.2.1 Communicating with Earth Humans

4.2.1 與地球人類的溝通

Knowledge of all Earth languages ever spoken - 4.9-24

普雷亞人保存了地球上有史以來所有說過語言的知識 - 4.9-24

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第四章 普雷亞星系的外星人 – Part 2

普雷亞(Plejaren)是一夫一妻制 - 23.43-50


女性可以不用男人而受孕 - 23.66-74


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Chapter 4 – PLEYARENS   第四章 普雷亞星系的外星人 - Part 2

Plejaren are monogamous and procreate - 23.43-50

普雷亞人是一夫一妻制 - 23.43-50

Creation has equipped every single kind of living form with the means to reproduce themselves in very natural ways. The law of unity is the same throughout the universe where two individuals unite, as with the law of reproduction for every material form of life. Higher spiritual forms have freed themselves of their physical bodies and no longer need to procreate. They are unable to create new spirits for only the Creation is able to do this. The act of procreation embodies a uniform character throughout the universe of males and females joining together for the propagation of descendants. This was initiated in this manner by Creation and there is no other possibility.


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The Essence of the Notes (接觸筆記的要義)-(英漢對照)-封面As

第四章 普雷亞星系的外星人(Plejaren)

4.1 伊柔(Erra)星(普雷亞人的家園星球)

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The Essence of the Notes (接觸筆記的要義)-(英漢對照)-封面As

Chapter 4 – PLEYARENS   第四章 普雷亞星系的外星人

4.1  Erra (Plejaren home planet)

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Appendices   附錄



The following is a list of topics that are presented in the first 76 Contact Reports of Eduard Meier. The heading at the beginning of the list of topics for each contact includes the sequential contact number, date and time of the contact and the persons that Meier contacted. The numbers after each listed topic represent the contact number, a period, and the associated sentence reference numbers. The beginning and ending numbers are seperated by a hyphen. Unfortunately, sentence reference numbers were not included at the beginning of the first contact report. In some cases, the reference numbers are preceded by a letter that identifies the person speaking such as: A=Asket, P=Ptaah, Q=Quetzal, N=Nera, and S=Semjase. When no letter is specified, then the person speaking is Semjase. Except for the first contact, there are additional numbers after the reference numbers. These numbers consist of the chapter, section, and sub sections, separated by periods, where the information is presented in the book, “The Essence of the Notes”. If no numbers exist, then the topic was not included in the book.


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