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Contact Report 190 (1983/7/1)   第190次接觸報告

接觸時間: 1983 7 1 日,星期五,下午 2 16

Synopsis       摘要

See Explanation at the end of the conversation.


This is the entire contact. It is an unauthorised and unofficial translation and may contain errors.



1. Unfortunately, it took a lot longer until my next visit than I had foreseen.


2. In accordance with your request, I thoroughly dealt with the powers from the DAL Universe and explained your arguments to them.

按你的請求,我與 DAL 宇宙的權威徹底商討了一番,並向解釋你的辯解。

3. This has led, in the long interim, to the fact that they are positively committed to your request and have analytically worked everything out again, down to the smallest details.


4. The discovered results actually correspond to your data, observations, and conjectures, which has now led the new powers to take over their work, nevertheless, and to exert themselves decisively for all necessary interests.


5. On the 12th of June, right after your conversation with me…

6 12 號,和你會面完後。。。


Of which, unfortunately, we have no contact report because you didn’t transmit this to me.



6. In addition, neither time nor necessity was available for this.


7. It’s just important that our conversation took place and that you could propose basic arguments, which I then relayed and which led to success.


8. On the other hand, it also isn’t necessary that we keep in writing every word that is spoken to one another.


9. In any case, on the 12th of June, right after your conversation with me, I went before the High Council, to whom I submitted everything.

總之, 6 12 號和你會面後,我立即去往最高議會並提交了所有一切。

10. Your logical arguments were so persuasive to it that it immediately ordered the responsible powers of the DAL Universe to itself, after which a reexamination of everything and also those facts arose, which you demanded.

你的邏輯性的辯論很有說服力,最高議會立即讓 DAL 宇宙的相關權威重新檢測一切,最後達成你想要的事實。

11. And the result of that was this:


12. The new powers now actually accept the responsibility of their duty.


13. Thus, the new contacts begin from now on, and you will be pleased to hear that primarily, Asket will be the liaison person to you.

因此,新接觸從現在開始,你將會很高興地聽到你的前導師 Asket 將會是你的聯絡人。


Ah, that is nice, and when will she be here?



14. All of the DAL powers are already here and are preparing everything, in order to take over their task completely.

DAL 所有的權威已經在這著手準備一切以便履行他們的任務。

15. But Asket will first arrive here next week, after which she will then visit you immediately and without delay.

但是 Asket 下周才會來,然後會立即接觸你。

16. I wanted to report this to you, and only for this brief message have I come here today.



Thanks, my friend. You are really a friend – and more than just that.

謝謝,我的朋友,你是真正的朋友 —— 甚至比朋友更好。


17. We are all pleased, but now, until we meet again – until next week – and I am to give you the best regards from all – and also their gratitude, for they are all, including myself, in your debt.

我們所有人都很高興,但是現在我得走了,下週見 —— 所有人都向你致 意。

18. Without your so logical and far-reaching arguments, no more success would have been granted to our mission.


19. The final departure of the DAL powers would have meant our discontinuance and the failure of all efforts, hardships, and the whole mission.

DAL 的權威就會離開,我們所有的努力、辛酸及整個任務就會失敗。

20. My thanks to you for what you have done.



The thanks are due to you, my son, you alone, for it was you who hurried to the High Council and who presented my arguments and who hauled these to success. I have you to thank, my friend, and you deserve all our thanks.



21. That is not correct because if you wouldn’t have proposed your logical arguments to me and wouldn’t have had me report these to the responsible persons…



Bye, my son. Take off, at last, and all my thanks to you and all others.



22. It… until we meet again, you who are also a true friend and brother to me.

下次見,你對我而言也是一位真正的朋友和兄長。【吼吼 ~~ 比利比他小好幾百歲呢】



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