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Contact Report 205 (1986/2/3)   第205次接觸報告

接觸時間: 1986 2 3 日,星期一 ,下午 2 18


Quetzal 與比利主要談到下列議題:關於「異位性皮膚炎」的治療方式;核彈試爆濫用不知情百姓做實驗的事實真正的基因工程(例如:幹細胞的研究)的發展將造福人類關於佛陀」的一些真相;……。

Synopsis      摘要

This is the entire contact. It is an unauthorised and unofficial translation and may contain errors.



As usual, I have questions. One refers to the disease, atopic dermatitis, which attacks many people and about which, there was a show on television again. Not only are adults affected by this disease but especially children, for whom the constant itching is especially bad. Are you aware of this disease, and if so, is there an effective medicine against this disease? If so, may you provide some information about it?

和往常一樣我有些問題,其一是關於 異位性皮膚炎 這個常見的疾病。在電視上有個關於這個的節目,不但是成年人,尤其是兒童也有,這些人會一直感到很癢。你知道這個病嗎?如果知道,有沒有有效的藥物?如果有,你能告訴我一些資訊嗎?


1. Yes, this disease is known to me.


2. But in our civilizations, this has no longer appeared for thousands of years, as well as other diseases and sufferings.


3. What is medically possible to be done on the Earth against this disease, which is very bad and also extremely painful for humans, I want to explain as an exception and on my own responsibility.


4. Above all, silver ion products – such as silver ion powder, silver ion jelly, or silver ion cream – are useful.


5. For this, an application is required on the skin.



Thank you very much for your explanation. Perhaps medical science will take this up and through this, create effective medicines that really help. Then another question: you once said something in confidence with regard to above-ground atomic bomb tests, as well as with regard to other atomic tests, namely in connection with people who have been abused in this regard and who will continue to be abused. May we now talk about this openly because the middle of the eighties has since passed, about which you said that until then, this may not be spoken of publicly?

非常感謝你的解釋,也許醫藥科學家會由此做出一些有效的藥物。然後另一個問題:有一次你秘密談到有關地上核彈試爆,以及其他方式的核彈試爆,也就是關於這方面那些被犧牲的老百姓,他們還會繼續被犧牲下去。因為你曾說要到 80 年代中期過後才能公開談論此事,而現在剛好已過這個時間,我們可以公開說了嗎?


6. No more obstacles stand in the way of a public explanation.



May I repeat it, then?



7. Of course.



Good. You explained that since the criminal launching of the atomic tests, people have been abused, without their knowledge, for nuclear tests. This was done in America as well as in the Soviet Union. Entire villages and smaller towns were contaminated with atomic particles and, of course, also the people who lived there. Moreover, certain desert areas and land areas were contaminated, by what means animals as well as people were infected by atomic radiation, by which countless ones died and descendants were born with mutations. However, not only were living humans and animals abused for the radiation effects of the atomic attempts but also the deceased, both adults and children alike. Partly, the entire bodies of the deceased were abused for such purposes, as well as body parts, organs, bones, and the blood. And all this without the surviving relatives knowing anything about this or giving any consent to it. That was your explanation, right?



8. That is correct.


9. But these actions have not yet found an end because this continues to operate secretly, namely in America and in the Soviet Union, as well as in England and Sweden, etc.


10. At the same time, this isn’t just about the testing of atomic radiation, which is released by above-ground atomic bomb tests and which is abused in the form of human experiments, as was mentioned by you, but rather atomic particles and radiations, in a similar reprehensible form, were and are abused in medical testing on people, both on the living as well as on the deceased.



So everything not only relates to military and secret service machinations but also to medical and economic research. Thus, the whole thing becomes even worse. What will further come? Will everything continue in the same style, or are there actually positive, progressive facts to be mentioned?



11. Unfortunately, the entire evil will continue because the lust for power of many people is limitless, especially when they become governing and ruling.


12. Even worse things will still appear because many people won’t become more rational in their thoughts and feelings as well as in their ideas, plans, and desires and in their actions, but rather they will degenerate and will cause much harm, also with respect to genetic engineering, which will be abused by the insane and irresponsible ones, but this does not mean that the research relating to this won’t also bring many benefits for nature and people as well as for wildlife.


13. This cannot be excluded but is a natural consequence of the development.


14. Just like with anything else, there will be dark, crazy, and irresponsible elements involved in this, who will abuse everything for evil, greedy, avaricious, and sectarian purposes, but we’ve spoken well enough about this at other times.


15. In addition to the actual genetic engineering, as it is known to be operated, there will still arise other, very progressive, and positive things, such as stem cell technology, which will achieve great progress around the mid-nineties and will lead to much success after the turn of the millennium, by what means in the course of time, many sorrows of the Earth people can be removed.

此外在真正的基因工程方面,還是有許多積極正面的應用例如在幹細胞科技方面,約在 90 年代中期會有重大的進展,而到公元 2000 年後更有許多的成就 。換句話說,隨著時間的推進,地球人類會有越來越多的苦難被解除。


But of course, it will be like what will also be the case with genetic engineering, that many unreasonable ones, cowards, and negative bawlers will emerge, who will scream bloody murder and who won’t want to understand anything of the whole ordeal and who will want to hinder progress by force, as this will then also occur with genetic engineering when their things and progress reach the public.



16. As you once said to me:


17. The stupid and unreasonable ones never die out.



Right, so I said. Then now, I have a question that doesn’t concern itself with such things but that is related to Buddha. Siddhattha Gotama, “Buddha,” is always represented as very obese, but to my knowledge, he wasn’t so corpulent at all. Do you have some knowledge concerning this?



18. Siddhattha Gotama was a man of normal stature, with a height of 170 centimeters and a weight of 67 kilograms.

悉達多.喬達摩的體格只是普通人的模樣, 170 公分高, 67 公斤重。

19. All statues or visual representations concerning his figure and entire body are based on distortions, as this is also the case with regard to various interests of his teachings, which were not only misunderstood by his students, etc. but which consequently became misinterpreted and widespread.


20. This also applies to legends woven around him, which were invented by his followers to make more of him than he really was, namely a simple yet educated person, but who was not very informed of and not well-educated in the real spiritual interests and in the spiritual-creative laws and their relationships and their workings and who even misunderstood many of the facts of the teachings and also wrongly taught these as a result.

有很多傳說編織在他周圍,這只是他的跟隨者發明的,使得一切顯得比真正的他要多,也就是說他只是一個受過教育的人,但是他並沒有在真正的靈性關注方面受過很好的調教,同樣在「靈性 造物法則」及祂們的之間的關係與運作方面亦是如此 ,他甚至在很多教義上都有誤解,由此也受到了錯誤的教導。

21. But that, my friend, must again be enough for today, for your health appearance isn't the best.


22. You need rest.


23. Until we meet again.



Bye. All the best.



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