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Contact Report 228 (1989/5/1)   第228次接觸報告

接觸時間: 1989 5 1 日,傍晚 6 05


此次接觸報告談到了各種動物、植物等對傷害都有反應,因此 billy 說不要隨便傷害任何動植物。 billy 再一次問到了海王星,地球的天文學家認為海王星只有 2 顆衛星,而 billy Great Journey 中看到海王星實際有 8 顆大的衛星以及一些更小一些的衛星。並且在冬季時海王星會噴出氣體,而且噴出的範圍遠到了地球。 Quetzal 還告訴了 billy 各種植物動物所含的營養素,其中部分營養素只有螺旋藻才有,但是地球人普遍覺得螺旋藻味道很噁心。

billy 再一次確認了酒精、藥物和吸毒會影響到人的基因問題, Quetzal 給予了確認。 Quetzal 再一次談到接觸 billy 是為了完成教導 Henok Nokodemion 系的 spirit ,並且他們一直保存有自那個時代以來地球的所有知識,約 77,000,000 OM canons 。他們對 billy 的靈的起源還比較模糊,不過會很快弄清的。 Semjase Ptaah 已經成為了 Jschwjsch. (譯者:大概是精神進化的某個階段)。 Quetzal billy 知道進化 Srut Srutin 級別非常震驚,因為這個對地球人來說是絕對機密的事情。 Semjase Ptaah Quetzal 已經進化到了 Srut 的初級階段。 billy 談到了地球的天文學家固執地認為宇宙年齡在 8 -15,000,000,000 年,是因為他們對宇宙的 7 層結構毫無瞭解的原因。宇宙結構是一種蛋形的雙螺旋結構。年紀約是 46,000,000,000,000 年,宇宙不會無限制膨脹,膨脹至 155,500,000,000,000 年後開始塌縮。由於宇宙的物質會不停地毀滅和重生,最老的物質已經無可尋跡,昴宿星人找到的最老物質年齡是 40,000,000,000 ,而地球的科學家還沒用發現這樣的物質。



Ptaah and you as well as Semjase have said that our Milky Way has around 587 billion suns and planets, but at the same time, there are only about 7 million smaller and larger solar systems with planets, on which higher life exists. Are planetary satellites, i.e. moons, also included therein?

Are planetary satellites, respectively, moons also included therein?

你、 Ptaah Semjase 曾經告訴過我銀河系有大約 570,000,000,000 (5.700 ) 個恒星,但是只有約 7,000,000 (700 ) 個太陽系有高級生命存在,也包括了行星的衛星。


97. Yes, because in certain solar systems with enormous central suns there are planetary giants with tremendous gravity which are too big to be able to bear higher forms of life, while their moons, however, are very much in a position to do that.


98. In your understanding, we do not, however, call these objects which bear life moons, rather planet-planets.



Quite so, because they are actually planets of a mother-planet - or?



99. That is of correctness.



And the 7,000,000 solar systems in our galaxy with planets, on which higher forms of life exist: does that collectively deal only with human civilizations?

銀河系的 7,000,000 太陽系都存在人類文明?


100. No

101. The universe with all its galaxies is very thinly settled with human forms of life, whereby that also includes dimensions shifted in time and space, respectively, all existing space-time configurations.


102. Many planets and moons carry only very lowly microscopic organic life, or only forms of life like mammals, birds, fish, beetles and insects, and so forth, which have nothing to do with higher forms of life.



Then I have misunderstood some things, because I was of the view that you have always spoken in such a way that indicated that the forms of life were 那我立即錯了,我一直以為你說的是人類形式的生命。

only humans.


103. Then you have succumbed to an error, if you have assumed that the approximately 7,000,000 solar systems with their planets only correlate to human civilizations.

如果你以為 7,000,000 個太陽系都存在人類,那就是你錯了。

104. Perhaps you have really ...



... understood something wrongly.

... 理解錯了。


105. That is what I wanted to say.


106. Known to us, in this galaxy, are only 2,630,000 highly developed human civilizations, which actually belong together, whereby, from other galaxies known to us, a further 1,141,000,000 can be factored in.

就我們所知,銀河系只有 2,630,000 個人類文明,而它們的本質屬於彼此。

107. We know of 1,040,000 civilizations which are developed to an essentially low level in this galaxy which you call the Milky Way.

銀河系有 1,040,000 個文明處於很低級的狀態。

108. Our scientists estimate that in the entire universe about 6,000,000,000,000 to 7,000,000,000,000 essentially human civilizations, of higher and lower form, would have to exist in your material space-time configuration.

我們的科學家估計,整個宇宙大概存在 6,000,000,000,000 7,000,000,000,000 個不同發展程度的人類文明。 (譯者:地球好渺小,地球人不要自大。)


What do you understand by "human civilization which essentially belong together"?

你說的 人類文明本質屬於彼此 是什麼意思?


109. That phrase is to be understood as meaning unity of collective progress, which is created through science and technology and thereby also includes developed and improved medical, social and material living conditions, and so forth.



There are very clever people on the Earth who assert that the solar system consists of twelve planets, whereby the Sun and the Earth's Moon are also counted as planets.

And since until now only the nine planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are known - therefore nine - yet another planet is made up and added with the name of Niburu, and further labels such as Anus, Planet-X, Marduk, Phaeton, Olam, Vulkan and Persephone, and so forth.

So, together with the Sun and the Earth's Moon, and Niburu, the stupid thesis of twelve planets in the solar system is supposedly proven.

The Anunnaki people supposedly lived on Niburu and they supposedly gave all kinds of help to the Earth humans.

As a young wandering planet, the planet Niburu - as it is asserted today - was supposedly captured by our solar system around 4,000,000,000 years ago, and - always according to this assertion - it then developed.

Niburu is meant to have thereby penetrated into the inner solar system and effected, respectively, evoked, certain alterations of the inner planets and moons before it disappeared again to then become aligned into an orbital period of 3,600 years.

And - in opposition to that which corresponds to the truth, that the Earth fundamentally formed from material from space, from gas, planetoids, and so forth, and that the Earth's Moon, as a satellite from your space-time configuration, was captured by the Earth - it is asserted that the Earth had been a part of the planet Tiamat and our Moon was once the largest moon of Tiamat.

Niburu's last pass through the solar system supposedly occurred about 160 years before Jmmanuel's birth.

What is to be made of all that?

地球上有一些很聰明的人推斷我們的太陽系包括月亮和太陽有 12 顆星球。而今,只有 9 顆星球被發現: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune Pluto 。因此有些人加了一顆星進來,並命名為 Niburu Anus, Planet-X, Marduk, Phaeton,Olam, Vulkan Persephone 等等各種叫法。因此,據稱就有 12 顆星球。據稱 Anunnaki 就住在 Niburu 上,並且給予地球人以過各種幫助。 Niburu 作為一個年輕的漫步者行星 -- 據稱是在 4,000,000,000 年前被我們的太陽系捕獲,它的軌道週期是 3,600 年。而且據說地球曾經是 Tiamat 星的一部分,而且月亮曾經是 Tiamat 最大的衛星,當然這和我所知的是不同的,月亮是從你們那個維度來的,最後被地球捕獲為衛星。 Niburu 上次穿過太陽系的時間約是耶穌誕生前的 160 年前。這些到底怎麼解釋呢 ?( 譯者: Niburu 大家可以查蘇美爾古文明)


110. These stories are known to me, because I have studied diverse ancient terrestrial texts, also including many cuneiform tablets, among others.


111. That is why I know that the humans in Akkadia, Babylon and in Sumer already knew the planets of the solar system, and so forth.

我也知道 Akkadia, Babylon 和蘇美爾人早就知道太陽系的行星等等。

112. However, that which emerges from old texts regarding the Annunaki and the planet Niburu is based on mythological facts as well as beliefs, misguidance and erroneous assumptions.

然而古文中出現的 Niburu 上的 Annunaki 人只是基於傳說、信仰等等錯誤的資訊。

113. The Annunaki beings were a pure imagination of the Earth humans, who, full of fantasy and according to their beliefs, fabricated the "Annunaki people from the planet Niburu", as the giant shape in the sky appeared, which truly did not deal with an actual planet, rather it concerned an uncommonly big comet, which actually does have an orbital period around the solar system of around 3,600 years.

Annunaki 人完全是地球人的神話傳說和想像。

114. That therefore only entered as myth into the imagination of the ancient Earth humans. Indeed, it truly never existed, because the comet is not in a position to bear human life.


115. It must be said in addition to that, that the designation Phaeton is completely wrongly used, because Phaeton was the planet which was destroyed by its inhabitants, namely Malona, which shattered into thousands of pieces and today forms the asteroid belt.

Phaeton 實際上是 Malona ,最後被星球上的人炸毀成成千上萬的碎片,形成了小行星帶。

116. Regarding the planet Malona, respectively, Phaeton, it is also wrongly asserted that that was the planet from which the Earth and its Moon arose.

關於地球和月亮是起源於 Malona 的說法也是不對的。

117. Tiamat, namely, is a designation born of an old Earth language, for the planet Phaeton, respectively Malona, which was destroyed through human irrationality.

Tiamat Phaeton, 也就是 Malona, 是地球的遠古預言,最後被星球上的人非理性地毀掉了。

118. Now the only thing still to say is that a big planet, with great speed, on the other side of the Sun, orbits the star and can therefore never be seen from the Earth.


119. It deals thereby with an uninhabited planet which we have given the name "Kathein", which, however, will drift out of the solar system in the time to come.

我們命名為 "Kathein" 但是不合適居住的星球,不久會遠離太陽系。

120. But that does not concern the aforementioned comet.

但是它並不是上面提到的 Niburu

121. And apart from that there are yet two different belts on the other side of the orbit of Pluto, in which comets and wandering planets move, a great number of which penetrate into the inner solar system at regular, periodic - albeit sporadic - intervals.

122. Thereby diverse ones of these can also sporadically endanger the solar planets, which, again and again, at greater intervals in time, also leads to comets actually impacting with planets.



Can you please explain somewhat more about that?

你能解釋的詳細點嗎 ?


123. The first belt - a zone - is located up to more than 150,000 astronomical units from the Sun.

第一個區域離太陽約為 150,000 個天文單位。

124. An astronomical unit thereby corresponds to the mean distance from the Sun to the Earth, thus 149,597,870 kilometres.

一個天文單位是地球與太陽的距離,即 149,597,870 公里。

125. At an earlier time, when the Giza Pyramids were built, this distance however still amounted to 152,500,000 kilometres, a number which is also of enormous significance in regard to the calculation of the entire universe's 280 elements.

在吉薩金字塔首次修建的時候,這個距離是 152,500,000 公里(譯者:太陽和地球)。

126. 150,000 astronomical units corresponds to around 4,000 times the distance from the Sun to the planet Pluto, which is essentially the last of the planets in the solar system known to the humans.

150,000 個天文單位,也是太陽到冥王星距離的 4 000 倍。

127. All other objects outside the orbit of Pluto already belong to the zone of the first belt.


128. It ...


Excuse me, but then what is it with the tenth planet, that is supposedly zooming around out there?

對不起,關於第 10 顆行星以外是怎麼回事?

You have always spoken of such a tenth, and further planets.


129. In addition to the smaller planets far outside the orbit of Pluto, it deals thereby with the Earth-sized planet "Kathein", which, with very great speed and at a great distance, follows its orbit around the Sun, however, in the coming years drifting away more and more, and disappearing into space.

關於冥王星以外的那顆 "Kathein" 行星,離太陽很遠,並且在接下來的幾年會越來越遠,最後消失在太空中。

130. Its period of orbit around the Sun is so big that, seen from the Earth, it remains constantly hidden behind the Sun.


131. But listen further:


132. Located in the aforementioned first zone of the first belt far outside the orbit of Pluto, are, according to estimations, 1,300,000,000,000 smallest, small, medium-sized, large and largest objects, of which - again according to estimations - some 130,000,000,000 cometary nuclei must be taken into consideration.

關於冥王星軌道以外的第一個區域,大約有 1,300,000,000,000 很小的,小的,中等大小的,大的和很大彗星核物體存在。

133. But furthermore there is yet a second zone, respectively, a second belt, still very much further outside of the first belt, which - like the first - draws itself in a ring shape around the solar system.


134. Innumerable objects of all sizes are also in this belt, and so it speaks for itself that there are also very numerous cometary nuclei.


135. As in the first, there are also very large objects in the second, which are as large as the Earth or even bigger.


136. As a consequence of the great distance from the Sun and the absence of light from the objects in dark space, even with good telescopes they can hardly be seen from the Earth, or cannot be seen at all.


137. With the two belts, which can also be designated as rings, this deals with the remnants of that gigantic primordial cloud of gas, particles and objects, and so forth, from which the solar system, with all its planets, ultimately formed more than 5,500,000,000 years ago.

2 個圓環狀區域,包含其巨大的原始雲狀氣體,大約是 5,500,000,000 年前形成。

138. But the cloud's primordial matter did not form at the aforementioned time, rather it already formed more than 46,000,000,000 years ago, and then, in the course of time, condensed into its final form, and supplied the substance for the solar system more than 5,500,000,000 years ago.

而雲狀的原始物質是在 46,000,000,000 年前形成,並為 5,500,000,000 年前形成太陽系的物質提供了基礎。

139. Here and there objects drift away from the two aforementioned belts, as do cometary nuclei, which penetrate into the inner solar system.


140. In other words:


141. If a fixed star occasionally reaches a certain astronomical proximity, then its effect is that single cometary nuclei, from the many billion smallest, small, middle-sized, large and largest objects, loosen out of the bands of the two zones and occupy a course in the inner solar system.


142. Many of the comets - such as the one we have spoken of as Niburu - move back again to their outermost regions of origin outside the inner solar system after their approach to the Sun and its planets - also the Earth - or they take an inner system course, so they therefore stay in the direct solar system as the system's own comets and they constantly, recurrently, follow their courses.

許多彗星 -- 如我們前面提到的 Niburu- 如果曾經到過太陽系或其行星附近最終還是會返回到其原來的區域。

143. Many, which return to the outermost two belts' zones, remain there for a very long time before they come back.


144. So the duration of the stay in the belts can be centuries, millennia, many millennia or even hundreds of millions of years before they return on their course again in the inner solar system if they were, or are, forced into a recurrent course by the Sun and its planets.

停留時間可能是幾百年, 1 千年,幾千年甚至百萬年。

145. Others, on the other hand, become torn from their course by planets, by their moons or by the Sun, and, bursting asunder, impact with them.



Thank you for your explanations.




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