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Contact Report 498 (2010/7/31)   第498次接觸報告

接觸時間: 2010 7 31

Synopsis     摘要

Ptaah discusses the loss and destruction of medical, technical and scientific knowledge in ancient times, due to persecution stemming from religions and its associated insanity, which could have seen us conquer space 200 years earlier.

Ptaah 談到在遠古的時代我們在醫療、科技與科學知識的破壞與損失,如果不是由於宗教迫害和其相關聯的瘋狂作為,地球人類也許早在 200 年前就能征服太空。

This is an excerpt of the contact. It is an unauthorised and unofficial translation and may contain errors.



That which altogether was completely destroyed in wide sections of Rome, Asia Minor and Greece, and so forth, according to our annals, amounts to about 1,341,700 scientific scrolls. Many of these hand written texts described very valuable medical cognitions and techniques, besides actual technical inventions, which, if these records and plans had been preserved, would have led to the human beings of Earth conquering the outer space and settling on other planets already more than 200 years ago…

根據我們的史料記載,在羅馬、中亞與希臘等廣闊的區域,共計約 134 1,700 份的科學卷軸,全部被徹底摧毀。有很多這些手寫的卷軸,上面紀錄了非常有價值的醫學知識和技術,並且還有實際的技術發明。其中這些記錄和計畫,如果被妥善保存下來,會使地球上的人類早 200 年以上,就能征服外太空並定居其他星球 ...


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英文資料來自 http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Contact_Report_498





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