The Law Of One: BookII 




RA 資料 





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工作小組:PDon Elkins Carla L.R.McCarty Jim McCarty.

Last modified date: 2012/08/22

Initial Chinese work date: 2004/02/05

中文翻譯&註解by Terry Hsu.




o. 雙括號()內的文字如果是中文表示原文所無之文字僅是為連貫文句意思加上去的如果是英文則表示原文中的人名地名或專有名詞方便讀者上網或以字典查詢另外原文書中沒有的譯註一律以小一號的字體顯示以玆區別

o. 方括號[]內的文字的來源有二1. 原作者的補充說明2. 譯者主觀認定會影響文法通順且重要性較低於是放在方括號內

o. 粗體字通常在原文都為大寫具有特別意義或唯一性

o. 標楷體通常用來表示和前一版不同之處偶爾也用來區分長句的分界點。

o. 斜線x/y/z最常見的例子//教導/學習由於 Ra 強調整體性我們看到這種複合名詞可取第一個名詞為首要意義其後的名詞表示高度相關或相反面雖然讀起來有點費力習慣之後你會發現 Ra 對於用字之謹慎與精準

這種符號說明方式若造成讀者之不便請多多包涵如果可能的話,強烈建議閱讀原文,這是了解一的法則Law of One這套書之最佳方式


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On January 15, 1981, our research group started receiving a communication from the social memory complex, Ra. From this communication precipitated the Law of One and some of the distortions of the Law of One.

1981年一月15我們研究小組開始接受來自社會記憶複合體Ra 的通訊從這通訊裡頭沉澱出一的法則以及其中的一些變貌distortion)。

The pages of this book contain an exact transcript, edited only to remove some personal material, of the communications received in Sessions 27 through 50 with Ra.

這本書包含一份與 Ra 溝通之精確抄本只除去一些個人的材料收錄第27場集會到第50場集會的全部對話

This material presupposes a point of view which we have developed in the course of many years’ study of the UFO phenomenon. If you are not familiar with our previous work, a reading of our book, Secrets of the UFO, might prove helpful in understanding the present material. Book II of The Law of One builds very carefully on concepts received during the first 26 sessions with Ra, which were published as The Law of One. We encourage you to read The Law of One first if possible. Both books are available from us by mail.

這本書預先假定我們對UFO不明飛行物現象有一定程度的了解如果你對於UFO 現象不那麼熟悉可以閱讀我們多年研究的成果UFO 的秘密Secrets of UFO by Don T.Elkins with Carla L.Ruckert一書可能對你了解本書有幫助一的法則卷二奠基於卷一的資料上因此如果可能的話我們鼓勵你先讀卷一

Book II of The Law of One concentrates on the metaphysical principles which govern our spiritual evolution as we seek to understand and use the catalyst of our daily experiences. A more thorough examination of the energy centers of the body, and the connections between mind, body, and spirit, is carried out, building upon information received in the first 26 sessions. We learn more about Wanderers, the various densities, healing, and the many energy exchanges and blockages native to our illusion relating to experiences such as sex, illness, and meditation.


The first three sessions of Book II (27-29) may be difficult and confusing to anyone not familiar with the system of physics authored by Dewey B. Larson. Don’t be discouraged, since Larsonian physics is far from wellknown. Just keep reading and by Session 30, you will be back on firm metaphysical ground. When you’ve finished Book II, go back and take another look at the first sessions. They’ll seem a lot clearer. For those who may wish to study Larsonian physics, The Structure of the Physical Universe is a good book with which to begin.

卷二的前三場集會#27~#29對於不熟悉杜威拉森Dewey B. Larson物理學的人可能會蠻困難的不要因此而沮喪因為拉森典型Larsonian物理學並不是廣為人知的理論繼續閱讀到第三十場集會你就會回到堅實的形而上學地面上當你讀完卷二再回頭看前三章它們就會變得清楚多了對於想要研讀拉森典型Larsonian物理學的讀者我們推薦物理宇宙的結構The Structure of the Physical Universe這本入門書

The Ra contact continued for 106 sessions which were printed into four books in The Law of One series. They are available at your local bookstore, from Whitford Press, or from us. If you wish to receive our quarterly newsletter, in which the best of our current channeling is published, please request that you be put on our mailing list.

Ra 通訊持續了106印刷成四本一的法則系列叢書你可以在地方書店Whitford 出版社或從我們這裡購買如果你希望接受我們的每季快訊收錄我們目前最佳的通靈紀錄請寫信告訴我們


Don Elkins,
Carla L. Rueckert,
James A. McCarty

March 17, 1982Louisville



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