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Contact Report 150 Part 1-4    第150次接觸報告之一(4)

接觸日期: 1981 10 10 日,星期六,凌晨 3 15


這是第一部分第 4 小段,談論的重點包含:

太陽系內的奧爾特雲 Oort Cloud ;又譯為:歐特雲 ), 太陽系內大約 97 %的彗星是由這個地帶所引起的


In the coming years and decades, there will again appear more frequent passages of comets, including those such as Halley's Comet, which can practically be observed in the sky, at times, even in broad daylight. Now, this is my question: when you took me in 1975 on the great voyage, I saw beyond our solar system and planetary system the immense belt of material of frozen acids, rocks, Adoniden, and lifeless planets of which some were quite large. Like the asteroid belt beyond the orbit of Mars, this belt also moves around the Sun but very far outside of Pluto’s orbit. At that time, you explained to me that celestial bodies of all kinds pass through this belt, such as dark stars and other space bodies, and that every now and then, smaller or larger bodies tear out from this belt and enter into another orbit around the Sun, which can then partly be observed as comets from the Earth and, thus, can be seen.
If I remember correctly, you told me at that time that on the one hand, this belt was still widely unknown to the Earth people in its magnitude but that on the other hand, more would soon be discovered, but this apparently hasn't happened yet because until now, I haven't seen, heard, or read anything about this. Furthermore, you explained that this material belt consists of the remains of the formation of the solar system and of immigrated materials from space, etc. Now, I wonder how high the percentage of comets is that appears in our solar system and that arises from this material belt beyond Pluto’s orbit.

在未來幾年甚至幾十年,將再次有更頻繁的彗星經過,包括那些諸如哈雷彗星,它幾乎可以在天空中被觀察到,有時甚至在光天化日之下。現在,這是我的問題:當你帶著我在 1975 年的 偉大之旅 (譯者註:請參閱 31 次接觸報告 ),我看到了我們太陽系和行星系統以外那凍結的酸性物質、岩石、 Adoniden 以及其中無生命的行星有些頗大的巨大帶狀。像那小行星帶一樣遠在火星的軌道之外,這條帶也一樣環繞著太陽,但在冥王星的軌道很遠之外。在那個時候,你向我解釋到那些各種各類的天體穿過這條帶,例如暗星和其他宇宙物體以及不時地,較小或較大的物體從這條帶中撕離並進入另一條軌道環繞太陽,然後部分可以被視為彗星而在地球被觀察到,並因此可以被看見。

(See “Existent Life in the Universe” by Billy, Aquarius Time Publishing Company.)

(見 Existentes Leben im Universum 在宇宙中存在的生命 Billy , Wassermannzeit-Verlag 水瓶座時代出版公司。)


239. It has probably escaped your attention, but this belt was in the meantime discovered and actually by a Dutch astronomer named Oort.

它可能躲過了你的注意,但這條帶是在此期間發現的,而且實際上由一個名為 Oort 的荷蘭天文學家發現。

240. In accordance with its discovery, the discovered belt will be called the Oort Cloud in Earth’s scientific circles, but that’s about it, because the connections of this belt to the comets of the SOL system are still, to my knowledge, foreign and unknown to the Earth scientists.

據其發現,該被發現的帶將在地球科學界被稱為 奧爾特雲 Oort Cloud ;又譯歐特雲),但也就僅此而已,因為這個地帶與太陽系的彗星的連繫對於地球科學家,據我所知仍然是陌生與未知。

241. But the truth is, that about 97% of the SOL system comets arise from this belt, like also the planetary bodies passing by this belt upset the trajectories of the materials through their attractive forces, so then these suddenly scramble, which removes isolated larger and smaller objects, pushing them into new orbits around the solar system, where they then appear as comets, while others fly out far from the Sun into free space in order to disappear somewhere in the vastness of the universe, often also as migrant dark planets, which will partly be captured again by bigger celestial bodies as satellites and then orbit them, far away from these new mother stars.

但事實是,大約 97 %的太陽系彗星由這個地帶引起 ,也好像行星體經過這條帶透過它們的引力擾亂那些物質的軌跡,因此這些突然間亂作一團,從而移動一些較大或較小孤立的物體,將它們推向環繞太陽的新軌道,在那裡接著它們如彗星般出現,而其他遠遠飛離太陽進入自由的外太空以便在浩瀚的宇宙某處消失,也常常作為流浪的黑暗行星,它們部分將會再次被較大的天體捕獲變成衛星並隨之圍繞它們,遠離這些新的母星。

242. But others will rush uncontrollably as dark migrant objects through space.



Then only around 3% of all comets in the SOL system stem from outside of it and from somewhere in space.

那麼太陽系中所有的彗星中只有 3 %左右起源於其外以及太空某處。


243. That is correct.



At that time, you also said that the largest part of all meteorites not only whizzes through our system from the asteroid belt, but that the, by far, larger part comes from the two belts beyond Pluto. Those space projectiles are then also in overwhelming numbers, which fell on moons and planets and into the Sun and which would still continue to crash down even further on, while only a smaller part originates from the asteroid belt.



244. That is correct, but you were to remain silent about that, particularly with regard to the second belt.



I know, but I remember well that you told me that I may speak about this after 1980, because then, the scientists of the Earth would have discovered these facts themselves. This time is over, even if I have heard nothing like that about the belts.

我知道,但我記得很清楚,你告訴我,我可以在 1980 年以後談論這個,因為這時,地球的科學家們已經發現了這些事實本身。這個時間已經過了,雖然關於那個地帶的我什麼也沒有聽到。


245. That is also correct.


246. The sense of my words was not to criticize you but rather I just wanted to point out that we explained to you back then that you were not allowed to announce your knowings before 1980.

我的話的意思不是要批評你,而我只是想指出,當時我們向你解釋了,你不允許在 1980 年以前公佈你所認識的。


That's also how I comprehended it. But tell me now: Halley's Comet and the comet Roland, for example, those come as projectiles from deep space, right? In any case, that’s how I understood it at the time.

我也是這麼理解的。但現在告訴我:哈雷彗星與 Roland 彗星,舉個例子,那些都從宇宙深處作為彈射體而來的,對吧?無論如何,在那時這就是我所理解的。


247. That is also correct.


248. They belong to the 3% of foreign-system comets.

它們屬於外星系的 3% 彗星。


So one could say that 97% of all comets are co-inhabitants of the SOL system?

因此也可以說,所有彗星的 97 %都是太陽系的芳鄰?


249. If you want to state it in such a way, then that is correct, even though we see it differently, and I must explain that these comets stem from other systems in space.



Of course, in accordance with your statement that each star and each planet with its own satellites represent their own system, which is why you speak of, for example, Jupiter or Saturn or Uranus, etc. as other systems, but nevertheless not about our solar system. This is known to me, but it still causes confusion with us because for us, the SOL system is called as such with all its planets and their satellites, and including the unsuccessful small suns Saturn and Jupiter. In general, we only speak of the Sun with its planets as being a system, while we do not speak of planets and their moons as being systems.

當然,按照你的說法,每個恆星和每個行星伴隨其衛星代表著它們自己的星系,這就是為什麼你說的,例如,木星或土星或天王星等,被視為其他星系,卻不是我們的太陽系( solar system 。這個我知道,但是這仍然會令我們造成混亂,因為對我們而言,太陽( SOL )系是包括所有它的行星及它們的衛星,以及包括不成功的小太陽土星和木星而被這樣稱呼的 。一般情況下,我們只會稱太陽及其行星為一個星系;而我們不稱行星及其衛星為星系。


250. The necessities about this were already explained at an earlier time.



Of course, I think that it was necessary to address this fact again.



251. I understand, you probably think of misunderstandings.



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