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Contact Report 150 Part 3 (1981/10/10)    第150次接觸報告之三

接觸日期: 1981 10 10 日,星期六,清晨 3 15

Synopsis     摘要

Relevant excerpt of Contact Report 248 . This is part 3 of the entire contact.

這是第 248 次接觸報告的相關摘錄。屬於第 150 次接觸報告的第三部分。

This part is an unofficial and unauthorised translation and may contain errors.


(See 248th Contact, Thursday, February 3, 1994, 5:04 PM: Conversation between Ptaah and Billy:

(以下參閱 1994 2 3 日,星期四,下午 5 04 分的第 248 次接觸報告, Ptaah Billy 之間的會談:


But now, another question: in the 150th Contact Report of Saturday, October 10, 1981, 3:15 AM, Quetzal spoke of the fact that in 13384 B.C., a small Jovian moon of approximately four kilometers in diameter was torn off by the Destroyer and was taken on a journey, with which some small asteroids followed.

現在另一個問題是:在 1981 10 10 日,星期六,凌晨 3 15 分的第 150 次接觸報告中, Quetzal 說到公元前 13384 年那事實,一顆有著大約 4 公里直徑的小型木星衛星從「毀滅者」處被撕下並被帶上了征途,一些小型的小行星跟隨其後。

It was then said that one day, this small moon will return to its place of origin, even to Jupiter, just to crash down on it.


In addition, now the following: earthly scientists have made the discovery that presently, a small planetoid with a diameter of about four kilometers approaches on a collision course with Jupiter, accompanied by several asteroids following it.


According to scientific calculations, this small planetoid, which is called Shoemaker-Levy 9, should crash down on Jupiter in the middle of the year 1994, shortly behind the visible horizon of the Earth.

根據科學計算,這被稱為 Shoemaker-Levy 9 的小型行星,應該會在 1994 年年中撞向木星,很快就可以在地球的地平線之後看到。

Now, do these small planetoids concern the small moon mentioned by Quetzal, which went out from Jupiter on a journey in the year 13384 B.C. and now “celebrates” its return to its place of origin, or do these concern another space projectile?

現在,這些小型的行星是否涉及到 Quetzal 提到的小衛星,它在公元前 13384 年從木星出發展開一段旅程,而現在 慶祝 它回到它起源之地的回歸,又或是這些小行星涉及另一次的太空拋射?


They concern the small moon mentioned by Quetzal, which will actually arrive again into the gravitational field of Jupiter with great certainty.)

它們涉及到 Quetzal 提及的小衛星,它實際上非常肯定會再次進入到木星的引力場之中。)


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