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THE NEW ATLANTIS: Master Plan Of The Ages


原文來自: Cosmic Convergence: 2012 and Beyond

中譯資料編輯自: 黃金時代

原創翻譯: Patrick Shih


Not only did Sir Francis Bacon write and/or oversaw the creation of all the compositions of William Shakespeare, he is also openly credited with writing the first English translation of the Holy Bible — the revolutionary King James Version.  In other words, Bacon is personally responsible for producing the two most important literary works in the history of the English language.  The King James Version was, after all, the most liberating work of religious literature in all of Christendom. The emancipation from the papacy (and from concepts such as papal infallibility), as well as from the doctrinal authority of the Magisterium, were both significantly accelerated the world over upon the publication of Bacon’s rendering of the King James Bible.

法蘭西斯.培根爵士不僅創作 監修莎士比亞的作品,他還有另一項公認的文學成就 —— 劃時代的英文欽定版聖經 。換句話說,培根親手寫出了英國文學史上兩本最重要的著作。詹姆士一世的欽定版聖經是基督教世界內容最開明的經典。欽定版聖經擺脫了教宗的掣肘;擺脫天主教教誨權的束縛並且揚棄教宗無誤論。   這些創舉大幅提升了培根譯本在全世界的出版量。

As for the unrivaled body of literary works by ‘William Shakespeare’, who has not heard of, read, quoted, performed, been delighted by or regaled by such sublime literature?  The artistic beauty and spiritual wisdom of each play and sonnet has inspired countless souls for centuries!  Shakespeare’s (now known as Bacon’s) literary masterpieces have also served to educate and edify, empower and enlighten citizens and nations alike in their quests for personal and national sovereignty, respectively.

莎翁的文學作品堪稱無人可及。無數的世人聽過、讀過、摘錄、演出他的作品並且深受感動 。每一齣戲劇、每一首詩蘊含的美學和靈性智慧樹百年來啟發了無數的靈魂!莎翁(現在應該說是培根)的文學鉅作也啟迪民眾以及國家的主權意識。    

To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles ….
Spoken by Hamlet, Act 3 Scene 1 


It is generally accepted by world historians and English professors alike that Shakespearean literature is the high point of writing in the English language.  To achieve such an extraordinary and enduring feat could only have been accomplished by a select few men who would be well known over the past 500 years.  For these and other quite obvious reasons, it is now clear that Sir Francis Bacon & Company was responsible for those unparalleled works of art.

過去五百年來,能達到如莎翁般永垂不朽的文人屈指可數。   基於上述和其他明顯的理由,法蘭西斯.培根爵士與東印度公司正是這些曠世名作的幕後功臣  

However, there is another extremely important back story associated with the works of ‘William Shakespeare’.  It is well known in intelligence circles that the first worldwide spy network was assembled in London.  Yes, there have always been spies and secret surveillance, but England quickly acquired the means and the method to establish a global spy network.  The foundation for this primordial intelligence agency was laid by the same main players within Queen Elizabeth’s Court.

莎翁作品還隱藏了一項非常重要的祕密 情報圈人士都知道:全世界第一個全球諜報網路誕生於倫敦。間諜和祕密監視是流傳已久的事物,但是英國率先取得建構全球間諜網路的方法。這個早期情報單位創辦人正好也是伊麗莎白女王宮廷的重要人物。

The key individuals responsible for the establishment of the spy network and it means of communication fell to Francis Bacon and John Dee.  However, it was Bacon who was intimately involved in creating the system of ciphers and cryptograms which would prove to be indecipherable.  Toward that end, it was understood that many of the Shakespearean literary works would be explicitly coded to disseminate information throughout the rapidly evolving world spy network.  In this way do the Shakespearean tragedies and comedies also contain highly classified information coded into the verses which are known only to those who possessed the corresponding cryptogram and cipher codes.

法蘭西斯.培根 約翰.迪伊 John Dee )是設立間諜網路和加密通訊的關鍵人物 。培根本人設計了一套當時無法破解的加密系統。   許多莎翁作品經過嚴格加密之後會透過快速發展的全球間諜網路傳遞到全世界。惟握有密碼本的讀者才能從莎翁悲劇和喜劇的字裡行間獲取高度機密的情報

Of course, John Dee contributed in substantial ways to this critical endeavor, which ultimately served to be the undoing of the original plan for The New Atlantis.  Because both Bacon and Dee had access to all the deepest secrets of the realm, there was a literal war going on in the background during both the Elizabethan and Jacobian eras.  The outcome, of course, was preordained by destiny, just as it is for the current NWO leadership that illicitly occupies the White House via an Illuminati pawn and his treasonous gang of usurpers.


Dr. John Dee


Dr. John Dee: Magus, Mentor and Mystery Man of the Elizabethan Era


Francis Bacon had the very best teachers and mentors that England had to offer in his project of raising The New Atlantis.  In fact, they represent a veritable Who’s Who of 16th and 17th century England.  First and foremost, there was Dr. John Dee, Bacon’s secret mentor who was quite instrumental in nurturing the seed of The New Atlantis that would soon germinate in North American soil.  John Dee was not only Queen Elizabeth’s astrologer and Court oracle whose advice was directly responsible for the final defeat of the Spanish Armada, he was also employed by the family which had adopted Francis Bacon.

法蘭西斯.培根有當時英國最好的教師和最有力的貴人們幫助他的新亞特蘭提斯計畫。約翰.迪伊正是培根的第一位老師和頭號貴人。迪伊的暗中相助讓新亞特蘭提斯的種子後來在北美大陸迅速萌芽。約翰.迪伊曾經擔任伊麗莎白女王的占星師和御用預言家。他的建言使英國得以擊敗西班牙無敵艦隊   迪伊也擔任過法蘭西斯.培根的家庭教師。

Bacon would also get to meet in the Court circles the man who had tutored Leicester and advised Elizabeth on matters of state — the man whom Ian Fleming modeled his 007 James Bond character on, the first and perhaps the best secret agent of the crown, Dr. John Dee.

培根也藉由約翰.迪伊的人脈結識英國宮廷的成員。迪伊是萊斯特伯爵( Robert Dudley ;伊麗莎白女王的至交)的家庭教師和女王的國策顧問。伊恩.佛萊明就是參考約翰.迪伊的形象 —— 史上第一位也可能是最優秀的皇家祕密特務,創作詹姆士.龐德 James Bond )系列小說

John Dee (1527-1608) was a fascinating genius, considered a magus, philosopher and alchemist who captured the attention of the royal courts and best minds throughout Europe.  You were either intimidated by his ideas and reputation or you wished to be influenced by them.

約翰.迪伊( 1527-1608   是一位天賦異稟的奇才。他是一位讓全歐洲皇室和社會菁英都再三關注的僧侶、哲學家和煉金術師 。當時的歐洲民眾對迪伊的想法和名氣分成兩派。一者為之側目,二者為之傾心,甘願受其薰陶。

Dr. Dee’s learning was far and wide, a brilliant mathematician, whose study ranged from geo-cartography and calculus which was vital in navigating the New World for explorers, to astrology, alchemy, the Cabala, cypher writing, religion, architecture, and science. In short, Dee’s metaphysics were a ‘red’ cross of the Hermetic tradition with a strong dose of mathematics. His library at the riverside village of Mortlake was considered the finest private collection in Europe containing thousands of bound books and handwritten manuscripts devoted to philosophy, science and esoterica. In comparison, the University of Cambridge at the time had a mere 451 total books and manuscripts in their possession. [6]

約翰.迪伊的學識淵博。他鑽研的學術領域包括數學、地圖學、微積分 (新世界探險家們的重要導航工具)、占星學、卡巴拉密教、密碼術、宗教、建築和科學迪伊的玄學理論結合了傳統神祕學和當代數學。他的圖書館堪稱是全歐洲最好的私人典藏 —— 數千本關於哲學、科學和神秘學的裝訂書和手稿。當時劍橋大學圖書館的總藏書量只有 451 本書

The back story of Dr. John Dee is perhaps the most significant in the proper telling of the Elizabethan chapter of this fascinating saga.  For it was Dee who brought to bear extraordinary occult powers and his own brand of magic to the global enterprise known as the future British Empire.  Put simply, without the direct intervention by John Dee during the sinking and eventual defeat of the Spanish Armada, it is quite likely the English would never have won that historic series of naval battles.

約翰.迪伊的生平故事可能是新亞特蘭提斯史詩 —— 伊麗莎白篇 —— 中最精彩的片段 迪伊是祕法學的宗師和足以管理世界級企業(未來的大英帝國)的經營能力如果迪伊沒有親手介入,英國海軍幾乎不可能打贏西班牙的無敵艦隊

Which begs the question: Did Dr. John Dee summon the dark forces of the Universe to aid the inauguration of the British Empire?  More specifically, did he employ his well-known occult powers in order to sink the Spanish Armada?  Much has been speculated over the intervening centuries regarding this defining moment of the soon-to-be established British Empire.  It was, after all, the single most consequential series of military battles between the Spanish and the English which saw a radical shift in the balance of global power from Madrid to London.


The only way to correctly understand the influence that Dee had regarding the defeat of the Spanish Armada is to comprehend the vagaries of the weather.  From various retellings of the entire naval war plan it is clear that the Spanish Armada was forever harried by not just inclement weather, but by winds and waves so fierce they effectively scuttled many ships and killed many soldiers.  Their whole journey to, around and from the British Isles was bedeviled by fierce and ferocious weather events, some of them seemingly coming out of nowhere.  This is where the accounts of John Dee’s counsel to Queen Elizabeth and her admirals become quite significant.  From various quarters it has been asserted that Dee had his finger on the pulse of every maneuver by the English Navy, especially how the Admirals responded to every move made by the Spanish Armada.

如果我們想正確地了解理解迪伊對戰爭的影響,唯一的方法就是海戰當時詭譎多變的天氣 。根據諸多記載格瑞福蘭海戰作戰計畫的史料,西班牙無敵艦隊不僅要面對惡劣的天候,強風和巨浪甚至擊沉了許多船艦。無敵艦隊進軍不列顛群島的路途中遭遇多次嚴酷惡劣的海上天氣,甚至有幾次海象是莫名其妙地變壞。約翰.迪伊給伊麗莎白女王和德雷克提督的建言對戰事有舉足輕重的影響力。許多史料宣稱迪伊能立即知道英國海軍的一舉一動甚至完全知曉德雷克提督的迎敵戰術


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