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THE NEW ATLANTIS: Master Plan Of The Ages


原文來自: Cosmic Convergence: 2012 and Beyond

中譯資料編輯自: 黃金時代

原創翻譯: Patrick Shih

Unfortunately for those many courageous agents of change who joined the several named secret societies down through the centuries, because those societies were eventually usurped by stealth or by force, they are undeservedly tarred by the brush of opprobrium. By way of example, it is a well-known fact that many of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America were Freemasons belonging to different lodges depending on their affiliations in England and the established lodges in their respective home colonies. George Washington and Benjamin Franklin are just two of the more famous freemasons among the Founding Fathers.


Whether these great men were 33 degree and above Freemasons is of no significance in this matter because their lodges were oriented around the mission of throwing off the yoke of British imperialism.  In fact the network of Freemason lodges established throughout the Thirteen Colonies was vital to many military and political successes during the entire Revolutionary War Period.  Were it not for many underground maneuverings, spy networks and secret operations of the Freemasons to protect the fledgling colonies, the United States of America might still be an English colony.  George Washington, in particular, is now well-known to have created an extremely effective spy network without which the American Revolution may not even have been won.

不論這些偉人們是否為共濟會 33 階大師甚至是更高層的人物,他們的頭銜都跟美國建國沒有關連。這是因為他們的會所都有共同的成立宗旨:讓美國擺脫英國的帝國主義。事實上,北美十三州殖民地的共濟會網路在美國獨立戰爭期間促成非常多次的軍事和政治勝利。若不是這些共濟會在幕後運籌帷幄;間諜網路掌握情資還有許多共濟會會員透過多次的秘密行動保護勢單力薄的北美殖民地,美利堅合眾國現在可能還是英國的殖民地。現代史學家還發現一個重要的真相:如果沒有喬治華盛頓打造的超級情報網路,美國獨立革命或許根本不可能成功


The Illuminati


Of course, as fate would have it, the infamous Illuminati was founded in the very same year that the Declaration of Independence was signed.  In May of 1776 it is said that German philosopher, Johann Adam Weishaupt, founded the  Order of the Illuminati  in Bavaria.

歷史總是會有些必然會發生的事情。好比說:惡名昭彰的光明會就是在美國國父們簽署獨立宣言的同一年成立。公元 1776 5 月,德國哲學家 —— 亞當.維索茲 Adam Weishaupt )在巴伐利亞成立光明會。

By every knowledgeable account it appears that Weishaupt, the “original” public Illuminati figure of the Revolutionary era, began ‘his’ order with quite noble and good intentions. His was a secret society whose stated charter was to uplift humanity as his words illustrate:


At a time, however, when there was no end of making game of and abusing secret societies, I planned to make use of this human foible for a real and worthy goal, for the benefit of people. I wished to do what the heads of the ecclesiastical and secular authorities ought to have done by virtue of their offices.  [12]


The future direction of the Illuminati may have taken a turn for the worse because of the fateful decision that Weishaupt made a few years earlier to become a Professor of Canon Law, a position which theretofore had been held exclusively by Jesuits.  It is also significant that “Weishaupt began his formal education at age seven at a Jesuit school.  He later enrolled at the University of Ingolstadt and graduated in 1768 at age 20 with a doctorate of law.  In 1772 he became a professor of law.“[13]  The fateful combination here is that a naive and idealistic Weishaupt became a very serious lawyer (Roman Catholic canon law professor) in the mold of Jesuit thinking and outlook.   The Jesuits are well-known throughout their history for being the military arm of the Roman Catholic Church even being led by the Jesuit General who commands an unusually military-like organization and sits atop a hierarchical structure as a veritable dictator.

光明會之所以會變成一個惡名昭彰的秘密組織,是因為維索茲創辦光明會的好幾年之前決定成為鑽研教會法的教授。這是一個長久以來由耶穌會士獨占的職位。另外,維索茲從 7 歲開始在耶穌會的學校接受正統教育。他成年之後攻讀因哥爾斯塔特大學並且於 20 歲取得法律博士學位。公元 1772 年,他成為法學教授。一方面,維索茲是一位天真浪漫又充滿理想的年輕人。另一方面,他是耶穌會栽培的鐵面律師(羅馬天主教的教會法教授)   。耶穌會從成立開始就是羅馬天主教會的軍事宗派。耶穌會具有非比尋常的軍事風格,總會長則在頂端發號施令。

For these and other reasons having to do with the prevailing climate in Bavaria, it appears that the future mission of the Illuminati would fundamentally depart from its original charter.  After all, it is no accident of history that the very same Bavarian milieu became the hotbed of Adolf Hitler’s National Socialism.  Not only were all of Hitler’s favorite haunts located in Bavaria (e.g. Eagle’s Nest in Berchtesgaden), the real promoters of Nazism utilized southern Germany as a springboard for the advancement of the Third Reich.  Christian Socialism is a political, economic and social system which is advocated by the Society of Jesus (aka the Jesuits) wherever they set up shop.

由於當時巴伐利亞的社會氛圍與耶穌會以及其它因素密不可分,光明會後續的活動顯然會和當初的成立宗旨脫節。這個區域將來也成為國家社會主義的溫床。所有希特勒最喜愛的秘密基地都位於這個區域(例如:貝爾斯加登的鷹巢),納粹的推動者也利用德國南部當作第三帝國進軍歐洲的跳板   。每當耶穌會士到一個地區傳教,他們都會提倡一套結合政治、經濟和社會體制的思想 —— 基督社會主義

While National (Christian) Socialism may not sound so bad on the face of it, neither did Communism until they tried to put it into practice.  Herein lies the crux of the matter.


The Earth realm is defined by polarities such as Capitalism and Communism, Fascism and Socialism, Libertarianism and Totalitarianism, Democracy and Despotism.  All of these “isms” have been instituted to varying degrees over the past 250 years.  Each of them has failed miserably … because of who it was that served as the driving forces in the outworking of these fatally flawed political economies.

地表世界長久以來被區分成兩塊。例如:資本主義對抗共產主義法西斯主義對抗社會主義自由主義對抗極權主義民主政治對抗專制政治這些意識型態在過去 250 年都經歷各種變革和修正,而且每一個主義都有過慘痛的失敗經驗

Whenever man over-relies on himself to impel an enterprise forward — no matter how excellent and noble the endeavor — it will always end in abject failure.  The hidden forces behind many of the political and social movements, revolutions and civil wars of the past 300 years have not always had the best of intentions.  Consequently, they are ultimately destined for failure … and quite frequently dismal failure.


The same can be said for many of those revolutionaries and change agents who had nothing but the best intentions.  Who has not heard, and experienced, cases where “good intentions have paved the road to hell“.  A 250 year retrospective analysis of both Eurasian and American history reveals so many endeavors of this nature.

許多一心只想改善世界的革命家和改革派也有類似的情況。試問誰沒聽說或經歷過前人出於一片好心造成的亂世一旦我們回顧歐亞和美國過去 250 年的歷史,就不難發現許多實例。

The Illuminism practiced by the Spiritual Adepts is not the same as the Illuminism practiced by the modern-day Illuminati.


Although quite different in both origin and purpose, the Illuminism practiced by the original Illuminati, and later by various sects of truth-seeking Freemasonry, have something very much in common: Both are grossly misrepresented and misunderstood.


Just like the Rosicrucians and the Knights Templar, their true histories have been hidden for centuries with very little but superficial rituals and abstruse manuals, lots of hearsay and scribbled parchments to go on.  Unless there is an in-depth understanding of the respective founding fathers of these secret societies, there can be no honest appreciation for their multi-century missions.

初代光明會、共濟會、玫瑰十字會和聖殿騎士團等秘密社團有一項共通點:組織的真實故事數百年來都對外保密 。外人頂多聽說過非常瑣碎的儀式、深奧難解的典籍、各式各樣的市井傳聞和東拼西湊的文字記錄。除非我們深入了解這些秘密社團的創始人,不然我們不可能真正了解這些社團傳承數百年的使命。

Illuminism, as practiced by the modern-day Illuminati, as well as the many different lodges within Freemasonry, is really just a very feeble attempt to attain the Godhead without the assistance of true spiritual practices or sacred rituals.  The Illuminati of the 18th century appears to have had a genuine interest in the spiritual quest, particularly within the context of an organization of shared religious values.  The Illuminati of today, is actually an example of a hijacked name — I L L U M I N A T I — which is not even remotely related to the original organization or mission.


Some researchers have suggested that the Illuminati of the 21st century has simply morphed into their current incarnation after two and a half centuries of Jesuit influence. The Society of Jesus is structured as a military organization whose members are called soldiers of Christ.  In fact their exceptionally secular reputation precedes them wherever they go, a perception which has only been reinforced because of how the Jesuits, like the Jews, have been forced to depart from so many countries since their inception.

有些學者表示:光明會是受到耶穌會 250 年的影響,才會變成今日的這番模樣 。耶穌會採用軍事化管理。耶穌會士則自稱是耶穌的士兵。世界各國都知道耶穌會士會極力介入世俗事務。這種刻版印象使得耶穌會士從創會開始就經常被許多國家驅逐出境


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原文網址: http://cosmicconvergence.org/?p=13901

中譯資料編輯自: https //www.golden-ages.org/2017/02/06/new-atlantis-6/





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