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【地球盟友】【柯博拉 Cobra 2016 5 13 日訊息
Rob Potter 主持的柯博拉 / 科里古德聯合訪談 第一部分】

資料轉載自: 準備轉變 Prepare for Change


Rob -Ok. It’s being recorded so a lot of people can hear it. Can you talk about it Corey.

Rob – 網路上有錄音檔,所以很多人可以聽得到。科里,你能不能發表一些意見。

Corey - This is something I’ve been asked about quite a bit and it depends on the actual incident. This is a sound that is completely audible that you can record. Then it is a mechanical sound. This. .. if it’s a regional if it’s just happening right around a little city, a lot of time it’s been exchanging air with the surface with the below ground bases. When it’s heard in wider regions around the planet the huge trumpet sound and other word frequency sounds it is from similar to sky quakes. It is from incoming __ and energetic waves that are coming into the solar system that are interacting with our upper atmosphere.

Corey – 我經常被問到這個問題。這種聲音的來源其實有幾種可能。人們聽得見,而且也能錄到這種聲音。它像是機器運轉的聲音。如果聲音只局限於一座小型城市,通常都是地下基地的抽風機在運轉的聲音。如果聲音傳到世界各地,而且聽起來很像巨大的號角聲或類似天震的異世界頻率,那就是來自外太空的能量波。這種能量波進入太陽系並且和地球上方的大氣層交互作用,就會發出奇特的聲音。

Rob - Interesting, thank you very much. We have the 2 different possibilities on these is a vibrational thing as well as a Cabal infrastructure both have agreed there. Here’s another interesting question I have here for both of you. Do either of you have intel on the explosions off the coast of Japan. According to Benjamin Fulford these are subterranean battles underneath a military base that Ben Fulford said was to prevent WWIII. Corey do you have any intel on that earthquake off of Japan. Was it a small scale Nuke or do you have any information on that.

Rob – 真有趣。非常謝謝你。原來這種聲音有兩種可能的來源。這種聲音跟震動有關,兩位來賓也同意跟陰謀集團的設施有關。請問兩位知不知道日本海岸發生的爆炸事件。斑傑明‧富爾福德表示 : 這些爆炸是因為日本的地下軍事基地發生武裝衝突。好人正在阻止第三次世界大戰。科里,你是否知道日本的地震。那次地震是小型核武造成的嗎 ?

Corey - Quite a few of the earthquakes that we’re having that are raging between 5.8 and 6.8 are triggered from various different exotic weapons. Part of this intel updates that we’re releasing, it’s either going to be this evening or tomorrow, David Wilcock is releasing for me on his website http://www.divinecosmos.com/ . It has to do with some terrible battles that have been going on underground bases and caverns especially down in South America and under the ocean around Antarctica. There’s been a lot of activity going on underground and a lot of different exotic weapons including __ nukes being used, all these different exotic scalar weapons and it’s pretty hectic right now. Yea, there’s a lot going on.

Corey – 最近規模 5.8-6.8 的地震有好幾次是因為各種先進武器造成的。這些地震跟地下基地和地下洞穴爆發的激烈戰爭有關,尤其是南美州底下和南極冰洋周圍。最近地底世界有非常多的活動。戰爭中甚至出現許多不同的先進武器,包括核彈和各種先進純量波武器。總之,這一陣子還挺亂的。

Rob - With that said could you give us a little more talk. Is this between different ET groups or is this between certain aspects of positive military or negative military from your understanding, or all 3.

Rob – 你可以多講一點嗎 ? 從你的認知來看,這些戰爭是外星團體之間的戰爭 ? 抑或人類正義軍和負面軍隊的對決 ?

Corey - All of the above and one of the latest bits of intel from Gonzales recently. I’ve been hearing for weeks massive reports of different types of Orb kind of UFO’s over Australia. Some would say they’re metallic. Some reported they had portals going around them. Some recording that they were of Russian origin and then there were reports of these very large pumpkin seed shape cruisers which are Draco. It’s in Australia, Antarctica and then some of them had actually left the earth’s atmosphere before all of these unknown dark chevron ships showed up and started attacking them and then then they ___ Antarctica. As of the last meeting which postulated that it’s some earth alliance group that has attained this technology but they’re not claiming responsibility for using it.

Corey - 最近岡薩雷斯透露了一些情報。我在最近幾周聽說澳洲出現非常多的光球和幽浮目擊事件。有些人說這些東西是金屬材質的。有些人說這些東西的周圍出現傳送門。有些錄影畫面拍到俄羅斯出現巨大南瓜子形狀的龍人巡洋艦。這些船艦主要位於澳洲和南極洲。有些船艦在被未知的暗色條紋船艦開始攻擊之前就已經離開地球。之前的會議傳聞有些地球太空計劃聯盟的團體已經取得這種科技。但是他們不承認自己使用過。

Rob - OK, so you’re saying that Draco’s were trying to leave from Antarctica in pumpkin (seed) shaped ships and chevron ships which are rumored to be earth alliance ships are the ones putting them back down, not major confederation, is that correct.

Rob – 你的意思是 : 龍人原本打算搭南瓜子形狀的船艦離開南極洲,然後有傳聞表示地球聯盟的船艦擊落了龍人的船艦。這件事情跟主要的聯盟無關,對吧 ?

Corey - Correct, and for months we had been observing Cabal/Nazi groups headed down to Brazil and Argentina and they’ve been heading into the underground bunkers like ants into the ground and they have been shuffling a lot of their assets and people down into Antarctica. So these people we believe they’re on these cruisers trying to get off the planet before something happens. Things seem to be reaching a crescendo of sorts, especially in the earth alliance with the earth negotiations and what’s going on in the back ground.

Corey – 是的。我們在這幾個月一直在觀察潛入巴西和阿根廷的陰謀集團 / 納粹團體。他們已經進入如同蟻窩結構的地下碉堡。他們將許多資產和人員轉移到南極洲。這些人相信他們在地球發生大事之前可以搭乘龍人巡洋艦離開地球。這樣的情況有日漸增強的趨勢,尤其是地球聯盟正在幕後進行談判。

Rob - Thank you. Cobra, we kind of went into other information but can you confirm the Japan information that Corey says is correct and these other things or part of this intel. Can you comment on that please.

Rob – 謝謝你。我們好像有點離題了。柯博拉,你能否證實科里對日本地震的看法是正確的。你能否表示一些意見 ?

COBRA - OK. What I have received from my sources is yes there are battles in, I would say shallow underground bases in Japan. Mostly conventional weapons were used that triggered some of the earthquakes. But not all earthquakes were triggered by that. There is also an increased activity of the tectonic plates which react on increased activity of the galactic central sun.

COBRA – 好的。根據我從我的線人聽到的消息,日本地底下確實發生了戰爭。這些戰役發生在日本的淺層地下基地。大多數的傳統武器都可以引發地震,不過並非所有的地震都是傳統兵器造成的。由於銀河中央太陽的活動變得活躍,地球的板塊運動也會隨著增加。

The other thing that I can confirm is that there is a lot of movement of the Cabal groups. They want to escape through 2 routes to Antarctica. One will go from Texas to Mexico then to South America, mostly Brazil and Argentina and towards Antarctica. The other one goes to New Zealand and Tasmania towards Antarctica. They want to escape because they think they will not be found there. Actually some of them tried and attempted to escape from the planet and according to one source the group that Corey terms the term the dark fleet, the Nazi break-away faction from of a long time ago attempted to contact the Nazi faction in Antarctica and create a bridge that would transport some of the personal from Antarctica to the outer edge of the solar system towards the Kuiper belt. And that intel is not confirmed so I can not 100% guarantee for that but this is what I’ve heard from one of the sources.

另外一件我可以確認的事情是 : 陰謀集團近來有非常多的活動。他們想要藉由兩條路線逃往南極洲。第一條路線是從德州進入墨西哥,然後前往南美洲。他們通常會經由巴西或阿根廷進入南極洲。第二條路線是從紐西蘭或塔斯馬尼亞前往南極洲。有些陰謀集團成員試圖逃離地球。一位黑暗艦隊的內部線人表示 : 納粹的分離派系很久以前就試圖聯繫位於南極洲的納粹派系。他們試圖建立一條撤退路線,讓有些成員可以從南極洲逃亡外太陽系的古柏帶。由於這則情報尚未確認,我不能 100% 保證。不過這是從我的線人聽到的訊息。

Rob - OK. Thank you. Have either of you heard there was an ancient Pleiadian civilization in South America that was in a rain forest situation due to earth shifts no longer exists. But a long time ago there was a very deep underground, and still exists to this day, a technology that is stabilizing the planet. Have either of you heard of that deep underground Antarctica technology base from the Pleiadians.

Rob – 好的。謝謝你。你們有沒有聽過南美洲的雨林內曾經有一個古老的昴宿星文明 ? 這個文明後來因為地球變動而消失了。自從很久很久以前,地表之下非常深的地方就有一種穩定地球活動的科技。你們有沒有聽過南極洲的地底深處有一座昴宿星的科技基地 ?

Corey - Not from the Pleiadians you mentioned but. . .Yea, I’ve spoken in detail about a lot of this ancient type technology that’s been put in various parts of the earth, underground including Antarctica and some of it had been removed and it has caused problems with our tectonic plates and weather and other things and they had traded and given away that technology and it caused imbalance.

Corey – 這種科技跟昴宿星人無關。不過,我以前就詳細地說過世界各地許多古老的科技。這些科技存在於地表之下,包括南極洲。它們有些被移到別的地方,因而造成地球板塊、天氣和其他方面的問題。有心人士把這些遠古科技產物拿去跟其它種族做貿易,進而造成地球上的失衡。

Rob - I’d like a clarity of Corey, do you know who put the technology there originally.

Rob – 感謝你的澄清。你知道是誰把這種科技安放到地表之下嗎 ?

Corey - It’s unknown. Its extremely ancient. If I looked at the foot-notes of the report there was about 3 different populations that could have put it there.

Corey – 不知道。這些產物的歷史非常非常地久遠。根據我看過的報告註解,有可能是三個不同的種族把它們安放到地球。

Rob - Thank you. Cobra, do you have any information.

Rob – 謝謝你。柯博拉,請問你有相關的訊息嗎 ?

COBRA - Actually we need to go a little bit back into the history of Atlantis. Atlantis on planet Earth was pretty much a global civilization which was seeded or encouraged by different waves, waves of different cosmic races.

COBRA – 關於這個問題,我們要簡略地回顧亞特蘭提斯的歷史。亞特蘭提斯曾經是遍及全地球的文明。亞特蘭提斯歷經過好幾次由不同宇宙種族發起的開墾期和移民潮。

There was a Pleiadian wave which has brought Atlantis to it’s heights about 200,000 years ago and there was colonization from the Sirius star system that created the peak of Atlantean civilization about 75,000 years ago. And each of those races have brought a lot of technology and a lot of spiritual understanding to Atlantis and each of those races that I have mentioned have created their own network of surface cities, of sub surface cities, of tunnel networks, of underground pyramids, of crystals, of stabilization technology for the tectonic plates. But unfortunately there was another faction that came from Orion which infiltrated those networks of Atlantis and misused the technology and misuse of that technology actually was responsible for the deluge of Atlantis for the last sinking of Atlantis which append around 11,500 years ago, A lot of that old technology is still spread.

大約在 20 萬年以前,來自昴宿星團的開墾潮將亞特蘭提斯推向文明的高峰。大約在 7 5 千年以前,來自天狼星系的殖民潮將亞特蘭提斯帶向文明的巔峰。每一個外星種族將大量的科技和靈性知識引進到亞特蘭提斯。來自昴宿星團和天狼星系的種族在地球表面和地表之下興建了城邦網路、地底金字塔和用來穩定地球板塊的水晶設備。可惜的是,來自獵戶星系的外星種族滲透了亞特蘭提斯並且濫用水晶科技;進而造成使得亞特蘭提斯全數沉沒的大洪水。雖然亞特蘭提斯大約在 11,500 年前沉沒,世界各地依然保存到許多遠古科技。

Some of it is submerged on the bottom of the ocean. Some of it is a little bit underground. Some of it has been purposely destroyed or suppressed. But a lot of those machines and technologies and crystals are still remaining and some of the underground factions have discovered these old remnants and a lot of this will be coming to the main stream media at the time of the Event.



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原文:   http://2012portal.blogspot.tw/2016/05/joint-cobra-corey-goode-interview-by.html

原創翻譯: Patrick Shih



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