(摘錄自第 260 次接觸報告)
這是在 Billy 的 61 歲生日當天的第260次接觸的部分內容摘要。在本次接觸中,Ptaah 與 Billy 談論到許多重要的主題領域,篇幅極長且範圍涵蓋極廣。
Thanks. Then here’s the next question. In the 238th Contact on 5/18/1991, we talked about the dangers of microwaves (see Pleiadian/Plejaren Contact Reports, Block 6, page 325 et seq.). Concerning this, I would like to read aloud the conversation that we had about it:
You once told me that microwaves are very dangerous, which is why one shouldn’t cook with them, etc.…
You then explained the following:
… but now, regarding microwaves, I’ll be happy to explain to you briefly that these are extremely dangerous for humans; they not only destroy the psyche of humans and animals and the life of plants in severe cases, but they also impair, such as in humans, their entire brain functions up to brain damage, whereby also cancer can appear, which is also already the case with the Earth people. Regarding the aluminum particle, it is to be said that aluminum particles taken in by humans are hazardous to them because they release, among other factors, the terrible Alzheimer’s disease. In terms of cancer, it is to be said that in the future, the microwave will increasingly appear as its cause, for microwaves are, unfortunately, becoming more and more heedlessly as well as irresponsibly used for all kinds of purposes.
... 但現在,關於微波,我很樂意向你簡要說明,這些對於人類來說是非常危險的;他們不僅摧毀了人類和動物的心理,在嚴重的情況下,會危及植物的生命。對於人類來說,也是會有危害,人類的整個大腦功能會受到損傷,因而也會出現癌症,這也是地球人已經面臨的情況。關於鋁粒子,因為它的釋放會危害人類,在其他的因素影響下,還有可怕的老年癡呆症(Alzheimer’s disease;又名阿茨海默症)。對於癌症,應該是說,將來微波會越來越可能成為形成它的原因,因為不幸的是,微波已越來越多被草率而不負責任地用於所有各類的目的。
Cooking with microwaves destroys the vitamins and, at the same time, is to be specifically described as a great evil, this along with many other misuses. Even the eyesight of humans and animals is endangered by microwaves, and in the specific case, the cataract is to be mentioned, which can be caused by microwaves more and more. Different types of cancer, as I said, increasingly have microwaves as their cause, but in addition, simple and non-cancer-conditioned damages to cells will appear more frequently and cause many other evils.
Through microwaves, it frequently occurs that the fruit of pregnant women is harmed or even destroyed and becomes missing, and in this connection, the unknowing doctors aren’t able to determine the origin of this because they simply lack the necessary apparatuses and tools as well as the necessary knowledge. But that’s not enough, for the woman’s fertility is also endangered by the waves because it is very easily destroyed by these waves, as it is also the case that the man is robbed of his procreative power. On certain worlds that are well-known to us, it is common with the humans that women and men can be sterilized by microwaves, in order to counteract an overpopulation of the planets by the humans.
But I, for example, was advantageously subjected to microwave treatment, in order to get rid of nearly intolerable pains, to which I had fallen due to my knee osteoarthritis.
Then, you said the following:
Of course, because microwaves can, with reason, also have curative and progressive purposes and application possibilities, when they are brought to application with intellect and reason. On Earth, these things and the concerns about microwaves are not yet so well known by the people and especially by the scientists and researchers, etc. that they would be capable of fully handling these forces, which is why at present, and for the upcoming future, they cause more harm than successes achieved in the positive.
I then asked you further (241st Contact of 2/3/1992, see page 70 et seq.):
Since we’re already talking about food: how does it actually behave in relation to food that is cooked with microwaves? Is there actually a certain danger for the person, apart from the harmfulness of the waves themselves on the human organism, etc.? …
Then, you gave me the following answer, which seems to contradict itself with your prior statements, since you said that cooking with microwaves is harmful. I assume that you probably expressed yourself too imprecisely for us Earth folk, which is why we probably misunderstand something. You said:
The use of microwaves for the preparation of food is safe, as a rule, if your question relates to the microwaves’ influence on the food and its consumption. The person can quite safely eat microwave-prepared foods. Only the microwaves themselves are dangerous, if the person is hit by these. Many microwave ovens shield the microwaves in no way, whereby humans – and even animals and plants – are hit by these and are damaged health-wise. Thus, the danger for humans, animals, and plants lies in the microwave radiation itself, which can lead to very harmful effects on all living organisms – apart from the fact that, for example, microwaves applied medically in the right dosage can very well be beneficial to health.
按理說,如果你的問題是關於微波對食品與其食用方面的影響,微波用於加熱食物是安全的。人們可以很安全地食用微波食品。只有微波本身是危險的,如果有人被微波直接打到就有傷害。許多微波爐被外殼遮罩住微波,那就沒有問題。由於人類 — 甚至動物和植物 — 受到微波的直接接觸會使健康受損。因此,對於人類、動物和植物來說,危險在於微波輻射的本身,也就是對所有活的有機體而言,可能會導致非常有害的影響。除此之外,例如在醫學上應用合適劑量的微波,是可以非常有助於健康的。
[中譯者註:微波(Microwave)是指波長介於紅外線和無線電波之間的電磁波。微波的頻率範圍大約在 300MHz至300GHz之間。所對應的波長為1公尺至1mm之間。微波頻率比無線電波頻率高,通常也稱為「超高頻電磁波」。
名字 |
波長 |
帶寬 |
小於 0.01 nm |
多於 15 EHz |
多於 62.1 keV |
無窮 |
0.01 nm – 10 nm |
30 EHz – 30 PHz |
124 keV – 124 eV |
3 |
10 nm – 400 nm |
30 PHz – 750 THz |
124 eV – 3 eV |
1.6 |
390 nm – 750 nm |
770 THz – 400 THz |
3.2 eV – 1.7 eV |
0.3 |
750 nm – 1 mm |
400 THz – 300 GHz |
1.7 eV – 1.24 meV |
3.1 |
微波 |
1 mm – 1 meter |
300 GHz – 300 MHz |
1.24 meV – 1.24 µeV |
3 |
1 m –100 m |
300 MHz – 3 MHz |
8 |
100 - 1000 m |
3 MHz - 0.3 MHz |
1 km- 100,000 km |
微波可以用在加熱。微波爐利用頻率為 2450 MHz(波長為 12.24cm)的微波對食物加熱。
微波爐加熱的原理是利用水分子的電偶極(Electric dipole moment)在電場中會轉向電場的方向,當微波進來時,電場是來回變化,使得水分子為了要轉向電場方向而隨著電場轉動(每秒24.5億次的頻率),這樣的轉動即為熱量的來源。(資料來源:維基百科)]
First, you said that using microwaves to cook is harmful, but here, you said that cooking with these waves is not harmful. How should we understand this now?
60. It seems that I did, indeed, express myself unclearly at that time.
61. The facts are as follows:
62. Cooking with microwaves is actually extremely dangerous, but only in the sense when the food comes into direct contact with the microwaves, so thus, if the food is directly irradiated with microwaves.
63. Once this happens, transformation processes, which it also always concerns, take place in the food, through which partially poisonous and hazardous substances emerge, through which humans can be harmed in many different ways and, in fact, also are harmed, as I must rightly say.
64. Due to the direct irradiation of food with microwaves, the cooking item succumbs to a transformation, through which health-hazardous substances develop.
65. But otherwise, this isn’t the case, and cooking with microwaves is totally harmless, if the ovens are constructed in such a way that they are only heated up by the microwaves, and indeed, from the outside; consequently, no waves can reach into the actual cooking item.
66. So for this, completely closed cooking containers are necessary, which don’t allow microwaves into the interior and into the cooking item.
67. The microwave oven itself must, of course, also be constructed in such a way that no waves can penetrate out of it, so that the surroundings or humans aren’t encountered by them. –
68. And since I’m already clarifying these issues, it would be appropriate that this is also done in relation to Alzheimer’s disease, so that it isn’t supposed that microwave radiation is the basic cause of this evil.
69. It is certainly true that microwaves are only a small influencing factor in relation to Alzheimer’s disease, as this is also the case with aluminum particles.
70. Both are not direct causes or producers of the disease but merely factors that are contributory, under certain conditions, with the emergence of Alzheimer’s disease.
71. With that, the facts should now actually be clear.
有關資訊,請參閱2018年3月18日刊出較有公信力(有參考依據權責單位資料)的文章 —— 《會致癌?有輻射?各種微波爐謠言一次破解》
七、有些食品不該放入微波爐加熱:1. 金屬(會反射微波,導致無法預期的傷害);2. 除了聚丙烯(PP;具有耐熱與化學穩定的特色)外的所有塑膠;3. 放太久與容易生長細菌的食物(殺菌不足);4. 帶殼雞蛋(會引發爆裂)…
Thanks; that really should be without misunderstanding. …