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Contact Report 267 第267次接觸報告
Synopsis 提要
Billy and Ptaah discuss the dangers of soy.
This is a small excerpt of the entire contact.
Then I would like to ask you first of all concerning soy products, about which so much fuss is being made, and from which also various food, spices and oils as well as Tofu are being produced. I have eaten Tofu already in several variations; however, no form has tasted delicious to me but rather repulsed me. To me it appears like a disgusting form of paper-mache or polyurethane, in any case, inedible, which is why I do not understand that many people stuff themselves with it and rave about it.
In this regard it is the same phenomenon as with the tasteless and flavourless sow's pear, respectively the avocado fruit, which once was genetically manipulated and grown for pigs’ food, which in our time, nevertheless, is used by people as food.
在這方面,它就與既無味又不香的“母豬梨”(sow's pear)一樣,也就是鱷梨(avocado),它是曾經被基因改造為豬的食物,然而這在我們這個時代,也有人拿它來當食物吃。
The taste buds of many human beings on earth are altered or even destroyed to the extent that they perceive the real taste of food etc. only more or less distortedly.
That’s what I thought too. However, this was not my actual question; which concerns whether soy products are really as healthy as the food industry likes to portray them?
The main principle lies in the amount, because too much is unhealthy, as you always say. Basically soy is a high-quality plant protein in which Isoflavones are also contained in large quantities in the form of phytoestrogens. Nevertheless, the protein and the Isoflavones, as well as other substances of soy, are in no way harmless. In particular with long-term consumption of large quantities, the Isoflavones effect the hormone balance quite critically.
However, all the other soy substances are not harmless either, which is why they should be used as food only with sufficient caution or not at all. In particular no kind of food for children should contain any soy products at all, because with regard to the Isoflavones, especially the health of babies, toddlers and adolescents is impaired by soy products and in other respects health is seriously damaged. Already less than one quarter of a milligram of Isoflavones per one kilogram of body weight per day can cause very bad and irreparable health defects in children of every age, namely in relation to consciousness activity, the brain, the intelligence, the world of thought and feeling, the psyche, the physical body and the behaviour pattern etc. If pregnant women consume soy products it can lead to heavy and irreparable damages to the foetus’ body, limbs, nerves, cerebrum and muscles as well as to body deformations. More than a quarter of a milligram of Isoflavones per kilo of body weight should not be given to babies and toddlers under any circumstances.
Said with easy and generally understandable words and concepts, soy products of all kind, because of their toxic ingredients, in larger quantities are even capable of impairing the health of strong adults and to cause serious damage, which can lead to growth of tumours, respectively cancer and to the fostering of brain-, consciousness and behavioural disorders, personality changes and to infertility. Especially breast cancer in women and men is often caused by soy products, as well as depression and Parkinson’s, namely in particular when a hereditary disposition exists for it. Also Alzheimer’s and dementia can be results of an excess of the Isoflavones, as well as an impairment of eyesight, the taste buds, the ability to concentrate, the moral balance and various other important life factors.
Then what ought to be the amount of soy that the adult may take?
The quantity depends on the concentration of Isoflavones, of which a person should consume no more than half a milligram per kilo of body weight daily if he does not want to be impaired toxically.
This means that a person of 70 kilograms of body weight should not consume soy products that exceed 35 milligrams of Isoflavones.
However, with soy consumption this amount is reached very quickly.
This is indeed the case, because already a normal soy drink of 2.5 dl in size contains about 30 milligrams of Isoflavones.
確實是這樣,因為一般飲用2.5公合(dL;亦稱分升,1公合 = 0.1公升 = 100毫升 = 100 cc)的豆製品飲料,就含有30毫克的異黃酮。
[中譯者註:ㄧ般人所喝的一杯或一碗的豆漿,大約是250~300 cc;也就是2.5~3 dL;換句話說,是不太會超過35毫克的異黃酮。
三、喝豆漿有時也會腹脹腹瀉,因為大豆裡有一些我們消化不了的碳水化合物:有些人喝完牛奶後會出現腹脹、腹瀉的情況,這種現象叫「乳糖不耐受」。豆漿里雖然沒有乳糖,但是含有較多的碳水化合物,他們中只有一半可以被利用,剩下的一半就是讓你脹氣的罪魁禍首 — 棉籽糖和水蘇糖。
1. 小嬰兒:(一歲以內)的小嬰兒應該使用接近於母乳的配方奶粉餵養,絕對不能夠使用豆漿來代替牛奶,這是因為豆漿中含有的營養物質不能夠滿足孩子身體發育的需求。
2. 痛風病人:在黃豆製作成為豆漿之後,嘌呤的含量比其他的豆製品含量要高得多,而痛風病人需要控制嘌呤的總量,應當注意在喝豆漿的同時,相應減少肉類的攝入,控制每日蛋白質的總量才是關鍵。
3. 剛做完手術的人:因為豆漿屬於高蛋白食品,手術後身體比較虛弱,還是吃一些好消化的東西比較好哦,不要加重腸胃的負擔。
4. 懷孕的婦女:依據本篇報告內容補充原文章不足部分;為保障懷孕婦的胎兒健康與正常發育,建議懷孕期間連同哺育嬰幼兒期間,都不要攝取豆類食品。
And what is the case with drugs made of soy respectively concerning their Isoflavones?
Such drugs are in no way recommend, if, on one hand, they are not adjusted for the body weight, and, on the other hand, are taken for too long a time, or if the person is especially susceptible with regard to Isoflavones.
Your explanations in the human beings’ ear and reason. Thanks.
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