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Contact report 175/第175次接觸報告
英譯版本:N/A,Benjamin Stevens
中譯版本:2021年11月22日,DeepL Translator, James Hsu
This is the entire contact. It is an unauthorised and unofficial translation and may contain errors.
1. Unfortunately, I still can’t give you any new information today regarding the incidents and clarifications of the matters surrounding the allies of the Giza Intelligences and their machinations, etc.
很遺憾,有關澄清「吉薩精靈」(Giza Intelligences)的盟友和他們的陰謀事件等等問題,我今天不能給你任何新的資訊。
2. On the other hand, I also didn’t come here on their account but because today, I have once again noticed a severe violation of my orders which I gave in reference to complying with the times of work and the commencement of work.
… … …
… But tell me, are you aware of the fact that a few days ago, someone robbed himself of his own life, which has caused us a lot of difficulties and trouble here at the center?
… 但你知不知道,幾天前在「中心」這裡給我們帶來很多麻煩和煩惱的那些人,其中有一個人結束了他自己的生命?
72. I know that, yes.
73. A very unfortunate incident, but this is just the consequence of the fact that those who reject the truth and those who abuse the truth, schemers and liars, as well as forgers of truth always reap their own wages, either through their own and self-directed hand or by the hand of their followers and believers.
74. Now, the man who recently acted upon himself, through the destruction of his own physical life, was allied with the brothers H. and K., under whose direction he also extensively worked against you, against the whole group, and against our entire mission.
75. Influenced by the brothers, his insidious, destructive, and truth-displacing nature was further opened to such activities, which is why he ignored all truth and worked against it.
76. But recently, it has turned out that he has succumbed to his own destructive impulses, in that he deprived himself of his own life, which happened for the following reason:
77. As was very often the case in recent years, he illegally crept around during his regular work, spying on the terrain of your center, namely on the second pulpit on the eastern side of the edifices.
78. Hidden behind some bushes, he watched the center and was suddenly startled by a sound at the opposite edge of the forest.
79. Then, what he saw there let everything collapse badly within himself, and it became uncontrollable for him.
80. ANDRON (who knows how to assert himself), who is the largest in body mass among our allies and who stands at over 5 terrestrial meters tall, materialized there and slowly walked towards those bushes across the meadow, where the spying man kept himself hidden.
*Translator’s Note: During the 173rd contact, Quetzal stated that Andron was, more precisely, 5 meters and 26 centimeters tall. This corresponds to just over 17 feet and 3 inches tall. For comparison, the tallest Earth-bound human on verifiable record was Robert Pershing Wadlow, who stood at almost 9 feet tall just before he died. According to measurements given in our present day Bible, a famous ancient Philistine warrior, Goliath, stood at approximately 9 and a half feet tall, only half a foot taller than Robert Wadlow. Goliath is considered to be the tallest Earth-bound human on record that is not verifiable. Both of these men find there place in the Guinness Book of World Records. Below is a picture of Robert Wadlow’s father, who stood at just under 6 feet tall, standing next to his almost 9-foot tall son. To the right of them is the silhouette of a man, which corresponds to a 17.25-foot tall man standing next to Robert and his father. Thus, the reader can get a better idea of how large a person the spy in this contact conversation was confronted with.
*英譯者註:在《第173次接觸報告》中,Quetzal更精確地描述,Andron的身高是5公尺26公分(526公分)。這相當於剛剛超過17英尺3英寸高。作為比較,在可查證的記錄中,地球上最高的人類是羅伯特.潘興.瓦德羅(Robert Pershing Wadlow),他生前幾乎有9英尺(272公分)高。根據《聖經》中的記載,古代著名的非利士(Philistine)戰士歌利亞(Goliath)身高約為9.5英尺(290公分),僅比羅伯特.瓦德羅高半英尺。歌利亞被認為是有記錄以來地球上最高的人類,但這是無法證實的。這兩個人都在《金氏世界紀錄》(Guinness Book of World Records)中有記載。下圖的左邊是羅伯特.瓦德羅的父親,他身高不到6英尺(約183公分),站在他幾乎9英尺高的兒子旁邊。在他們的右邊是一個巨人的剪影,這相當於一個17.25英尺高的男人站在羅伯特和他父親的旁邊。因此,讀者可以好好體會這次接觸對話中的那位間諜,面對的是一個多麼高大的人物。
[Resuming at Quetzal's speech]
81. This frightened cruel one suddenly realized that you, your mission, and we had been defamed by the brothers H. and K. and that throughout his life, he had acted inferiorly and wrongly.
82. He recognized that Andron could not be a terrestrial life form but rather had to come from another planet somewhere because according to his knowledge, there were no such large men on the Earth, let alone one who could materialize himself at an edge of a forest.
83. Full of horror and sudden realization, he ran way, while his thoughts began to be confused.
84. Then, unfortunately, it didn’t take too long before he robbed himself, in fear, terror, and confusion, of his own life.
This, of course, won’t be spread according to the truth.
85. That would be impossible because he told no one of his experience; thus, he took his secret to the grave.
86. For this reason, only speculation surrounded the termination of his life, after which, through false clues, reasons were then found for his suicide.
87. The family members and coworkers strained themselves to put their thoughts together, etc., from which they now assume to know why the man had driven himself to death.
88. But the truth is different from what these people assume; moreover, the reason for the outbreak of his confusion of consciousness lies differently with those who were hostile-minded toward you, us, and the mission.
You speak in riddles, my son.
89. Yet it wasn’t very long ago when we explained to you that all those, who concern themselves against the truth and fight this, also work against you and against your and our mission, and they slanderously and destructively work against us, such that all of them become the bearers of their own rewards.
90. But this, as it was explained to you, also applies to those who slanderously and untruthfully boast of contacts with us or other life forms that are foreign to the Earth, even though these do not correspond to the truth.
91. It was explained to you that all these miserable and unfortunate creatures, for this and for their falsity, mendacity, craze for intrigues, and denial of truth, as well as their distortion of reality, have very vicious and miserable wages to bargain for because they prepare and summon their own destruction through their shameful and destructive activities, in the sense that they produce their own altered state of consciousness and destruction of consciousness, as well as confusion of consciousness, which lead to the complete psychological destruction of the same, and which cause suicidal actions, thus, the self-destruction and suicide of one’s own life.
92. Others will be called to account by their own followers and believers; thus, they receive their wages by their own hand and actions.
I know this, it was explained to me, but you haven’t responded to my question concerning those who…
93. That is correct; it was omitted in my explanation.
94. Thereupon, I addressed therewith that a younger man, who became hostile-minded towards your and our mission through the brothers H. and K., has fallen into a confusion of consciousness, which is designated as insanity.
95. As a result, he was interned in an insane asylum, from which there will be for him no return to the so-called healthy society.
96. A second young man in Berne has fallen victim to a fanatical-sectarian insanity, which has already led to the fact that his acquaintances and family make serious efforts towards likewise committing him to a crazy mental hospital.
97. Those are two cases, in addition to some other similar phenomena, which have arisen recently.
98. With the year 1982, the time has come where the effects of this against you, us, and the mission start to drive these evil doers into their own self-generated psychopathy, as this is also the case with H., who already viciously impaired his psyche in his hatred and in his vindictiveness toward you, us, and our mission, such that his thinking already exhibits the unmistakable characteristics of the pathological psychopath, so with him, everything only depends on the length of time until his psychopathy finds its final and irreversible form.
That’s all damn unpleasant, even if these self-generated rewards for these poor creatures are nothing more than an unstoppable success of their own actions and thinking. It is really very unfortunate and unpleasant, and somehow, one should be able to help these poor creatures, nevertheless.
99. Unfortunately, that is absolutely impossible because their hatred and their vindictiveness, as well as their blindness, allow them immediately to turn every reason and logic within them to the opposite.
100. Now with that, my friend, it should be enough for today because my duties call me again.
101. Until we meet again.
Bye, and loving greetings to all.
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