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Contact Report 567 (2013/7/6)   第567次接觸報告

接觸時間: 2013 7 6

Synopsis    提要

Billy and Ptaah discuss the unconscious thought impulses sent by the Plejaren to Earth humans since 1844.

Billy Ptaah 討論自 1844 年以來由 Plejaren 傳送到地球人類那些無意識的思想脈衝。

This is extract of the contact. It is an authorised but unofficial translation and may contain errors.



If you allow, in order to finally clarify so that no more misunderstandings arise, I would again like to speak about your directives and your impulse contacts withhuman beings of the Earth, as well as about the alleged contactees and the Ashtar Sheran group.



Of course, just ask.



Thank you, then good. According to your directives, you Plejaren werepermitted to penetrate only to a certain level in a human being’s consciousness, without being allowed to deeply research that which is purely private and personal. Thereby I speak in relation to those human beings of the Earth who you have put under the magnifying glass because they stated and spread it about that they had had contacts, and so forth, with some sort of extraterrestrials, or even with you Plejaren. But, in regard to the above, you were indeed only permitted to carry out superficial investigations, because you had this regulated quite clearly through your directives, to which you are always obliged in every case, and which, in the mentioned regard, you were also not permitted to break. Accordingly, from the beginning, you also could not penetrate into the deeper consciousness nor into the memory of those Earthlings who you previously designated as contact people. So you did not find the actual truth, being that the human beings of the Earth, who you designated as genuine contactees, were nothing more than those manipulated by the Ashtar Sheran group’s hypnotic suggestion and real vision, and so forth, who had no conscious and genuine memories of alleged personal contacts and experiences with extraterrestrials, rather only suggested false memories. But since you always had doubts about all the statements and claims of these human beings, for decades you sought the “Supreme Council’s“ permission to change your directives precisely in such a way as to be permitted to penetrate deeper into the consciousness and memory of those human beings of the Earth who claimed to beextraterrestrial contact persons, and so forth, in order to be able to fathom the actual truth. And then finally, when this permission was actually granted and the directives had been modified and expanded in this sense, you were permitted, and you could act accordingly and finally fathom the reality and bring the effective truth to light.

謝謝你,那好。根據你們的規定,你們 Plejaren 只允許滲透人類的意識到某個程度,純粹的個人隱私部分是不許深入探究的。因此我就談談那些你們已經仔細觀察過的地球人,因為那些人到處說他們曾與某種外星人甚至是與你們 Plejaren 有過接觸等等的話。但是基於上述限制,你們只允許對這些人進行一些表面的調查,因為你們的規定很清楚,在任何情況下都不得違背。因此從一開始,你們既不能滲透到那些原先被你們認定為被接觸者更深層的意識,也不能深入他們的記憶中,所以你們沒有找到實際的真相。而那些你們認定為真正被接觸者的地球人類,都無非是那些受到阿斯塔.謝蘭等集團的催眠暗示與擬真幻象之類方式所操縱的人,他們並沒有如自己所聲稱的與外星人親自接觸過的真正記憶,而都只是暗示性的虛幻記憶。因為你們也始終對所有那些人的陳述內容表示懷疑,所以幾十年來,你們尋求“最高委員會”的同意來調整你們的規定,這樣一來,為了能尋求真相,就可以讓你們更深入地滲透到那些人的意識和記憶裡。到最後,在這方面的規定獲得了修正並且你們也實際得到授權,允許採取相應的行動,於是真相終於可以查個水落石出。

However, so far, you also do not know that which actually was or still is the case in regard to the events relating to this, or other events, in relation to the four groups which are still unknown to you today, whereby you also do not want to clarify that because it is not in your interest. With regard to your interests and activities in association with the Earth and its humanity, you are also in no form interested in interfering in any terrestrial affairs. Your areas of observations and interest on the Earth are mainly scientifically related to the planet’s ongoing geological processes, such as the observation of volcanic activity, plate tectonics, earthquakes, the oceans and other waters, the glaciers and the Arctic and Antarctica, the Earth's climate and the changing of fauna and flora. You are further interested in the development of the terrestrial sciences, economics, politics, medicine and technology, the history of humankind, factors of human health, the meteorological trend and the military clashes, and so forth. Thereby, your directives clearly and precisely forbid you, in any form, any kind of interference in any terrestrial concerns. Constituting an absolute exception in this regard, were the suggestive development impulses which you transmitted to the terrestrial researchers, scientists and engineers, and so forth, in the 19th and 20th centuries and also even during the first decade of the new century - that is to say, the 3rd Millennium - for the general development and for their progress, in order to render assistance to development and progress in every regard. But in order for you to be able to do that, it required a special clause in your directives which allows such suggestive/impulse-based assistance when a planetary humanity has reached a certain general stage of development. That is my recollection anyway, as you have explained it to me on various private occasions.

然而,到目前為止,有關這些(或其他)事件,你們還是不知道實際上曾經或者目前依舊是與那四個你們仍不清楚的集團之間的關聯,而你們也不想釐清這些,因為對它不感興趣。談到關於你們對地球及人類的興趣和活動,你們也沒有意願干涉地球上任何的事務。你們在地球上的觀察範圍和感興趣的領域主要是與科學相關以及地球持續變化的地質過程方面,例如火山活動、板塊結構、地震、海洋、冰川和南北極、全球氣候以及動植物變化的觀測。你們進而也對地球上的科學、經濟、政治、醫學、人類歷史、人類健康、氣象趨勢及軍事衝突等等的發展感到興趣。基本上,你們明確規定禁止以任何方式干涉地球上的事務;不過這方面唯一的例外,就是在 19 20 世紀乃至於新世紀(也就是公元 2000 年以後)的第一個十年的期間,你們經由暗示性的脈衝,傳輸給地球的研究人員、科學家和工程師等人員有用的訊息,為了他們的發展和進步,在各個方面提供了一些協助。但是,為了能夠促成地球人類發展到某種階段,需要你們的一個特殊指令才能允許這樣的援助。無論如何,這是我所記得你在各種私下場合解釋給我聽的事。


About which, however, with respect to certain things, you were obligated to silence.



Naturally, I know that, because you did not want any side to have been able to take countermeasures, such as the Ashtar Sheran group, as well as the four groups unknown to you, or any terrestrial organisations or powers. Indeed, it is for that reason that I also had to write down your information and publish it in the contact reports, so that no cover-ups or other measures could have been taken by those who would have been interested in seeing to it that the reality and truth could not come to light.



A premature uncovering of the facts would have brought much damage. But we always remained with the truth, consequently we invariably named the facts which were known to us, thus no untruth was named. Mind you, as you also knew, the fact is, we did harbour doubts and made a lengthy effort to get to the bottom of the actual reality and truth of the matter. However, you did not show great interest for it and throughout all the passing years you have no longer asked and therefore, you had no knowledge of that which we really endeavoured to do in regard to this matter.



Naturally. In my life, I have learnt to simply place all that, about which I have to be silent, far into the background of my memory, so that it is no longer within my grasp, simply in the form of a steered forgetting which dissolves again only if need be. But now I should like to mention something concerning your suggestive/impulse help. Through this help which you were allowed to provide in this regard to the terrestrial scientists, inventors, and researchers and developers, and so forth, on Earth and therefore with the terrestrial humanity, everything in all areas has actually indeed led to an incredibly fast rate of development and to a tremendous progress not seen for millennia. This would indeed not have been possible without your work, because normally this progressive development, as has taken place in tremendously rapid succession in the last 170 years, would have appeared only in the course of the 3rd Millennium. And these impulses, transmitted through apparatuses for suggestion, took place without the persons concerned being able to consciously perceive them. On the contrary, they assumed that their ideas, developments and inventions, and so forth, were always based on their very own cognitions and ideas. Unfortunately however, also very negative effects, things and events have occurred as a result of the impulses for development and progress transmitted by you, such as with regard to the negative use of the atomic power and the weapons technology and the electronics and chemistry, and so forth. Unfortunately, these Ausartungen* have come about through the irrationality of Earthlings who - as usual - always repurpose everything, and apply everything as Ausartungen for the exercise of power and purposes of destruction.

當然。在我的生命中,我已經學會了簡單地將所有一切我不得不保持沉默的事,埋藏到我的記憶深處,因此它不再是在我的掌握之中,如果需要的話,只會再度消逝而趨向遺忘。但現在我想提一下有關你們的暗示性脈衝所作出協助方面的事項。你們被許可經由這種方式,提供地球的科學家、發明家和研究開發人員等等的協助,因此在地球上的人類,在各個領域都以難以置信的速度快速發展,達到千年來所未見的巨大進步。如果沒有你們的協助,這確實是不可能發生的事,因為通常這種漸進式的發展,原本只會出現在第三個千禧年的進程,卻在過去的 170 年間產生了快速而巨大的成就。而這些經由設備傳送出的暗示性脈衝訊息,讓這些接收的人在默默中有意識地領悟它們。不過,他們始終以為這些主意、構思和發明等等,是他們自己的認知和想法。然而可惜的是,你們傳送的脈衝訊息,原本是帶來發展和進步的,但還是發生了非常負面的影響,諸如用於製造原子彈以及成為電子和化學武器的技術等等。不幸的是,這些 Ausartungen (德語;意思是墮落、退化的現象)已經發生,這是由於地球人類總是非理性的誤用一切資源,將其作為力量的展現並以破壞為目的。


Everything that you have said is right; and unfortunately it is actually the case that the Earth human beings always tend to use everything for might, for harassment and for destruction, and so forth. Although, in every single case, we also sent all those - who received developmental and progress-conditional suggestive impulses from us - impulses which were aligned with a peaceful use of all new developments, but those in government and those in military power, and other powerful forces, worked against that. And unfortunately, the scientists, inventors and researchers and developers allowed themselves to be beguiled by them. Consequently, out of much of that which we put in place, for the benefit of Earth humanity, through unconscious, suggestive impulses for development and for progress, in those capable of research, science and development, ultimately only very much which brought death and destruction was created. And this occurred with the entirety of technology of all kinds - the physics, the chemistry, the medicine and all other sciences. In fact, without our suggestive/impulse-based assistance for development and progress, the cognitions obtained in the last 170 years by the Earth human beings, and developments made by them in all fields,​​ would only have come about in the first centuries of the 3rd Millennium. Unfortunately, however, all researchers, scientists and developers, who were included in our suggestive impulses, were either corrupt, profit-greedy, naive or so weak in consciousness-of-self that they bowed to the demands of the mighty. However, it also must be said that various individuals were put under duress by the rulers, powerful ones and criminal elements, while others simply feared for their lives and, therefore, did the will of those of the government and military, and so forth.

你所說的一點都沒錯,真是可惜,實際的情況就是這樣, 地球人類總是傾向將一切資源用於展現自身的力量以及侵擾並破壞他人之類的用途 。雖然在每一個單獨的情況中,我們是向那些所有的接收者送出訊息 —— 他們接收我們依據發展和進步狀況不同而發送的暗示性脈衝訊息 —— 這些是作為和平用途全新發展的脈衝訊息,但那些政府當局和軍事單位以及其他那些有力的機構,卻將其投入負面的用途。不幸的是,這些科學家、發明家、研究人員和開發人員有意無意地被他們利用。於是,那些我們為了地球人類的利益,通過無意識的暗示性脈衝訊息,傳送給那些有能力研究科學發展的人,最終卻多數只有帶來死亡和破壞。而這種情況發生在所有各項科技 —— 包括物理、化學、醫療和其他所有科學的領域。事實上,如果沒有我們提示性脈衝訊息的援助所促成的發展和進步,在過去 170 年間由地球人類自行獲得的認知與在各個領域的發展,將只會出現在第三個千禧年(公元 2000 年)的第一個世紀。但不幸的是,所有的研究人員、科學家和開發商(那些接收我們的脈衝訊息的人),若不是自甘墮落、貪圖利益、天真幼稚,就是自我意識薄弱而屈從在強大的勢力之下。然而也必須這樣說,有些人是受到有權有勢的人以及那些犯罪分子的脅迫,而其他的人只是擔心他們的生活,因此不得不順從政府和軍隊的意志或類似的勢力。


History indeed shows all the evil things and things of Ausartung which have resulted from that. And the enormously rapid development in all forms of the technology, the physics, the chemistry and medicine as well as in all other sciences in the last 170 years falls really crassly from the bounds of all the Earth human speed of development and progress of the last 5,000 years. Even those of the lowest intelligence must appreciate that the degree of the normal development in all fields falls completely out of the limit and that the whole thing was really only possible through your development and progress help during the last 170 years from 1844 to today. Without this help, today in all areas, we Earthlings would still certainly be in a period of laborious beginnings, which knew no electronics, no atomic power nor good medicine, no far-reaching school education and no other values ​​associated with that, and of a high degree as is the case today.

歷史確實顯示,所有邪惡和 Ausartung (德語;意思是墮落、退化)的事物都起因於那些情況。而在過去 170 年間,各種的科技包括物理、化學和醫學,以及所有其他科學的極速發展,從最近這 5,000 年來所有地球人類發展和進步的速度來說,真是非比尋常。即使是最愚蠢的人都會察覺,在各個領域的正常發展程度完全超出了極限,而從 1844 年到今天的過去 170 年間,整個過程只有經由你們的幫助,這些發展和進步才可能成真。如果沒有這種幫助,今天在所有領域,我們地球人類仍然肯定會處於一段艱苦的開端時期,沒有電子設備,沒有原子彈的威力,也沒有好的醫療設施,甚至沒有如今日這樣高端研究的學校教育,也不會產生與之相關的高等價值。


This is indeed so, as you say.



But how does it stand today with the whole matter of the suggestive impulses to the Earthlings?



We no longer carry that out on a large scale, rather only in a very limited form, indeed also only in a form to prevent certain very negative Ausartungen which stand threateningly in the future. Through that which the Earth human beings have achieved up to the present time, everything has developed in such a way that, with all the obtained knowledge and capability, they can now stride ahead very quickly ever further in all areas of development. Consequently, they require no further help from our side in this regard, but only impulses in order to prevent even worse things than those which already happened.



And if you provide such impulses to prevent worse things, then does that corresponds to your directives?



This is indeed the case, yes. Thereby, however, we also only put impulses in place which must be processed and put into action by the Earth human being himself/herself, consequently, we therefore, in no way, directly interfere in the matter.



Which perhaps can be seen in this form: as if I, for example, impart advice to someone, which he/she can then follow or disregard according to his/her own will.



That is a good example. Our impulses, which we send to the Earth human beings, so that they do not succumb to further Ausartung in that which they do as a result of the acquired knowledge and skills, is no more than a form of good advice, which can be considered and obeyed or disregarded by every Earth human being at his/her own discretion and will.



This is clear to understand, but how does it stand in relation to the lunacy of overpopulation, which ultimately brings about all the very terrible things, all the ruin, and all the destruction of nature, fauna and flora, of the planet itself, as well as of the climate and of all human achievements? Do you also provide impulses regarding this, to the human beings of the Earth, so that they voluntarily counteract this imbecility and insanity?



This is indeed the case, but the majority of Earth humanity is very stubborn, obstinate, self-centred and egoistic, which is the reason that the whole of the overpopulation and the arising catastrophic consequences are considered only very occasionally. ...

確實有這麼做,但大多數地球人類還是非常的頑固、自大且自私,這也就是整個"人口過剩與其所產生的災難性後果"這件事,只有偶爾被考慮到的原因。 ... 


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