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Contact Report 150 Part 6 (1981/10/10)     第150次接觸報告之六

接觸日期: 1981 10 10 日,星期六,清晨 3 15

Synopsis     摘要

Continued orbital statistics of The Destroyer .


4037.5 B.C. – 486.5 orbital period years
4006 B.C.
Special Event: Venus penetrates the earth orbit and slightly disturbs the earth, however, without bringing about large catastrophes.

西元前 4,037.5 年(間隔 575.5 年後)
西元前 4,006

3551 B.C. – 664.5 orbital period years
Special Event: Small Deluge. Destroyer again runs on a collision course with earth and disturbs earth’s orbit and its rotation, bringing about worldwide catastrophes as well as a small deluge. Through volcanic eruptions and the ejection of ash, the sun is eclipsed for 48 days.

西元前 3,551 年(間隔 486.5 年後)
特別事件:發生小規模洪水。「毀滅者」又一次闖入地球的軌道,並干擾了地球的自轉與公轉,造成小規模的洪水,而火山爆發的灰塵導致太陽消失了 48 天。

3545 B.C.
Special Event: Venus stabilizes itself and sets itself on its own orbit around the sun.

西元前 3,545

3030 B.C.
Special Event: Halley’s Comet comes in a menacingly close proximity to earth and minimally disturbs the earth’s moon in its orbit.

西元前 3,030

2886.5 B.C. – 416.5 orbital period years
2470 B.C. – 412 orbital period years
2058 B.C. – 605 orbital period years
Special Event: Destroyer slightly disturbs earth’s orbit and Venus, which experiences a pole shift and receives a new rotational period.

Smaller catastrophes appear on earth which, however, are not of great significance.

西元前 2,886.5 年(間隔 664.5 年後)
西元前 2,470 年(間隔 416.5 年後)
西元前 2,058 年(間隔 412 年後)

1453 B.C. – 575.5 orbital period years
Special Event: Destroyer reaches a dangerous proximity to earth and evokes severe catastrophes. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, elemental storms, and floods of enormous magnitude are the result. The sunlight is eclipsed through volcanic ash, which lasts for several weeks. The volcano Santorini in the Hellenic (Aegean) Sea exploded and triggered a 180-meter-high tidal wave that rolled over the Mediterranean Sea and far into the land of the Nile in Egypt and flooded over everything. Not only do many humans die as a result, but also innumerable animals whose cadavers decay after the flood recedes, causing many illnesses. Through these events, the “seven biblical plagues” (time of Moses) are spawned, whereby the water of the Nile was also dyed red from the blood of the innumerable dead life forms and their torn and battered bodies. The backward-rolling flood wave thrusts back across the Mediterranean Sea and forward to the northeast, where it then floods over the land of Syria, bringing about enormous terror and devastation.

西元前 1,453 年(間隔 605 年後)
特別事件:「毀滅者」危險地接近地球並導致了巨大的災難;地震、火山爆發、巨大風暴、超級大洪水,太陽由於火山灰消失了幾周。希臘(愛琴海)的聖托里尼火山爆發,觸發了 180 公尺高的巨浪,席捲了地中海,並波及到了埃及的尼羅河,大水吞噬了一切,結果到處是人類和動物的屍體。大水退去之後,引發各種疾病,並暴發了 摩西時代的“七次聖經瘟疫” ,因此造成屍橫遍野,血染尼羅河。洪水回退經過了地中海繼續向東北席捲,衝擊了敘利亞,也帶來了巨大的災難與破壞。

877.5 B.C. – 597 orbital period years
Special Event: Harmless approach of the Destroyer toward the earth, whereby the Moon’s orbit, however, is slightly affected.

西元前 877.5 年(間隔 575.5 年後)

280.5 B.C. – 554 orbital period years
Year after Christ
A.D 32
Special Event: Crucifixion of Jmmanuel, accompanied by an unusual solar eclipse produced by an immense sandstorm. At the same time, a very strong earthquake occurred in Palestine, Syria, Lebenon, and Saudi Arabia, which resulted in several seismic shocks during the crucifixion.

西元前 280.5 年(間隔 597 年後)
西元 32

A.D. 273.5 – 475.5 orbital period years
A.D. 749 – 489 orbital period years
Special Event: Destroyer passes far away from earth’s orbit.

西元 273.5 年(間隔 554 年後)
西元 749 年(間隔 475.5 年後)

A.D. 1150
Special Event: Halley’s Comet comes very close to earth and leaves it in a particle trail, lasting three weeks and shining in a golden color from the sunlight.

西元 1150
特別事件:哈雷彗星離地球很近,持續了 3 周,其慧尾在陽光中呈現出閃亮的金色。

A.D. 1238 – 442 orbital period years
A.D. 1680
Special Event: Up until now, the latest passage of the Destroyer, which may not return, as we (note: the Pleiadians/Plejaren) strive to remove this wandering planet from the SOL System.

西元 1238 年(間隔 489 年後)
西元 1680 年(間隔 442 年後)
特別事件: 直到現在,「毀滅者」或許不再回來,是( Plejar 人)致力將這個漫遊行星從太陽系的軌道移開了。

A.D. 1910
Special Event: Flyby of Halley’s Comet.
Next appearance of the comet in the year 1986, far outside of earth’s orbit and completely harmless.

西元 1910
下一次出現時間是 1986 ,距離地球軌道很遠,不會造成任何傷害。


So, I have this information. However, I have somewhat abridged the explanations on it and have written it in my own words.



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