
(上承  來自我們未來生命的訊息CH04-09


CHAPTER FIVE  The Second Coming

第五章  耶穌再臨

Bashar, are you and your people familiar with Christianity? To some degree. Well, I believe in Jesus Christ as our savior –


When you say you believe in Jesus Christ, what does that mean?


That means that I believe in a God who created the universe, including all of us, and that because we are all sinners, Jesus –


One moment! You believe you are a sinner?




What is a sinner? Will you define this for me? I understand the concept of sin, but have not heard the concept from you. Would you therefore define the concept of "sinner" for me in your own way – as it relates to how you see yourself?

什麼是罪人?請幫我定義好嗎?我瞭解罪惡的觀念,可是沒有從你聽過這個觀點,你是否可以用你自己的方式為我定義什麼是「罪人」 —— 因為這與你對自己的看法有關。

A sin for me is anything I would do or think that goes against something God would want.


What does God want?


God wants – I guess very simply, in order to answer it within the time limit allowed here – God wants me to show unconditional love in all situations. And any time I don't do that –

上帝的旨意 —— 為了節省時間,我想簡單地說 —— 神希望我在所有的情境裡都表現出無條件的愛。而任何時候,我沒有做……

One moment! Did you say unconditional love? Do you understand what that means?


I understand it to mean that as far as people – whom I'm supposed to unconditionally love, for example the people in here – no matter who they are or what they have done, as far as I'm concerned I love them because God loves them. If God loves everybody in here, I have no right to overrule that.


All right. Now, you know you can create the reality of overruling it, but we do understand what you mean when you say you have no right. You can do it, but that does not mean it is something you'd want to do. Nor are we suggesting this is something that would create harmony on your world. No. But simply take yourself literally. People have very blatantly judged others, have they not? And it is not a matter of whether or not they have the right to do it.


Is it wrong?


There is no right and wrong. It is a matter of whether you choose to create a positively manifesting reality or a negatively manifesting reality.


Which would you suggest?


I would suggest the positive one. Because choosing the positively manifesting reality will be integrating yourself with All That Is, whereas knowing yourself as separate from All That Is creates an idea of isolation that does not allow you to feel your connection to All That Is. This leads to the need to dominate. For when you separate yourself from All That Is, controlling and dominating others is perhaps the only way you will feel you can collect what you see around you, to you. Thus you create many ideas out of separation and negative manifestation that are, in your terms, unpleasant: war, disease and many other ideas you say you do not like. This is why we would always suggest the positively manifesting reality.

我建議用正向的。因為選擇正向地呈現現實,即是將自己與「萬有一切」結合如果認為自己與「萬有一切」是分離的,就會創造一種隔離感,使你無法感受到你與「萬有一切」的關連,如此就會導致支配的需要。當你自己與「萬有一切」隔離時,你可能會感覺到,唯有控制與支配才是你掌握周遭事物的方法。因此你會由於隔離感而創造出許多想法與負向的呈現… 也就是不愉快的事情,如戰爭、疾病,以及許多你們所不喜歡的理念。這就是為什麼,我們永遠都建議正向地呈現現實

However, recognize that we perceive the idea of judgment, in and of itself, to be of the negative manifestation. Thus we do not say anything is right or wrong, because that to us is to judge All That Is. To us even the idea of judgment is the choosing of the negative. To know what you prefer does not mean that you have to judge or invalidate anyone else – in terms of the way that individual chooses to explore his own Godhood, to relate to himself as his portion of All That Is. If he has chosen separation, negative reality, limitation, judgment – then it will be less likely he will perceive his connection to All That Is.

然而,請明白我們知道批判本身,是屬於負向的呈現。因此我們不會說有什麼是對與錯,因為對我們而言,那就等於在批判「萬有一切」。對我們而言,即使只是想到批判就是選擇負向請明白你所偏好的,並不代表你必須批判或否定別人的 —— 每個人都可以用自己所選擇的方式去探索自己的“神性”去界定自己與「萬有一切」這一部份的關係如果個人選擇了分離、負向現實、限制、批判 —— 那麼他就比較不容易覺知自己與「萬有一切」的關連

On the other hand, one who is integrated has already chosen the idea of unconditional love, and will recognize that there is no need to judge those who have not chosen it. For unconditional love is the granting of validity to everything within Creation – for its own sake. Because that portion of creation has seen fit to learn about itself in the way it has chosen, then you, in choosing unconditional love, generate the faith and the trust to know that in an ultimate sense he is always going to be all right. Ultimately every idea is still contained within the overall idea of All That Is, and cannot become lost. There is nowhere to lose anything to until you create that type of separation. There is nowhere to lose anything to until you, in choosing negativity and limitation and separation from yourself as All That Is, choose to create a dimension in which you can remove yourself from the rest of everything. Any idea you call a lost soul is a contradiction in terms. A soul always knows where it is.

另一方面,一個完整的人,他已經選擇了無條件的愛,並且知道,沒有必要去批判那些還沒有作選擇的人因為無條件的愛”就是在「造化萬物」之中,每一件事都容許其存在的妥當性 —— 為了其各自的緣由。因為造化在那個部分已經看出他們適於用其所選擇的方式去學到認識自己,而你,透過選擇無條件的愛,產生一種信心及信任,而明白到在一種「終極意識」下,人終將走回正道。最終,任何一個意念仍會被包含在「萬有一切」的整體意識之內,而不會有失誤。天下沒有任何事物會失落到其他地方去,除非你創造出那種隔離。沒有任何事物會失落到其他地方去,除非你選擇負面及限制,並且把自己與「萬有一切」分離出去,選擇去創造一個次元,好讓自己能從這全部一切中移到那理,否則你無法將任何事物失落到任何地方去。你們所謂的“迷失的靈魂”,是不通的說法。靈魂永遠都知道自己身在何處

What do you mean by a lost soul?


The idea we are ascribing to many individuals expressing the specific ritualized expressions through which they channel the idea of their love. Many times, even though they express it to be unconditional, it still comes with conditions. We are not saying this is your case. We are saying that we are relating to the terminology you are using, by being so specific about what you have described as the way you believe and what you have called being a sinner – which by your ultimate definition means someone who is outside of – has placed himself outside of – his recognition of himself as God.


My recognition of myself as God?




I'm God?!?


Of course. Understand this is what we are talking about: many of your beliefs or religions on your planet speak of the idea of God – or what we call All That Is – as being omnipotent. Everywhere, all-knowing; omniscient and all-seeing . . . everything, everywhere. If God by your definition is everything, how can you be outside of it? You must also be God; God must also be you. God knows you are God. Why do you not know you are God?

當然,這就是我們所說的:地球上有很多宗教及信念,都談到上帝,或者我們所說的「萬有一切」 —— 是無所不能的。對一切的一切都是無所不在、無所不知、無所不察。如果按照你們的定義,上帝就是一切;那麼你們怎麼可能存在於上帝之外你也就是上帝,而上帝也就是你。上帝知道你是上帝,為什麼你卻不知道自己是上帝?

Well, say I create a model... of an airplane. I created it and put it together, but it's not me.

好,譬如說我創造一個模型… 飛機。我創造了它,把它組合在一起,可是飛機並不是我。

Yes, it is. Understand that what you experience as your physical reality is all a symbol. If you wish to use the term illusion, all right. That may clarify it for you.


Well, doesn't that illusion, or symbol – it needs a representation, does it not!


It is a representation of an idea.


(Other): If you are the idea of making the plane, then you are the plane, too. Whatever idea you have, you are that idea?


Yes. You understand that everything in your universe is a matter, physically, of vibration. You cannot perceive anything that you are not. The vibration you are creates what you perceive the physical reality to be. Thus, if you have created this idea of a model airplane in front of you, then you are extending a portion of the idea of yourself and reflecting it back to yourself as the ability to do that outside yourself, seemingly. But everything you perceive, every individual in the room, is your creation. You have to create your version of them in order to perceive them. You follow me?


Kind of. If I am dedicating my life to following Jesus Christ…


Why would you want to do that? He did not want you to do that.


He did not want me to do that?


No. He does not want you to follow him; he wants you to be like him.


Well, that's kind of what I mean.


Then say what you mean. Understand that your terminology is what we were discussing; that upon your planet many times the terminology you choose reflects how you go about relating to the ideas you think you believe in. And in this case you are saying that by following someone, you are separating yourself from, and making yourself less than, rather than being equal to – which is what he wanted you to know. That all of you are Christ consciousness like he is. The idea of following "the way" was not a matter of being subservient, but of being equal and reflective, being that energy that was being demonstrated. That is "the way."

那麼就直接說出你的意思。請明白我們是根據你的用語在討論,因為在地球上,很多時候,你們所選擇的用詞,反映著你認為你所相信的。在你的情況裡,你是說,透過跟隨某人,你在使自己與對方分開,同時使自己比對方渺小,而不是與對方平等 —— “與他平等”正是耶穌想要你知道的。你們每個人都像耶穌一樣有基督意識跟著「正道」走的想法並不是要你唯唯諾諾,而是寄望大家彼此平等並能對照反省,成為能夠展現的能量,那就是「正道」

(Other) Do you think that's why maybe we are so limited? Because we – or Christianity – put trust in Jesus Christ and not in ourselves?


The idea is that anytime you take the power that you are, and remove it from yourselves, you place a limitation that actually denies your very existence – what you have been created to be! So yes, in that sense the definitions are what is responsible for creating the limitations. To some degree, the idea of what has been described, as many of the attributes and experiences are all valid; any tool is a valid tool if it gets you where you want to go.

這個概念就是:任何時候,你拿走了你的力量;你從自己身上移除了這份力量,就是為自己套上了限制,同時實際上等於是否認了自己的真實樣貌 —— 那種你真正被創造成的樣子。因此是的,在這種概念下,該要界定的是什麼該為創造那些限制而負責。就某種程度而言,前述這個概念,就像許多特質及經驗都是有效的;任何能使你到達你想去地方的工具,都是有效的工具。



續接  來自我們未來生命的訊息CH05-02



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