The Law Of One: Book I


一的法則 卷一

又名  RA 資料



By Ra,

An Humble Messenger Of

The Law Of One

作者 Ra

一的法則 之謙卑使者


工作小組 Don Elkins Carla L.R.McCarty 與  Jim McCarty.

《一的法則》主網站L/L 研究中心 http //

中文討論區 http //

最後修改於 2012/08/13

起始日期 2002/03/18

中文翻譯  & 註解  by Terry Hsu.


本書中使用不少進階的英文文法 譯者為了使譯文通順易讀 使用了一些符號做為輔助工具 一般而言

小括號 內的文字如果是中文 表示原文所無之文字 僅是為連貫文句意思加上去的 如果是英文則表示原文中的人名 地名或專有名詞 方便讀者上網或以字典查詢 另外 原文書中沒有的譯註一律以小一號的字體顯示以玆區別

方括號 內的文字的來源有二 1. 原作者的補充說明 2. 譯者認定會影響文法通順 且重要性較低 於是放在方括號內

粗體 字通常在原文都為大寫 具有特別意義或唯一性

斜線 x/y/z 最常見的例子 / / 教導 / 學習 由於 Ra 強調整體性 我們看到這種複合名詞 可取第一個名詞為首要意義 其後的名詞表示高度相關或相反面 雖然讀起來有點費力,習慣之後,你會發現 Ra 對於用字之謹慎與精準

這種方式若造成讀者之不便,請多多包涵 如果可能的話,建議閱讀原文。這是了解 一的法則 這套曠世奇書之最佳方式



I am the circle, and you’re healing me
You are the circle, and I am healing you
United.. people, we’re One
United.. people, we’re One~~~


我是個圓圈 你正療癒我
你是個圓圈 我正療癒你
團結在一起 我們是一家人 我們全是一體
團結在一起 我們是一家人


Introduction   序文

Don Elkins:

This book is an exact transcript from tape recordings of twentysix sessions of an experiment designed to communicate with an extraterrestrial being. We started the experiment in 1962 and refined the process for nineteen years. In 1981 the experimental results of our efforts changed profoundly in quality and precision. This book is simply a report of the beginning of this latter phase of our work.

Don Elkins(唐.埃爾金斯):

Since our experimental work began, and even before we officially formed a research group, there was considerable confusion about the nature of our research. I would like to state that I consider my point of view to be purely scientific. Many readers of this material have used as a basis for its evaluation a previously assumed philosophical bias which has ranged from what I would call objectively scientific to subjectively theological. It is not the purpose of our research group to attempt to do anything other than make experimental data available. Each reader will undoubtedly reach his own unique conclusion about the meaning of this body of data.

自從我們的實驗工作開始以來,甚至在我們正式成立一個研究小組之前,許多人對於我們研究的本質感到困惑。我想要聲明我認為我的觀點屬於純粹的科學角 許多 Ra 資料 the Ra Material 的讀者使用它做為衡量其他哲學偏好的基礎 從客觀科學到主觀神學都有 那不是我們研究小組的目的 我們只是嘗試將實驗資料公諸於世 每一個讀者無疑地對於這份資料都會有他自己獨特的結論

In recent years there has been much controversy about phenomena that were apparently incompatible with accepted methods of scientific research. This included such things as UFOs, mental metal-bending, psychic surgery, and many other seemingly miraculous happenings.

近年來 有一些現象與公認的科學研究有明顯的矛盾,引發了許多爭議 其中包括 UFOs 心智彎曲金屬 超心靈 psychic 外科手術 以及許多其他奇蹟般的事件 要證明或反駁任何這些謠傳的現象肯定不是業餘觀察者適任的工作 然而 大多數公眾對於這些事件的看法似乎來自急躁且表面的調查

To prove or disprove any of these alleged phenomena is certainly not properly the task of the casual observer. However, most of the public opinion that has been generated with respect to these events seems to be the product of quick and superficial investigation. After almost thirty years of research and experimentation in the area of so-called paranormal phenomena, I must recommend extreme caution in reaching a conclusion. If it is possible to make money, gain notoriety, or have fun from perpetrating a hoax, then someone usually does it. Consequently, paranormal or psychic areas are prime targets for the trickster, and the careful researcher usually has to observe copious amounts of “garbage” data in order to find a possible imbedded gem of truth. This is especially true of Philippine psychic surgery and the large area of spirit communication in general.

經過將近 30 年對於所謂超自然現象的研究與實驗 我必須強烈建議在獲致結論之前要極度的小心 如果可能賺錢 獲得惡名 或搞個騙局獲得樂趣 那麼多半有人會去做這種事 結果是 超自然或超心靈的領域成為騙子的主要目標 謹慎的研究者通常得觀察大量的 " 垃圾 " 資料才能在其中找到一顆真理的寶石 菲律賓超心靈外科手術 與靈魂溝通,這兩個領域尤其如此

It seems to me that the presently accepted scientific paradigm is less than adequate. It is my opinion that our present natural philosophy is a very special case of a much more general case yet to be unveiled. It is my hope that our research is in the direction of this discovery. After assimilating several million words of alleged extraterrestrial communication, it is also my opinion that this book and the subsequent volumes of the Ra material contain the most useful information that I have discovered. As a result of all of this delving into the rather confusing subjects of UFOlogy and parapsychology, I, of course, have formed my current opinion of how things “really are.” This opinion may change at any time as I become aware of future information. This book is not intended to be a treatise of my opinion, so I will not attempt to defend its validity. The following is the best guess I can make about what we think we are doing. Only time will tell as to the accuracy of this guess.

在我看來 目前公認的科學典範已經不能滿足需求 我的看法是目前自然哲學只是一個更廣泛的模型的特殊情況 而這個模型尚未被揭露 我希望我們的研究朝這個方向發展
在消化過數百萬字關於疑似外星通訊的報導之後 我個人認為這本書 Ra 資料 以及隨後的續集包含我所發現的文獻中最有用的資訊
鑽研幽浮學 UFOlogy 與心理靈學 parapsychology 這兩個令人困惑的主題這許多年 我當然已經形成自己對於事物 " 真正的本質 " 的一些意見 當我未來覺察到新的資 訊,這些意見可能會改變。
這本書並不是我個人意見的論述,所以我不會嘗試去為它的正確性辯護。以下的內容只是我目前最佳的猜測,嘗試理解我們的思考 以及我們在做什麼。唯有時間能夠告訴我們這個猜測的正確性。

Our research group uses what I prefer to call “tuned trance telepathy” to communicate with an extraterrestrial race called Ra. We use the English language because it is known by Ra. In fact, Ra knows more of it than I do.

我們研究小組採用 調頻出神心電感應” tuned trance telepathy )方式與一個稱為 Ra 的外星種族通訊 。我們使用英語,因為 Ra 了解它,事實上 他知道的英文比我還多。

Ra landed on Earth about 11,000 years ago as a sort of extraterrestrial missionary with the objective of helping Earthman with his mental evolution. Failing in this attempt, Ra retreated from the Earth’s surface but continued to monitor activities closely on this planet. For this reason Ra is highly informed about our history, languages, etc.

Ra 1 1 千年前降臨地球,好比是一個外星傳教士,其目的是幫助地球人 Earthman 的心智進化。當時這個嘗試失敗了, Ra 從地球表面撤退,但仍持續觀察這個星球上的活動。因此, Ra 對於我們的歷史,語言 .. 等有高度的認知。

Probably the most difficult thing to understand about Ra is its nature. Ra is a sixth-density social memory complex. Since Earth is near the end of the third-density cycle of evolution, this means that Ra is three evolutionary cycles ahead of us. In other words, Ra’s present state of evolution is millions of years in advance of Earthman’s. It is not surprising that Ra had difficulty communicating with Earthman 11,000 years ago. The same problem still exists in our present “enlightened” time.

要了解 Ra 的本質或許是最困難的事, Ra 是第六密度的社會記憶複合體 ,由於地球接近第三密度進化週期的尾聲,這表示 Ra 在我們前面 3 個進化週期之遠。換句話說, Ra 的進化狀態超前地球人數千萬年之久 ,難怪 1 1 千年前, Ra 跟埃及人會有溝通困難。同樣 的問題也存在於我們目前這個“開悟”的年代。

At this writing we have completed over 100 sessions of experimental communications with Ra. This approximate 300,000 words of information has suggested to me a possibly more adequate scientific paradigm. Only time and future will serve to validate and expand this paradigm.

在寫這個序文之際,我們已經完成 100 場與 Ra 對話的實驗性通訊。這些資訊大約有 30 萬字,它們提示我一個可能更適當的科學典範。唯有時間及未來可以驗證及擴充這個典範。

UFOlogy is a large subject. A reasonable amount of background material would swell this introduction to book length. Therefore, the remainder of this introduction does not attempt to cover every portion of this diverse and growing field of study but is instead an accounting of some of the pertinent parts of our research from our beginnings to the present day and the Ra contact. I’ve asked my long-time research associate, Carla L. Rueckert, to tell our story.

幽浮學是個大課題,光是介紹它的背景可能就足以寫成一本書,因此我們不打算涵蓋這門學問的所有部分,而將主要焦點放在我們的研究,以及與 Ra 接觸的由來。現在我請我的長期研究夥伴, Carla L.Rueckert ,來講我們的故事。

Carla L. Rueckert:

I first met Don Elkins in 1962. To me he was a fascinating character, an unusual combination of a college professor and psychic researcher. He had done well over 200 hypnotic age regressions, probing past the birth experience and investigating the possibility that reincarnation might not be just possible but the way things really are.

Carla L.Rueckert(卡拉.魯科特):
我第一次遇見Don Elkins是在1962年,對我而言,他是個迷人的人物,一個罕見的大學教授兼超心靈研究者。他做過200場以上催眠回溯,探索出生之前的經驗,並調查出輪迴轉世不只是一種可能性,而是事情本來的面目

In 1962 I joined an experiment that Don had created in order to start to test a hypothesis which he had developed with the help of Harold Price, an engineer for Ford Motor Company. Price had acquainted Don with some information which Don found quite interesting. Its source was allegedly extraterrestrial. Its content was largely metaphysical and seemed to be in line with all that Don had learned up to that point. Within this material instructions were given for creating the means whereby to generate further material from this same source without the necessity of actual physical contact with extraterrestrials.

1962 年,我加入 Don 設計的催眠實驗,哈洛.普萊斯 Harold Price )協助他發展出一種新方法。普萊斯福特汽車的一位工程師,他給予一些資訊給 Don ,來源據說是來自外星, Don 覺得相當有趣。這個資訊的內容大部分屬於形而上,並且似乎與 Don 迄今所學的一致。在這個資訊中,有一些指令可以從相同來源獲取更多的資料,而無須與外星人有實質的接觸。

Don’s hypothesis was that this phenomenon might be reproducible so, he invited a dozen of his engineering students to join in an experiment with the objective of achieving some sort of telepathic contact with a source similar to that of the Detroit group’s. I was the thirteenth member, having become interested in the project though a friend of mine. In those early days of contact attempts, with Don attempting strenuously to keep the situation controlled, months went by with what seemed to be remarkable but puzzling results. As we sat “meditating,” according to the instructions, everyone in the group except me began to make strange noises with their mouths. For my part, my main difficulty during those first six months was keeping a straight face and not laughing as the sessions gradually became a raucous symphony of guttural clicks, slurps, and tongue flops.

Don 的假設是這個現象或許可以被重複產生;於是他邀請一些他的工程系學生參加一項實驗,目的是獲致某種心電感應的通訊,通訊的對象跟底特律 Detroit )小組的對象類似。我是第 13 個成員,我是透過一個朋友對於這個實驗計畫產生興趣。
在嘗試通訊的早期, Don 很努力地嘗試使情況在控制範圍內,好幾個月過去了,只得到一些引人注意卻又令人困惑的結果。當我們坐下來 " 冥想 " ,根據指示,每一個成員遵行後開始從嘴巴發出奇怪的噪音,除了我以外。在我這邊,我主要的困難是在前六個月:當集會 逐漸變成吵鬧交響樂 —— 夾雜著喉嚨吸氣聲、啜飲聲、以及舌頭啪咑聲,還要設法板 著臉孔不笑出來。

The nature of the experiment changed drastically when the group was visited by a contactee from Detroit. The contactee sat down with the group and almost immediately was contacted apparently by telepathic impression saying: “Why don’t you speak the thoughts that are on your minds We are attempting to use you as instruments of communication, but you are all blocked through fear that you will not be speaking the proper words.” Through this instrument, Walter Rogers of Detroit, Michigan, the group was instructed to refrain from analysis, to speak the thoughts and to analyze the communication only after it had been completed.

當一個來自底特律,接觸過外星人( contactee )的訪客來到我們小組,整個實驗的本質大大地改變了。這位訪客在我們小組中坐下來,幾乎立即以心電感應方式接收到訊息。 " 為什麼你們不把心裡的想法說出來?我們嘗試使用你們為溝通的器皿,但你們全被恐懼阻塞,你們說不出適當的話語。 " 透過這個器皿,華特.羅傑斯 Walter Rogers ,來自密西根州,底特律],這個小組被指示要避免分析,直接把心中的念頭說出來,事後再做分析。

After that night a month had not gone by before half the group had begun to produce information. By the time a year had passed, all in the group except me were able to receive transmissions. The speech was slow and difficult at first because each individual wanted a precise impression of each and every word, and, in many cases, wanted to be completely controlled for fear of making an error in transmission. Nevertheless, this was an exciting time for the original group of students who began this strange experiment.


In January of 1970 I left my position as school librarian of a thirteen-grade private school here in Louisville and went to work for Don full time. By this time he was convinced that the great mystery of being could best be investigated by research into techniques for contacting extraterrestrial intelligences and was determined to intensify his efforts in this area.

1970 1 月,我離開路易維耳市 Louisville ,位於肯塔基州)一所有13 個年級的私立學校圖書管理員的職位,開始全職為 Don 工作。那時他確信與外星智能接觸有助於了解存有的偉大奧秘,並決定強化這方面的研究。

During this period, Don worked on many peripheral areas of UFO research, always trying to “put the puzzle pieces together.” One of the great puzzle pieces for us was the question of how UFOs could materialize and dematerialize. The phenomenon seemed to posit a physics which we had not yet grasped and a being capable of using this physics. Don had gone to many seances by himself before I joined him in his research and had very systematically crossed each name off his list. He was looking for a materialization manifestation, not one he could prove to anyone else, but one which he, himself, could believe. It was his feeling that the materializations which seances manifest were perhaps of the same or similar nature as the materializations of UFOs. Therefore, his reasoning went, viewing personally the mechanism of a materialization and a dematerialization in a seance would enable him to hypothesize more accurately concerning UFOs.

在這個時期, Don 工作焦點放在 UFO 研究的周邊區域,他總是嘗試 " 將謎題碎片拼起來 " 。其中有一大塊謎題是 UFO 如何能夠具體化( materialize )與非物質化( dematerialize )。這個現象似乎是我們尚未理解的,也無法用現有的物理學去解釋。在我加入他的工作之前, Don 去過許多場降靈會( seance ),並且有系統地劃掉清單上的(不適合的)人名。他在尋找具體化的證據,並不是要找那種能跟任何人證明的證據,而是他自己要能夠相信。他的感覺是降靈會中所表現的具體化或許跟 UFO 的具體化有著類似的本質。因此依照他的推理,親自觀察降靈會的具體化與非物質化,了解其機制,有助於他更正確地假定關於 UFO 的現象。

In 1971, after I had been on several fruitless materialization medium searches with Don, we went to a seance held by the Reverend James Tingley of Toledo, a minister of the Spiritualist church.

1971 年,我跟隨 Don 找尋好幾個能夠具體化的靈媒( medium ),卻徒勞無功。後來我們來到托利多市 * 詹姆士 James Tingley 牧師舉辦的降靈會,他是一所唯心論 Spiritualist )教堂的主持牧師。 * 譯註: Toledo ,位於美國俄亥俄州西北方。)

We went to see Reverend Tingley’s demonstrations four times. Before the first time, Don had casually examined Reverend Tingley’s modest meeting place inside and out. It was built of concrete blocks, like a garage. There were no gadgets either inside or outside the building. I did not know that Don was doing this. I merely sat and waited for the demonstration to begin.

我們有四次目睹詹姆士牧師的展示,在第一次之前, Don 臨時檢查詹姆士牧師樸素的集會所,裡裡外外都檢查了。這棟建築物由混凝土建造,像是一個車庫,內部與外部都沒有任何機關。我當時不知道 Don 有做這種檢查,我只是坐下來,等待現場展示的開始。

This last point is an important one when talking about psychic research of any kind. Don has always said that one of my assets as a research associate is my great gullibility. Almost anyone can play a joke on me because I do not catch on quickly. I have a way of taking things as they come and accepting them at face value and only afterwards analyzing what has occurred. This gullibility is a vital factor in obtaining good results in paranormal research. A desire for proof will inevitably lead to null results and voided experiments. An open mind, one willing to be gullible, leads its possessor to a kind of subjective and personal certainty which does not equal proof as it cannot be systematically reproduced in others. However, this subjective knowing is a central part of the spiritual evolution to which Ra speaks so compellingly in this volume and which we have researched for many years now.

剛才的細節對於超心靈研究是重要的。 Don 總是說 做為一個研究夥伴,我的一個寶貴資產是我很容易受騙( gullibility )。
幾乎任何一個人都能夠戲弄我,因為我沒法很快聽懂別人的意思。我的方式是當事情來了,就接受它的字面意義,事後再分析發生了什麼事。這種容易受騙的特質對於取得超自然研究良好成果有著關鍵的影響。渴望證據不可避免地導致無效的結果,以及空洞的實驗。一個開放的心智,願意被騙,可以引領實驗主持者得到一種主觀,個人的確定感;它並不等於證據,因為無法被系統性地重複產生。然而,主觀的知曉是靈性進化的核心部分,這點 Ra 在這本書中講得十分有力且動人,也是我們研究多年的心得。

The seance began, as do all the seances I have attended, with the repetition of the Lord’s Prayer and the singing of hymns such as “Rock of Ages” and “I Walked in the Garden.” There were approximately twenty-six people in this bare room, sitting on straight chairs in an oval circle. Reverend Tingley had retired behind a simple curtain and was also seated on a folding chair. Of the occurrences of the first seance, perhaps the most interesting to me was the appearance of a rather solid ghost known as “Sister.” She wished to speak to me and to thank me for helping Don. Since I had never had a close friend that was a nun, I was quite puzzled. It was not until much later, when Don was flying us home, that he jogged my memory, and I realized that his mother, who had died before I met her, was known in the family as “Sister.”

Both in that seance, and in the following seance, when Don and I were called up, we could see the ghost-like figures of the materialized spirits quite clearly. I, with impaired night vision, could still make out features, but Don could see even the strands of hair on each entity.

降靈會開始,如同所有我曾參加的降靈會,重複著主禱文以及唱聖歌如 " 時代的磐石 " 以及 " 我走在花園中 " 等,大約有 26 人在這空蕩的房間中,大家坐在靠背椅上,這些椅子排成一個橢圓形圓圈。詹姆士牧師退隱到一個簡單的簾幕背後,坐在一張摺疊椅上面。在第一場的降靈會,我覺得最有趣的是,看到一個相當具體的幽魂叫做 修女” Sister ),她想和我說話,並謝謝我幫助 Don ,然而我從未有過當修女的熟朋友,我那時蠻困惑的。很久以後,有一次 Don 開飛機載我們回家,他喚起我的記憶,我才恍然大悟, Don 的母親生前在家族裡的外號就是 修女” 。在接下來的通靈會 我跟 Don 都可以清楚看見顯化的幽魂,我的眼力在夜晚不大好,但還是可以分辨這些靈魂的特徵,而 Don 甚至可以看見各個幽魂的髮絲。

During the second seance an especially inspiring “Master” appeared suddenly and the room grew very cold. He gave us an inspirational message and then told us that he would touch us so that we would know that he was real. He did so, with enough force to bruise my arm. Then he told us that he would walk through us so that we would know that he was not of this density. This he did, and it is certainly an interesting sensation to watch this occur. Lifting his arms, he blessed all those in the room, walked back through us, and pooled down in a small pool on the floor and was gone.

在第二次通靈會,一個特別激勵人心的 大師 突然出現 房間變得非常冷。他給予我們一段靈性訊息,然後告訴我們他可以碰觸我們,好讓我們知道他是真的。他做得很確實,力道甚至擦傷我的手臂。然後他告訴我們他要行走穿透我們,好讓我們知道他不屬於這個密度。他也做到了,觀察這個過程真是有趣的刺激體驗。他舉起雙臂,祝福在場的每一位,然後往回走穿透我們,最後聚集成地板上的一攤液體,然後消失了

In 1974 Don decided that it was time for me to become a more serious student of the art of channeling. He argued that twelve years of sitting and listening to inspirational messages were enough, and that it was time for me to take some responsibility for those “cosmic sermonettes,” as Brad Steiger has called them, that I so enjoyed. We began a series of daily meetings designed to work intensively on my mental tuning. Many of those who were coming to our meditations on Sunday nights heard about the daily meetings and also came, and within three months we generated about a dozen new telepathic receivers.

1974 年, Don 決定該是我成為一個更認真的學生,學習通靈( channeling )的藝術。他主張十二年聆聽靈性訊息已經夠了,該是我負起一些責任傳遞我喜歡的 宇宙佈道 * 的時候了。
* 原註:宇宙佈道, cosmic sermonettes Brad Steiger 最早發明這個詞彙]

During the process of these intensive meditations we instituted our longstanding habit of keeping the tape recorder going whenever we started a session. Using some of the large body of material that our own group had collected, I put together an unpublished manuscript, Voices of the Gods, which systematically offered the extraterrestrial viewpoint as recorded by our group meetings. In 1976, when Don and I began to write Secrets of the UFO, (published by a private printing and available by mail) this unpublished manuscript was of great help.

在這個密集冥想的過程,我們養成一個延續久遠的習慣,即每次開始一個會期之前 保持錄音機的運作。我們小組收集大量的資料之後,我選擇一些集結成一本未出版的書,眾神之聲 Voices of the Gods ),系統化地提供外星人的觀點。
年, Don 與我撰寫幽浮的秘密 Secrets of the UFO )一書,這本書對於了解這個領域有很大的幫助。

During this period one other thing occurred that was synchronistic. Don and I, who had officially gone into partnership as L/L Research in 1970, had written an unpublished book titled The Crucifixion of Esmeralda Sweetwater in 1968.

在這個期間,發生一件同時性( synchronistic )的事件。 Don 與我早在 1970 年正式成立 L/L 研究機構 ,更早以前, 1968 年,我們寫了一本小說 標題是愛斯米蘭達.甘露十字苦刑 The Crucifixion of Esmeralda Sweetwater*
* 譯註:譯者看過這本小說,十分精采動人,意者可以跟 L/L Research 訂購。)

In 1974, Andrija Puharich published a book with Doubleday titled URI. The book is the narrative of Dr. Puharich’s investigation of Uri Geller and their unexpected communication with extraterrestrial intelligences. The form of contact was quite novel in that first some object like an ashtray would levitate, signaling Dr. Puharich to load his cassette tape recorder. The recorder’s buttons would then be depressed by some invisible force and the machine would record. On playback, a message from an extraterrestrial source would be present. Don was impressed by the large number of correlations between these messages and our own research.

1974 年,普哈里契 Andrija Puharich )出版一本書標題是尤里 URI ),出版社是 Doubleday
這本書敘述普哈里契博士調查尤里.蓋勒 Uri Geller )以及他們意外與外星智能通訊的過程。通訊的形式相當新奇,首先 某個物體,如煙灰缸,開始飄浮,這個信號表示普哈里契博士可以將卡帶放進錄音機之中。錄音機的按鈕會被某個無形的力量按下,機器開始錄音。在回放過程,可以聽到來自外星的訊息。 Don 對於這些訊息與我們自己的研究有著大量的相關性感到印象深刻。

The book is fascinating in its own right but it was especially fascinating to us because of the incredible number of distinct and compelling similarities between the characters in the real-life journal of Dr. Puharich’s work with Uri and the supposedly fictional characters in our book. We went to New York to meet Andrija after phoning him, sharing our long-standing research with him and comparing notes. As our genial host came out onto his front verandah to welcome us, I stopped, amazed, to look at the house. Even the house in which he lived in the country north of New York City was a dead ringer for the house his fictional counterpart had owned in our book. The identity was so close that I could not help but ask, “Andrija, what happened to your peonies When I wrote about your house I saw your driveway circled with peony bushes.” Puharich laughed, “Oh, those. I had those cut down three years ago.”

尤里 這本書本身就很引人入勝,但特別吸引我們興趣的是這本書內容與我們的小說有著難以置信的雷同之處,特別是在人物部分。我們跟普哈里契 Andrija )通過電話之後,前往紐約與他會晤,分享我們多年的研究 相互比對筆記。當我們和藹可親的主人從前面的陽台走出來歡迎我們的時候,我驚異地停下腳步,注視這個屋子,他這棟位於紐約市北部郊區的房子怎麼如此酷似我們小說中對應人物擁有的房子。於是我忍不住問: " 普哈里契 ,你的牡丹花怎麼不見了?當我撰寫你的房子時,我看到你家的私人車道有一圈牡丹。 "
普哈里契 笑著說: " 喔,那些花朵,我在三年前把它們剪掉了。 "

In 1976 we determined to attempt an introduction to the whole spectrum of paranormal phenomena which are involved in the so-called UFO contactee phenomenon. This phenomenon is not a simple one. Rather, it demands a fairly comprehensive understanding and awareness of several different fields of inquiry. Since The Ra Material is a direct outgrowth of our continuous research with “alleged” extraterrestrial entities, it seems appropriate here to review some of the concepts put forward in that book in order that the reader may have the proper introduction to the “mindset,” which is most helpful for an understanding of this work.

1976 年,我們決定嘗試介紹與 UFO 接觸相關的所有超自然現象。這不是個簡單的現象,它需要在不同的研究領域都有相當程度的理解與覺知。由於 Ra 資料 是我們持續研究 " 疑似 " 外星實體的自然成果,似乎這裡是檢視一些概念的適合段落,好讓讀者的 " 心態 " mindset )先有基本的認識,對於理解 Ra 資料 會很有幫助。

The first thing to say about the UFO phenomenon is that it is extraordinarily strange. The serious researcher, as he reads more and more and does more and more field research, finds himself less and less able to talk about the UFO phenomenon in a sensible and “down to Earth” way. Well over half the people in the United States have said in nationwide polls that they believe that UFOs are real, and television series and motion pictures reflect the widespread interest in this subject. Yet, there are few researchers who would pretend to be able to understand the phenomenon completely. Dr. J. Allen Hynek has called this quality of the research the “high strangeness” factor and has linked the amount of high strangeness with the probable validity of the case.

UFO 現象首要的特點是它非常地奇怪。一個嚴肅認真的研究者,當他閱讀越多的資料,參與更多的現場研究,便會發現自己越來越不能以理智與 " 實際 " down to arth 的方式來談論 UFO 現象 美國的民意調查顯示超過一半的人相信 UFOs 是真實的,電視影集以及電影都反映出人們對於這個主題廣泛的興趣。然而,非常少的研究學者願意假裝自己能夠完全理解這個現象。海尼克博士( Dr. J. Allen Hynek )稱這類研究的特質具有 " 高奇異性 " high strangeness )的因素,而且一個案例越有可能是真的,它的奇異性就越高。

Some of the people who see UFOs have the experience of being unable to account for a period of time after the encounter. The UFO is seen and then the witness continues on with his or her daily routine. At some point, it is noticed that a certain amount of time has been lost that cannot be explained. Very often these same people report a type of eye irritation, or conjunctivitis, and sometimes skin problems. In extreme cases, a person who has lost time and seen a UFO will develop a change of personality and find it necessary to contact the aid of a psychologist or a psychiatrist for counseling. Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle, professor of psychology at the University of Wyoming, has been conducting yearly meetings of people who have experienced this type and other types of “Close Encounters.”

有些目睹 UFO 的人有種經驗,即遭遇 UFO 之後,會無法說明(或記得)一段時間。目擊者看到 UFO 之後,繼續他日常的工作,到某個時點,他突然發現失去一段時間,並且無法解釋。這些目擊者常常罹患相同的症狀:眼睛發炎,或結膜炎,皮膚問題等。在極端的個案中, UFO 目擊者的人格產生變化,並且需要心理學家或精神病醫師的諮詢協助。李奧博士( Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle ),懷俄明大學心理學教授,多年來與這類有過 " 近距離接觸 " Close Encounters )的目擊者會面。

It was in psychiatric therapy that one of the more famous of the UFO contact cases, that of Betty and Barney Hill, was researched. The Hills had seen a UFO and had lost some time but managed to reduce the significance of these events in their minds enough to get on with their daily lives. However both of them, over a period of months, began experiencing nightmares and attacks of anxiety.

在精神病治療的領域中,有個較為著名的 UFO 接觸研究個案,對象是貝蒂巴尼.希爾 Betty & Barney Hill )。希爾夫婦曾經目睹 UFO 並且失去一些時間,但他們設法降低這些事件的重要性,好讓他們能夠繼續日常的生活。然而,經過幾個月,他們都開始經驗噩夢,以及焦慮的攻擊。

The psychiatrist to whom they went for help was one who often used regressive hypnosis for therapeutic work. He worked with each of the couple separately and found, to his amazement, that, when asked to go back to the source of their distress, both Mr. and Mrs. Hill related the story of being taken on board a UFO while on a drive, medically examined, and returned to their car.

他們找到的精神病醫師經常使用回溯催眠來做治療工作。他分別與希爾先生,希爾太太進行催眠,他驚訝地發現,當回溯到沮喪的源頭,他們兩位都提到相同的故事:在開車途中被帶到 UFO 載具中,被治療工具檢查,然後回到他們的車上。

Don and I have, through the years, investigated quite a few interesting cases but, perhaps a description of one will suffice to show some of the more outstanding strangenesses which are quite commonly associated with what Dr. Hynek calls “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.” In January 1977, merely eighteen or so hours after our witness’s UFO experience, we were called by a friend of ours, hypnotist Lawrence Allison. Lawrence had been contacted by the witness’s mother, who was extraordinarily concerned about her boy. We made an appointment with the witness, a nineteen-yearold high school graduate employed as a truck driver.

Don 與我多年來探訪不少有趣的案例,但或許這一個案例就足以展示 " 第三類近距離接觸 " 海尼克博士發明的分類]的顯著奇異性。
年一月,一位目擊者看到 UFO 18 小時之後,我們接到好朋友,勞倫斯.艾利森 Lawrence Allison )催眠師的電話。該目擊者的母親請求勞倫斯的協助,她十分擔心兒子的狀況。我們與目擊者約定時間見面,他是一個 19 歲的高中畢業生,當時的工作是卡車駕駛。

He had seen a craft about forty feet long and ten feet tall, which was the color of the setting sun, at very low altitude, approximately 100 to 150 feet. The craft was so bright that it hurt his eyes, yet he could not remove his gaze from it. He experienced a good deal of fear and lost all sense of actually driving his car. When he was directly underneath the UFO it suddenly sped away and disappeared. When the boy arrived home, his mother was alarmed because his eyes were entirely bloodshot. He was able to pinpoint his time loss since he had left precisely when a television program ended and since he noticed the time of this arrival home. He had lost thirty-eight minutes of his life.

他看到一個飛行載具大約 40 呎長, 10 呎高,有著落日的顏色。它的所在高度很低,大約 100 150 呎。那飛行載具是如此明亮以致於傷到他的眼睛,然而他無法將視線離開它。他經驗到大量的恐懼 並且在開車過程中失去所有的感官意識。當他位於 UFO 的正下方時, UFO 突然加速 然後消失無蹤。當這個男孩到家時,他的母親感到驚恐 因為他的眼睛充滿血絲。他能夠精確指出他失去的時間,因為他在某個電視節目結束時離開,他也注意到回家的時間,他失去了此生的 38 分鐘。

The young man wished to try regressive hypnosis to “find” his lost time. We agreed and, after a fairly lengthy hypnotic induction, the proper state of concentration was achieved and the witness was moved back to the point at which he was directly underneath the UFO. Suddenly he was inside the ship in a circular room which seemed at least twice as high as the entire ship had seemed from the outside. He saw three objects, none of which looked human. One was black one was red and one was white. All looked like some sort of machine. Each entity seemed to have a personality, although none spoke to the boy, and he endured a kind of physical examination. After the examination was finished the machines merged into one and then disappeared. The ship bounced and rocked briefly, and then the witness was back in his car.

這個年輕人想要嘗試回溯催眠以 " 找回 " 他失去的時間。我們同意協助;經過相當冗長的催眠前導過程,他終於達到適當的集中狀態 並且回到當時在 UFO 正下方的時點,突然他在飛行船中,處於一個圓形的房間,裡頭的高度似乎比外觀的高度還要高兩倍。他看到三個物體,沒有一個像是人類。一個是黑色;一個是紅色;還有一個是白色。全部看起來像是某種機器。每一個實體似乎都有個人格,雖然它們都沒有跟這男孩說話,接著他承受某種身體檢查。在身體檢查之後,這三個機器合併成一個 然後消失了。這艘飛行船短暫地跳動搖擺了一下,隨後目擊者便回到他的車子裡。

If you are interested in reading a full account of this case, it was published in the Apro Bulletin, in Flying Saucer Review, in the International UFO Reporter, and in the Mufon UFO News.

如果你對這個案例有興趣,想閱讀完整的敘述報告,你可以參考以下出版文獻: -- Apro Bulletin, Flying Saucer Review, International UFOReporter, Mufon UFONews .

One of the most familiar aspects of close encounters is the experience that our witness had of seemingly understanding what aliens were thinking and feeling without any speech having taken place. Telepathic communication has long been the subject of much experimentation and, although there is much interesting research, there has never been a definitive study proving good telepathic communication. Consequently, the field of research into telepathy is still definitely a fringe area of psychic research. However, anyone who has ever known that the phone was going to ring, or has experienced the knowledge of what someone was going to say before it was said, has experienced at least a mild example of telepathy. Don states that telepathic experiments between himself and Uri Geller have been totally successful. However, since they were deliberately not performed under rigorous scientific control, they could not be included in any orthodox report. It is, in fact, our opinion that the rigorous controls have a dampening effect on the outcome of any experiment of this type.

近距離接觸中一個最有趣的特徵是目擊者似乎理解外星人的思想與感覺,卻不用透過任何言語 。心電感應通訊長期以來是許多實驗的主題,雖然有過許多有趣的研究,卻從未有過決定性的研究報告可證明心電感應通訊。結果這個研究領域仍然是超心靈研究的一個邊緣地帶。無論如何,任何人曾經感知電話即將作響,或在對方開口前 就知道他要講的話,這樣的經驗可以算是心電感應的溫和示範。

L/L Research, which, since 1980, has been a subsidiary of the Rock Creek Research and Development Labs, to this day holds weekly meetings open to anyone who has read our books. We still tend to insert the word “alleged” before the words “telepathic communications from extraterrestrials” because we know full well that there is no way of proving this basic concept. However, the phenomenon certainly exists—millions of words in our own files and many millions of words in other groups’ files attest to this fact.

L/L 研究中心 ,曾經是岩溪研發實驗室 Rock Creek Research and Development Labs )的分支機構,從 1980 年起,迄今每週舉行集會,開放給所有讀者參加。我們依然傾向在 " 與外星人的心電感應 " 前面加上 " 疑似 " 的形容詞,因為我們充分知曉沒有方法可以證明這 個基本的概念。無論如何,這個現象的確存在 —— 數百萬字的文件以及其他小組上千 萬字的文件都證實這件事

Regardless of the more than occasional frustrations involved in paranormal research, the serious researcher of the UFO phenomenon needs to be persistent in his investigation of related phenomena, such as mental metalbending. The physics which Ra discusses, having to do with the true nature of reality, posits the possibility of action at a distance as a function of mind, specifically the will. Uri Geller has been tested in several places around the world, including the Stanford Research Laboratories, and an impressive list of publications concerning the results of those tests exists, most notably The Geller Papers and, as an offshoot of this metal-bending phenomenon, The Iceland Papers.

雖然在超自然研究中碰到挫折是常有的事,認真的 UFO 現象研究學者堅持探究相關的現象,好比以心智彎曲金屬。 Ra 討論的物理學,與實相的真實本質有關,提出有力的假設說明遠距離作用是心智的函數,更明確的說是意志的函數。尤里.蓋勒曾在世界各個地方接受測試,包括史丹福研究實驗室 Stanford Research Laboratories ),許多刊物都在探討這類測試的結果,最著名的是蓋勒研究報告 The Geller Papers ),以及冰島研究報告 The Iceland Papers ),探討心智彎曲金屬的現象。

One example which shows the close connection between UFOs and mental metal-bending happened to us in July of 1977, after our book, Secrets of the UFO, was published. We had been interviewed on a local program and a woman in a nearby town had heard the broadcast and was very interested in what we had to say since her son, a normal fourteen-year-old boy, had had a UFO encounter. He had been awakened by a whistling sound, went to the door, and saw a light so bright that it temporarily blinded him. Again, as is often the case, it was the same night that people nearby also saw lights in the sky. The woman wrote us a letter, and Don immediately called and asked her permission to speak to her son. After questioning the young man to Don’s satisfaction, Don asked him to take a piece of silverware and tell it to bend without touching it in any firm or forceful way. The fourteen-yearold picked up a fork, did as Don suggested, and the fork immediately bent nearly double.

一個顯示 UFO 與心智彎曲金屬有密切連結的案例發生在 1977 年七月,就在我們的幽浮的秘密 Secrets of the UFO )一書出版之際。我們當時在一個地方性的廣播節目接受採訪,一個住在附近小鎮的女人聽到廣播覺得很感興趣,因為她 14 歲的兒子曾經有過與 UFO 接觸的經驗。(有一天)他被一陣哨子聲吵醒,他走到門前,看到一道十分明亮的光暫時地使他失明。同時間,附近的居民也看到天空有亮光。這個女人寫了封信給我們, Don 立即打電話過去 並請求她的同意 跟她兒子講話。在充分詢問這個年輕人之後, Don 要求他拿起一個銀製餐具 並告訴他設法彎取它卻不要觸碰它。這個 14 歲的男孩拿起一個銀叉,遵照 Don 的建議去嘗試,銀叉立即被彎曲,幾乎成了兩半。

The boy was so startled that he would not come back to the phone, and his mother was unable to convince him that there was any value in going further with the experiments. She had enough foresight to realize that in the small town in which he lived any publicity that might come to him on the subject of metal-bending would be to his detriment, since the people of his small town would react in a most predictable way.


Nevertheless, the link is there quite plainly. John Taylor, professor of mathematics at Kings College, London, offered his book, Superminds, to make his careful experimentations on metal-bending available to the world. Taylor used only children, about fifty of them, and for a great portion of his experiment he used metal and plastic objects sealed in glass cylinders which had been closed by a glass blower, so that the children could not actually touch the objects without breaking the glass.

不過,這其中的連結是相當明顯的。約翰.泰勒 John Taylor ),倫敦國王學院的數學教授,在他的超級心智 Superminds )一書中提到他謹慎完成的彎曲金屬實驗,並公諸於世。泰勒只使用小孩為實驗對象,大約有 50 位。實驗的主要方式是將金屬與塑膠物體放在玻璃圓筒中,並用吹玻璃器將開口密封。

Under this controlled circumstance the children were still able to bend and break multitudinous objects. As you read The Ra Material you will begin to discover why it is mostly children that are able to do these things, and what the ability to do this has to do with the rest of the UFO message.

在這種控制變因的環境下,小孩仍然能夠彎曲並打斷許許多多的物體。當你閱讀 Ra 資料 時,你將發現為什麼小孩子能做這些事,以及這些能力與飛碟( UFO )訊息的關聯。

Since I am not a scientist, at this point I will turn the narrative back to Don, whose background is more suited to this discussion.

因為我不是科學家,此刻,我把麥克風交還給 Don ,他的背景更適合這類的討論。  


A persistent question when considering psychic demonstrations is: how does the paranormal event happen The answer may well lie in the area of occult theory, which is concerned with the existence of various “planes.”


After death an individual finds himself at one of these levels of existence spoken of in connection with occult philosophy, the level of being dependent on the spiritual nature or development of the person at the time of his death. The cliché that covers this theory is a heavenly “birds of a feather flock together.” When a ghost materializes into our reality, it is from one of these levels that he usually comes for his Earthly visit. In general, it is theorized that a planet is a sort of spiritual distillery, with reincarnation taking place into the physical world until the individual is sufficiently developed in the spiritual sense that he can reach the higher planes of existence, and is no longer in need of this planet’s developmental lessons.

神秘學認為一個人死後將發現自己處於存在平面的其中之一,至於在哪個層次則端看這個人在死亡之際的靈性發展程度 。有個老成語可以說明這個理論 —— " 物以類聚 " birds of a feather flock together )。當一個幽魂顯化在我們實相中,它是從其他的存在平面來到地球

Most of this theory was developed as a result of reported contact and communication with the inhabitants of these supposedly separate realities. I have come to believe that these levels interpenetrate with our physical space and mutually coexist, though with very little awareness of each other. A simple analogy, to which I’ve referred before, is to consider the actors in two different TV shows, both receivable on the same set, but each show being exclusive of the other. This seems to be what we experience in our daily lives: one channel or density of existence, being totally unaware of the myriad entities occupying other frequencies of our physical space. The point of all this is that our reality is not ultimate or singular it is, in fact, our reality only at the present.

Many of the UFO reports display ample evidence that the object sighted has its origin in one of these other realities or densities, just as do the materialized ghosts. I would like to emphasize that this does not in any way imply their unreality rather, it displaces the UFOs’ reality from ours. I’m saying the equivalent of: Channel 4 on the TV is equivalent to but displaced from Channel 3 on the same TV.

這個理論的發展大部分是源自於與這些可能來自不同實相的居民的通訊結果。我開始相信 這些存在平面與我們的物理空間是並存,且可以互相穿透,雖然各個實體幾乎覺察不到其他平面。一個簡單的類比就是考慮同樣的演員,出現在兩個不同的電視節目,這兩個節目都可以在同一台電視接收到,但彼此互斥。這好比是我們的日常生活:我們活在一個頻道或存在密度中,卻完全不知還有其他無數的頻道。綜合以上,要點是我們的實相並不是終極或單一的。我們的實相只存在於當下。
許多 UFO 報導顯示不明物體的源頭來自另一個實相或密度,就跟那些顯化的鬼魂一樣。我要強調,這並不表示他們的不真實。這些 UFO 只是從他們的實相切換到我們的實相。這就好比我們把電視上的第 4 頻道轉到第 3 頻道一般,但都在同一台電視上。

If you were told to build a scale model of any atom using something the size of a pea for the nucleus, it would be necessary to have an area the size of a football stadium to contain even the innermost orbital electrons. If the pea were placed at the center of the fifty-yard line, a small cotton ball on the uppermost seat in the stands could represent an electron of the atom. There is very little actual matter in physical matter. When you look at the stars in the night sky, you would probably see something quite similar to what you would see if you could stand on the nucleus of any atom of “solid” material and look outward toward our environment. To demonstrate an electron to you, a physicist will probably show you a curved trace of one on a photographic plate. What he probably does not tell you is that this is secondhand evidence. The electron itself has never been seen only its effect on a dense medium can be recorded. It is possible, of course, to make accurate mathematical calculations about what we call an electron. For such work we must know some data on magnetic field strength, electron charge, and velocity. But since a magnetic field is caused by moving charges, which in turn are empirically observed phenomena, we find that the entire mathematical camouflage obscures the fact that all we really know is that charged particles have effects on each other. We still don’t know what charged particles are, or why they create an action-at-a-distance effect.

如果你奉命建造一個等比例原子模型,用一顆豌豆代表原子核,那麼需要一個橄欖球體育場的大小才能包含最內圈的軌道電子。如果這顆豌豆被放在五十碼線的中心,體育場中最上排的座位的一個小棉花球則可以代表一個電子。物理物質實際包含的物質是非常少的。當你仰望夜空的星星,你所看見的景象很可能與你站在任何 " 固體 " 材質的原子核上看到的很類似。(假設一個人可以任意縮小)為了展示一個電子給你看,一個物理學家很可能會給你看一個攝影金屬版上的弧線軌跡。但他八成不會告訴你那只是二手證據。電子本身從未被看到;只有它在一個密集的媒介上產生的效應可以被記錄。當然,有可能準確地計算我們所謂的電子,為了這類工作 我們必須知道磁場的力量,電子的電荷,以及速度。但由於磁場的來源是移動的電荷,而電荷又是憑經驗觀察的現象,我們發現這整個數學的偽裝模糊了一個事實,即我們真正知道的只有帶電粒子( charged particles )互相之間的效應;我們仍然不知道帶電粒子是什麼東西,或為什麼它們可以產生遠距作用的效應?

Senior scientists would be the first to agree that there is no such thing as an absolute scientific explanation of anything. Science is, rather, a method or tool of prediction, relating one or more observations to each other. In physics, this is usually done through the language of mathematics. Our scientific learning is a learning by observation and analysis of this observation. In the sense of penetrating the fundamental essences of things, we really do not understand anything at all.


A magnetic field is nothing but a mathematical method of expressing the relative motion between electrical fields. Electrical fields are complex mathematical interpretations of a totally empirical observation stated as Coulomb’s Law. In other words, our forest of scientific knowledge and explanations is made up of trees about which we understand nothing except their effect, their existence.

磁場什麼也不是,只是一種數學方式表達電氣場之間的相對運動。電氣場則是完全依照庫崙定律 Coulomb’s Law )陳述的經驗性觀察衍生出的複雜數學詮釋。換句話說,我們的科學知識森林是由一群我們不理解的樹木所構成,我們只知道它們的存在以及相互的效應

To a person unfamiliar with the inner workings of modern science, it may seem that modern man has his environment nicely under control and totally figured out. Nothing could be further from the truth. The leaders of science who are researching the frontiers of modern theory argue among themselves continually. As soon as a theory begins to receive wide acceptance as being a valid representation of physical laws, someone finds a discrepancy, and the theory has to be either modified or abandoned entirely. Perhaps the most well-known example of this is Newton’s “F=MA.” This attained the status of a physical law before being found to be in error. It is not that this equation has not proven extremely useful: we have used it to design everything from a moon rocket to the television picture tube but its accuracy fails when applied to atomic particle accelerators like the cyclotron. To make accurate predictions of particle trajectories it is necessary to make the relativistic correction formulated by Einstein. It is interesting to note that this correction is based on the fact that the speed of light is totally independent of the speed of its source.

對於一個不熟悉現代科學內在運作的人而言,似乎現代人已經良好地控制其環境並且完全理解它。沒有什麼比這想法更遠離真理了。走在現代理論尖端的科學家領袖們持續地彼此爭論著,當一個理論受到廣泛的接受,成為物理定律的一個可信服的代表;只要有一個人發現其中不一致之處,這個理論就必須被修改或完全地遺棄。或許最為人所知的例子是牛頓 "F=MA" 方程式。在它被發現錯誤之前,它已經獲得物理定律的地位。並不是說這個方程式沒有用處,恰好相反,我們已經使用它來設計所有東西,從登月火箭到電視映像管;但應用在原子粒子加速器,如迴旋加速儀( cyclotron ),它的準確性就失效了。要準確地預測粒子的軌道,需要愛因斯坦的相對論公式來校正。有趣的附註是這個校正奠基在一個事實,即光速與其源頭的速度完全獨立。

If Newton had penetrated more deeply into the laws of motion he might have made this relativistic correction himself, and then stated that the velocity correction would always be of no consequence, since the velocity of light was so much greater than any speed attainable by man. This was very true in Newton’s day, but is definitely not the case now. We still tend to think of the velocity of light as a fantastic and unattainable speed, but with the advent of space flight, a new order of velocities has arrived. We have to change our thinking from our normal terrestrial concepts of velocities. Instead of thinking of the speed of light in terms of miles per second, think of it in terms of Earth diameters per second. The almost unimaginable 186,000 miles per second becomes an entirely thinkable twenty-three Earth diameters per second or, we could think of the speed of light in terms of our solar systems’ diameter and say that light would speed at about two diameters per day.

如果牛頓過去曾更深入地穿透運動法則,他或許會自己做出相對性的校正,然後聲明這個速度校正無足輕重,因為光速遠遠超過任何人類當時所能到達的速度。這點在牛頓的時代是非常真實的,但現在明顯不是如此。我們心裡仍然傾向認為光速是難以致信,無法企及的速度,但隨著太空飛行的到來,一個新的速度位階到來了。我們必須將我們將速度侷限於陸地上的概念改變,與其將光速以 / 秒速 衡量,不如以 地球直徑 / 秒速 衡量。幾乎不可想像的 每秒 18 6 千英哩 變成完全可以想像的 每秒 23 個地球直徑 ,或者以我們太陽系的直徑來看,我們可以說光速是一天通過兩個太陽系直徑

Einstein’s assertion that everything is relative is so apt that it has become a cliché of our culture. Let us continue being relativistic in considering the size of natural phenomena by considering the size of our galaxy. If you look up at the sky on a clear night, nearly all of the visible stars are in our own galaxy. Each of these stars is a sun like our own. A calculation of the ratio of the number of suns in our galaxy to the number of people on planet Earth discovers that there are sixty suns for each living person on Earth today. It takes light over four years to get from Earth to even the nearest of these stars. To reach the most distant star in our own galaxy would take 100,000 light years.

愛因斯坦主張一切事物都是相對的,這個主張是如此好用以致於成為我們文化的一個陳腔濫調。讓我們繼續以相對的方式考量銀河系的大小,如果仰望明朗的夜空,幾乎所有可見的星星都在我們自己的銀河系內。每一個恆星就好比我們自己的太陽,如果你計算我們銀行系的太陽與地球上人類的比例,結果是每一個活著的地球人可分得 60 個太陽。光需要花 4 年的時間才能從地球到達最近的其他恆星。要抵達我們銀河系中(離我們)最遙遠的恆星,需要花 10 萬個光年 *

* 譯註:基於好奇,以下是小弟對於銀河系直徑的大略估 算 —— 假 1 year = 365 days 100,000 x 365 day x 24 hr x 60 min x 60 sec * 23 dia. =72,532,800,000,000 = 7,532,800 x 百萬個地球直徑 !!)

These calculations are made using the assumption that light has a speed. This may be an erroneous assumption in the face of new theory, but its apparent speed is a useful measuring tool, so we use it anyway.

這些計算奠基於一個假設 —— 光具有一個速度。面臨新的理論,或許這會是一個錯誤 的假設,但它明顯的速度是個有用的衡量工具,所以我們還是使用它。

So we have a creation in which we find ourselves which is so big that at a speed of twenty-three Earth diameters a second we must travel 100,000 years to cross our immediate backyard. That is a big backyard, and it would seem ample for even the most ambitious of celestial architects, but in truth this entire galaxy of over 200 billion stars is just one grain of sand on a very big beach. There are uncounted trillions of galaxies like ours, each with its own billions of stars, spread throughout what seems to be infinite space.

所以我們有個如此巨大的造物,即使光速每秒能到達 23 倍的地球直徑距離,我們想要穿過我們的(銀河)後院還得旅行 10 萬光年。這樣巨大的後院即使對於最有野心的天體( celestial )建築師而言似乎是十分充裕了,但事實上,這個擁有 2 千億個星系( star systems )的銀河系只是一個非常龐大沙灘其中的一粒沙子而已。還有數以兆計無窮多個(其他)銀河系,每一個都擁有數十億的星系,延伸到似乎是無限的空間。

When you think of the mind-boggling expanse of our creation and the infantile state of our knowledge in relation to it, you begin to see the necessity for considering the strong probability that our present scientific approach to investigating these expanses is as primitive as the dugout canoe.


The most perplexing problem of science has always been finding a satisfactory explanation of what is called action at a distance. In other words, everyone knows that if you drop something it will fall, but no one knows precisely why. Many people know that electric charges push or pull on each other even if separated in a vacuum, but again no one knows why. Although the phenomena are quite different, the equations which describe the force of interaction are quite similar:

For gravitation: F=Gmm'r2

For electrostatic interaction: F=Kqq'r2

科學中最令人困惑的問題是找到一個良好的解釋說明遠距離作用。換句話說,每個人都知道如果你把某個東西放掉,它會掉下去,但沒有人真的知道為什麼。許多人知道電荷即使在真空中也會互相產生吸引或排斥力,但再一次 沒有人知道為什麼。雖然這兩種現象相當不同,描述交互作用力的方程式卻相當相似:

重力方程式: F = Gmm' / r2

靜電交互作用: F = Kqq' / r2

The attractive force between our planet and our sun is described by the gravitational equation. The attractive force between orbiting electrons and the atomic nucleus is described by the electrostatic interaction equation. Now each of these equations was determined experimentally. They are not apparently related in any way, and yet they both describe a situation in which attractive force falls off with the square of the distance of separation.


A mathematical representation of an action at a distance effect is called a field, such as a gravitational or electric field. It was Albert Einstein’s foremost hope to find a single relation which would express the effect of both electric and gravitational phenomena in fact, a theory which would unify the whole of physics, a unified field theory.  Einstein believed that this was a creation of total order and that all physical phenomena were evolved from a single source.

以數學表示遠距離作用的效應被稱為一個場域,如一個重力場或電力場。愛因斯坦( Albert Einstein )生前最大的願望是找到一個單一的關係能夠同時表達電氣與重力的現象;更正確地說,一個統合所有物理學的理論,一個統一場理論。愛因斯坦相信造物有個完全的秩序,所有的物理現象都是從單一的源頭展開的。

This unified field theory, describing matter as pure field, has been accomplished now. It seems that the entire situation was analogous to the solution of a ponderously complex Chinese puzzle. If you can find that the right key turns among so many wrong ones, the puzzle easily falls apart. Dewey B. Larson found the solution to this problem, and the puzzle not only fell apart, but revealed an elegantly adequate unified field theory rich in practical results and, like a good Chinese puzzle, the solution was not complex, just unexpected. Instead of assuming five dimensions, Larson assumed six, and properly labeled them as the three dimensions of space and the three dimensions of time. He assumed that there is a three-dimensional coordinate time analogous to our observed three-dimensional space.

這個統一場理論,描述物質為純粹的場域,現在已經實現了。看起來整個狀況好比是一個沉悶複雜的九連環( Chinese puzzle ),如果你能找到一把正確的鑰匙,轉開一個環節,所有其他環節就紛紛散開了。杜威. 拉森 Dewey B.Larson )找到這個問題的解答,不只解開了謎題,還揭露一個優雅適當的統一場理論,富含許多實用的結果;正如一個設計良好的九連環,解答並不複雜,只是在預期之外。拉森假設有六個維度,而非四個,並且適當地標明它們為三個空間維度 以及三個時間維度。他假設有個三維座標的時間,類比於我們觀察到的三維空間。

The result of this approach is that one can now calculate from the basic postulate of Larson’s theory any physical value within our physical universe, from sub-atomic to stellar. This long-sought-after unified field theory is different because we are accustomed to thinking of time as onedimensional, as a stream moving in one direction. Yet once you get the hang of it, coordinate time is mathematically a more comfortable concept with which to deal. Professor Frank Meyer of the Department of Physics at the University of Wisconsin presently distributes a quarterly newsletter to scientists interested in Larson’s new theory which explores perplexing questions in physical theory using Larson’s approach. I was interested in testing Larson’s theory and made extensive calculations using his postulate. I became convinced that his theory is indeed a workable unified field theory.

這個研究方法的結果是一個人可以從拉森理論的基本假設,計算我們物理宇宙中任何實質物體,從次原子到星系。這個長期以來被尋求的統一場理論跟我們慣常思考的模式不同,因為我們習慣把時間想成一個維度,如同一條溪流往一個方向移動。然而,一但你掌握它的竅門,三度座標的時間在數學上是個更舒適的概念。威斯康辛州大學物理系教授法蘭克. 梅爾 Frank Meyer )目前正發行一個季刊,對象是有興趣了解拉森新理論並應用在難解問題上的科學家們。我有興趣測試拉森的理論 並使用他的公設做廣泛的計算,我開始信服他的理論確實是一個可運作的統一場理論。

I had been pondering several interesting statements communicated through contactees by the alleged UFO source prior to discovering Larson’s work in the early sixties. Although the people who had received these communications knew nothing of the problems of modern physics, they were getting information which apparently was quite central to physical theory: first, they suggested that the problem with our science was that it did not recognize enough dimensions. Second, they stated that light does not move light is. Larson’s theory posits six dimensions instead of the customary four, and finds the pure field, which Einstein believed would represent matter, to move outward from all points in space at unit velocity, or the velocity of light. Photons are created due to a vibratory displacement in space-time, the fabric of the field. Furthermore, the contactees were saying that consciousness creates vibration, this vibration being light. The vibratory displacements of space-time in Larson’s theory are the first physical manifestation, which is the photon or light. According to the UFO contactees, the UFOs lower their vibrations in order to enter our skies. The entire physical universe postulated by Larson is dependent on the rate of vibration and quantized rotations of the pure field of space-time.

在發現拉森的著作之前, 60 年代早期,我曾經仔細思量幾個有趣的聲明,據稱是來自 UFO 的訊息。雖然接收到這些通訊的人們完全不懂現代物理學,他們獲得的資訊卻明顯地是物理理論的核心。首先,它們提示我們科學的問題是沒有辨認出足夠的維度(數目)。其次,他們聲明光並不移動;光存在( light is )。拉森的理論假定六個維度,而非慣例的四個;並且找到純粹的場,愛因斯坦相信可以代表物質的東西,這個場域以單元速度或光速,從空間的所有點向外移動。由於空間 - 時間,場域的構造,的振動置換( displacement )創造了光子( photon )。再者, UFO 接觸者說意識創造振動,該振動即是光。在拉森的理論,空間 - 時間的振動置換是第一個物理顯化,也就是光子或光。根據 UFO 接觸者的說法, UFO 降低它們的振動好進入我們的天空;拉森假設整個物理宇宙都仰賴振動的速率,以及空間 - 時間中純粹場域的量子化旋轉。

The contactees were suggesting that time was not what we think it is. Larson suggests the same thing. The UFOs were said to move in time as we move in space. This would be entirely normal in Larson’s time-space portion of the universe.

UFO 接觸者提示時間並不是我們所想的那樣,拉森建議同樣的事情。 UFO 據說可以在時間中移動,如同我們在空間中移動。在拉森宇宙學的時間 - 空間部分,這是完全正常的事情。

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, the contactees were receiving the message that the creation is simple, all one thing. Larson’s theory is a mathematical statement of this unity. For more information about Larsonian physics, contact the International Society of Unified Science, a group of scientists and philosophers currently promoting Larson’s theory. Their address is: International Society of Unified Science, Frank H. Meyer, President, 1103 15th Ave., S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55414.

最後,或許是最重要的, UFO 接觸者接收到一個訊息:造物是簡單的,全部都是同一個東西。拉森理論以數學方式闡明這個合一性。如果你想獲得更多關於拉森物理學的資訊,請聯絡統一場科學協會,一群科學家與哲學家正在推廣拉森的理論。地址是: International Society of Unified Science, Frank H. Meyer, President, 1103 15th Ave., S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55414.

What physicists have never before considered worth investigating is now increasing at a very rapid rate. Action at a distance, apparently as a result of some type of mental activity, seems repeatedly the observed effect. When Uri Geller performs on TV, mentally bending metal and fixing clocks, there are often many kids who try to duplicate Uri’s “tricks.” Sometimes the kids succeed. The number of children that can cause bends and breaks in metal and other materials just by wanting the break or bend to occur is increasing daily. As previously mentioned, John Taylor, professor of mathematics at Kings College, reports in his excellent book, Superminds, on the extensive tests run in England on several of these gifted children. If the Gellerizing children continue to increase in numbers and ability, the 1980s will see such fantasies of TV as “My Favorite Martian,” “I Dream of Jeannie,” and “Bewitched” becoming a part of reality.

物理學家從未認為值得調查的現象目前以飛快的速率增加中。遠距離作用,明顯是某種心智活動的結果,似乎重複著同樣的觀察結果。當尤里. 蓋勒 在電視上表演以心智彎曲金屬與修理時鐘,有許多孩子也嘗試複製尤里 把戲 。能夠(隔空)彎曲與切斷金屬的小孩每天都在增加。如前所述,約翰. 泰勒 John Taylor ),國王學院的數學教授,在英國針對有天賦的孩子們進行廣泛的測試,結果紀錄在他的超級心智 Superminds )一書中。如果這些蓋勒化小孩持續增加,到 1980 年代,我們將看見奇幻電視影集[如 “My Favorite Martian ” “I Dream of Jeannie “Bewitched” ]變成現實生活的一部分。

With controlled, repeatable experiments like those conducted by Taylor and by the Stanford Research Institute in the United States, we begin to have good solid data available for study. Gradually we are moving into a position from which we can begin to create a science of “magic,” for that which has been called magic through the ages is now being performed at an everincreasing rate, primarily by children. In the future, we may even find this “magic” added to the curriculum of the sciences at universities. In point of fact, the present disciplines of chemistry, physics, etc., are still basically “magic” to us, since we are still in the position of having no ultimate explanation of causality.

透過泰勒以及美國史丹佛研究學院進行的可重複實驗,我們開始有一些良好扎實的研究資料。我們逐漸地開始創造一門 魔法 的科學,以前它被稱為魔法,現在卻越來越普遍, 主要顯現在孩子身上,在未來,我們或許會看到這種“魔法”被列入大學科學殿堂的教導。事實上,目前的化學,物理學科等。,基本上 對我們來說都算是“魔法”,因為我們對於 因果律( causality )仍然沒有終極的解釋。  





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