Photographs 照片說明
From The Ra Material, Session No. 88, May 29, 1982:
[摘自 Ra 資料,第 88 場集會,時間是 1982 年 5 月 29 日]
Firstly, if pictures be taken of a working the visual image must needs be that which is; that is, it is well for you to photograph only an actual working and no sham nor substitution of any material. There shall be no distortions which this group can avoid any more than we would wish distortions in our words.
Secondly, it is inadvisable to photograph the instrument or any portion of the working room while the instrument is in trance. This is a narrow band contact, and we wish to keep electrical and electromagnetic energies constant when their presence is necessary and not present at all otherwise.
Thirdly, once the instrument is aware of the picture-taking, whether before or after the working, the instrument shall be required to continuously respond to speech thus assuring that no trance is imminent.
We ask that any photographs tell the truth, that they be dated and shine with a clarity so that there is no shadow of any but genuine expression which may be offered to those who seek truth.
We come as humble messengers of the Law of One, desiring to decrease distortions. We ask that you, who have been our friends, work with any considerations such as above discussed, not with the thought of quickly removing an unimportant detail, but, as in all ways, regard such as another opportunity to, as the adept must, be yourselves and offer that which is in and with you without pretense of any kind.
RA, Session No. 2, January 20,1981: “Place at the entity’s head a virgin chalice of water. Place to the center the book most closely aligned with the instrument’s mental distortions, which are allied most closely with the Law of One—that being the Bible that she touches most frequently. To the other side of the Bible, place a small amount of cense, or incense, in a virgin censer. To the rear of the book symbolizing One, opened to the Gospel of John, Chapter One, place a white candle.”
(Photo taken June 9, 1982.)
[RA 第二場集會,1981年1月20日]
RA, Session No. 69, August 29, 1981: “At this particular working there is some slight interference with the contact due to the hair of the instrument.
We may suggest the combing of this antenna-like material into a more orderly configuration prior to the working.”
(Photo taken June 9, 1982.)
[RA 第69場集會,1981年8月29日]
“We hook up three tape recorder microphones just below her chin so that we don’t miss any of the session if tape recorder one or two malfunctions, which has happened.” From the Introduction to The Ra Material.
(Photo taken June 9, 1982.)
[RA 資料之序文]
"我們接上 3 個錄音麥克風,置放在她的下顎正下方,預防有任何一支或兩支麥克風在集會過程中損壞,讓我們錯失一場集會。"
RA, Session No. 2, January 20, 1981: “The proper alignment is with the head pointed 20 degrees north-by-northeast. This is the direction from which the newer or New Age distortions of love/light, which are less distorted, are emanating, and this instrument will find comfort therein.”
(Photo taken June 9, 1982.)
[RA 第二場集會,1981年1月20日]
"此時器皿應該在出神狀態,適當的對準角度是頭指向 20 度北北東,這是新時代愛/光的變貌的方向,扭曲程度較少,器皿將在其中找到舒適感。"
RA, Session No. 2, January 20, 1981: “The instrument would be strengthened by the wearing of a white robe. The instrument shall be covered and prone, the eyes covered.”
(Photo taken June 9, 1982.)
[RA 第二場集會,1981年1月20日]
From the Introduction to The Ra Material: “Each of us contributes ideas, but the great bulk of the line of questioning is accomplished by Don, who is the questioner, since he has years of experience in investigating the UFO contactee phenomenon necessary to develop the intellectual foundation which is required in any attempt to fit the diverse pieces of this puzzle together.”
(Photo taken June 9, 1982.)
[RA 資料之序文]
From the Introduction to The Ra Material: “We average about one session every week or ten days now, which allows us to prepare for each session with the greater degree of care that seems to be required as sessions accumulate. A great deal of thought goes into the questions which Don asks during each session.”
(Photo taken June 9, 1982.)
[RA 資料之序文]
"我們平均一周一次,現在是每 10 天 1 次集會,讓我們得以在每次集會前有更充分的時間照顧她。隨著集會次數的累積,這點似乎成了一種必須。每一次集會由 Don 發問,將大量的思維轉變為問題。"
and incense, he and I walk the Circle of One around Carla and repeat the words which begin each contact. At some point after that Carla departs her physical body and Ra then uses it to make the words which form the responses to Don’s questions. I meditate and send light to Carla for the duration of the session, only taking time out to flip the tapes over as they finish each side.”
In this picture Carla is not channeling Ra but is singing “Amazing Grace” as per Ra’s instructions for the instrument to be constantly speaking if her eyes are covered during the picture-taking session.
(Photo taken June 9, 1982.)
[RA 資料之序文]
"Don 點燃蠟燭與馨香之後,他和我圍繞著 Carla 走太一圓圈,重複一些禱辭之後,展開每一次的接觸。經過一些時間,Carla 離開她的肉身,Ra 用她的身體來回答 Don 的問題,集會進行的過程中,除了要翻帶子的片刻之外我持續地默禱將光送給 Carla。"
在這張照片中,Carla 並未通靈 Ra 的訊息,只是在唱著奇異恩典(Amazing Grace)這首歌,因為 Ra 指示在照相過程中,如果她的眼睛被覆蓋,器皿要持續不停地說話。
This picture was taken immediately after Carla responded to her name and the eye-covering was removed from her face, somewhat mussing her hair.
(Photo taken June 9, 1982.)
這張照片拍攝的時機是當 Carla 回應她的名字,眼罩的布料從她的臉龐移開的瞬間;由於這個動作她的頭髮有些雜亂。
From the Introduction to The Ra Material: “When the session is over, Don waits a few moments for Carla to return to her usually quite stiff body; he calls her name a few times until she responds, helps her to sit up, rubs her neck a bit, and gives her the chalice full of water to drink after he and I have filled it as full of our love vibrations as we can.”
(Photo taken June 9, 1982.)
[RA 資料之序文]
"當集會完畢之後,Don 等待片刻,讓 Carla 回到她通常已僵硬的身體,呼叫她的名字數次直到她有回應,幫助她站起來,稍微摩擦她的頸子,Don 與我心裡觀想著,盡可能將所有的愛的振動充滿聖杯。"
Jim is transcribing Session No. 89 on the afternoon of June 9, 1982, while Chocolate Bar, one of our four cats, observes.
(Photo taken June 9, 1982.)
Jim 正在謄寫第 89 場集會,那是 1982 年 6 月 9 日的午後,巧克力棒,我們養的四隻貓其中之一,正在觀察我們。
The exterior of the Ra room: the door and corner windows are part of the outside of the room in which the Ra sessions have taken place since January 1981.
(Photo taken June 9, 1982.)
Ra(通訊)房間的外圍:照片中的門與角落的窗戶是 Ra 集會[從 1981 年一月開始]進行的房間的外緣。
Carla holding our longtime friend, thirteen-year-old Gandalf.
(Photo taken June 26, 1982.)
Carla抱著我們多年的老友,13 歲大的甘道夫(Gandalf)
Don, in the office, talking to picture-taker, Jim, and attracting a feline audience as well. (Photo taken June 26, 1982.)
Don,在辦公室內,跟攝影者 Jim 談話,同時也吸引了一些貓科的聽眾。
Jim and Carla prepare for the meditation that always precedes a Ra session.
(Photo taken June 26, 1982.)
每次 Ra 集會之前,Jim 與 Carla 必定會準備冥想。
(Photo taken after Ra session No. 92, July 8, 1982)
Carla,拍攝於 Ra 第 92 場集會結束之後。
On January 15, 1981, our research group began receiving a communication from the social memory complex, Ra. From this communication precipitated the Law of One and some of the distortions of the Law of One.
1981 年 1 月 15 日,我們的研究團體1開始接收到一個社會記憶複合體2 Ra 的訊息。從這些訊息沈澱出《一的法則》以及一些相關的變貌3。
The pages of this book contain an exact transcript, edited only to remove some personal material, of the communications received in the first twentysix sessions with Ra.
這本書記載當時精確的完整對話僅刪除一些個人隱私的資料,包含與 Ra 通訊的 26 場集會。
1 關於該研究團體背景,請參考
2 原文為 social memory complex,大體的意思是一個享有共同記憶的社會群體。在本書後面章節會有更詳細的解釋。
3 distortion,這個辭常常被 Ra 引用,根據原作者Jim的回覆宇宙萬物都是太一(One)的延伸所以多少都會有某種程度的扭曲,精確地說,只有太一(One)為不被扭曲的終極實相。在這裡,distortion不必然表示負面的意思,為了避免讀者誤會,譯者主觀地對照前後文,凡是比較中立的語句,一律翻譯成變貌。根據 Lanroefei 佛學前輩表示,distortion 可被精確地翻譯為一個字:"妄"。提供您做為參考。)