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The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 3
Session 8, January 26, 1981

第八場集會, 1981 1 26

Jim: Early in the Ra contact we received answers to our questions which fell into a controversial portion of our third-density illusion. Almost everyone, at some point within the study of the paranormal, spends some time being fascinated by the so-called “conspiracy theories” which have generally to do with the supposedly unseen groups and individuals who are said to be the real powers behind governments and their activities in the world today. Such theories usually hold that the news reports that we hear and read concerning politics, economics, the military, and so forth are but the tip of a very large iceberg that has mainly to do with various schemes for world domination and which function through the secret activities of this small, elite group of human beings and their alien allies.

Jim 評論 在與 Ra 接觸的早期,我們有接受到一些答案 落入第三密度幻象中比較具爭議的部份 幾乎每一個人在研讀超自然現象的時候 或多或少會花一些時間在研究所謂的 陰謀理論 那這個理論通常是跟所謂的看不見的團體或個體有關 那這些所謂無形的 幕後的黑手 他們是在政府後面真正的力量或者說權力 他們掌控這世界的各項活動 這樣的陰謀理論通常會涉及到一些新聞報導或者政治、經濟、軍事等等的議題 然後會講得天花亂墜 好像只是一個很大的冰山頂端的一小角 底下還有那些背後的黑手用各式各樣的計謀要達到征服世界、主宰世界的目的 通常的形式是透過一個小規模的精英團體開始執行一些秘密的行動 他們可能是一小撮人類也可能是外星同盟

The following information falls into this category and resulted from a follow-up question Don asked about UFOs and their sources. You will note Don’s incredulous attitude throughout this portion of his questioning. It was our decision to remove this information from Book One of The Law Of One because we felt it to be entirely unimportant and of a transient nature since knowing it adds nothing to one’s ability or desire to seek the truth and the nature of the evolutionary process, whether the information is true or not. In fact, knowing and continuing to seek this kind of information can become a major stumbling block to one’s spiritual journey because it removes one’s attention from the eternal truths which may serve anyone’s journey—at any time—and places it upon that which is only of fleeting interest and of little use spiritually. Concentrating on conspiracy theories and their participants tends to reinforce the illusion of separation and ignores the love that binds all things as One Being. If we had continued to pursue this particular line of questioning, or any other line of questioning of a transient nature, we would soon have lost the contact with those of Ra because, as Ra mentioned in the very first session, Ra communicated with us through a “narrow band” of vibration or wave length.

以下的資訊就是落入這樣的一個範疇 那就是在其中一個問題 Elkins 問到關於 UFO 跟他們的來源 你可以注意到在他發問的整個過程 Don 難以置信的態度 我們後來決定把這方面的資訊從一的法則卷一中整個去掉 因為一方面我們覺得這是短暫的資訊 是不重要的 它並 無益於一個人渴望尋求真理的渴望 不會增進一個人尋求的能力 對於進化過程也沒有什麼幫助 不管這個短暫的資訊是真或假 事實上如果知道並且持續尋求這方面短暫的資訊 很可能會造成一個人靈性旅程的一個重大絆腳石 因為它會使一個人的注意力離開永恆的真理 然後他會轉而注意那一些稍縱即逝的興趣 那些對於靈性沒有什麼用處的知識 專注在陰謀理論和所謂共謀的份子只會增加分離的幻象並且忽視了有一股愛將一切萬有都繫結在一起 成為一個太一存有 如果我們繼續追尋這個特別的詢問路踐 或者其他短暫特質的一些資訊 我們就會很快失去和 Ra 的通訊 因為 Ra 早在第一場集會中就提到 它和我們的通訊是透過窄波通訊

Through various clues that Ra gave us when Don asked about the alignments at the end of each session, we were able to determine that this “narrow band” meant that only information of the purest and most precise nature concerning the process of the evolution of mind, body, and spirit could be successfully transmitted on a sustainable basis through our instrument. To ask Ra questions of a transient nature would be like trying to run a finely-tuned engine on crude petroleum.

透過各式各樣的線索 Ra 衪在每一場集會結束會暗示 Don 這次集會的問題有沒有偏離 主軸 所以我們最後終於了解所謂的 窄頻 意指 我們問的問題必須有最純粹跟最精準的特 詢問關於心智、身體跟靈性的進化 如此,我們的器皿才能在一個穩定可維持的基礎上 持續傳送訊息
詢問 Ra 關於一些短暫資訊的問題 就如同你用一桶粗製濫造的生油加入一個精細調頻的高級汽油引擎中

Many groups become fascinated with transient information of a specific, mundane nature and have their information polluted by negative entities who gradually replace the positive entities that began their contact. Pursuing information of this kind is like moving the dial on your radio so that you end up with another station altogether from the one with which you began. This change in desire for the kind of information that the group seeks from its contact is the signal to that contact that what it has to offer is no longer desired, and the Law of Free Will requires that only hints of this de-tuning process be given to the group so that all choices that the group makes are totally a product of its free will. When a group continues to seek the transient information, the positive contact gives hints here and there that such information is not of importance, but when the group persists in seeking this kind of information, the positive contact, in order to observe the free will of the group, must slowly withdraw and is then eventually replaced by a negative contact which is only too happy to give this kind of information, but with less desire for accuracy and with maximal desire to remove the group from the ranks of those who serve others. When the group has been discredited by false information—such as dates of future disasters which are publicized by the group and then do not occur—then the negative entities have been successful in removing the power of the group’s light and have gathered it for themselves.

有許多團體對於所謂的短暫特定、世俗的資訊感到很著迷 但是卻不知道他們的資訊已經逐漸被負面的實體所污染 然後負面實體將逐漸取代起初的正面實體 追尋這類的資訊就好像是你在聽收音機的時候 用一個旋鈕把它轉到另一個頻道 於是聽到一個完全不同的電台 為什麼會造成這樣的改變呢 就是因為在這個團體中 大多數人都想追求短暫的資訊所造成的 因為自由意志法則 正面的訊息來源只會稍微的提醒那團體訊息走調了 好讓每一個通靈團體傳遞給我們的訊息其實都完全是這個團體總體的自由意志的產物
所以當任何一個通靈團體持續尋求短暫的資訊 那正面的通訊來源就會給予一些暗示說這樣的資訊是不重要的 那如果說這個團體還是堅持尋求這樣的資訊 那正面的來源觀察到這個團體的自由意志有所改變 它就會慢慢的退出 最後一個負面的通訊來源將會非常高興地跳進來給予各種資訊 但是這樣一個負面的來源比較沒有渴望給予準確的資訊 它最大的渴望就是能夠把這個團體從服務他人的行列中去除掉 所以一個團體要怎麼辨別比較虛假的資訊呢 比方說給予未來災難的特定日期 然後還鼓勵這個團體公開發表 到最後這個日期通常不會準 這個團體的名聲就會被打擊 這樣的話 負面實體就成功遂行其目的 就是把這團體光的力量去除 並且還把它挪為己用

We still feel that this information is totally unimportant, and the only reason that we include it now is to show how easy it is for a group to get off the track, shall we say, and to lose the focus of desire for that which is important and that with which the group began: the desire to serve others by gathering information which may aid in the evolution of mind, body, and spirit. Ten thousand years from now it will not matter one whit who did what to whom on this tiny speck of whirling dust. All that will matter is that love may be found at any time in every person and particle of the one creation, or any illusion thereof. Hopefully information gained through any effort such as the Ra contact will help some other third-density entities to discover more of that truth and to move one step further on their evolutionary journey to the one Creator.

我們仍然覺得這些資訊完全不重要 我們現在將它收錄的唯一原因是展示一個小組是多麼容易偏離正軌 忘記把渴望的焦點放在真正重要的事情上 失去服務他人的初衷 藉由收集那些協助心、身、靈性進化的資訊
一萬年之後 我們在這粒旋轉的小沙塵 地球 上對誰做過那些事一點也不重要 唯一重要的是 我們認知到在任何時間 任何人 太一造物的任何一個粒子上 我們都可以發現愛 或在任何幻象都發現愛
所以我們懷著希望 即我們努力與 Ra 接觸 從中搜集到的資訊能幫助一些其他的第三密度的實體發現更多的真理 在前往太一造物者的進化旅程中 再往前走一步

Carla: All I can add to this is a plea to all official sources: we do not know anything, we are not in on any conspiracies, and please, please don’t tap our telephones … again! When Don and I joined Andrija Puharich for a mind-link in 1977 , we caught the attention of some agency who played havoc with our telephone system. And how utterly without use to listen in to our converse! Mystics seldom plot! We honestly don’t care about this stuff, and just stumbled into it by accident.

Carla 評論 我唯一想說的是 呼籲所有官方機構 我們什麼都不知道 我們沒有參予任何陰謀 拜託 拜託不要再竊聽我們的電話了 我們真的對這種題材沒興趣 只是意外地撞到而已
Don 跟我加入普哈里契 Puharich 博士的一個實驗 叫做心智連結 mind-link )。 那時我們剛好吸引一些政府機構的注意 他們把我們電話系統破壞得一踏糊塗 但竊聽我們的對話真的對他們一點用也沒有 因為一位隱者幾乎不會去策劃這種陰謀 我們很誠實地說我們不在乎這種題材 真的只是剛好意外碰到這個題材而已

I’d like to point out the way those of Ra seem here somewhat off-balance compared to their usual steady selves. It is subtle, but easy to see—the opening to each answer is normally “I am Ra.” Several times in this fragment, however, that signature is missing. The contact was going slightly out of tune here, I think, due to the information’s transient nature.

我想在此指出你可以發現 Ra 在這裡似乎有一點失去平衡 不同於它尋常的穩定風格 通常它每次回答都會以 我是 Ra” 開頭 但在這裡,它有好幾次漏掉這個開頭 我想是由於資訊的非 - 永恆特性導致通訊有些微的走音


Session 8, January 26, 1981

第八場集會, 1981 1 26

Questioner: There was a portion of the material from yesterday which I will read where you say “there is a certain amount of landing taking place. Some of these landings are of your own people; some are of the group known to you as Orion.” My first question is what did you mean that some of the landings are of your peoples?

問︰ 這裡有昨天的一些材料,我讀一下你講到的 確實有些降落事件發生,有些來自你們的人群,有些來自獵戶集團。

Ra: I am Ra. Your peoples have, at this time/space present, the technological achievement, if you would call it that, of being able to create and fly the shape and type of craft known to you as unidentified flying objects. Unfortunately for the social memory complex vibratory rate of your peoples, these devices are not intended for the service of mankind, but for potential destructive use. This further muddles the vibratory nexus of your social memory complex, causing a situation where neither those oriented towards serving others nor those oriented towards serving self can gain the energy/power which opens the gates to intelligent infinity for the social memory complex. This in turn causes the harvest to be small.

RA 我是 Ra 在這個時間 / 空間的當下,你們族群們有些科技上的 成就 如果你願意這麼稱呼 ,有能力製造和駕駛這種形狀和類型的飛行器,你們稱為不明飛行物 UFO 。這對于你們 人群的 社會記憶複合體振動速率是不幸的,這些裝置不是被用來服務人類的,而是用于潛在的破壞 用途 進一步攪亂你們社會記憶複合體的振動鏈結 導致服務 - 他人 服務 - 自我雙方都不能為該社會記憶複合體獲得開啟通往智能無限大門的能量 / 力量 接著 導致 收割量變小。

Questioner: Are these craft that are from our peoples from what we call planes that are not incarnate at this time? Where are they based?

問︰ 我們族群的這些飛行器是否來自那些沒有肉身的次元平面 他們的基地在那裡?

Ra: I am Ra. These of which we spoke are of third density and are part of the so-called military complex of various of your peoples’ societal divisions or structures.

RA 我是 Ra 我們說到的這些屬於第三密度,它們是你們族群中 各式各樣 的社會 部門 或社會結構的 所謂的 軍事複合體的一部分。

The bases are varied. There are bases, as you would call them, undersea in your southern waters near the Bahamas as well as in your Pacific seas in various places close to your Chilean borders on the water. There are bases upon your moon, as you call this satellite, which are at this time being reworked. There are bases which move about your lands. There are bases, if you would call them that, in your skies. These are the bases of your peoples, very numerous and, as we have said, potentially destructive.

那些你稱為的基地分別位於不同的地方 有的在南方水域中,靠近巴哈馬 Bahamas ), 以及分布在太平洋海域的幾個地方 靠近智利的 Chilean 海上邊界
你們的月球 你們對這個衛星的稱呼 上頭也有基地 現下正在整修。有些基地在你們地面上四處移動。還有的基地 如果你願意這樣稱呼它們 位於你們的天空中。這些是你們族群的基地 為數眾多 如我們先前所說 具有潛在的破壞性

Questioner: Where do the people who operate these craft come from? Are they affiliated with any nation on Earth. What is their source?

問︰ 運轉這些飛行器的人群是從那裡來的?他們是否與地球上的任何國家結盟?他們的來源是什麼?

Ra: These people come from the same place as you or I. They come from the Creator.

As you intend the question, in its shallower aspect, these people are those in your and other selves’ governments responsible for what you would term national security.

RA 這些人,如同你或我,來自同樣的地方。他們來自造物者。
你想問的問題,從比較淺薄的觀點看,這些實體屬於你們的與其他 - 自我的政府 複數 ,負責你們所謂的國家安全。

Questioner: Am I to understand then that the United States has these craft in undersea bases?

問︰ 那麼 就我的理解,合眾國的海底基地停放這些飛行器?

Ra: I am Ra. You are correct.

RA 我是 Ra 你是正確的。

Questioner: How did the United States learn the technology to build these craft?

問︰ 美國是如何學習到建造這些飛行器的科技?

Ra: I am Ra. There was a mind/body/spirit complex known to your people by the vibratory sound complex, Nikola. This entity departed the illusion and the papers containing the necessary understandings were taken by mind/body/spirit complexes serving your security of national divisional complex. Thus your people became privy to the basic technology. In the case of those mind/body/spirit complexes which you call Russians, the technology was given from one of the Confederation in an attempt, approximately twenty seven of your years ago, to share information and bring about peace among your peoples. The entities giving this information were in error, but we did many things at the end of this cycle in attempts to aid your harvest from which we learned the folly of certain types of aid. That is a contributing factor to our more cautious approach at this date, even as the need is power upon power greater, and your peoples’ call is greater and greater.

RA 我是 Ra 過去有一個你們所知曉的人( / / 靈複合體) ,名字(聲音振動)是 尼古拉.特斯拉 Nikola Tesla 。這個人(實體)已離開幻象,它的研究文件包含必要的理解 一些人(心 / / 靈複合體) 服務於你們的 FBI (國家 分部 複合體的安全機構) 取走了這些文件 於是你們少數人祕密地擁有這項基本科技
另外 你們稱為俄羅斯的那些人(心 / / 靈複合體) 大約在 你們年代的 27 年前,一個星際聯邦成員給予他們該科技 它試圖分享訊息 給你們人群帶來和平
這些實體給出訊息是項 失誤 ,但我們在這週期的末尾做了很多事情 試圖幫助你們的收割,我們從中學到 某些 協助型態是愚蠢的 這點促使我們在這個時期採取更謹慎的措施 縱使你們人群的需求是 一次比一次更需要力量 power ); 呼求的聲音也越來越大

Questioner: I’m puzzled by these craft which have undersea bases. Is this technology sufficient to overshadow all other armaments? Do we have the ability to just fly in these craft or are they just craft for transport? What is the basic mechanism of their power source? It’s really hard to believe is what I’m saying.

問︰ 我對這些飛行器的水下基地有點困惑。這個科技是否足以使所有其他軍備相形失色 我們有能力駕駛這種飛行器嗎,或它們只是用於運輸?

Ra: I am Ra. The craft are perhaps misnamed in some instances. It would be more appropriate to consider them as weaponry. The energy used is that of the field of electromagnetic energy which polarizes the Earth sphere. The weaponry is of two basic kinds: that which is called by your peoples psychotronic and that which is called by your peoples particle beam. The amount of destruction which is contained in this technology is considerable and the weapons have been used in many cases to alter weather patterns and to enhance the vibratory change which engulfs your planet at this time.

RA 我是 Ra 這種飛行器在某些場合或許不該被這麼稱呼。把它們看成武器是更恰當的。它們使用的能源是極化地球圈的電磁能量場。這種武器有兩種基本類型︰你們族群們稱為 靈子的 psychotronic ,與 粒子光束 particle beam
這類科技蘊含的破壞力是相當大的,這種武器已在很多案例中被用在改變氣候模式,和增進目前正吞噬 engulf 你們星球的振動改變上。

Questioner: How have they been able to keep this a secret? Why aren’t these craft in use for transport?

問︰ 他們是怎樣保守這個祕密的?為什麼這些飛行器不被用在運輸上?

Ra: The governments of each of your societal division illusions desire to refrain from publicity so that the surprise may be retained in case of hostile action from what your peoples call enemies.

RA 你們社會部門幻象 複數 各個 政府都渴望 保持隱密,這樣一旦敵人 你們族群的稱謂 展開敵對行動 還保有一個驚奇給敵人

Questioner: How many of these craft does the United States have?


Ra: I am Ra. The United States has 573 at this time. They are in the process of adding to this number.

RA 我是 Ra 現下合眾國有 573 個。他們正在增加這個數目。

Questioner: What is the maximum speed of one of these craft?


Ra: I am Ra. The maximum speed of these craft is equal to the Earth energy squared. This field varies. The limit is approximately one-half the light speed, as you would call it. This is due to imperfections in design.

RA 我是 Ra 這些飛行器的最大速度等于地球能量的平方。這個場是多變的。極限大約是光速的一半,如你所稱。這是由於設計的不完善。

Questioner: Would this type of craft come close to solving many of the energy problems as far as transport goes?


Ra: I am Ra. The technology your peoples possess at this time is capable of resolving each and every limitation which plagues your social memory complex at this present nexus of experience. However, the concerns of some of your beings with distortions towards what you would call powerful energy cause these solutions to be withheld until the solutions are so needed that those with the distortion can then become further distorted in the direction of power.

RA 我是 Ra 你們族群現下擁有的科技,能夠解決每一個限制 即在目前的經驗鏈結中 使你們社會記憶複合體受苦的限制。
然而,你們當中一些存有懷有朝向權力能量的變貌 造成這些解決方案被 扣留 ,直到人們迫切需要這些解決方案 這些存有便可以進一步趨向權力 的核心 )。

Questioner: You also said that some of the landings at this time were of the Orion group. Why did the Orion group land here? What is their purpose?

問: 你也說此時有一些登陸是來自獵戶星座團體 獵戶集團為什麼在這裡登陸呢?他們的目的是什麼呢 ?

Ra: I am Ra. Their purpose is conquest, unlike those of the Confederation who wait for the calling. The so-called Orion group calls itself to conquest.

RA 我是 Ra 他們的目的是征服,不像那些等候別人呼叫的星際聯邦 獵戶集團呼叫自身去征服

Questioner: Specifically, what do they do when they land?

問︰ 具體地說,他們登陸要做些什麼?

Ra: There are two types of landings. In the first, entities among your peoples are taken on their craft and programmed for future use. There are two or three levels of programming. First, the level that will be discovered by those who do research. Second, a triggering program. Third, a second and most deep triggering program crystallizing the entity thereby rendering it lifeless and useful as a kind of beacon. This is a form of landing.

RA 我是 Ra 有兩種類型的登陸。
首先,這個層級將被那些 研究的 實體 發現。
第三, 另一種 也是 黖黖黖黖黖深沉的觸發程式,結晶化這個實體, 藉以 使 成為無生命的,接著用作一種信號燈。這是一種登陸形式。

The second form is that of landing beneath the Earth’s crust which is entered from water. Again, in the general area of your South American and Caribbean areas and close to the so-called northern pole. The bases of these people are underground.

第二種類型,從水裡降落到 地球之 地殼下面。再次,一般而言 位於南美洲 加勒比海地區,以及靠近所謂的北極。這些族群的基地在地底下。

Questioner: The most startling information that you have given me, which I must admit that I’m having difficulty believing, is that the United States has 573 craft of the type which you described. How many people of United States designation are aware of these craft, including those who operate them?

問︰ 這是你曾給我們的訊息中最令人驚嚇的 訊息 ), 我必須承認我很難相信 即合眾國擁有 573 架你所描述 的類型 的飛行器。合眾國中有多少人覺察此事,包括那些操作它們的實體?

Ra: I am Ra. The number of your peoples varies, for there are needs to communicate at this particular time/space nexus so that the number is expanding at this time. The approximate number is 1 , 500 . It is only approximate for as your illusory time/space continuum moves from present to present at this nexus many are learning.

RA 我是 Ra 你們族群裡的人數是變化的,由於在這個特定的時間 / 空間鏈結有通訊的需要,所以此時這個數目正在擴大 大約的數目是 1,500
它只是大約的估計,因為當你們的時間 / 空間連續體幻象的移動 的同時 ,從現下到現下,在這個鏈結,許多實體正在學習。

Questioner: Where are these craft constructed?

問︰ 這些飛行器是在那裡建造的?

Ra: These craft are constructed one by one in two locations: in the desert or arid regions of your so-called New Mexico and in the desert or arid regions of your so-called Mexico, both installations being under the ground.

RA 這些飛行器在兩個地方一架一架地被建造︰在你稱為新墨西哥的沙漠或乾燥地區,以及你稱為墨西哥的沙漠或乾燥地區,這兩處的設施都在地面下。

Questioner: Am I to believe that the United States actually has a manufacturing plant in Mexico?

問︰ 你是說合眾國真的有個製造工廠在墨西哥?

Ra: I am Ra. I spoke thusly. May I, at this time, reiterate that this type of information is very shallow and of no particular consequence compared to the study of the Law of One. However, we carefully watch these developments in hopes that your peoples are able to be harvested in peace.

RA 我是 Ra 我是這樣講的。現下, 容我重申 ,這一類的訊息是非常淺薄的,和研讀一的法則相比沒有多大的重要性。無論如何,我們謹慎地觀看著這些發展 希望你們族群能在和平中被收割。

Questioner: I am totally aware that this line of questioning is of totally no consequence at all, but this particular information is so startling to me that it makes me question your validity on this. Up until this point I was in agreement with everything you had said. This is very startling to me. It just does not seem possible to me that this secret could have been kept for twenty-seven years, and that we are operating these craft. I apologize for my attitude, but I thought that I would be very honest. It is unbelievable to me that we would operate a plant in Mexico, outside of the United States, to build these craft. Maybe I’m mistaken. These craft are physical craft built by physical people? Could I go get in one and ride in one? Is that correct?

直到 這一點 之前,我同意你說的每一件事。這個問題讓我很驚愕。
在我看來,這個祕密不大可能被隱藏 27 年,而且我們正操縱這些飛行器。

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. You could not ride one. The United States, as you call your society divisional complex, creates these as a type of weapon.

RA 我是 Ra 這是不正確的。你不能駕駛它。合眾國 如你對你們社會分部複合體的稱呼 創造這些東西做為一種武器。

Questioner: There are no occupants then? No pilot, shall I say?

問︰ 那麼沒有乘客?沒有飛行員,我能這麼說嗎?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

RA 我是 Ra 這是正確的。

Questioner: How are they controlled?


Ra: I am Ra. They are controlled by computer from a remote source of data.

RA 我是 Ra 它們被 電腦 控制 ,( 接收 來自 一個遠端的資料來源

Questioner: Why do we have a plant in Mexico?

問︰我 們為什麼要在墨西哥有工廠?

Ra: I am Ra. The necessity is both for dryness of the ground and for a near total lack of population. Therefore, your so-called government and the socalled government of your neighboring geographical vicinity arranged for an underground installation. The government officials who agreed did not know the use to which their land would be put, but thought it a governmental research installation for use in what you would call bacteriological warfare.

RA 我是 Ra 地面 的乾燥性和附近幾乎沒有人煙,這兩方面是必須的。
因此,你們 所謂的 政府以及你們地理上鄰接的 所謂的 政府籌備了一個地下設施。同意這個安排的 墨西哥 政府官員不知道他們的土地要被如何利用,只認為是用來進行細菌戰的政府研究設施。

Questioner: Is this the type of craft that Dan Frye was transported in?

問︰ Dan Frye 曾被傳送進入這種飛行器嗎?

Ra: I am Ra. The one known as Daniel was, in thought-form, transported by Confederation thought-form vehicular illusion in order to give this mind/body/spirit complex data so that we might see how this type of contact aided your people in the uncovering of the intelligent infinity behind the illusion of limits.

RA 我是 Ra 被知曉為 Daniel 的實體是在思想 - 形態中,由星際聯邦的思想 - 形態載具幻象傳送,為了給這個心 / / 靈複合體一些資料,好讓我們了解這類的接觸可以如何協助你們人群 在許多限制的幻象背後揭露智能無限。

Questioner: The reason that I have questioned you so much and so carefully about the craft which you say the United States government operates is that if we include this in the book it will create numerous problems. It is something that I am considering leaving out of the book entirely, or I am going to have to question you in considerable detail about it. It’s difficult to even question in this area, but I would like to ask a few more questions about it with the possible option of leaving it in the book. What is the diameter of the craft which the United States has?

問︰ 我這樣地質疑你 以及 如此仔細詢問這種 你說合眾國政府在操縱的 飛行器是因為如果我把這個問題放在書裡的話會製造出很多麻煩。
在這個領域 即使發問都很難,但我希望多問一些這方面的問題,才有可能把這部份留在書裡。合眾國擁有的這種飛行器的直徑是多少?

Ra: I am Ra. I suggest that this be the last question for this session. We will speak as you deem fit in further sessions, asking you to be guided by your own discernment only.

RA 我是 Ra 我建議這是這次集會的最後的問題。在以後集會,你認為合適的時候我們再講,只請求你用你的辨別力引導自我。

The approximate diameter, given several model changes, is twenty-three of your feet, as you measure.

大約的直徑,因幾種模型的變遷,目前是你們度量的 23 英呎。

片斷三 結束]

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