The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 18
Session 30, February 24, 1981
A fellow associated with Cosmic Awareness Communications in Washington state was developing and distributing a machine that was supposed to augment the general health and well-being of a person, and we asked Ra whether it might aid Carla. The response suggested Carla’s magnetic field was somewhat unusual and very likely formed in such an unusual way as to permit contact with those of Ra specifically. This unusual magnetic field has been a source of frequent inconveniences with any electromagnetic equipment which Carla has used on a regular basis. She breaks it—just by touching it periodically. She can’t wear any but quartz crystal watches, and we have many, many semi-functional tape recorders lying about different areas of our house.
Jim 評論:
一個住在華盛頓州的朋友,他在宇宙覺知通訊(機構)工作,他發展並行銷一台機器,據稱可以增進一個人的健康與福祉;我們便問 Ra 這台機器是否對 Carla 有幫助。 Ra 的回覆指出 Carla 的磁場有些不尋常,並且很可能形成這不尋常磁場的特定原因是為了允許她與 Ra 群體通訊。
這個不尋常的磁場曾經是許多不便的源頭,任何 Carla 定期使用的電磁裝備都會壞掉,她只是定期碰觸某個電磁裝備,就會把它搞壞。
Carla: It makes for a good story, but it can be frustrating to have electronically damaging energy—I am not amused when I break things. The last thing I want to do is destroy the very machines that allow me to communicate. And my tendency to feel various odd energies has at times been an unwelcome gift. I remember a couple of times when my being able to perceive some occult frequency or another put me in the way of very forceful people who decided that I was to work with them. Of course, I have withstood any requests for help which I felt uncomfortable accepting, but I really don’t enjoy the process of convincing someone that I won’t come out and play!
Carla 評論:
我記得有好幾次感知到一些玄秘的頻率,把我帶到一些很有力的人群面前,他們決定我應該跟他們一起工作。當然,我抗拒任何使我感到不舒服的要求,但我真的不享受說服某人 —— 我不要出來(跟你)玩 —— 的過程!
In all of the things, and there are a million or two, that we’ve tried to better my physical condition, we have not found anything of that nature that avails. However, the gifts of spirit and faith are far more efficacious. So I have become relatively uninterested in new modalities and gadgets—and rest in prayer and peace, knowing the perfect self within.
Session 30, February 24, 1981
Questioner: The instrument would like to know if you could tell her whether or not this item which is called Sam Millar’s polarizer would help her physical well-being. Could you do that?
Ra: I am Ra. As we scan the instrument we find anomalies of the magnetic field which are distorted towards our abilities to find narrow band channel into this instrument’s mind/body/spirit complex. The polarizer of which you speak, as it is, would not be helpful. A careful reading of this instrument’s aura by those gifted in this area, and subsequent alterations of the magnetizing forces of this polarizer, would assist the entity, Sam, in creating such a polarizer that would be of some aid to the instrument. However, we would suggest that no electrical or magnetic equipment not necessary for the recording of our words be brought into these sessions, for we wish no distortions that are not necessary.
[片斷十八 結束]