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Contact Report 556 (2013/3/16) 第556次接觸報告
接觸時間: 2013 年 3 月 16 日
Synopsis 提要
In this contact report extract Billy and Ptaah discuss the aliens that have visited and are visiting the Earth.
在這份報告中,擷取了 Billy 和 Ptaah 討論到 曾經來過 以及 正在造訪地球 的外星人 的那些部分。
This is an excerpt of the contact. It is an unauthorised and unofficial translation and may contain errors.
Now however I would like to turn the discussion once again to those UFO sightings and UFO photos, which militaries and police as well as also pilots substantiate and which indeed in the last few decades are hundreds. About these I mean those, which have nothing to do with all of those UFO nut-cases, who deceptively falsify images and films or even maintain, that they - in a mostly Christian esoteric and sectarian way - would have personal or telepathic contacts with extraterrestrials.
現在我想再討論一下有關一些 UFO 的目擊事件以及 UFO 的照片,這些都是經過軍方、警方以及飛行員的證實,而確實發生在過去數十年之中的數百件案例。關於這些,我是說所有的這些與某些 UFO 狂熱分子是毫無關係的 —— 他們專門偽造圖片和影片,或甚至常以基督教秘教的方式,聲稱與外星人維持個人或心靈感應的接觸 。
Especially, I want yet to speak about the occurrences in regard to the appearances in Phoenix in the USA respectively the ‘Phoenix Lights’ in 1997, which last January, thus 2013, is said to have happened again. In 1997 these UFOs have been observed in Sonora, Nevada and Mexico, as well. Then there is also still the case of Rendlesham Forest in England at the beginning of the 1980s, as well as however also in 2006 the case of O’Hare/Chicago as well as the appearances in Anchorage/Alaska and the case of 1989 in Belgium with the prolonged wave of UFO sightings. Further sightings in world-wide form by pilots, militaries, police and private individuals run into the hundreds, whereby it is said, that approximately 800 or even more observations are seriously to be considered.
尤其是我還想談談在 1997 年出現在美國鳳凰城的 「 鳳凰城光點 」 ( Phoenix Lights )現象,最近的一次是在 1 月份,就在今( 2013 )年據說又再次出現。而 1997 年在墨西哥的索諾拉州( Sonora )、內華達州( Nevada )以及墨西哥( Mexico )境內都看到了這些不明飛行物。然後還有在 1980 年代初的英國 藍道申森林事件 ( Rendlesham Forest Incident );在 2006 年芝加哥歐海爾( O’Hare )的案例;在阿拉斯加安克拉治( Anchorage )的案例,以及 1989 年的 比利時不明飛行物體事件 ( Belgian UFO wave )。世界上還有上百件的目擊事件,是發生在飛行員、軍方、警方和某些個人身上,據說大約有 800 件以上是被列入認真考慮的案件 。
I know from you, that a number of these observed UFOs lead back to your beamships, but many hundred always still remain unknown. Thus I assume, that it with all of these unexplained UFO appearances it, probably on the one hand has to concern secret terrestrial-military flight machines etc, of various nations to which even also China belongs, like you told me last time. Additionally, you have once spoken of those from the Earth’s future, which are also to be considered. On the other hand it concerns at the same time however probably also about those three groups unknown to you, who have no information regarding you and therefore are also unable to attain information about you.
我從你這裡知道,有一些 UFO 是屬於你們的飛船( beamships ),但仍然還有數百件始終沒弄清楚。因此我假設,所有這些無法解釋的 UFO 現象,一方面可能是屬於地球上不同國家的人造秘密軍用飛行器,甚至還有屬於中國 的 —— 這 是你上次告訴我的。此外,有一次你還說,也要考慮有些是來自地球的未來。另一方面,你同時還提到有關那三個你們還不清楚的族群,他們沒有你們的資訊,因此他們也是無法得到你們的訊息。
19. This corresponds to actuality, because all of the appearances of unknown flying objects mentioned by you - as well as hundreds of others – lead back only very rarely to we Plejaren and to those of our federation, who sometimes regarding the fact that they are seen, are those of the federation who are somewhat less careful than we.
這些都符合實際狀況,因為你以及其他數百人提到的那些所有出現過的不明飛行物,只有極少數是屬於我們 Plejaren 和我們聯邦的。事實上,有關他們所看到的某些飛行器,是屬於那些比我們疏於隱藏的聯邦所擁有。
20. As a rule everything leads back to the three alien groups to us as well as to secret terrestrial-military flight machines of various nations.
按照往常,一切都指向我們未知的 三個外來族群 以及地球上許多國家那些人造的秘密軍用飛行器 。
Then this is clear, and apparently, if I take notice of your words, then nothing has changed between you and the three alien groups?
21. That is actually so, and we will ourselves also not try to come into contact with the aliens, and in regard to them we also do not know from where they come, which also does not interest us which is why we also do not try to clarify their origin.
22. Also everything indicates for us that - if we speak of their technology as a starting point - which compared to ours is relatively still very much underdeveloped -, and that also their consciousness development still leaves much to be desired.
此外對我們來說,一切都顯示 —— 如果我們以他們的科技來看 —— 與 我們相比,他們仍然是相對很不發達的,而他們在意識層面的發展也尚待努力。
I can comprehend that. However, you once said years ago, that you have carried out clarifications and studies in detail and that since 1947 no more Earth foreigners have flown into terrestrial airspace. How is it then with the three foreign groups?
我可以理解這些。然而在幾年前你曾說過,你們已進行澄清並詳細研究過,自 1947 年以來沒有其他的外星人飛到地球領空來。那麼這三個外來族群又是怎麼回事?
23. We have spoken about them already many times, and I have explained, that these groups who are aliens to us are not therein to be included, because we have known about them as aliens for a long time.
24. Our clarifications applied to and apply to only new aliens after 1947, and so none since then have flown into terrestrial space.
我們的澄清只適用於 1947 年後那些新出現的外星人,所以說從那時起就沒有這類的外星人飛入地球附近的領空中。
25. And so as we see the matter, is that the three unknown to us aliens belong to groups, who have not penetrated newly into the terrestrial area after 1947
所以就如我們對這件事的看法,這三個我們不清楚的族群,不屬於 1947 年之後新進入地球領空的外星族群。
26. Hence it is possible, that they even come from the Earth itself or already long ago as Earth foreigners were here, before we undertook our new mission on the Earth.
因此,他們甚至可能是來自地球本身,或者很久以 前 —— 在我們進行地球上的新使命之前 —— 就 已經是在這裡的外星人了 。
27. Admittedly since that time we have registered activities again and again in the terrestrial airspace, and I mean up to the present time, but in connection to this we see the three alien groups to us, as those who are truthfully already here for a long time or even belong to the Earth, perhaps also in a future dimension.
從那時起,我們確實在地球上空一次又一次的紀錄相關活動。但我的意思是,到目前為止我們看到這三個外來族群,的確已經在這裡很長的時間,或甚至可說是屬於地 球 —— 也 或許是存在於未來的維度之中 。
28. From this follows, that we also do not concern ourselves about them and also do not try to come into their range, because we do not want to bring about any conflicts with them.
29. Solely, this is forbidden to us already by our directives.
30. What it is however with all the observations in the USA, England and Belgium mentioned by you and also many others elsewhere, this we do not know, because already we no longer try for a long time to make clarifications of such occurrences.
From your words I gather, that you therefore do not know, whether with the three groups alien to you concerns Earth foreigners, thus extraterrestrials or from the Earth’s future, or whether it concerns with the USA, Belgium and England etc. observed large unknown flying bodies perhaps secret terrestrial-military machines?
31. This is correct such as you say, and we have also no interest to explain about them, because our tasks do not relate directly to such interests, but only and alone to your mission as well as to certain matters, which arise from terrestrial-climatic and planetary development as well as with population-, political and science- as well as technology development.
32. With everything it concerns only clarification- and observation tasks, however not one iota more.
33. An intervention into any terrestrial interests therefore, according to our directives, in no way whatsoever is permitted to us.
因此,攸關地球的任何事 務 —— 根據我們的指令 —— 絕 不允許直接介入 。
However you nevertheless have a technology hardly to be surpassed - at least as seen by we Earthlings – by which it would be possible, to make clarifications and examinations unnoticed, regarding those who you could examine closely. These even in connection to, from where they come, who they are and what their motives are, to function mysteriously in the terrestrial area without identifying themselves.
但你們仍然還是有一種科技幾乎不會被超 越 —— 至少在我們地球人看來如此 —— 經 由這種科技,你們可以神不知鬼不覺的對那些可以仔細檢查的對象去作澄清和查驗。甚至可以察知他們是從哪裡來、他們是誰以及他們的動機是什麼,而且可以在他們沒有表明自己身分的地球領域內秘密的探查。
34. This is quite correct, but our directives forbid such actions, except if there would appear such unknown aircraft to our homeworlds.
35. It would be permitted to us additionally also only then, if the aliens themselves approach us and would seek contact with us.
36. However this is not only questionable, that they will do it, because as far as our directives permit, we are able to clarify, that the three alien groups to us up to now send out signals in no way whatsoever, which would indicate that they would know of our existence.
37. So then as we see everything, our presence is therefore not known to them, which certainly therein is based on the fact, that we always protect ourselves against them from an open contact, as a result they can have no awareness of our presence in the terrestrial area, because we protect ourselves against them from any awareness.
38. Thus, regarding our presence only assumption can be given by them – if at all.
因此,對於我們的存在,他們只能當作假 設 —— 如 果有這回事。
39. However this does not mean, contrarily that we from our side are not able to perceive them, because their activities are indeed such, that these also are apparently undisputed for Earth humans and again and again are able to be observed.
40. These are our certain discoveries, which our directives permit us to be able to gain clarifications.
41. This also means for us thus, that we ourselves already for considerable time in no way try to obtain more about the three alien groups to us, as a result we also have no knowledge about their time and time again occurring activities.
Then it is also senseless, if I perhaps were to ask you once again, when it concerns a UFO which was observed? Anyway – as a realization – therefore it also would not be permitted to you, to help Earth if some foreign extraterrestrials came in power to the Earth and would display ambitions of conquest?
那麼這也是毫無意義的,我可否再問你一次,如果一個不明飛行物被觀察到?不管怎麼說 —— 它成為了一項事實 —— 如果某些不認識的外星人攜帶武力來到地球並露出征服的野心,那麼也不允許你們來幫助地球嗎 ?
42. That is absolutely correct, because since we no longer concern ourselves about these interests, no more are we are able to deliver information and explanations.
那絕對是如此,因為既然我們不再關注地球的事務,我們就不能提供更多的資訊和說明 。
43. Clarifications in the mentioned connection are for us not of interest and they also never were, but we endeavored ourselves to obtain always simply only about clarifications, which fell within our own interests and will fall in the future.
44. What we have done further regarding, that which goes beyond our own interests, this we have carried out only, in order to be able to deliver certain data to you and the group members.
45. We no longer do this for considerable time, as you know, because in no way whatsoever did it bring usefulness in any connection.
我們不再這樣做已經有相當長的時間了,你知道,因為在任何一次接觸中, 我們無論做任何事都沒有產生作用 。
46. This also applies to many other things and also private interests of persons etc. which in their regard we no longer endeavor ourselves to obtain clarifications for them.
47. And what you say regarding foreign extraterrestrial powers, then this would actually be the case, as you say; we permit ourselves in no way to interfere.
Actually a pity, that you no longer make clarifications and that you also no longer deliver explanations, but I can understand the whole matter, when I consider, in all of the years everything in this connection has brought no usefulness. Then therefore also there will be no more clarifications made regarding previous personalities? And with regard to your directives is indeed also everything clear.
48. This follows from my explanation.
Clear. Than once again a question regarding the three alien groups: Do you assume perhaps, that these could turn out to be a danger for you?
49. We do not assume this, because according to our discoveries their technology is still extremely underdeveloped compared to ours, which is to be concluded from their flight maneuvers and from their total behavior.
50. And what arises with the technology of their aircraft, this applies with certainty also to their possible weapon technology, consequently we would have a great and not to be surpassed advantage over them.
51. If they would be in possession of ray weapons, then would a use of these be the same in every case to our favor and to our great advantage, because we absorb all kinds of radiation and know how to use for our own energy production.
如果他們擁有雷射武器( ray weapons ),那麼使用這些武器,在每種情況下同樣對我們有利,我們會佔有很大的優勢,因為我們能吸收各種輻射並知道如何轉化成我們自己的能量。
52. Radiations appearing to our protection shields and similar energies are absorbed and to our own energies adapted, accumulated and from them strengthened.
輻射與類似的能量衝擊到我們的保護罩( protection shields )上,會被我們自己的能量調適並吸收、積累而因此強化。
I know this, because you have already earlier explained to me, that your protection- and weapon systems in your ships do not work the same, as those in science fiction movies - like Star Trek, etc. – on the Earth is shown, that the protection shields just become weaker by energy - and radiation bombardment etc., but that you absorb the on to your protection shield appearing energies and as a result the energetic all around cloaking shield of your ships is strengthened. Thus it is such, that the more radiation energy etc. is fired onto your ships, the stronger their protection shields become.
我知道這些,因為你以前已經向我解釋過,你們飛船的防護和武器系統並不是像那些科幻電影 —— 如 《 星際爭霸戰》( Star Trek )等 —— 那樣,保護罩只會被能量和輻射等的轟擊而變弱,而是將衝擊的能量吸收到你們的保護罩內,最終反倒是強化了它的功能。因此有越多的輻射能量發射到你們飛船的保護罩上,將使它越為強大。
53. That is correct.
54. However also if solid projectiles, respectively solid materials are shot at our protection shields, we are able to transfer their kinetic energy into an energy usefulness while the projectiles change and becomes useless.
55. If the projectiles contain explosives of any kind, then these will become neutralized and become a harmless mass.
And how is it, if it would concern asteroids, meteors and space rubbish or missiles with atomic warheads?
56. These also would be neutralized and present no danger for us.
So it should also be with we Earthlings, then much disaster would be avoided. When alone I think about, what everything is caused by Earthhumans with weapons, then this terrifies me. Many Earthlings have weapons of all kinds, who really should not be granted a permit for a weapon, because many weapon possessors are unstable and cracking up in their lack of self-control. This proves time and time again and more and more, like I have indeed revealed this in my predictions, and I mean in connection to the fact, that by unstable and cracking up humans more and more murders and mass murders occur in families, groups and schools, as well as however also more and more murders and mass-murders through foreigner- race and religious hate, as well as also through terrorism.
57. Weapons impart to an unstable-intemperate human crazed and confused thoughts and feelings of invulnerability, as well as also an unscrupulous willingness for violence and an unlimited power behavior.
58. As a result he is not in control of his thoughts-feelings-emotion-like stirrings, consequently he is in no way able to control himself and his actions.
59. If such a human uses a weapon and sets it into function, then he is captivated by an adrenalin rush, whereby all control mechanisms in the brain are left without power, and he only just automatically aggressively acts and in this way also unhesitatingly kills and possibly falls victim to a killing frenzy.
60. With this, the kind of weapon plays no roll, consequently it can therefore be a shooting-, stabbing or beating weapon, as well as also a suffocation- order strangling weapon, as well as also the bare hands, the arms, fists, the feet and knees as well as the head etc.
為此,這種武器不能派上用場,因此它可以是一種射擊、刺痛或毆打的武器,同樣也是窒息絞殺的武器,以及是赤手空拳、手臂、拳頭、腳和膝蓋,以及頭等等。 (譯者註:這段有點不知所云 … )
Once again back to the three alien groups: So you do not assume, that danger could be threatened to you by the Earth foreigners. But how might it be then, if danger could come from them for the Earth, respectively terrestrial humanity?
61. For all of the last 200 years nothing has indicated, that such a danger could come from the Earth aliens, but we do not know their intentions and hence cannot say with certainty, whether still someday there could be the case that some Earth aliens plan evil.
由過去的 200 年來看,沒有這種危險會來自這些地球的外來者,但我們不知道他們的意圖,因此不能確定是否某天仍可能有某些地球的外來者有不軌企圖的情況。
Not exactly a comfort. So we can only hope, that the foreign bastards as such are peaceful like you Plejaren and those of your federation. If the Earth and terrestrial humanity would be threatened disaster by the Earth foreigners or those from the future, how would you yourselves then react?
這沒什麼幫助。所以我們只能期望這些外來混種會像你們 Plejaren 和你們的聯邦這樣愛好和平。如果地球和地球人類將會受到那些地球或那些來自未來地球的外來者的威脅,那麼你們自己將如何反應?
62. You know, that our directives would forbid an intervention, as I already mentioned.
I know, however also this is indeed just not exactly comforting. It is only to assume, that everything turns out peacefully, if someday official contacts come to take place with Earth aliens or those from the future, which in fact certain prophecies have announced already from time immemorial.
我知道,但這的確不怎麼愉快。那只是假設,但事實上某些預言早就已經表示過, 如果有一天與那些地球外來者或來自未來的外來者發生正式接觸, 一切都會和平進行 。
63. What someday arises, this will prove with time.
Therefore it is very comforting, not to know, what actually will arise. However perhaps it is good for the humans of Earth. On the other hand however it has also proven, that predictions likewise are not paid heed to, as well as also prophecies, because the majority of terrestrial humanity is not concerned about them. This likewise has been proven since time immemorial in regard to all of the prophecies and their fulfilments as well as also all of yours and mine predictions, all which have completely been fulfilled and also still in the future will be fulfilled.
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