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Contact Report 663(2016/11/6)   第663次接觸報告

接觸時間: 2016 11 6 日,星期日

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There would have been a catastrophic global atomic war had Clinton won


In an excerpt from the 663th Contact Report, November 6, 2016, Billy Meier and Ptaah discussed the recent US presidential election (original German transcript here). While Trump is still regarded as “the lesser of two evils”, choosing him over Clinton avoided a catastrophic global atomic war at this time.

2016 11 6 日(美國總統大選前兩天),這份第 663 次接觸報告中的節錄部分, Billy Ptaah 討論到即將舉行的美國總統大選(德國原文在 這裡 )。其中 Ptaah 表示:雖然川普仍被視為 兩害相權取其輕”的選擇 ,但在這個時候選擇他而不是希拉蕊, 將避免一場災難性的全球核戰


…However, what I want to ask now: Some time ago you told me that in the US the most primitive election campaign ever about the US-presidency fortunately decided thusly, that the majority of the US-population would vote for the lesser evil, by which a world war would be avoided. About that however,I was supposed to be silent,, because the ‘walls in the centre have ears’, consequently everything would be carried out into the world and therewith also to the USA, which would not be good and could negatively influence the electoral process if certain elements found out that Clinton will be ‘sawed off’ in the election and that Trump will take over.



It would have been really dangerous if you had told anything, because a very unpleasant and dangerous uproar would have come about in certain inner circles of government and in certain secret services if they had heard about what I entrusted to you. It would have brought about election-manipulations beyond compare, as well as life-threatening attacks against Trump, and indeed in a secret service wise as well as from the ranks of fanatical Democrats**. He would not have received any help from the Republican party, even though he belongs to it, nevertheless, if I want to disclose my opinion on his behaviour, I must say that he really represents a separate party, namely his own, thus his own one-man-party as it were.


As you have rightly assessed him, he is, at least as an election-campaigner in his campaign-motives, chaotic and a catastrophic human being. However, about that I must also say that he is otherwise well-meaning and not bad, also in regard to Russia and Putin with whom he, in an honest form, wants to strive for a peaceful political, military and economical agreement. This in contrast to Clinton, who harbours sneaky and evil warmongering thoughts against Russia and therefore wants to carry out military actions against the Russian military in Syria first, and then also wants to carry out war-attacks against Russia itself. A fact in regard to her thoughts of attack, which she, as an enemy of Putin and Russia, has been harbouring for a long time and which she also wants to carry out. And if she won the presidential election then a nuclear war would be unavoidable. But fortunately this will not come about as I already told you on the 30th June*. Of course next Wednesday the world will be shocked when Trump wins the election, because his mode of speaking was, and is, not the most cultivated one, however, he has good basic approaches in various directions, which he intends to implement if he is not interfered with by his advisors and those who are might-obsessed and want to direct him according to their scheme, and most likely also will in certain matters, as it has been the case with all US presidents and will continue to be so.

當你正確地評估他,至少以一位候選人在他的競選動機中,他是一個製造混亂與災難性後果的人。然而,對此我也必須說,他在其他方面則表現出善意而並不那麼糟糕,他在面對俄羅斯與普丁方面,也是誠心想要爭取和平的政治、軍事與經濟的協議反而希拉蕊卻掩飾其反俄羅斯的狡詐與陰狠的好戰思想,因此她首先想要展開針對俄羅斯軍方在敘利亞的軍事行動然後還想要進行俄羅斯本身的攻擊。作為普丁和俄羅斯的敵人,她的攻擊念頭已隱藏了一段很長的時間,這也是她想要付諸行動的。如果她贏得了這次這次總統大選,那麼一場核子戰爭將是無可避免。但幸運的是,如同我在 6 30 日已經告訴過你的,這不會成真。當然在下週三,當川普贏得選舉將震驚全世界,因為他說話的方式,多半不是溫文而有禮。然而,他在許多想做事情的方向上都有不錯的基本方 案 —— 如果他能不受其他顧問的干預並且不受那些妄想直接按照他們計畫執行者的要脅 —— 不 在某些問題上很可能還是會受他們的影響,因為它一直是所有美國總統的情況,並且將會是繼續如此

However, if he succeeds he will set out against globalisation and also against the USA interfering too much in foreign nations, as it has done up to now and thereby neglecting the order in its own country, rather building it up again [the order].


However, time will tell to what extent he will be able to push through his basic ideas, because beside him are all the might-obsessed ones around him, who do not let him act according to free will, but who will try to steer him at their own discretion, as it was the case with Obama also, who was lacking the necessities to be able to prevail.

然而,時間會告訴我們他將能夠推動他的基本觀點到何種程度,因為在他周圍的那些人都想分一杯羹,他們不會讓他依據自由意志行動,而會嘗試引導他朝向他們自己的方向,這也就是歐巴馬的情 況 —— 缺 少了成就志業所需要的八方助力。

And because Trump is not really a politician but a man of business, in this regard he will have a difficult standing as president in his own government department. This will also be the case in regard to foreign policies, whereby also the machinations of the EU dictatorship will be decisive for it, because once he has assumed presidency it will make an effort, through renewed negotiations, to restore the close relationships and connections with the White House and the US government which it lost through his election.

因為川普不是個真正的政治家而是位商人,在這方面,他雖身為總統,但在自己的政府部門他會感到政令難行。這也將是他外交政策的困境,屆時歐盟獨裁政權( EU dictatorship )的陰謀也將會有決定性的影響,因為一旦他就任總統,他將透過重新協商,以努力恢復與白宮和美國政府的密切關係和接觸,這是他在競選期間的言行所造成的嫌隙。

And as far as I know the EU dictatorship will try to pull the USA onto its side and together with it form a political, economic and military might-coalition, whereby already very early a forming of a coalition is attempted, indeed as soon as the first shock has passed, which will hit the dictatorship, because it does not expect Donald Trump but Hillary Clinton to win the election, who has an engaging and accommodating stand towards the EU dictatorship.



We will see what happens, whereby I do not doubt that your prediction from June was right and that the catastrophic human being, that is to say, the lesser evil will win the US presidency – thus Trump. …

我們將會看到發生的結果,我並不懷疑你在 6 月那次預測的正確性,這個造成災難的人,也就是說, 小害” 將會贏得美國總統大選 —— 因此川普…



Once more a question about Donald Trump: You said that this man is well-meaning, not bad and in some things completely misinformed – what is to be understood by that?

再一次問一下有關唐納德.川普的事︰你說這個人心懷善意並不算壞,而是在有些事中被完全誤導 —— 這該怎樣理解呢?


He is not of low intelligence and not the bad human being that he will be accused of being by his adversaries, who will set upon him and also try to cause riots, because none of them know which insidious thoughts and plans his opponent Hillary Clinton really harbours, through which she would trigger a world-wide catastrophe if she came into power. As far as the election campaign speeches by Trump are concerned, these are, first of all, just campaign speeches, which must not be understood as effective in their entire form, because the entire radical appearing ‘calling-out’ as you have often described such speeches, are only partially or not at all to be taken seriously, because as a rule these are always relativised after taking office. Additionally Trump is in certain things that he champions wrongly informed, as for example in regard to climate change, as well as Obama Care and other things, wherefore however there is hope that he will think of something better in this regard.

他智商並不低,而且不是像他的反對者所指責的那種壞人。對方陣營會設計陷害他,並試圖引起騷亂,因為他們都不知道他那位對手希拉蕊真正隱藏的陰險想法和計謀,如果她真的贏得權位,那將會引發一場世界性的災難。到目前為止,他們只關注到川普的競選演說,畢竟那只是些競選的語言,不能視為他們整個的施政作為,因為正如你經常描述這種演說出現全然激進的“扇動群眾”言論,但這只是片面之詞,根本不必認真看待,因為按照常理,這些總會在真正上任後相對淡化。另外,川普在他的競選中被錯誤宣傳,例如關於氣候變遷 climate change 議題,以及歐巴馬健保 Obama Care 方面等其他事項,這無論如何可以寄望他在這方面會設法改善


I see, that’s what is behind your remark.



Which in effect I should have explained better.



Which is done now, so do not make a problem of it.



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