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Contact report 182 Part II   第182次接觸報告之二

接觸時間: 1983 2 3 日,星期四,夜間 10 31


在這份報告的第二部分, Billy 解釋了目前地球科學家所使用的鑑定年代方法( 放射性碳定年 ),由於有些物質受非正常的輻射影響,造成鑑定結果有大約前後 2000 年的誤差。

Synopsis        摘要

This is just a small excerpt of the entire contact.

這僅是整份( 182 次)接觸報告的一小部分。


Good. But now I have yet another question, which is important to me and also to other people. It deals with that which was explained to me by you, being that, on Earth, alterations have come about in the atomic structure of some constituents, and indeed through the fault of the Earth humans. If I remember correctly about that, it was said to me then, that everything can be up to about 2,000 years older or younger than can be analysed using the best methods.

好的,但我現在還有別的問題,這個問題對我和其他人都很重要。你曾經解釋給我聽過,由於地球人的錯誤行為,使得有些物質成分的原子結構有所變化即使用最好的年代鑑定法,分析結果都可能有大約 2000 年前後的誤差


436. It has th..


Excuse me please, but I want to retell everything myself, because I also want to establish whether my memory still functions correctly. The precise erroneous number of years should amount to about 2,000, so, therefore, in each case this number of years must be added to or subtracted from a result.

對不起,我重說一次,我是想看看我的記憶力是否正常。年份的誤差應該是大約 2000 年,所以要在結果上加或減 2000 年。


437. That is of correctness, yet the details relating to this would lead too far, were we to now once again discuss them thoroughly.



Good. Then in the course of time, in the near future, I will write an article for the Aquarian Age, that thoroughly engages this theme, and which I can then attach as an addendum, so to speak, to this contact report, if that is acceptable to you.



438. I am in agreement with that, yet you should only attach the article to the contact report once you have provided it to me for inspection, so mistakes can be avoided.



Naturally, I am in agreement with that. (Explanation in Accord with the Preceding Conversation)

那是自然。(以下是 Billy 就上述話題的解釋)

The number of years in the data - given here again - in the cited list, in no way tallies with the numbers of years in the data which have been produced by terrestrial scientists. The difference between the Plejarens' data and that of the Earth scientists amounts to about 2,000 years, for which the Plejaren have, however, provided a plausible explanation, which will certainly be distasteful to the Earth scientists, who carry out all possible and impossible things with the most modern instruments and dating analysis methods.

在列舉資料裡的年代數值, Plejaren 人提供的資料和地球科學家的相差大約 2000 年。他們給出的解釋會讓地球科學家極為不爽,因為地球科學家們一直在使用最現代的儀器和資料分析方法來進行著那些可能或不可能的年代分析鑑定。

It has been explained by the Plejaren that the terrestrial dating instruments and apparatus, and also the purely chemical dating processes, are very well polished and are largely precise, so, good and, in part, even nearly precise dating results can be established by the scientists, but that, however, erroneous results appear with dating processes with certain materials which have an age dating back to before 1,438 B.C., whereby a margin of error of up to 1,942 years can result. And this occurs in the form - as was explained by the Plejaren - that, a material which originates before 1,438 years B.C. has suffered an atomic radiation, whereby 1,942 years of the decaying process are simply missing. This, as it has been explained, impairs the precise measurement of the decay of the half-life of certain materials by up to 1,942 years, whereby the result is that everything which is, for example, measured and analysed as originating 1,450 years B.C., can actually be up to 1,942 years older, so in this case, therefore, originating 3,392 years B.C., because 1,450 B.C. and 1,942 results in 3,392 B.C.

Plejaren 人解釋說,地球上使用的這些儀器和分析方法,包括那些化學測年方法(放射性碳定年法),基本上是準確的。但即使這樣,他們在測試西元前 1438 年之前的物品時,還是會得出錯誤的結果,會相差大概 1942 年左右。這是由於西元前 1438 年之前的物品,遭受到了原子輻射,使得衰減期減少了 1942 年。所以在對來自西元前 1450 年的物品做年測時,由於半衰期的減少使得測出的資料比實際要年輕 1942 年,實際應該為西元前 3392 年。

Concerning this, it has been further said by the Plejaren that this stark alteration in certain materials of the Earth has come about because the Earth human, in his insanity, has evoked atomic and chemical processes in all spheres (as for example, the lithosphere/biosphere, atmosphere, chromosphere, stratosphere, and so forth) which engender certain radiations which influence and alter certain materials on the Earth in such a way that disturbances in the atomic balance and molecular balance appeared and provoked alterations in various materials with origins dating back to before 1,438 years B.C. So, as it was explained, entire half-life structures have been eradicated, so a precise analysis is only still possible if the half-life structures' missing time of 1,942 is added to, or subtracted from, the obtained result in each case, if the obtained dating amounts to an origin earlier than 1,438 years B.C. Hence, and because of this, for example, also the difference that appears between the Plejaren data and the Earth scientists' is explainable, thus, for example, in the case of the Santorini catastrophe and the time of Moses, which is stated by the Earth scientists as being circa 1,500 B.C., while the Plejaren give the time 3,453 B.C.

Plejaren 人進一步解釋說,是人類自身造成了地球上某些物質的這種變化。人類缺乏理性和理智的行為在環境的方方面面引發了原子和化學變化,從而造成了某種輻射影響到了物質的原子和分子平衡,使得西元前 1438 年之前的各種材料出現變化。這樣整個半衰期減少後,對早於西元前 1438 年的測試應該加上或減去 1942 年,以獲得精確的資料。基於此,那些 Plejaren 人和地球科學家之間的分歧可以解釋通了,比如 聖托里尼 島火山噴發和摩西時代的具體年限就並非地球普遍接受的西元前大約 1500 年,而是西元前 3453 年。

The Plejaren data for the time of Moses and the Santorini catastrophe, up to the year 1,511 B.C., indicates a difference of 1,942 years, so therefore the difference to the terrestrial scientists' assumptions that the history of Santorini and Moses took place around the time of 1,500 B.C. An assumption, which is understandable, if one thinks that they do not include the missing 1,942 years - of the change and alteration of certain terrestrial matter - in their calculations because they lack the necessary knowledge of these facts. Through the Plejarens' statements and clarifications it is also clear that, through the Earth humans' lack of reason and his insanity, already certain parts of terrestrial material, right to the core of the planet, have suffered an irreparable change and alteration, whereby a precise dating of various materials can differ by 1,942 years or more and have a greater age, if this material dates back to before 1,438 years B.C.

所以對於地球上聖托里尼島火山噴發和摩西時代的具體年限在西元前 1511 年的假設, Plejaren 人有著 1942 年的差異。可以理解地球科學家得出的這個年代,是由於他們缺乏相關的知識而已。而正是人類缺乏足夠理性和理智,造成地球部分物質出現了不可彌補的破壞,從而無法對西元前 1438 年之前的物質做出精確的定年。對於那些數百萬或億萬年前的計算,影響是微乎其微的;但對於需要那些早於西元前 1438 年的歷史日期的鑒定來說,確是至關重要的。

In and of itself, this plays no great role, if ages of millions or billions of years are being calculated, but these facts play an important role, if, for example authentication of historical dates is to be produced, because, in every case, up to 1,942 years are missing if the material for analysis dates back to before 1,438 years B.C. Through that, a completely different picture emerges in the entire historical research of the early history of humanity, and suddenly many previously unsolved puzzles would be explainable just with reference to the additional passages of time. The conclusion from this should be that the Earth human dedicates himself less to his megalomania, and indulges less in it, and instead occupies himself more with the truth and with his overflowing insanity so he dismantles this and accepts and follows the actual truth. That would namely lead to him beginning to live correctly and laying aside his ambitions which are anchored in greed, hate and power, as well as in addiction to profit, and leading a life favourable to Creation. For, truly, the Earth human is not the only form of human in the universe and, relative to all that exists, he is less than a flea in infinite space. Let him therefore be taught by those who come to Earth from the depths of outer space, who bring the truth to the Earth humans and endevour to bring Creation's laws and commandments to the human of the blue planet, and thereby truth, wisdom, knowledge and true love.

然而,這對於研究早期人類的歷史卻是撥雲見日,那些一直懸而未決,困惑地球科學家的問題似乎就這麼迎刃而解了。總之,地球人不應該再夜郎自大,而應努力專研真知,摒棄貪婪,仇恨和權力,以及唯利是圖的生活方式,走上遵循造物主法則的正確之路。當然,地球人類並非唯一存在的人種,只是浩瀚宇宙中的滄海一粟人類應該接受來自宇宙深處那些智慧生命所傳達的教義, 致力於學習造物主法則和戒律,追求真知,智慧,知識和真愛

Contact report 182 Part III   第182次接觸報告之三

接觸時間: 1983 2 3 日,星期四,夜間 10 31


在這篇報告的第三部分,首先 Quetzal Billy 發出鄭重的警訊,提醒將有一股來自當局與反對組織的強大力量來對抗他與他所代表的真相,以及所有站在他們陣營的人,而且結局不太樂觀。接著 Quetzal 提到預言與一連串的預測事件 ,包含:印度總理英迪拉・甘地被暗殺、墨西哥與印度前後發生石油氣的大爆炸、美國總統大選由雷根連任、蘇聯領導人由戈巴契夫接任、波灣戰爭的爆發與伊拉克總統海珊的瘋狂行徑等等 預測種種事件的時間一直跨越到本世紀小布希的第二次美伊戰爭。這些在當時的預測事件,雖然現在看來都已成為歷史,但這卻 隱含著宇宙間規則運行(可推算)的巨大的秘密 只是我們還不知曉罷了

Synopsis 摘要

This is Part 3 of the entire contact.

這是整份( 182 次)接觸報告的第三部分。


439. Then I can continue with my remarks?



Sure, because at the moment, I have no further questions.



440. Also, if possible, we should now remain with my remarks, for I still have a few things to explain.



Of course, but if questions go hunting through my head, then I must give you these; otherwise, I’ll forget them. You know, nevertheless, my mind and memory.



441. That is correct.


442. I will take that into consideration.



For which I am really grateful to you.



443. So be it, but now, I really should devote myself to my remarks again.



Then fire away, at last.



444. Next, I have to report from the months of November and December, during which a great deal of new and malevolent acts of war will arise in Lebanon, where the Americans will officially intervene in the fighting but under the guise of self-defense.

接下來,我要報告幾個 11 12 月間發生的事情。這段期間,黎巴嫩又會爆發幾場新的邪惡戰爭,而美國將會借自衛名義公然介入。


This, of course, is only a pretext.



445. That is correct.


446. The same or similar pretexts or even wrong, invented pretexts will also be decisive for many other events of the future, whereby also the members, friends, and acquaintances of your group and, perhaps, even you will suffer harm.


447. The course is already set to proceed with intrigues against the truth and, therefore, against you and the mission.


448. In the future, even the authorities will no longer shriek back from lies and intrigues, and with purchased false witnesses, they will work against you and the truth and against the group members and your friends, acquaintances, and advocates.


449. These authorities fear the truth and you and all those who are associated with you, just as you are also feared by the wrong UFO groups and UFO organizations, which will also pull together and will newly take to the field with bribed authorities, having fresh power against you and the truth.

那些權力當局的人害怕真相,害怕你以及和你相關的人。而那些不公正的 UFO 組織團體也會害怕你,他們會聯手一致來對付你和真相。

450. Ways are already being prepared in order to spread, in the most infamous ways, new lies against you and the mission and, thus, against us, whereby they won’t hold back from heavily burdening innocent people with false accusations and false testimonies in order to discredit them in such a way that imprisonments and other harsh and unjustified punitive measures could result for those who are innocent.


(Florena’s Note - 1/1/2004: This later happened, for example, in the case of Wendelle C. Stevens.)

2004 1 1 Florena 加註:例如後來發生的溫得利・史蒂芬案件就是一例。)

451. And these could encounter any one of your group members, as well as you yourself or your friends or acquaintances in every country of the Earth, where they always live, go, and dwell.


452. Since the authoritative powers of the UFO organizations couldn’t align anything against you, the truth, the mission, and us with their recent slanderous actions, they are now trying to take action against you and the truth and against the mission and us through joint intrigues with the authorities, by inventing false allegations and by bringing in perjurers who, with good remuneration, are willing to swear to the wrong UFO organizations and the authorities and other forces of defamation; thus, they conjure up lies as truth and make false accusations, which are directed against you and the truth and against the mission and against us, but they are also directed against all those who represent our mission and the truth and you, so therefore your immediate group members, your friends, acquaintances, and advocates and all those involved with you in any other way or who insert a word for you.

由於那些權威的 UFO 組織無法聯合起來造謠中傷你,然而他們會採取新一輪的污蔑行動,來對付你和一切的真相。他們會捏造謊言,用重金買通偽證人混淆視聽,讓他們發誓為那一幫人做假指控,直接針對你和你的使命,以及我們與所有代表使命、真相的一切,也同時會針對你的小組成員、你的朋友熟人,和那些所有幫你說話或與你有任何關係的人們。


You speak as though it might happen to us really badly.



453. That is correct because even murder and deliberate misrepresentation of justice may emerge, as well as betrayal within your own ranks, which will extend into the immediate family, as well as possibly kidnapping and extortion, but certainly renewed assassination attempts, which you already know too well and have experienced.



This comes somewhat suddenly, what you say here.



454. This is not so sudden because everything was set long in advance, whereby the first steps toward these intrigues have already been taken, about which I may not inform you now, however.


455. Anyhow, it is such that for you and all your friends, group members, and for your acquaintances and advocates, from now on, extreme caution is necessary, for now, the true enemies will not shy away from any intrigues, even if these will still be so common and destructive and murderous, whereby it must be said that first and foremost, everything will be specifically aligned toward your own person, so less toward the group members.



Does the US film of Larry Young, perhaps, play a part in this?

那美國 Larry Young 的電影,也是其中之一嗎?


456. That is correct because the film has set in motion all sorts of things and hasn’t caused a particularly mild shock to those who have worked by all means against you and our mission and, therefore, against the truth, and in particular, the MUFON and Jim Lorenzen stand in the foreground as a front of a world-wide combat group against you and the truth and, thus, against us and our common mission.

正確。那部片子已經將各種這類的事情都拍了下來,但並沒有對那些反對你和使命的人起特別大的作用。那些人當中,尤其是 MUFON Jim Lorenzen ,他們站在前台想鼓動一場全球的運動來反對你和使命,反對真理,反對我們。


Nevertheless, I will not give up.



457. This decision lies solely with you and your group members because you are those who are exposed to the actual and direct battle, even though you initially suffered other injuries and you still remain spared in a direct form, which can soon change, nevertheless, if the betrayal comes to you.



Then the betrayal should just come.



458. It will be, and you can be sure that various group members will also contribute due damage to this, which won’t exactly be light.


459. It even must be counted on, and it is certain that by unreasonableness and injustice, your family connections will be destroyed.



Then it can still become really cheerful.



460. That is correct, but unfortunately, this won’t change in any way because it is also based on the principle that the grain must be separated from the chaff.


461. But concerning this, we should have spoken enough now, for I still have to inform you of other things:


462. Around the 9th of February 1984, a change will arise in the world-political scene again because the Russian ruler Juri Andropov will depart from this life and be replaced by a man named Chernenko.

大約在 1984 2 9 號,世界政壇又有巨變。俄羅斯當權者 安德羅波夫 將過世,並由 契爾年科 接替。

463. What will emerge from this can’t accurately be predicted yet because things are still unclear for them to be calculated.



Certainly, a lot won't change, right?



464. Everything is still unclear, as I already said.



Then just not.



465. About a month after these events, something new is expected to happen because once again, an ancient prophecy will start to become fulfilled.


466. Surely, you can remember that in reference to the prophecies, one spoke of the fact that in Egypt, a village would be exposed in the desert, which would be a sign of the times?



Yes, I remember that; why?



467. About a month after Andropov’s death, a sandstorm at that place will expose a building, which will then ultimately lead to the discovery of the ancient village in the vicinity of the Nile, as it was prophesied.


468. This will result because the relative archaeological work and nature will work more intensively after the new discovery.



It’s good that you speak of this: I once received a prophecy, according to which at a certain time, the volcano Vesuvius should erupt.



469. You’ve become forgetful, my friend, because the two of us have also spoken together about this, but I’ll tell you again that this eruption of the volcano should actually take place if inconsistencies don’t arise in the whole situation.


470. And the eruption should be one of the last signs of the fact that a Third World War can no longer be prevented under any circumstances and will come thereafter in the foreseeable future, but always to the extent that the prophecy would be fulfilled and that it wouldn’t become null and void as a result of reasonable changes.



Right, now I remember again. You know, sometimes, I have so much running around in my head that somehow, I can no longer recall things at the right time.



471. However, as a person, you adapt yourself more than just very good, my friend, and I often ask myself how you endure the human condition in general.


472. With your origin, your human body must prepare and must have always prepared evil sufferings for you, but just that you can endure this proves to me that even I could never take your place.


473. For this, one must have already had a very long material life behind himself, in order to be able to endure such torments in a susceptible host body.



I do dream back sometimes – as a person can do this, you know?



474. Very well, my friend, but I could not endure it, nevertheless, because I’m just not capable of it yet as a human being, as well as all other humans.


475. Hell must truly be tantamount to another paradise for you.



Sometimes, I feel a bit helpless and miserable, especially when loneliness becomes too oppressive. But let’s leave this because you have other things that must be said.



476. That is correct, even if there isn’t a lot to report for the time being.


477. What is moving, perhaps, is that in the middle of the year, the Pope will now visit Switzerland.


478. This will, at least, interest the Catholic world.


479. Then, in late July and into August, severe thunderstorms will afflict many countries, whereby also Switzerland will be hit hard, as well as Germany, Russia, India, Australia, Korea, and Mexico.

然後到了 7 8 月之交,劇烈的雷暴會襲擊很多國家,瑞士也未能倖免,還包括德國、俄羅斯、印度、澳大利亞、韓國和墨西哥。

480. Moreover, in the Philippines, there will be more than 200 people killed by a hurricane.

另外在菲律賓,有 200 多人死於一場颶風。


Then the environment strikes back once again, which is hard pressed and destroyed by mankind. But for this, I just have a question, namely in relation to the decline of nature, particularly the trees. Surely, you can tell me what the main factor actually is, which causes nature to be dying.



481. Do you primarily address the decline of forests?



Yes, and I am also interested in how high the percentage will be in Europe in the autumn of 1984.

是的,我有興趣知道,到 1984 年秋天歐洲的比例會有多高?


482. You speak of the percentage of the affected forest area?



Excuse me if I expressed myself unclearly. Yes, I speak of this.



483. As our calculations yield, already by the autumn of 1984, 54% of the supply of trees in Europe will be damaged due to illness.

根據我們的計算,到 1984 年秋天,歐洲大約有 54% 的樹木將受到病害的影響。

484. This is the average of our calculations.



And what is the principal and most toxic substance that will allow nature to die?



485. For this, as we can presently determine, the chief fault lies with the electromagnetic radiation and the lead gasoline, which are used for a variety of means of transportation and commercial machines.


486. The gasoline contains Tetra-ethyl lead, which passes through the exhaust pipes and into the open air.


487. But there, it changes under the solar radiation into triethyl lead.


488. This is a highly toxic substance that causes cancerous diseases and which is also taken up by the trees and plants, etc.



And how long does it take, then, until the trees, for example, get sick?



489. It depends on the circumstances.


490. It is certain that the poison has a very large, long-term effect.


491. Thus, in already poisoned trees, the diseases often only appear years later.


492. The needle-leaf trees are primarily endangered by this because as a rule, they take in 12 times more toxins than normal-leaf trees.

針葉樹木會是主要受害者,因為他們比普通樹木要多吸收 12 倍的毒素。


That’s also why the conifers become sick first.



493. Where the leaf-trees, however, don’t become spared; it’s just that they will get sick later since they absorb fewer toxins.



But all other toxins are also decisive, right?



494. That is correct.


495. Lead gasoline, along with the electromagnetic radiation, is just another main factor in the chain of natural death.


496. Only a complete ban on these substances could provide quick and effective relief.



Humans aren’t so clever and life-loving, however.



497. If nature dies, then life also dies, especially since the trees, after plankton, are the other main suppliers of oxygen.



That’s right, and if the trees are gone, then life starts to die in general because the oxygen becomes more and more scarce.



498. That is correct.


499. The electromagnetic radiation must be curbed immediately and the diesel and lead gasoline engines should be banned as soon as possible because they are really large culprits in the health of nature and humans.


500. But the people of the Earth will discover this for themselves, shortly before that prophecy is fulfilled, which you received from Petale on the 30th of January 1976.

在你 1976 1 30 日收到的那個預言實現前不久,人類會自行發現這些。


At the moment, I cannot remember what prophecy this concerns.



501. It is that one which speaks of the Scorpion.



Ah, now I remember. It says in that prophecy that shortly before the monsoon season, in the country of the Elephant and the Peacock, the reigning Scorpion will die. In addition, if I have understood this prophecy correctly, then the death of the Scorpion should result through force.



502. That is correct, but talk of a forcible death of the Scorpion only appears in the prophecy in a hidden form.



Yes, I remember. Then Indira Gandhi in India will be murdered because she holds the office of Prime Minister at the time.



503. That is correct.



Her astrological sign is Scorpio.



504. And also in the month of Scorpio, she will be murdered, namely on the 31st of October, 1984.

並且在天蠍座的那個月, 1984 10 31 日,她被謀殺了。


And who will commit the crime?



505. It will be her own people, so namely men of her bodyguard.



And who will take over the office of Prime Minister for her? Is that already certain?



506. That is, likewise, already determined.


507. Indira Gandhi’s son, Rajiv, will assume office.



And, will one catch the assassin?



508. There will be several, at least three.

有好幾個,至少 3 個。

509. As our preview showed, one will be shot, one will be critically injured, and a third will be arrested.



Yes, and how will Indira Gandhi be killed, then?



510. By shots – she will be hit by ten of them.

被子彈打死的,她會中 10 槍。


A true slaughter – and one cannot do anything about this again, right?



511. You should know that such an endeavor would be futile because things that are determined in such a way are the equivalent of an unchangeable programming, so they are unstoppable.



And what is the reason for the murder?



512. Indira Gandhi will make the Sikhs mortal enemies to herself in the course of the year 1984, and these will then let her be murdered out of revenge.

1984 年期間,英迪拉・甘地將錫克族教徒視為她不同戴天的敵人,從而導致了因報復而被害。

513. But with the assassination, there is still an element of uncertainty in the sense that it isn’t quite clear whether the third assassin is of the party of the one who is to be wounded.

但有關這次暗殺,還有一些不明確的地方,還無法確定第三個刺客和前面 2 個是一夥的。

514. Thus, it could be that three as well as only two bodyguards will be involved in the assassination attempt.

因為,也許只有 2 個刺客,也許有 3 個。

515. What is still to be mentioned in this case is that the death of the Prime Minister will trigger a campaign of revenge throughout India against the religious members of the bodyguard, who will fall victim to 2,700 people.

另外值得一提的是,甘地的死在印度掀起了一場復仇運動,人們開始反對保鏢所信仰的宗教以及信徒,有 2,700 人受害。


Then a great deal will happen there in India.



516. That will be a fact.



But this also isn’t likely to change.



517. No, but the events won’t occupy the world public for too long because the choice of the American president will outplay this event a few days later.



And who will be the new president?



518. As things develop until then, Ronald Reagan will be re-elected.



Are you sure of that? What a stupid question.



519. Naturally.



I already said that I asked a stupid question. If you weren’t sure, then you wouldn’t have said it.



520. That is correct.



And what is the next incident?



521. Perhaps it would be worth mentioning that Ethiopia will once again suffer from a massive famine, but this will already be at hand much earlier than the assassination attempt in India.



Do you mean, nevertheless, that the largest effects will appear around the time of the assassination attempt?



522. No, for the effects will already be very devastating much earlier.


523. What I want to say is that in the course of that time, the world public will first be made properly aware of this catastrophe; thus, the famine will then become a world interest.



Oh, I see, and the problem can be solved, then?



524. No, of course not, for there won’t be enough assistance.



As this is always so in such cases. Moreover, I think that such assistance only enlarges the problem.



525. That is correct because each assistance provided in such concerns magnifies a problem.


526. Each assistance isn’t used where it would have to be used.


527. The rule with the Earth people is that they always only consider assistance in the face of hunger.



Whereby they then overlook the main evils and problems, and they neither fight against these nor resolve them in any way.



528. That is correct, my friend.


529. You have recognized things correctly.



With the ring of Neptune, if the people of the Earth would let themselves be led and taught, then a lot of the evil of this world could lie in overpopulation.



530. That is absolutely correct.


531. The majority of all vile things, machinations, and catastrophes must be searched for in overpopulation.


532. But I never talked to you about the other matter.


533. How do you know that?



I don’t understand you?



534. You spoke of the ring of Neptune.


535. According to my knowledge, I’ve never told you that even this planet has a ring.



Oh, I see; Semjase used this expression once, after which I asked her for the meaning. She then explained to me that even Neptune has a ring, like all the giant planets of the SOL system. So thus, my wisdom.

哦這樣。 Semjase 曾經這樣表達過,後來我問她是什麼意思,她解釋說海王星和太陽系其他大行星一樣的都有個環。


536. Semjase shouldn’t have done that, for this fact still isn’t known to the Earth people.

Semjase 不應該說的,因為地球人還不知道這個事實。

537. Yet it has happened, and on the other hand, this truth will, indeed, be discovered in the coming years.



So it will soon no longer be a secret.



538. That is correct.


539. But now, hear what will happen further in the coming time:


540. On Monday, November 19, 1984, a great gas-catastrophe will occur in Mexico City, and about 450 people will die.

1984 11 19 日星期一,墨西哥城發生一次石油氣大爆炸,大約 450 人喪生。

541. However, this disaster will only be the beginning of a whole number of smaller gas-catastrophes all over the world.


542. But only a short time after Mexico City, so we have calculated, an even more enormous gas-catastrophe will break out in India, in Bhopal, which will demand 2,562 human lives, while tens of thousands of other people will suffer from poisoning and long-term damage.

墨西哥城之後不久,我計算出更大的石油氣爆炸會發生在印度的博帕爾,造成 2,562 人死亡,上萬人受到持久性的傷害。

543. Like in many other cases of catastrophes on the Earth, however, the actual number of victims won’t be mentioned and will be understated, which will naturally result in a false picture.


544. Then, after the catastrophe in Bhopal, nothing really will appear, which would be worth mentioning since it won’t be world-moving.


545. First with the date of the 10th of March 1985 does an event then follow, which will move the world public, namely when the Russian leader, Chernenko, dies and a new man arrives at the head of the government, who will be called Mikhail Gorbachev.

1985 3 10 號,有件事情震動了世界。俄羅斯領導人契爾年科死亡,由戈巴契夫接任。


Not really a lot of movement for the purpose of the thinking of the Earth people because the many deaths during the catastrophes will be forgotten just as quickly as the events in Moscow. The people of the Earth are short-thinking, and they only get excited just at the moment of an event. Once an event is over, they become forgetful, and they think that it’s all over for them.



546. That is, unfortunately, a fact that cannot be dismissed and which will probably always remain incomprehensible to us.



This is also incomprehensible to me.



547. The person of the Earth is very short-lived in his memories of things that do not concern him.


548. He is very selfish and cares little for his neighbor, which is why he also displaces such memories and learns nothing from them.



That is also my opinion, but that probably isn’t to be changed so quickly.



549. Yes, it will still take a lot of time to complete.



Full insight probably won’t even be attained when the Earth folk will have brought the greatest catastrophe of all earth-time upon their planet. I just wonder how much it will actually take before the people of this world come to their senses and finally begin to live in accordance with the laws of Creation.



550. That is correct, but listen further:


551. The new man of Moscow, Mikhail Gorbachev, will be the great reformer, by whose will and works a lot will change all over the world, even though he and the course of his reform will soon take in a lot of rainfall, about which I’ll explain different things to you later.


552. But to a large extent, Semjase already reported to you in the month of October, 1980 about the reforms of Mikhail Gorbachev and their global consequences, so there is really no need for further explanations.

但在 1980 10 月份時候, Semjase 已經在很大程度上告訴你了戈巴契夫的改革和對世界的影響,因此我就沒必要再進一步解釋了。

553. Also, concerning everything related to your peace meditation, in which three and a half billion of our group are also included, she also even explained this to you at that time.*

另外,有關和平冥想,我們有 35 億人參與其中,她也都有和你提過了。

554. But she told you nothing about the adverse events and the dangers to the good course of Gorbachev, which will happen through the evil machinations of power-hungry individuals and extremists and radicals in different Russian countries, such as Azerbaijan, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, etc. and which will jeopardize the entire work of Gorbachev, and she also told you nothing about the war that will go down in the annals of world history, starting from 1991, as the Gulf War.

但她並沒有告訴你有關對戈巴契夫改革事業不利的事件和危險,那些俄羅斯聯邦的國家,像亞塞拜然、立陶宛、拉脫維亞、愛沙尼亞等的掌權者和極端分子們,用邪惡的手段和陰謀會危害到他的整個事業; Samjase 也沒告訴你會被編入世界歷史的 波斯灣戰爭 ,將從 1991 年開始。

555. Saddam Hussein – the dictator of Iraq, whom you personally know so well and of whom you always said that he would be the worst butcher of humans if he would only find the opportunity to carry out his murderous plans – will allow an invasion of Kuwait by the military on the 2nd of August 1990 and will, thus, trigger a multinational punitive action, which will be headed by the Americans.

伊拉克的獨裁者薩達姆・海珊,你很瞭解他了,你曾說過如果他有機會實施他罪惡的計畫,他就是世界上最兇殘的屠夫。他在 1990 8 2 日武力入侵科威特,隨後引發了由美國領頭的多國部隊報復行動。

556. From this, a battle will develop, which will be unequaled until now.


557. For about a month, multinational troops will bomb Iraq in unprecedented consequence, before the real battle begins on the ground.


558. The criminal, unscrupulous, malicious, uncompromising, murderous Saddam Hussein will avenge himself and will allow billions of liters of earth petroleum to be pumped into the waters of the Gulf, by what means he will very soon receive the infamous title “Criminal against Humanity.”



Thus, a military alliance will emerge, which will take up arms against the creep. Man, this can become cheerful, for Saddam Hussein won’t be the one to give way. I know him well enough from my stay there, when I was in Iraq. At that time, about 25 years ago, he was still young, about the same age as me. His views, which he explained to me, were so extreme, as he himself is in his whole character. A serious criminal from an early age, he ran into conflict again and again with the police, also because of extreme political machinations at around the age of 15 or 16 years. Even murder was a part of his daily existence, but he was never caught. When he came to power around the turning point of the eighties, he even murdered his opponents and enemies by his own hand. The guy told me at that time that he would also “shit” on all of Islam. He literally said that to me because he thought of the Islamic faith just as little as he thought of any other faith. Religion, so he told me at that time, was only useful for him, in any case, in order to make the idiotic people docile and subservient to a political or military leader. With a shit-faith, one can always get the stupid people to make him a master and a leader, and then, these would be subservient in order for him safely to shed blood. If he would take to the helm and, thus, would come to power, so he told me, then he would know how to take the idiotic people and make them be enslaved to himself. He would simply play the part of a good Muslim and, if necessary, would fall on his knees towards Mecca in public and would hypocritically pray; thus, the stupid people would certainly run after him and would congratulate him, cheer, and make him the absolute ruler. Thus, he would become master and emperor over all Arab countries, and soon, it would then also be attainable to him to take over the world and become a world-dominating great emperor. He strives to achieve this goal, and every means is good enough for him, even if hun

dreds of millions of people would die as a result. The guy isn’t just a megalomaniac and a limitless fanatic of the most bloodthirsty violence and destruction, but he is crazy and insane and is a danger to the entire Earth. He would subjugate the entire Earth to himself with blood and would subdue it, if only he could. The only way to stop his power-hungry plans is a multinational logical act of force against him. But certainly, idiotic peace-criers all over the world will try to prevent this through demonstrations and the like, and also in various crazy Arab camps, there will be a pro-Hussein cry. But these poor lunatics won’t know what they try to arrange through this because if Saddam Hussein would win, should it actually come to this conflict mentioned by you, then this would not only mean the subjugation and possibly the death of the pro-criers or peace-criers but also the ever bloodiest enslavement and torment of all of Earth humanity. Man oh man, I know this guy Saddam Hussein and I know what he is capable of. If everything actually arrives as you say, and I do not doubt your words, then one should send all the idiotic peace-criers and pro-Hussein criers into the desert.

可以慶倖的是會出現一個軍事聯盟來對付這個卑鄙小人,因為他根本不會讓步。我對他太瞭解了,我當時住在伊拉克時候大約 25 年前,他和我差不多年紀,很年輕,當時他跟我解釋他的觀點,都是那麼極端。他很早就是一個嚴重的罪犯,在 15 16 歲就因為極端的政治詭計,一次次地和員警發生衝突,甚至謀殺都是他的家常便飯,但卻從未被繩之以法。當他在 18 歲左右追逐權力時,他甚至親手謀害了他的競爭對手和敵人。他曾經告訴我整個伊斯蘭世界就是一坨狗屎,因為他根本不在乎伊斯蘭教以及其他信仰。他說,宗教只能為他服務,在任何情況下都要使愚民順從而屈服於一個政治或軍事領導人。他要用所謂的信仰,使得愚民認他為主人或領袖,從而他可以肆意屠殺。他告訴我,如果他能掌權,他知道如何讓愚民對他俯首稱臣。他只要扮演成一個虔誠的穆斯林,如果有必要,他可以公開向著麥加下跪朝聖並假惺惺地祈禱,然後愚民們當然都會奔向他並擁他為王。然後他就成為阿拉伯世界的帝王,很快成為統治世界的皇帝。他拼命想達到這個目的,他可以不折手段,不惜讓千萬人生靈塗炭。他不僅僅是一個自大的、無限瘋狂的暴力和毀滅的嗜血狂徒,他還是一個瘋子,對整個地球都有威脅。如果有可能, 他會將整個地球置於他血淋淋的鐵爪之下。唯一能夠制止他的方法就是通過多國部隊有理性的武力來對付他。但是那些全球的和平請願者還在通過遊行示威,白癡般地想來阻止這種方法,還有阿拉伯世界那些支持海珊的人也是。但這些可憐的瘋子們根本不知道,要是讓海珊得逞了,不光是他們自己會沒了性命,整個人類都有可能遭致最血腥的奴役和折磨。我的老天,我太瞭解這個傢伙了。如果事態像你所說的發展,我也不會絲毫懷疑,我們真應該把那些所謂的和平請願者和他的支持者流放到沙漠深處。


559. Your statements correspond to all correctness.


560. But unfortunately, there will be other culprits to be named when the war breaks out in the Gulf in January of 1991 because Saddam Hussein will react to any attempts toward peace just as negatively as to an ultimatum, after which the allied bombing of Iraq will then begin a little on the 16th of January in the early morning hours.

1991 1 月波灣戰爭爆發後,海珊對任何和平解決的嘗試反應及其負面,在最後通牒之後, 16 號清晨聯軍開始對伊拉克狂轟濫炸。但很不幸,還有其他方面也難逃其咎。

561. Also to be named as culpable in this war will be all those who build bunkers and chemical factories, as well as many other war-technical plants, for Saddam Hussein.


562. Even weapons suppliers and weapons system-improving engineers, etc. are also included.


563. Last but not least to be mentioned is Ronald Reagan, who laid the foundation-stone for his war policy in general, so that these machinations of a serious and world-threatening nature could and can appear.


564. But to explain the individual points would take too long.



That is understood, but tell me, won’t many businesses and companies fall into trouble and even bankruptcy as a result of this Gulf War?



565. Unfortunately, that will be the case, also in Switzerland.



He is a ruthless killer and a destroyer of global proportions. He disdains everything that keeps the world in honor. He also won’t shy away from calling fanatical terrorists all over the world, in order to carry out their murderous attacks of all kinds and in all places, causing tremendous damages and destroying human lives. Thus, this war will have worldwide consequences and will evoke worldwide damages and criminal terrorist attacks, which could lead to anxiety and fear. It’s just a good thing that this isn’t the Third World War, which could, perhaps, still be prevented, as Semjase said.

他是一個殘忍的劊子手,他是全球範圍的毀滅者。他玷污了這個星球的榮譽。他會召集全球瘋狂的恐怖分子,到處實施駭人的襲擊,造成巨大的損失 和傷亡。因此,戰爭將在全球都造成影響,造成全球性的損害和罪惡的恐怖行徑,並引發焦慮和恐懼。幸好還不是第三次世界大戰,正如 Semjase 所說的,還是可以阻止的。


566. Nevertheless, this coming war in the Gulf will be waged worldwide, even though it actually isn’t the Third World War, which is mentioned in the prophecies and which can, perhaps, be averted after all.



Good, let’s leave this. We shouldn’t get too deeply involved in these war interests with ifs and buts.



567. That is correct, but it should, perhaps, still be mentioned that this upcoming Gulf War shall be more of a punitive action than an actual war, even though the whole thing will have serious and global consequences.



So with that, all that is necessary would probably be said. - - Now, a question concerning Venus, I mean the planet Venus: all sorts of things have changed there, but I’m not exactly interested in those changes that are already known to us, such as the gigantic sand reductions, etc. The atmosphere is what interests me; how old is it already?



568. You simply know very well how to switch a topic abruptly.


569. Good, now:


570. The atmosphere of the planet Venus has an age of approximately 720 million years, but still to be mentioned is that it consists primarily of carbon dioxide and is about 90 times denser than Earth’s atmosphere.

金星上的大氣大約存在了 7.2 億年,它主要構成是二氧化碳,比地球大氣要稠密 90 倍。


Good, and what about, for example, the weathering at high altitudes, where I naturally speak of the mountains?



571. There are, among other things, lava cones that are more than 8,000 meters tall and that have diameters of up to 35 kilometers.

除了其他東西,還有很多熔岩錐,有 8,000 多公尺高,直徑達 35 公里。

572. These giant volcanic cones, however, are untouched by rain and, thus, by water erosion, but they are blown over by powerful winds that often carry with themselves fine sand and very often smooth, polished rocks.


573. But the enormous and gigantic winds and volcanic cones aren’t just for the planet Venus because on many other planets, which are foreign to SOL system and which are far larger than Venus, even more enormous volcanoes, mountains, and winds prevail.



Is there anything else special in relation to the planets and such? Are there, perhaps, cosmic events that are worth knowing?



574. Certainly, but the event will first report itself in the year 1991.

當然,不過要等到 1991 年才會有首次事件的報告。

575. From the depths of interstellar space, a dense and immense cloud of fine matter will approach, which will have penetrated so far into the SOL system by about the middle of the month of February that it will then be located halfway between the planets Saturn and Uranus.

在星際空間深處,有一團稠密巨大的星雲在靠近,大約會在 2 月中滲透到太陽系,在土星和天王星當中的位置。

576. A fact that actually wouldn’t be noticed by the earthly astronomers if they wouldn’t pursue the path of Halley’s Comet, which will be located in the northern part of the constellation Hydra at that time.


577. These observations will most likely lead to the fact that a tremendous change in the fluorescent ratio of the comet will appear because it will penetrate into this cloud of interstellar dust and then cross it, which will naturally have as a consequence that powerful frictional forces will develop, which will allow the comet to light up 346 times more strongly than what is the case in its normal state.

這些觀測到的現象很可能會說明一個事實,彗星的螢光率會發生巨大變化,因為它有穿越星雲塵埃,從而產生極大的摩擦力,使得彗星的亮度比原來增強了 346 倍。


Then this will certainly also remain no secret to the Earth citizens, for certainly the newspapers will report about this, but probably again with incredible explanations that aren’t true.



578. That might correspond to the truth.



Thus, the usual. – But now, I have yet another question regarding what you said about Saddam Hussein and Kuwait, etc. You haven’t revealed how the Gulf crisis or even the punitive action will go out against Iraq, and at the same time, what special things are yet to be expected?



579. As I told you, there will be an enormous bombardment of multinational troops on Iraq and Kuwait, which will last for about a month and which has no parallels on Earth to date and won’t have any up to that time.


580. More specifically, this bombardment will last for a month and one week and will so decimate and demoralize the Iraqi army units that after the start of the ground offensive, there will arise tens of thousands of starving, wounded, sick, demoralized, and partly emotional people in the end.


581. After the ground attack, a hundred-hour battle will take place, during which the entire Iraqi army and also Saddam Hussein’s elite units, the Republican Guards, will be routed, after which the U.S. President Bush will then order a ceasefire, namely for the time around 8 or 9 o'clock, Iraqi time, on February 28, 1991.

地面行動開始後,會持續上百小時的戰鬥,整個伊拉克軍隊,包括海珊的精銳部隊,國民衛隊都被打敗,然後美國總統布希將命令停火,大約在 1991 2 28 日伊拉克時間的 8 9 點。


Then at this time, Kuwait might also become free again.



582. That will already be the case on the 27th of February.

2 27 日科威特就解放了。

583. Nevertheless, Kuwait will be destroyed to a very great extent, and before the ceasefire, the fleeing Iraqis will still kidnap many Kuwaitis as hostages, taking them before, but even at the beginning of, the cruel massacre of the population under occupation, to which women, children, adolescents, and men of every age will fall victim.


584. Women and children will be raped and abused, in order to violate them after that, so that intimate body parts can be cut from their bodies, which will then be swung by the assassins’ hands in triumph and be hung up as trophies everywhere.


585. Nevertheless, for a long time, this still won’t be enough with the atrocities of the inhuman Iraqi soldiers, for before they flee or surrender to the Allies, they will still set on fire Kuwait’s sources of oil and will make the ecological disaster, which was caused by the earth petroleum that was led into the Gulf, even larger.


586. From the oil fires, thick black soot clouds of smoke will arise, which will not only cause wide-area black rain precipitation in several countries, but they will also be very toxic and will destroy much biological life.


587. For a long time, the Sun will also be darkened by the black smoke, and multifarious life will be destroyed.



If immature and stupid ones get power and weapons, then they will cause incredible destruction with them and release worldwide catastrophes. In addition to immaturity and stupidity, still religious fanaticism and subservience come together for the degenerated, overbearing jerks, who are so clever, however, that they are able to beat the people into bondage. But how will things continue, then, after the ceasefire?



588. Furthermore will be an attempt of genocide against the Kurds, which Saddam Hussein will operate, after a murderous civil war will be fenced down by his troops.


589. But in everything, the Americans will not bear the least guilt because the American President Bush will request the Iraqi army to direct opposition against the dictator Hussein and to his overthrow, by what means he will indirectly animate the Kurds to this as well.


590. However, if the Iraqi people actually rise up against their dictator, then Bush will simply withdraw himself and then leave the Iraqi people to their misery and to the clutches of their murderous tormentor and murderer, as is customary with many Americans in their attitude and conduct.


591. Nevertheless, America is not only controlled by such inhuman and wrong elements but truly by the people who live there, and just these will be the ones who will compel the Bush administration to take action, while still giving support to the Kurds, who make use of the army stationed in Iraq to their hope and benefit, but this cannot prevent the fact that during the worst time, more than 1,000 Kurdish refugees will die daily in the inhospitable and wintry mountains of Kurdistan, which you know from your own experience, and you know how life-hostile they are.

美國就是這樣被那些非人的錯誤因素和那些美國人左右,這些人會推動布希政府採取行動,支援函式庫德人,利用在伊的駐軍給他們提供希望和好處,但卻不能阻止每天有 1000 多庫德難民死亡。

592. Deprivation, fatigue, exhaustion, and diseases will be the causes of death of the refugees, just as also the military and inhuman acts of violence of the Iraqi army, who will also register themselves there into the third millennium, which will lead to the second Iraqi war via the Americans, under the patronage of Bush's son, George Walker, who will then be U.S. President, who will lie to the people about alleged weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and will fail miserably in Iraq with the army.


593. In addition, terrorism will act further, by what means a complete wildfire will be released from Arabia, at least in the Middle East.



And Saddam Hussein, what happens to him?



594. His end will come much later, but about this, I will report to you some other time if it will still be permitted to me, for I shouldn’t deal with these things any further.



Well, will other things and events still arise that are connected to the murder of Saddam Hussein?



595. Certainly:


596. The chief event of the Iraqi troops in Kuwait will be a time from which a wide-raging cholera epidemic must be counted on, which will demand thousands of lives, particularly in Latin America but also in several other countries around the world.



So once again, a time of a large cholera epidemic. But what happens if Saddam Hussein won’t be knocked off his throne?



597. Then over the course of the next decades, it would have to be counted on that the Middle East and even the entire world could be threatened by a new war.


598. He is power-hungry, autocratic, and dangerous, like a pit full of irritated, venomous snakes.


599. However, the overthrow of the dictator should not occur by foreign powers but only by his own people; otherwise, more harm than good will result and a wildfire could arise, as I already explained.



That is a good concept, venomous snakes, which actually could have even come to my mind.



600. It honors me to be a length ahead of you for once.



That is: to be a nose-length ahead.



601. That was the meaning of my words.



Well, then so be it.



602. Do you still have any questions that I should answer for you?



At the moment, not really, unless you might still have any other predictions?



603. I’ve told you everything that I had to explain to you.


604. Officially, I am not allowed to say more.


605. So unfortunately, I must tell you this now:


606. That’s it for now, once again.


607. I will probably no longer be able to give you more predictions because this task is to be taken over by another power, but this hasn’t been determined yet.



Then we will see when the time comes.



608. Then now, I want to say goodbye.


609. Until we meet again.



Bye – until midyear.



610. Until then – 'til we meet again.



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