Contact Report 150 Part 2 (1981/10/10) 第150次接觸報告之二
接觸日期: 1981 年 10 月 10 日,星期六,清晨 3 時 15 分
這是報告的第二部分,首先詳細談論到 「毀滅者」( The Destroyer )與月球的源起經過 ,其次開始敘述「毀滅者」干擾太陽系的具體時間。
Synopsis 摘要
Quetzal talks about The Destroyer and Earth's moon's origin.
Quetzal 談到 「毀滅者」以及月球的源起 。
Good, then go right ahead, and best of all, starting from where the Destroyer originally came from. Concerning this, unfortunately, ambiguities also still exist.
472. The original point of origin of the Destroyer is unknown to us, which is why I can only give details on where it found its way into the SOL System.
473. Its origin lies in the old Lyra System where, from time immemorial, the dark planet—called 'Wanderer' at that time— wreaked system-wide destruction and had brought the earthly Moon on that course which led it to SOL System and to the Earth.
474. A fact, which may appear to many scientists of Earth as unbelievable, fantastic and as an unusual coincidence, but which nevertheless corresponds to the truth.
475. The Earth Moon, many millions of years ago, was torn away by the Destroyer as a fragment of a planet four million years older than Earth and was hurled out into space, heading for the SOL System, where it was then caught by the Earth as a satellite.
地球的月亮年紀比地球約大 400 萬年,是「毀滅者」從一顆行星中扯出來的一部分碎片,後來被「毀滅者」帶到了太陽系,最終因地球引力而成為了地球的衛星。
476. Meanwhile, the Destroyer—after the collision with the planet— followed much more slowly the path of the planetary fragment.
477. This is for reasons unknown to us and due to occurrences that we were never able to clarify.
478. In this connection, we can therefore only employ speculations with regard to similar events that are well-known to us, but which do not satisfy us regarding the Destroyer and its course to the SOL System behind the planetary fragment, which is why I would not like to explain our relevant thesis more closely, although for us it seems to be the only possibility why the Destroyer also found its way to the SOL System, so it cannot be spoken of as a coincidence anymore.
479. The Moon, the former planetary fragment, joined itself to the Earth as a satellite already some few millions years ago, while its successive and much slower Destroyer first penetrated into the SOL System for the first time approximately 970,000 years ago, whereby it triggered a tremendous Earth catastrophe.
地球的月亮(原來是某個行星的部分)成為地球的衛星是幾百萬年前的事情,而「毀滅者」來到太陽系約是 97 萬年前,同時它給地球帶來了巨大的災難。
480. A large part of the Earth humans at that time, however, found protection and survival because they had been warned by our ancestors regarding the coming of the Destroyer and the impending disasters, consequently they built themselves structures like the Pyramids and also other shelters.
481. After this first appearance of the Destroyer, it assumed an orbit that regularly carried it every 714 years back into the SOL System.
當「毀滅者」第一次出現在太陽系後,它每隔 714 年會規律地回到太陽系。
482. It moved through the SOL System on its course about 87 times before it altered its orbital path and orbital time in the year 12,943.5 B.C. for the first time through circumstances unknown to us, namely to a constant of 575.5 years.
在西元前 1 萬 2,943.5 年之前,它規律地出現在太陽系 87 次,直到未知的原因,軌道週期第一次變成了 575.5 年。
483. This took place by means of circumstances very strange and incomprehensible to us, whereby the first and second course and orbital period change did not fall on 575.5 years, but on 533 and 618 years.
再後來由於我們也無法理解的原因,它的軌道週期又從 575.5 年,變成了 533 和 618 年。
484. Having burdened us up until several months ago with an inexplicable phenomenon, the Destroyer held a constant orbital period of 575.5 years, which it achieved, however, with a large exception only every third year.
接著又出現令人費解的現象,「毀滅者」的軌道週期,每隔兩次不規則後,又變成了固定的 575.5 年。
485. In between there regularly arose large orbital period variations of years, whereby the lowest orbital period amounted to 412 and the highest orbital period to over 670 years.
不規則週期的變化,最少是 412 年,最大將近 670 年。
486. Look here, this is the exact data of the Destroyer’s appearance by year in the SOL System, as well as its respective exact orbital period, along with various details which still impart other values for you, e.g. disturbances of the Earth by the Destroyer and by Venus, which was pulled out of the “solar” system of Uranus by the Destroyer and had been brought on a course toward Earth.
487. In addition, there is still other important data apparent from these recordings as you can recognize here.
488. Thus, if you begin here, then you have the year 14,812 B.C., a time at which the Destroyer still indicated a fixed constant of 714 years orbital period.
因此,你從這裡開始,那麼你就有了自西元前 1 萬 4,812 年以來的資料,而「毀滅者」在此時間之前的軌道週期,都是固定為 714 年。
489. Record this data now, then you will have it available any time you need it.
How does it look regarding your time, if I copy down the data?
490. Don’t worry about it, I’ll tell you when I must go.
Thanks, I’ll hurry.
14,812 B.C. - 714 orbital period years
14,098 B.C. - 714 orbital period years
13,384 B.C. - 714 orbital period years
Special Event: The Destroyer hurtles on a collision course with Jupiter and disturbs its rotation, whereby it rumbles by so close to the outer layers that an enormous storm develops, rotating and extending into the innermost layers.
The mass of Jupiter pulls upon the matter of the Destroyer and accumulates a particle and moon ring around itself which will persist for millions of years, together with the primordial particle and moon ring system — already existent since around four billion years — into which the new ring will integrate.
The gigantic storm that already developed in the most primeval times on the colossal planet has nothing to do with the Destroyer. Concurrent with the passage of the Destroyer in the Jupiter system, it pulls a small, ancient moon with a diameter of about 4 kilometers out of its orbit and hurls it with immense speed out into the space of the SOL System on an unknown path, accompanied by several smaller asteroids.
在這巨大星球上,從遠古時代就已經成形的巨型風暴,沒受「毀滅者」甚麼影響。但當「毀滅者」通過木星系統時,在它外側軌道會被拉扯到一個直徑約 4 公里的小型衛星,並將之以高速度捲入太陽系一個未知的路徑,同時還伴隨了幾個較小的小行星。
At first, this moon loses itself in a very distant orbital path, where it then reemerges after a long time and moved through the SOL System — time and time again — until one day, it will be recaptured by Jupiter and will crash down into it with great certainty which, according to our calculations, will be around the time of the turn of the twentieth to the twenty-first century A.D.
Part II