Contact Report 150 Part 4 (1981/10/10) 第150次接觸報告之四
接觸日期: 1981 年 10 月 10 日,星期六,清晨 3 時 15 分
Synopsis 摘要
Continued orbital statistics of The Destroyer , the destruction of Atlantis, and the Noah's Ark flood.
繼續記錄「毀滅者」接近地球的年份與間隔週期,其中 包含歷經了亞特蘭提斯的毀滅和諾亞方舟大洪水 。
12,670 B.C. – 533 orbital period years
Special Event: For reasons unknown, Destroyer changes its orbital period which from this point on is incalculable.
西元前 1 萬 2,670 年(間隔 714 年後)
特別事件:由於未知原因,「毀滅者」改變了自己的繞行週期, 從這個時候間隔週期開始變得不規律 。
12137 B.C. – 618 orbital period years
11519 B.C. – 575.5 orbital period years
11503 B.C. – Deluge
Special Event: (Maya) Destruction of the continent of Atlantis following a feudal war with MU, whereby MU scientists pulled a small planet (Adoonis = the ugly, in contrast to Aadonis = the beautiful) out of the Asteroid belt and directed it to Earth and onto Atlantis, which consequently sank in the ocean and caused a deluge.
西元前 1 萬 2,137 年(間隔 533 年後)
西元前 1 萬 1,519 年(間隔 618 年後)
西元前 1 萬 1,503 年(大洪水)
特別事件:穆大陸和亞特蘭提斯的大戰, 穆的科學家從小行星帶拉了一顆小行星,直接撞上亞特蘭提斯,導致亞特蘭提斯沉入海洋 並引發了大洪水。
10943.5 B.C. – 489 orbital period years
10454.5 B.C. – 662 orbital period years
10219 B.C. – Deluge
Special Event: A large asteroid crashes in the Indian Ocean, causing a deluge.
西元前 1 萬 0,943.5 年(間隔 575.5 年後)
西元前 1 萬 0,454.5 年(間隔 489 年後)
西元前 1 萬 0,219 年(大洪水)
9792.5 B.C. – 575.5 orbital period years
Special Event: Destroyer rips 7 large asteroids from the Asteroid Belt casting them into various dangerous orbits and which, in coming times, will endanger the earth. One of them probably in (the year) 2014.
西元前 9,792.5 年(間隔 662 年後)
特別事件:「毀滅者」從 「 小行星帶 」 撕扯 7 個大型的小行星,並且把它們扔到了不同的危險的軌道,在後來為地球帶來危害, 它們中的一個可能發生在 2014 年 。
9545 B.C – Deluge
Special Event: The seven large asteroids from the Asteroid Belt reach earth’s orbit and crash into the world oceans: one in the North Sea, one in the Indian Ocean, one in the Chinese Sea, one in the sea off the southeast coast of Australia, one in the Atlantic and one in the Pacific, producing a huge deluge on a worldwide scale. The last one continues on its orbit.
西元前 9,545 年(大洪水)
特別事件:「毀滅者」撕扯的 7 個大型的小行星墜毀在地球的各大海洋:一個墜在北海,一個在印度洋,一個在中國海,一個在澳大利亞的東南海岸,一個在大西洋,一個在太平洋,在全世界範圍造成巨大的洪水。而最後一個依然在其自己的軌道上。
9217 B.C. – 578 orbital period years
9186 B.C.
Special Event: Halley’s Comet disturbs earth’s rotation and leaves the planet in a particle trail, lasting 32 days.
西元前 9,217 年(間隔 575.5 年後)
西元前 9,186 年
特別事件:哈雷彗星持續干擾了地球的自轉 32 天,最後拖著尾巴離開了。
8639 B.C. – 573 orbital period years
8066 B.C. – 575.5 orbital period years
7490.5 B.C. – 591 orbital period years
7210 B.C.
Special Event: Halley’s Comet disturbs earth’s orbit as well as its rotation and leaves the earth in a particle trail, lasting 19 days.
西元前 8,639 年(間隔 578 年後)
西元前 8,066 年(間隔 573 年後)
西元前 7,490.5 年(間隔 575.5 年後)
西元前 7,210 年
特別事件:哈雷彗星持續干擾了地球的軌道 19 天,最後拖著尾巴離開了。
6899.5 B.C. – 560 orbital period years
6339.5 B.C. – 575.5 orbital period years
Special Event: Destroyer rips Venus from the orbit of Uranus and draws it behind in the direction of earth’s orbit.
西元前 6,899.5 年(間隔 591 年後)
西元前 6,339.5 年(間隔 560 年後)
6104 B.C. – No Deluge
Special Event: Venus breaks into earth’s orbit and disturbs its rotation, such that a new rotation time is brought about, connected with powerful earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, and elemental storms.
西元前 6,104 年(沒有大洪水)
特別事件: 金星闖入到了地球的軌道,干擾了它的自轉,並產生了新的自轉週期,帶來了強烈的地震、火山爆發、水災和大風暴
5764 B.C. – 519 orbital period years
5245 B.C. – 632 orbital period years
4613 B.C. – 575.5 orbital period years
Special Event: Biblical Deluge
Destroyer penetrates earth’s orbit, disturbs its rotation and its solar orbit, causing enormous earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and elementary storms, consequently bringing forth all the events of the biblical flood (not concerning the Noah’s Ark flood). The rotation of the earth is altered, and a pole shift results.
西元前 5,764 年(間隔 575.5 年後)
西元前 5,245 年(間隔 519 年後)
西元前 4,613 年(間隔 632 年後)
特別事件: 聖經中提到的大洪水
「毀滅者」穿過地球的軌道,干擾其自轉及公轉軌道,導致巨大的地震、火山爆發和巨大的風暴,導致聖經中提到的大洪水中的所有事件(但 不是諾亞方舟的洪水 )。地球的自轉被改變,兩極變換。
[See: 248th contact, Thursday, February 3, 1994 5:04 PM Conversation between Ptaah and Billy:
[請參考的 248 次接觸報告中, Ptaah 與比利之間的對話:
... Now, I once again have something concerning the bible and, specifically, with regard to the so-called Noah’s Ark which was actually built at one time, however, at a completely different time than it is claimed in the bible. The biblical flood did not happen at the time as claimed by the bible but in the year 4,613 B.C. and was brought about by the Destroyer.
… 關於聖經中提到的諾亞方舟,其真正建造的時間和聖經中宣稱的時間是完全不同的。聖經中的大洪水並非是聖經中所宣稱的時候發生的,而是應該在西元前 4,613 年,由「毀滅者」所導致發生的。
(This portion translated by βενιαμιν)
Quetzal made the following statement: 4,613 B.C. – Destroyer falls into the Earth's orbit, which disturbs the Earth in its rotation and in its revolution around the Sun, triggering immense earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and elementary storms, and from the whole event, the Biblical flood arises. The rotation of the Earth is changed and a polar shift takes place.
(end of portion from βενιαμιν)
The biblical flood, therefore, conforms with reality, even though it has been placed in another time by chroniclers, as this also applies to the fabrication and the events surrounding Noah’s Ark. This was actually built around 98,400 years earlier and, hence, around 100,000 years ago, calculated back from today. Is that true?
Quetzal 是這樣陳述的: 西元前 4,613 年,「毀滅者」侵入地球的軌道,干擾了它的自轉和公轉,觸發了大地震,火山爆發和巨大風暴,這是聖經描述的大洪水。地球的自轉發生改變,兩極調換。 聖經中的大洪水是確有其事,只是紀載的年代不對,且有關諾亞方舟的事蹟也有誤傳。 而諾亞方舟的真正建造年份是在 9 萬 8,400 年以前 ,約 10 萬年前 。這是真的嗎?
That is correct, but from what source does your knowledge stem?
From Quetzal, naturally. At one time, I was together with him on Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey, respectively on the Russian-Turkish-Iranian border and, indeed, because I was interested in the history of the Ark. There, he explained to me these very things. According to him, the Ark landed about 100,000 years ago, and not on the the peak of the 5,165 meter high Ararat but about 30 kilometers away and not at the height of a summit. The size of the ark also corresponds to the one given in the bible. With this, the many animals and only a few human beings had really survived an earlier deluge which, like the biblical deluge, was brought about by a pole shift.
自然是 Quetzal 告訴我的。我對方舟的事情很有興趣,當時我和他在土耳其東部的阿拉臘山(介於俄羅斯、土而其與伊朗的邊界),他解釋給我聽的。他說 方舟是約 10 萬年前的事,但並不是停靠在阿拉臘山 5,165 米高的地方,而是離最高點約 30 公里遠的地方。方舟的尺寸與聖經中描述一致 ,許多動物和人類依此在早期的大洪水中存活了下來,並且地球兩極發生了變換。
That is not correct, as it was a colossal tidal wave brought about by a large comet which nearly collided with the earth and caused an enormous catastrophe which, among other things, lifted the Ark high on Mount Ararat.
Pardon me, then I mixed up the two events.
That must be the case.
Thanks for your clarification. Now – Noah did not live at the time of the events with the Ark and neither did his family. Nevertheless, the event happened amazingly close to what the bible reports, only that the builder was a man named Noahkadnosser, and he maintained contact with an extraterrestrial named Zebalon who explained the approaching danger of the comet to him and advised him to build the Ark, which he then did in cooperative work with his family and, hence, survived the immense deluge – along with his family members and many domestic and land animals. These factual events were handed down since around 98,000 years ago by word-of-mouth again and again, whereby the name Noahkadnosser was altered little by little into oblivion and finally ended in the name of Noah, while the extraterrestrial who was in contact with Noahkadnosser was unnamed and elevated to a god. After the biblical flood, the actual Bible-Ark-Noah history was then created, whereby the actual origin of the events ultimately became lost.
謝謝你的澄清。所以, 諾亞並沒有生活在方舟的時代 ,當然他的家人也不是。不過, 這個事情與聖經只有一個部份非常接近,那就是方舟的建造者是一個叫 Noahkadnosser 的人 ,他和一個叫 Zebalon 的外星人有接觸, Zebalon 告訴他有一顆危險的彗星接近地球,建議他建了方舟,後來他和他家人一起建好了船,後來他和家人以及一些家畜、動物得以存活了下來。這是發生在 9 萬 8,000 年前的事, 後來 Noahkadnosser 的名字口耳相傳後,逐漸變成了 Noah ,而與他接觸的外星人就變成了上帝。再後來,就變成了聖經中的洪水及諾亞方舟,而真正事件的起源就逐漸被遺忘了。
That is what is also recorded in our chronicle with regard to the important events on the earth. Your explanation is, therefore, correct.]
英文資料插入自 ( Part 4 )