
(上承  來自我們未來生命的訊息CH01-03


Your Birthright


You were created from ecstasy; you were created out of love and light. It is your birthright. Everything you do can be an act of love, done with an effortless ease of creativity. You are made in the image of the Infinite Creator; and that means, quite simply, that you are infinite creators and multidimensional ones as well. This is the natural you. If you will allow yourselves to realize that you no longer need the tool of guilt, you will then give yourselves the expansiveness of your birthright.


You will allow yourselves the expressiveness of your vitality, and you will then be able, with all clear consciousness, to create and attract into your lives the things you know you deserve. You will find that when you remove guilt from your toolbox, what is left will be this recognition and realization: NOTHING is too simple, or too good to be true. Nothing! . . . "Any exceptions, Bashar?” No, not one.


Nothing is too simple or too good to be true, and nothing is too wondrous or too ecstatic to be yours -- nothing. You deserve all you can conceive of -- because you exist! And if you exist, then obviously All That Is, the Infinite Creator believes you deserve to exist. If you exist with the desire for creating peace, harmony, joy and ecstasy in your lives, then know you are not created with that desire without also having been created with the ability to attract that into your lives. Your awareness of that idea, in and of itself, is sufficient to bring it to you. Creation holds nothing back from you, and it never has -- never! In all circumstances in your lives each and every one of you has always been supported 100% by the universe. You are not ever given a desire without also being given the ability to accomplish that desire!

每件事都可以很簡單很棒地成真,沒有任何事會因為太神奇、太喜悅,而使你無法經歷 —— 沒有一件事。你能想到的都能得到 —— 因為你存在!而如果你存在,顯然是「老天爺」相信你值得存在。如果你存在著一份想要創造和平、和諧、愉悅及狂喜的欲望,那麼要明白,如果不是因為你生命中具有吸引那些事物的能力,就不會有那些欲望。只要你發覺這個道理,就足以把那些屬於它以及在其中的東西帶到你生命裡。「老天」不會不給你任何事物,而且祂從來不會如此 —— 從來不會!在你生命中所有的環境裡,每個生命都百分之百受到宇宙的支援。老天給你欲望,同時也給你達成欲望的能力

The universe, and Infinite Creation, does not do extraneous and pointless things. Therefore, since you did not have to do anything special in order to deserve existence; since obviously All That Is believes you deserve to exist, give yourselves the same benefit of the doubt; treat yourselves with the same unconditional love and respect. Grant yourselves permission and grant yourselves the right to create life, as you desire it to be, for you have the ability to create it that way. All you need do is remind yourselves that your ability to conceive of that idea is, in and of itself, the indication of your ability to create that idea. Again, you are multi-dimensional creators; and as you think, as you feel, and as you believe, so you experience the creation of the physical reality around you -- always! No exceptions.

老天爺不會作無關又沒意義的事,因此,既然你不必作任何特別的事而存在;既然老天相信你值得存在,那麼就給你自己同樣的利益吧,用同樣的無條件之愛與尊重對待你自己。給你自己許可,給自己權利去創造你所渴望的生活,因為你有能力把生活創造成你所要的樣子。你惟一需要做的是,只要你提醒自己你想出那個念頭的能力,屬於它自己以及就在其中,就表示你有創造那個念頭的能力。再一次,你是個多維度空間的創造者,而當你在思考、感覺及相信的時候,你就經驗到周圍“物理實相”的創造過程 —— 永遠都是如此!沒有例外

Your physical reality is always the product of what each of you believes it can be -- OR fears it will be. For to fear that something will happen in your lives is the same thing as saying you believe that the fearful scenario is the strongest possible reality likely to come into your lives. Your physical reality is always the product of what you believe it can or will be.

你的“物理實相”永遠都是你信念的產物 —— 或是你害怕的結果。因為害怕某事會在你的生活中發生,就等於說你相信,那可怕的事情是極可能會來到你生命中的事情。你的物理實相,永遠都是你信念的產物

Situations do not happen in your lives to show you that you are stuck in them; situations do not happen in your lives to show you that you have failed at creating better ones. Situations come into your lives to show you what beliefs you have been taught, what beliefs you have bought into -- and if you don't prefer them, to change them. You always have a self-regulating mechanism to allow you to know what beliefs may be buried in your unconscious minds. The self-regulating mechanism that allows you to know precisely how to bring those beliefs to the surface of your conscious minds -- so you can change them if you don't like them and reinforce them if you do -- is the experience of physical reality.

在你生命中,不會發生你困在哪裡的情況,也不會發生你無法創造更好生活的情況。你生命中的境遇,只會顯示你被教導過什麼樣的信念,你將什麼信念帶入了生活 —— 而如果你不喜歡時,就改信念。人永遠都有自動調節機制,好讓你知道,你的無意識心靈中埋有什麼樣的信念。自動調節機制會讓你知道如何精確地把那些信念帶到意識的表層來 —— 如此當你不喜歡時,就可以改變此信念,如果喜歡,就可以加強此一信念 —— 這就是物理實相的經驗

If you see that you are involved in situations you don't prefer, then simply recognize that the only way it could be in your lives is for you to have the belief allowing it into your lives. Therefore, now that a situation has shown you what the belief is you have been operating on, you are free. You have the opportunity to say, "Aha! Now I have the definition of the belief that has created this; it has been buried within me. It has now come to the surface, because here it is all around me. Therefore, if I don't prefer it, I can understand what the definition was and I can thus change that definition to what I do prefer."


Then use 100% of the trust -- the same trust used to create the negative scenario -- to now know that once you have changed the definition to a positive definition, reality will reflect that definitional belief just as strongly as it reflected the other definitional belief which you did not prefer. You have your own self-guidance system, your own built-in guidance system. And this is why when we interact with you, what you will always sense from us is that whether you choose to believe in yourselves or not; whether you choose to believe you have the capability of creating the reality you desire or not, we believe in you! We will always reflect to you that you have that capability, for we know you do. We do not believe you have it; we know you have it -- beyond any doubt whatsoever. We know all beings in creation have the ability to create the reality they experience.

然後運用百分之百的信任 —— 正如用來創造負面事件的信任 —— 現在要知道:一旦你已經改成了正向的定義,實相就會同樣強烈地如實反映新的定義,正如以往反映你所不喜歡的舊定義一樣。你有自己的自我引導系統,你天生的引導系統。這就是為什麼當我們與你們互動時,不論你是否選擇相信自己,不論你是否選擇相信自己有創造所想要的實相的能力,你們都會感受到我們相信你!我們永遠都會反映給你們知道,你們擁有這份能力。因為我們知道你們有,我們不是“相信”你們有;我們知道你們有 —— 超越任何的懷疑,我們知道所有上天的子民都有能力去創造自己所經驗的實相

Again I remind you: all of you are born on your Earth with a total facility for living your lives in absolute joy; but because of the way you have created your society to be, that joy is drummed out of most of you by the time you are three years of age. Yes, that young! And you begin to buy into the belief systems that your society says are the belief systems you must buy into in order to survive in this world... kid!




續接  來自我們未來生命的訊息CH01-05



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