
上承 來自我們未來生命的訊息CH01-04


Highly Focused


There are many, many clever ways you are constantly creating restrictions upon yourselves. This stems from the fact that a long time ago you chose as a group consciousness to be highly focused into physical materiality. What came with that choice was the ability to forget that you were the creators of all your physical reality to begin with. You have played the game of forgetting for thousands of years. Now you are remembering; you are waking up, blinking your eyes and saying, "Oh, there is something more; I am now remembering that I began this game. I began this cycle a long time ago; now I'm at the end of it. Time to go on to a new cycle of joy and remembrance and creativity." That choice on your part, that recognition, is why I, and others like myself, are now able to begin to communicate with your civilization.


While we were observing your society for thousands of years, we knew we would have to wait until you had played out the negativity you have been exploring for so long; and now you have played it out. This life now is representative of the transformational age. This life now is the one you have been waiting for for hundreds of thousands of years. This IS the transformational life! It has been going on now in accelerated fashion upon your planet for approximately 40 or 50 of your years; it will continue in an accelerated fashion for approximately 40 or 50 years more. You are smack in the middle of the transformational age: the halfway point (1987). In fact you are right on the edge of transforming into a very strong, peaceful and creative planet.


We would like you to understand that even though your world seems to be going through much turmoil at present, you may keep this in mind: transformation is not the product of mediocrity! As strong as you have been on the negative side, that is an indication of how strong it can be on the positive side. Let us assume that you have taken a rubber band and stretched it far, far back into the depths of limitation and negativity, as far as you can possibly stretch it. Now you are on the verge of considering exploring the positive side. What do you think is going to happen when you let go of that rubber band? It's going to snap back very rapidly and very far onto the side of positivity.


This is the threshold on which you are standing as a civilization at this point in time on your planet. That is why many of you may be incredulous to understand: "Well, what do you mean 40 years? That's all it's going to take? We're going to be a unified planet in only 40 years? But we've spent thousands of years getting to this point!"


Looking at a general average cross section of the combined rates at which you are all progressing individually, most of you will actually take only about 20 to 25 years. From our point of view, the energy as it now stands reads thus: every single day of your time brings with it as many connections to different levels of your consciousness as it took one to three years to make ten years ago. That is the rate at which you are accelerating.


This speeding up -- is that one of the reasons some of us have been very spaced out lately!

這種加速現象 —— 是否就是我們有些人最近十分魂不守舍的原因之一?

Yes! The Limbo State is in full force. The transition, the shifting of gears is taking place. That is why many of you now find you are coasting along with your clutches out... You are not engaged.

是的!這種過渡狀態正在全力推動。轉型、換檔正在發生。這就是為什麼,你們許多人都發現自己在空檔滑行… 因為根本沒有掛上檔

Bashar are we the least-advanced planet you've ever come across?


Rest at ease that your civilization is not the least-advanced in the universe. There are many civilizations going through their own transformation; by no means are you at the bottom of the totem pole. However, you are one of the most highly focused and accelerated civilizations we have ever encountered. Which means you have experienced a much greater degree of limitation in a more rapid way than almost any other civilization with which we are familiar. You have, in other words, done it all. There is almost no other way you could explore the idea of the limitations you began several thousand years ago.


Once you have the understanding that integration is that much more geometrically progressive and unified, you will understand that all it requires is, as you say, the blink of an eye to accomplish anything you want to accomplish -- when you really put your minds to it, and when you rearrange your priorities. So at this time let us share with you a little nickname many of us have for you. Understand that in no way, shape or form is this name meant to be derogatory... honest! But the idea is that we, and many of the other civilizations that know about you, have called you the MASTERS OF LIMITATION.

一旦你們瞭解到,整合不僅只是幾何上的進展及統合,你們會明白到:整合所需要的一切是,正如你們所說的,能在眨眼間成就你所想成就的任何事情 —— 當你們真正用心時,並且學會重新安排你們的優先順序。因此現在,讓我們來分享我們許多人對地球人類所取的綽號,請明白這一綽號沒有任何在外形的貶意…真的!只是我們以及很多其他文明在對地球人類瞭解之後,都把你們稱作“自我設限的大師

Now, recognize that the cycle of limitation begun by your human culture so long ago brought with it an unexpected effect. This unexpected effect was the ability -- once you had locked yourselves into materiality from a certain point of view -- the ability to forget that you did it to begin with, and that you could extract yourselves from it any time you chose. This is under the category of what you might call a "catch-22" in your language. The idea is that a certain degree of experience of limitation, a certain focus of limitation, automatically brings with it an ability to forget you created it to begin with. So once you had locked yourselves into that cycle of limitation and focus as physical beings, you then had to play out the natural result of the momentum you generated long ago.

現在,請明白限制的循環是人類文明在長久以前所開始的,而且帶來了一種意想不到的效果。這意外的效果是一種能力 —— 一旦你們由某種觀點把自己鎖在物質世界裡 —— 就能忘記你們剛開始設定的初衷,那就是:你們可以隨時選擇抽離的時機。這可以比作落入你們所謂“進退兩難”的境地。這個概念就是:某種程度的限制體驗,某種的限制專注,就自動帶來遺忘的效果,忘了當初你們自己開始的初衷。因此一旦你們將自己鎖進限制的循環並且專注在物質世界時,接著你們就必須按照過去所產生之動量的自然結果去運作完成。



續接  來自我們未來生命的訊息CH01-06



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