
(上承  來自我們未來生命的訊息CH01-02


Introducing Guilt


One of the key ideas engendered upon your planet long ago is the idea of guilt. Not that other civilizations do not experience it, but you have delved so very deeply and so very strongly into it that your civilization, among the many civilizations we have encountered, has an expertise that is matched by none. Not that this makes you any less. In fact, the idea of your willingness to even experience such limitation in many ways actually makes you strong, and is, in and of itself, an indication of how strong you know you are -- to be able to subject yourselves to such degrees of limitation. This allows you to create many wondrous occasions of self-incrimination, self-invalidation, self-limitation, segregation and separation in your lives. And many times it is the primary ingredient, the primary symbol, to allow you to prevent yourselves from creating in your lives what you prefer, what you desire, and what you know deep within you is what you deserve to experience in your lives.

長久以來,在地球上所產生的關鍵概念是罪惡感並非其它的文明就沒有,可是你們卻將罪惡感深深而強烈地植入你們的文明中,而在我們所接觸的所有文明中,地球人類的罪惡感堪稱首屈一指這並不會使你們卑微,事實上,你們願意從很多方式去經驗這種限制,反而使你們變得很堅強,因此罪惡感顯示出你們知道自己是多麼的堅強 —— 能夠將自己屈從在如此程度的限制之下。這樣使人們在生活中創造了許多的自我歸罪、自我無效、自我設限、分離及隔閡等等的怪異現象。很多時候,阻止你自己在生命中不能造就你想要的、你渴望的,與你深知在你生命中值得經驗的,其主要因素與基本信條,就是罪惡感

Guilt is what will always perpetuate limitation, always perpetuate separation; it keeps you from recognizing your own self-empowerment and your own connection to the Infinite Creation. For recognize that, fundamentally speaking, while many of you for a long period of time have assumed that hate is the opposite of love, guilt is the true opposite of love. Hate may be the diametric, dynamic polarity expression of love, but guilt is the true mechanical opposite. For love is complete and utter self-worthiness and creativity, while guilt is the belief in lack of self-worth; it stifles creativity. Hate involves the concept that you deserve something, whereas guilt is completely devoid of the sense of deservability. In fact, guilt is the denial of your very existence!


Therefore, the belief in your lack of self-deservability allows you to be able to create a scenario in which you actually keep at bay all of the things in life that are yours by birthright -- such as happiness, ecstasy and creativity. Guilt is the bitter pill that was injected into your society -- by your society -- to keep you in the status quo of lack of self-empowerment. Because when you truly believe you are not connected to All That Is, or God, the infinite Creation; when you truly believe you must control by force in order to get anything at all in life, then do you further the continuation of limitation, further the continuation of guilt.

所以,相信自己不配得到,會使你創造很多的情境,把你與生俱來的所有好東西都窖藏起來 —— 例如:幸福、狂喜以及創造力罪惡感是被注射到人類社會的苦藥 —— 被你們的社會 —— 讓你們保持在缺乏對天賦力量體認的現狀當你們真的相信自己並沒有與「無垠的造化」聯繫時;當你們真的相信,只有透過強力控制才能得到所想要的事物時,那麼你們就加強了限制,加強了罪惡感的延續

This scenario has become the very ethic of your society. When you do not believe you are connected, you thus do not believe you can create things you desire in your lives with great ease and effortlessness, and things become worthless to you if you don't create suffering in order to get them. "No pain, no gain," as you say. When you are told a story in your world, and that story contains pain and conflict, struggle and strife, you say, "Oh my! Very realistic story!" When you are told a story where it says, "And they lived happily ever after," you say, "Huh! Fairy tale! That's not real life."


There is absolutely nothing within the creation of the universe that insists that the story containing the conflict is any more real than one that does not. It is your choice, out of your habits, to believe that pain is more real than joy. So as we said, this has become the ethic of your entire civilization -- that you cannot have anything in your lives that is worthwhile unless you have suffered, unless you have, as you say, earned it. But do recognize that you do not have to earn it; you already own it!

在全宇宙的創造中,絕對沒有這回事,堅持說:人生必須是包含著衝突才是比較真實的。那是你們的選擇,出於你們的習慣,而認為痛苦比喜悅更真實。正如我們所說的,這已經變成地球人類整個文明的倫理 —— 除非你有辛苦爭取,除非你有努力賺得,否則無法擁有任何珍貴的事物。可是請明白你並不需要去賺取它,你已經擁有它了



續接   來自我們未來生命的訊息CH01-04



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