
(上承  來自我們未來生命的訊息CH05-03


Changing Symbols


Your symbols are valid for you. You have changed your mind before, and you will change your mind again about what symbols are relevant in the understanding of who and what you are. It does not matter in the overall sense what you choose to believe. If you know that you are believing what you are believing out of unconditional love for All That Is, and also equally important, unconditional love for yourself, then there is no need to worry about what you believe. There is no need to worry about what anyone believes, since you know that whatever you believe is going to create the type of reality you will be experiencing. And experience that, you will.


The only thing I'd like to say is if that's what you believe, what you're missing is a relationship with the God who made you.


Why? Understand again, you yourself are missing the idea that I perceive both ideas. I contain the totality of the dichotomy of the polarity of the seeming opposites. I know myself to be All That Is; and I also know All That Is relates to me as a higher consciousness. I can create the idea of knowing I have a relationship with All That Is; at the same time I can also see myself as the one creating that relationship, and therefore being All That Is. To me this is not something which is mutually exclusive.


I can create whatever sense of relationship I wish; and I know that whatever sense of relationship I create is still going to be as real as any other sense of relationship I choose to create. And for me all of it is valid, and all of it is being created out of joy and ecstasy and unconditional love, the expression of the same unconditional love that the Creator created us to be. That is how I perceive the relationship. I am always in the relationship of All That Is, within joy, love and ecstasy. For us, in our civilization, the feeling of this ecstasy is the expression and the experience of what you are defining as the sense of that relationship.


Why is that not happening here?


Because for the past 25,000 years, approximately, you have chosen as a group consciousness to explore the idea of separating yourselves from your memory of being All That Is. And now you are turning over a new idea. You are through with the separation, and that is why you are creating this idea you call a new age of understanding, a new age of awareness – in light and love.


Well, who's doing that?


You all are.


These few people here?


No, the entire planet. Or you would not be on it. Because that is the idea of this planet that you are on: to create the transformation; to begin to recognize yourselves as All That Is and create a positive world. Now that you know that you are the Creator, peace, harmony, light and love can result. Now you are through with the tool of separation. Within the time span of approximately the next 30 to 50 of your years, all of your civilization will also recognize this. For when you created separation, you created the experience of more time. That is why experiencing all the limitation and separation has taken you 25,000 years.


When you now choose to create the idea of integration, of knowing yourselves to be All That is, then this experience can be played out upon your planet in a mere two to 3,000 years. And after that point you will not need to reincarnate upon this planet, for it will have served its purpose for you. You will move on to something else.


What I want to know is: if all of the people here know that whatever they choose to do is okay, then why do they need to keep coming back to get questions answered?


It is not necessarily that they need questions answered; it can also be an opportunity for sharing, for blending, for appreciating all the different ways All That Is has of expressing Itself through all the different individuals you are. Each one of you is a different path, a different way. So recognize that if there were only one way to do something, there would be only one person . . . Take a look around you.

他們不一定需要再問已回答的問題;它也可以作為分享作為調合,或作為以各種不同方式的體驗,那是「萬有一切」經由你們所有不同的個人來表現祂自己的一個機會。你們每一個人都是不同的路徑,不同的方式。所以要認識到:如果做事只有一種方法,那麼就只要一個人就夠了... 但看看你們的四周。

Also understand that it is not the original person who comes back. Each being who returns ‘’again and again” is a completely new being, a completely new idea of him or herself, and a completely new universe. So as it is not the same person, in that sense no one comes back, even if "he" has been here 40,000 times.


How does the Holy Spirit work in this world?


The idea is that our perception of your Holy Spirit is the collective electromagnetic mentality, the actual energy out of which all of your individual minds are created. Spirit meant in this sense is literally a physiological phenomenon, an electrical phenomenon, an electromagnetic phenomenon. It is the literal light of your world, of your consciousness.


And again the way it works is as follows: it is an energy sea in which all of you as individual components are immersed. And being immersed in that sea, when you align with it electromagnetically by accelerating your vibration in ways we have discussed – excitement, service, positivity, and so forth – you then become of the spirit. What that basically means is you flow in harmony with all other beings; you telepathically link with all other beings, and know all thought. Because the idea is that telepathy is actually more precisely defined as telempathy – emotionally activated by love. And that is what the Holy Spirit, or world spirit, is.

再說一次,聖靈的運作方式如下:你們全體都個別浸潤在此一能量之海中由於浸在這樣的海中,當你透過跟隨激情、服務他人、積極正向等等的方式加速自己的振動,因而在能量之海中能夠與之在電磁頻率上密切結合,這時你就變成了靈那基本上意謂著,你與所有其它的存在體和諧地流動共存著,你與所有存在體都以心靈感應的方式連結在一起,並且知道所有的思想。事實上心靈感應的正確定義應該是遠距情緒感應—— 被愛激發的情緒這就是聖靈或者世界之靈



(續接  來自我們未來生命的訊息CH05-05



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