
(上承  來自我們未來生命的訊息CH05-02


The Only Son


Was Jesus Christ the only Son of God?


The individual you call Jesus of Nazareth is but one facet of the overall Christ consciousness, or world spirit. Each and every world, each and every civilization, has its own version of that Christ consciousness. In our ancient remnant language – which we no longer use, as we are telepathic in our society – the combined consciousness of our entire world was called Shakana. Our Shakana, your Christ consciousness, and the combined consciousnesses of all other worlds together form the Infinite Creation.


Our relationship with your Christ consciousness is very direct and interactive, since we are interacting with the combination of all the consciousness upon your planet in order to be of assistance to you. Therefore we experience a direct interactive and unconditionally loving relationship with the vibration you call the Christ consciousness, because it is all of you. Since we come from outside of your sphere, in a sense, in order to be of service to you, we must interact through that sphere. Thus we will take upon ourselves the patterns of the unconditional love it expresses in order to translate into your dimension of experience the symbols to which you can relate. So our experience, our relationship, with the Christ consciousness in many ways is very direct – sometimes very much more so than many of you allow yourselves to be.

我們與你們的基督意識之間,關係是很直接且有交流的,由於我們與地球上全部意識的綜合體正在互動(目的是協助你們),因此我們經驗到與基督意識(就是你們全體)間的一種直接互動,那是一種無條件之愛的振動關係。就某方面而言,因為我們是由地球之外來的,為了要能服務你們,我們必須透過地球來互動。所以我們必須採用無條件之愛的表達模式,才能轉換進人你們的次元,瞭解你們所能表述的符號。因此我們與基督意識的經驗及關係,在很多方面都是很直接的 —— 有時候甚至遠超過你們自己所允許的程度。

You may also note that one of the physical manifestations of the direct Christ consciousness that many of you have not recognized is the being you call Mary, the mother of Jesus, who is the female polarity of the Christ. There is always male and female in the collective Christ consciousness. From our perspective, what this basically means – in relating it to what you now call your New Age, or your transformational age – is that, as we have said, the so-called “second coming” Is no longer the manifestation of the Christ consciousness in a single embodiment. It is the awakening of the Christ consciousness within all of you, so that you may literally create heaven on Earth – all of you doing so as children of God.

你們也許注意到,基督意識直接的肉身顯化之一,就是你們許多人還沒有認知到的瑪麗亞(耶穌的母親);她是基督的女性傾向。在集體的基督意識中,永遠都有陰與陽。從我們的觀點,這基本上意謂著 —— 就你們現在所稱的「新時代」(或稱轉型的年代)來說 —— 正如我們說過的,所謂的“耶穌再臨”,不再是基督意識單獨地顯現在一個人的身上,而是喚醒每一個人內在的基督意識,好讓你們能夠真正地在地球上創造天堂 —— 讓每個人都成為神的孩子

Recognize that the idea, as it has been translated into your language, is usually interpreted as Christ being the Son of God, whereas Jesus Christ actually referred to himself as the son of man.


He called himself the son of man?


Look in your own Bible. He calls himself the son of man. Do understand that the writings of what was verbalized by Jesus of Nazareth were not even begun to be committed to paper until approximately 57 years after the death of the physical Jesus.


Well, you talked about the Bible being misinterpreted through the years.


Yes, every single written idea contains some misinterpretation where it regards placing ritual around the idea of what happened.


God couldn't have watched over it?


Why should he?


Because it was His work. He wanted it –


No, no, no. Understand: it was a reflection, an offering, a gift. Unconditional love. God is unconditional love, and will not force you to interpret something in any way, shape or form. It is up to you; that is why you are here.


So the word of God, the Bible, according to you is not the word of God?

因此上帝的話語 —— 聖經,按照你的看法,並不是上帝的話語?

Yes, all of it is. As all the people who wrote it were also God. Understand this: it is all relative. The word of God is all relative... to itself. God contains every paradox, every paradigm, every dichotomy, every blending. God is all that is; there is nothing outside. You are All That Is; your space in which you live; your time – which you spend so much of wondering who and what you are – all of those things are creations from your idea of who you think you are. You are one idea of God. Every being, all beings in creation, are all the different ways God has of looking at itself. That is what it means to be All That Is. Every dimension, every being, every thing, every thought: it is all God. And many of those things come into creation simply for no other reason than the fact that they can.


Many times when you ascribe more importance to this passage or piece of literature than some other passage or literature, seeking for some ultimate idea of truth, you are at that moment diversifying, focusing and fixating a portion of All That Is, and not looking at the whole – which always sees Itself as whole. The idea of knowing yourself to be God is simply allowing yourself the broadest possible definition of that concept, and knowing that for God that is real. God knows itself to be its own being, but also knows itself to be the compilation of every being within it. And knows every being within it to contain the totality of the whole. For as you say, nothing is impossible to All That Is; if you can conceive of it, it is real to All That Is. On some level, some dimension, some aspect of consciousness, it exists.

很多時候,當你認為某一段文章比另一段重要,追尋著某些至高的真理,那時你就是在區分,專注在「萬有一切」的某一個部份上,而沒有看到全部 —— 全部永遠將自己視為整體。認識自己是上帝,只是單純地讓自己擁有最寬廣的定義,並且明白:對上帝而言,這是真的。上帝知道祂是祂自己,同時也知道自己之內就是每一個存在體的總合。同時明白其內的每一個存在體,都含有全部的完整性。正如你們所說的,對「萬有一切」而言,沒有任何事是不可能的;如果你能想到的,對「萬有一切」而言就是真的,它就存在著於某種層次,某個次元或某一意識層面裡。

Now, when you do this separating out and searching through and analyzing all of the different passages in literature, many times you go about doing this because you are looking for this ultimate purpose. Recognize this: existence is; All That Is is! It always was, is now, and always will be. Existence does not have its existence within time; time exists within All That Is. Therefore it is eternal. Therefore understand that the concept – and any concept that is created within All That Is – is in a sense subordinate to it. Ultimate truth as a concept and purpose as a concept are things that exist within existence. And existence existed before there was the concept of purpose. That which existed before the concept of purpose does not need a purpose to keep on existing. Thus All That Is will express and manifest in all the ways it can – for no other reason, for no other purpose other than It can because It is the Creator. And the Creator creates... again simply because It can.

現在,當你在挑選、尋找並且分析文章中的不同段落,很多時候,你之所以如此做,是因為你在尋找最終的意義。請明白:「存在」就是;「萬有一切」就是;過去是,現在是,未來也是。「存在」並不存在於時間之內,時間存在於「萬有一切」之內,因此它是永恆的。因此要瞭解此一概念 —— 而且任何概念都是在「萬有一切」之內創造出來的 —— 概念是從屬於「萬有一切」的至高的真理是個概念,最終的意義也是個概念,都是存在於「存在」之內。而「存在」遠在有意義的概念之前就已經在了。那存在於有意義的概念之間的「存在」,並不需要有意義才能存在所以「萬有一切」會按照它所能的所有方式去表達並彰顯,不必有任何的理由,或任何的意義,只因為祂是「造物主」,所以祂能夠。於是「造物主」創造萬物,只是因為祂能夠如此



(續接  來自我們未來生命的訊息CH05-04



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