The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 5
Session 12, January 28, 1981
第十二場集會,1981 年1 月28 日
In the first paragraph of the next section one can see how easy it is for even the most serious of seekers occasionally to lose the proper attitude for finding the heart of the evolutionary process. Properly attuning one’s being for efficient seeking has far less to do with what one does than with how one does it and how one balances it or seats it within one’s being with meditation and contemplation. Without the balance of the meditative attitude the mind tends to become distracted by the mundane repetition of events, and one’s lessons tend to orbit the periphery of one’s being without becoming seated in the center of the being, there to provide a deeper grasp of the nature of this illusion and a sense of how to navigate one’s self through it in a more harmonious fashion. We also see in Ra’s next response that it is imperative that all such navigational movements of one’s being be a product of one’s free will choices, never to be abridged by any other being. That point is echoed again in Ra’s response to Don’s query about the metaphysical implications of attempting to lock an Man In Black in one’s closet, an opportunity that we never had, incidentally!
Jim 評論:
我們也在 Ra 於這個片段的回答中看到我們每一個人存有的航向或行動都必須是一個人自由意志選擇的產物,絕對不要去冒犯或去刪減其他個體或存有的選擇。當 Ra 回應 Don 的尋問,這要點再次得到回響。也就是 Don 問若黑衣人被鎖在衣櫃中或其他什麼地方,那有什麼形而上的涵意?我們必須順帶一提我們從來沒有真正有過這機會!
This is another good example of a line of questioning veering off into transient and unimportant information. Note how Ra ends Session 12 in Book I, also titled The Ra Material, with hints that the “correct alignment” and “proper orientation” of the Bible, candle, censer and water are somewhat askew. It took us twelve sessions to determine that Ra was not actually speaking of the physical placement of the Bible and so forth, but Ra was giving us a hint that our metaphysical alignment was off. Our line of questioning was misplaced from the heart of the evolutionary process. Since our contact with Ra was “narrow band” that meant that Ra could not long respond to questions which were off the target. If we had allowed these distortions to remain over a long period of time the contact would have been impaired and eventually we would have lost the contact..
這是另外一個好的例子,就是我們的尋問路線是如何偏移到短暫又不重要的資訊。我們經過了12 場集會才確定當 Ra 講到聖經、蠟燭的偏移時,它真正的意思是暗示我們的形而上主軸有些偏移。請注意 Ra 是如何結束第12 場集會。
也就是說,我們詢問的路線開始遠離進化過程的核心。因為 Ra 的通訊是’窄頻’的,這意味著我們的問題不能偏離中心太久,否則我們終究會失去與 Ra 的通訊連結。
The last portion of this session deals with the concept of what is called the Wanderers and their frequently shared characteristics of exhibiting physical ailments such as allergies and personality disorders which, in the deeper sense, seem to be a reaction against this planet’s vibrational frequency. This is apparently a side-effect that is due to such entities having another planetary influence in a higher density as their home vibration. They incarnate on this third-density planet in order to be of service in whatever way is possible to help the population of this planet to become more aware of the evolutionary process and to move in harmony with it. These The Law of One, Wanderers go through the same forgetting process that every other thirddensity being who incarnates here goes through, and they become completely the third-density being—even as they slowly begin to remember why it is that they have been born here. Apparently, about one in every seventy people on Earth is of such an origin.
It almost seems to be in vogue now to say that one is from this or that planet, this or that higher density, and that one is really this or that exalted being come down to Earth to be a great teacher. It is embarrassing to us to see such a magnificent opportunity for rendering a humble service cheapened to a game of who has the most spiritual sergeant’s stripes. We do not hide the possibility that we may be of such origins, but neither do we nor those of Ra feel that such an origin is particularly remarkable. As Don used to say, “You’ve got to be somewhere doing something. You might as well be here doing this.”
最近似乎有個流行趨勢,人們會說某某來自這個星球或那星球,或者某某來自很高的密度,或者某某具有高貴的身分,降臨到地球要當一個偉大的導師等等。我們覺得這是一個蠻困窘的事,在提供一個謙卑的服務時,這樣一個莊嚴的機會,卻像被廉價販賣,或變成大家在比手臂上的徽章有幾個。我們當然也不諱言我們有可能是流浪者,然而我們與 Ra 都不覺得這樣的出身有多麼了不起。
如同 Don 經常說:“你必須要在某個地方做某件事,那你可能剛好在地球上做了這件事。”
I think one thing to keep in mind, if we are Wanderers from elsewhere, is that we came here for a reason: to serve at this time right here in this very shadow world of Earth’s third density. Yes, we suffer the results of trying to live in a vibratory range that is difficult for us, and yes, we somehow remember a “better way” to live. With this in mind, it becomes clearer that our main mission here is simply to live, to breathe the air and to let the love within us flow. Just the simple living of an everyday life is sacramental when the person is living with that consciousness of “all is love” humming its tune beneath our words and thoughts. To live devotionally does not mean, necessarily, that one becomes a hermit or a wandering pilgrim, although if you feel called to it, blessings on your way. To me, at least, the daily things are the most holy, the washing up, the chores, the errands. All moves in rhythm, and we are just part of that symphony of all life that shares energy back and forth.
Carla 評論:
虔敬地生活不意味著一個人必須成為隱士,或四處漂泊的朝聖者。然而,若你有這樣的呼求,祝你一路平安。至少對我而言,每日的瑣事都是神聖的:洗碗盤,清掃家裡,出門添購必需品… 等等。一切事物都在隨著韻律進行,我們是生命交響曲的一部份,來來回回地分享能量。
I know one of the great hopes a Wanderer has is to find its service. The living of a devotional life, right in the busy midst of everything, is ample and perfect service. It is what we came here to do. As we let love flow through us, others change, and as they open their hearts, the circle of light grows. We are now at a stage where the light sources are beginning to connect … do I hear the sound of global mind being born?
The global mind is a very real concept to me, as well, especially since the advent of e-mail and the world-wide web. With information being exchanged without pen or paper, we are basically working with light, surely one of the purer ways to communicate. As I collect stories of Wanderers’ blues, I am struck by how intense and constant is the general desire for a spiritual home, an identity, and a way of service. I encourage all those who experience themselves as Wanderers to link up and “network” with other awakened consciousnesses, to live in the open heart together and allow the light to come through us all into the “world-wide web” of planetary consciousness. As Jim says, there is no greater service than being yourself in this sometimes refractory world.
當我收集各地流浪者的憂鬱故事時*,我對於他們普遍渴望回家與服務的強烈程度感到震驚。我鼓勵所有認為或體驗到自己是流浪者的人們串連在一起,彼此交通,讓光流過我們,進入地球意識的”網際網路”之中。正如Jim 所說:“再也沒有比做自己更偉大的服務了,特別在這個有時失控的世界中。”
(*譯註:對於流浪者有興趣的網友可以進一步閱讀流浪者手冊- A Wanderer's Handbook)
Don loved Andrija Puharich and was a loyal and generous friend to him for many years. We met Andrija in 1974, after we read the book, URI, which he wrote, and identified him as one of the characters in our oddly prophetic novel, THE CRUCIFIXION OF ESMERELDA SWEETWATER, which we had written in 1968 and 1969. We helped with the now-historic “Mind Link” of 1977, and heard from him from far and wide as he dodged bullets and various agents of various governments who thought he was up to something. Puharich was a person of immense hospitality and kindness of character, although quite insensitive to and unaware of the world and its requirements outside his work. This was a guy who got up in the morning and worked steadily, only stopping for grabbing some food, literally, until time for bed. He rather ran through people, using their talents and donations as they aided the work, and unaware of depleting people’s resources or time, because he focused on the work before him, never on making money. This was a born scholar and a brilliant man, and much occurred in his ken, It is a loss to the world of ideas that his carefully kept journals were confiscated at the time of his death and have disappeared. I admit readily to feeling ofttimes that he was “using” Don. I felt he was a man of more energy, but less wisdom, than Don. I felt he should have followed Don’s sage council at times. Don himself never felt anything like this. He was glad to help. I celebrate Andrija. What a singular and remarkable fellow, and what a contribution he made in so many ways!
Don 喜愛普哈里契(Andrija Puharich),是他多年的忠實老友。
1974 年,當我們讀過他的著作,URI,之後;我們去他家會面,我們確認他是我們一本奇異的預言式小說—愛斯米蘭達。甘露的十字架*— 的一位主角。這本書的寫作日期是1968~1969 年。後來我們在1977 年協助”心智連結”實驗,我們聽到遠近的傳言,關於他如何躲過各個政府機構的子彈,因為政府認為他有所圖謀。
我覺得這位博士他是一個有很多能量的男人,但是和 Don 相比,比較沒有智慧。我感覺如果他能夠偶爾追隨 Don 睿智的意見的話,就會好很多。然而 Don 本身他從來沒感覺到好像被利用或什麼的,他總是樂於去幫助。
(*譯註:原文電子書下載連結- http://tinyurl.com/4b5zvlq)
George Hunt Williamson was a channel we greatly admired; indeed, we used his channeling of Brother Philip in our tape, MESSAGES FROM THE UFOs. We were in telephone contact with him only, and like Andrija, he never made it to our sessions. It’s likely he was not too pleased at Ra’s request for him to prepare! He is one of the great pioneers in UFO and related metaphysical research, and I think the first to name Wanderers. He called them “apples,” quoting the radio-channeled UFO message, “To the apples we salt, we shall return.”
喬治(George Hunt Williamson)是我們景仰的傳訊者,我們使用他傳導菲利浦兄弟(Brother Philip)的訊息收錄在我們的錄音帶[來自UFO的訊息]中。我們只有以電話與他連絡,如同普哈里契(Andrija Puharich),他從未參予我們的集會。很可能他對於Ra 要求他要在事前做準備感到不悅!在UFO 及相關的形而上研究方面,他是一位偉大的UFO研究先驅者。
Session 12, January 28, 1981
第十二場集會,1981 年1 月28 日
Questioner: I got a call from Henry Puharich this afternoon and he will be here next month. I would like to ask if it is permissible for him to join in our circle and ask questions? I would also like to ask if Michael D’brenovic, also known as George Hunt Williamson, could join our circle as well?
問:今天下午亨利(Henry Puharich)打電話給我,他下個月要到這一帶。
我也想問密歇爾(Michel D’Obrenovic),也被知曉為喬治(George Hunt Williamson),是否也可加入我們?
Ra: I am Ra. These entities, at present, are not properly attuned for the particular work due to vibrational distortions which in turn are due to a recent lack of time/space which you call busy-ness. It would be requested that the entities spend a brief time/space in each diurnal cycle of your planet in contemplation. At a future time/space in your continuum you are requested to ask again. This group is highly balanced to this instrument’s vibratory distortions due to, firstly, contact with the instrument on a dayto-day basis. Secondly, due to contact with the instrument through meditation periods. Thirdly, through a personal mind/body/spirit complex distortion towards contemplation which in sum causes this group to be effective.
RA:我是 Ra。這兩個實體目前沒有為了這個特殊的工作適當地調頻,原因是振動上的扭曲,再深入探究是由於他們最近缺乏時間/空間,即你們稱為的忙碌。
Questioner: Which group was it that contacted Henry Puharich in Israel around 1972?
問︰1972 年左右是哪個群體在以色列和Henry Puharich 接觸?
Ra: I am Ra. We must refrain from answering this query due to the possibility/probability that the one you call Henry will read this answer. This would cause distortions in his future. It is necessary that each being use free and complete discernment from within the all-self which is at the heart of the mind/body/spirit complex.
RA︰我是 Ra。我們必須避免回答這個問題,由於你稱為Henry 的實體有可能讀到這個回答。這會導致在他的未來有些扭曲。每一個存有從全我(all-self)之內利用自由和完全的辨別力是需要的,這個全我位於心/身/靈複合體之中心。
Questioner: Would that also keep you from answering who it was that the group I was in, in 1962, contacted then?
問︰是不是這個你也不能回答,1962 年和我接觸的是哪個群體?
Ra: I am Ra. This query may be answered. The group contacted was the Confederation.
RA︰我是 Ra。這個問題可以回答。這個群體屬於星際聯邦。
Questioner: Did they have any of their craft in our area at that time?
Ra: I am Ra. There was no craft. There was a thought-form.
RA︰我是 Ra。當時沒有載具,只有一個思想形態。
Questioner: If an Man In Black were to visit me and I locked him in the closet could I keep him, or would he disappear?
Ra: I am Ra. It depends upon which type of entity you grab. You are perhaps able to perceive a construct. The construct might be kept for a brief period, although these constructs also have an ability to disappear. The programming on these constructs, however, makes it more difficult to remotely control them. You would not be able to grapple with a thoughtform entity of the Man in Black, as you call it, type.
RA︰我是 Ra。這端賴你抓到的是哪種類型的實體。你或許可以察覺到一個建構。這個建構可以被留住一小段時間,儘管這些建構也有能力消失。
Questioner: Would this be against the Law of One? Would I be making a mistake by grabbing one of those entities?
Ra: I am Ra. There are no mistakes under the Law of One.
RA:我是 Ra。在一的法則之中沒有(什麼是)錯誤。
Questioner: What I mean to ask is would I be polarizing more towards selfservice or service to others when I did this act of locking up the thoughtform or construct?
Ra: I am Ra. You may consider that question for yourself. We interpret the Law of One, but not to the extent of advice.
RA:我是 Ra。你要自己去考慮這個問題。我們詮釋一的法則,但沒有到指示的程度。
Questioner: Is there a way for these Wanderers to heal themselves of their physical ailments?
Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last complete question of this time/space.
RA︰我是 Ra。這是這個時間/空間的最後一個完整的問題。
The self-healing distortion is effected through realization of the intelligent infinity resting within. This is blocked in some way in these who are not perfectly balanced in bodily complexes. The blockage varies from entity to entity. It requires the conscious awareness of the spiritual nature of reality, if you will, and the corresponding pourings of this reality into the individual mind/body/spirit complex for healing to take place.
Is there a short question before we close this session?
Questioner: Is it possible for you to tell us if any of the three of us are Wanderers?
Ra: I am Ra. In scanning each of the mind/body/spirit complexes present, we find an already complete sureness of this occurrence and, therefore, find no harm in recapitulating this occurrence. Each of those present are (sic) Wanderers pursuing a mission, if you will.
RA︰我是 Ra。掃描在場的每一個心/身/靈複合體,我們發現你們已經完全確認這個事件,因此扼要重述這個事件是無害的。