


The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 9

Session 18, February 4, 1981


At the beginning of Session 18, in response to a general query from Don concerning the information Ra was transmitting to our group, Ra innocently “told on” Carla. A good friend of hers had offered her the opportunity to experience the effects of LSD, which she had never experienced before. She used it twice in early February of 1981 as a programming device to attempt to achieve an experience of unity with the Creator, but she did not wish Don to know about these experiences since he was very much against the use of any illegal substances at any time and especially during the time during which our group was working with the Ra contact. In a later session it will be suggested by Ra that these two experiences were arranged by the negative entities monitoring our work with those of Ra in hopes that Carla’s ability to serve in the Ra contact might be hindered. As a result of this particular session it was the determination of the three of us that there would be no further use of any illegal substances for as long as we were privileged to work with the Ra contact so that no chinks in our “armor of light” that we could eliminate would be present and so that the Ra contact could never be associated with the use of any such drugs.

Jim 評論
在第十八場集會的開頭Don 詢問 Ra 傳遞給我們小組的資訊的特性Ra 在回應時無辜地打了 Carla 小報告
她的好朋友給予 Carla 一個機會經驗 LSD 的效應那是她從未有的經驗
她在 1981 年二月初使用兩次 LSD做為一個編程裝置,嘗試獲得一個與造物者合一的經驗但她不想讓 Don 知道因為他很反對使用任何非法的物質特別是在我們小組與 Ra 接觸的工作期間
在後來的一場集會Ra 認為這兩次經驗是由監督我們工作的負面實體所安排的它們希望藉此使得 Carla 服務 Ra 通訊的能力受到阻礙
在該場集會結束後我們三個決定只要 Ra 通訊持續的一天就不再使用任何非法的物質好讓我們的光之甲冑不會有裂縫同時 Ra 通訊也絕不會跟任何毒品有牽連

The information on Aleister Crowley is self-explanatory and underlines again the caution that each seeker must take in moving carefully through its energy centers in a balanced fashion.


By chance, a few sessions earlier, we had discovered that sexual intercourse was an aid to Carla’s vital energies during the trance state and would increase the length of a session if engaged in the night before a session was to be held. Thus at the end of Session 18, when Don asked how we might avoid further difficulties in the contact, Ra affirmed the aid which we had discovered sexual intercourse provided. We also found that the conscious dedication of the act of love-making to the service of others via the Ra contact increased its beneficial effects.

在偶然的機會大約幾個 Ra 集會以前我們發現性交對於 Carla 處於出神狀態的生命能有幫助而且如果在某場 Ra 集會舉行的前夕從事性交可以增加該場集會的長度因此在第十八場集會的盡頭Don 問到我們如何可以避免通訊上進一步的困難Ra 肯定我們發現的協助方式即性交我們也發現有意識地將做愛行動獻給服務他人的目的透過 Ra 通訊可增加其有益的效應

As a young college woman, I never dated or spent time with anyone who smoked marijuana or took LSD, or any other drugs. People all around me were experimenting, but I never was offered any drugs. It was the day of flower children and high ideals, a wonderful time to be young. The hippies ruled but I was only an honorary flower child, since I worked steadily throughout that decade. In 1981, I was 38. When an old friend offered to let me try LSD, I was tickled and eager to try it, for I had long been curious to see what this muchtouted substance did to one’s head. In the event, I thoroughly enjoyed the experiences—I tried LSD twice—and found that there really was a wonderful increase in the sense of rightness of things under its benign influence on me. Since then, I have heard from many people that my utterly positive experiences with LSD were somewhat atypical, in that most people deal with at least a little hallucination or departure from consensus reality, or even a negatively experienced “high,” or bad trip. So I was either lucky, or my subconscious mind was more settled in its own skin than some others. I’d bet on luck!

Carla 評論
作為一個年輕的大學女子我幾乎沒有約會也沒有和任何吸大麻或吸食 LSD 的同學們在一起也沒有用任何的迷幻藥物在我周遭的人們都在做這種迷幻的實驗然而我卻沒有去使用或者有人給我任何這樣的迷幻藥那些日子是花兒flower child的世代崇高理想的年代在那個時期,當年輕人真的很美妙那是個嬉皮統治的時代而我只算是個榮譽的花兒那我在那十年之間很穩健的走過
一直到 1981 我那時 38 有一個老朋友建議我試試看 LSD我彷彿當時被搔到癢處很急切想要試試看因為我老早就很好奇就想知道這個被大力宣揚的物質對於人的腦袋到底有什麼影響在這個事件中我完全的享受這個經驗我嚐試過 LSD 二次並且發覺這個經驗真的是很美妙因為它提昇了我對事物正確性的感覺感覺 LSD 對我有益的影響從那個時候我就從很多人口中得知,我對於 LSD 這種全然正面的經驗算是有些不正常的反應因為大多數人接觸 LSD至少都會有一點幻覺或是離開一般公認的實相的那種抽離感甚至有一些負面的體驗就是比較負面的陶醉旅程所以我想可能我比較幸運,或者跟其他人相比我的潛意識比較穩定但我會賭幸運這邊

Needless to say, I was not happy to learn that Ra had blithely told my secret to Don. I valued Don’s opinion above all things, and he was not pleased with my judgment in taking illegal substances. But I did not, and do not, feel guilty or ashamed for satisfying my curiosity, under circumstances as safe as one could make them. I also have tried cigarettes and alcohol, both heavily addictive substances, but rarely drink and never use tobacco. (In cooking, however, I use many different spirits, as they offer such delightful notes when put into the harmony of cooking things.) My curiosity was satisfied, and I moved on. The freedom to do this, to know what is out there, is a valuable one, to my mind, if not abused. Moderation seems to me the key.

不消說當我知道 Ra 很爽快地把我的小秘密告訴 Don我並不怎麼快樂因為我珍惜 Don 的意見勝過一切事物Don 對於我決定使用非法物質這件事很不高興但我過去不會,現在也不會覺得有罪惡感或者覺得羞恥因為我只是要滿足我的好奇心並且是在一個安全的環境下是一個人可以做到安全的限度我同時也曾嘗試過抽香煙以及喝酒這二個物質都很容易使人重度上癮

I have very fond memories of reading Aleister Crowley’s autohagiography to Don. He did not like to read, so I frequently read to him. Once we got into this outrageous, brilliant man’s work, we were fascinated. Crowley is a fine writer, regardless of what his polarity might have been fumbling around with. Our favorite poem of his is a perfectly ghoulish nursery rhyme he wrote as a precocious toddler. It begins, “In her hospital bed she lay, rotting away, rotting away, rotting by night and rotting by day, rotting and rotting and rotting away.” Now that I have told you this, you may perhaps see why this character grew up to become … eccentric! But always interesting.

閱讀克勞里的傳記給 Don 聽是我十分珍愛的回憶他不喜閱讀所以我經常唸書給他聽有一次,我們碰到這個無法無天、才氣縱橫的男人的作品我們都感到著迷克勞里是位傑出的作家先不管他在處理極性上可能有點失誤

In working to fit myself into Don’s requirements for a mate, I became a user of relative ethics, a practice that seems always to offer a challenge eventually. Don wished to be celibate, which became obvious to me within six months of our coming together in 1968. I always said that his inability to resist me for those first few months we lived together was my greatest compliment of all time! I attempted a celibate life, after we had talked this issue through, for a little over two years, before I concluded that celibacy was not for me. Don had also decided that we should not marry. This implied, to me, a relationship based on a commonality in a metaphysical rather than a physical sense. Always logical, I suggested to Don that we make an agreement: I would tell him before I took a lover, and when I had ceased seeing him. In between, there was no need to discuss it. This would preclude his hearing about such company from others. As he was gone flying about half the time, I had no difficulty in finding time for the lovers’ relationship. My lover for most of the time Don and I spent together, ten of the sixteen years, was a trusted and much-loved buddy of mine ever since high school. We had thought of marriage years before, and then decided against it, but we’d remained close. He got the notion to come see me perhaps once a month. I stopped seeing him when he began to wish to take our relationship further, and I was celibate again for some four years before Jim. When Jim began coming to the group, we eventually got together, and he became my lover. All of this was done in the good mutual faith between Donald and me. He was genuinely happy for me to have these relationships, and they did not intrude upon our harmony.

在這段相處過程中我想辦法把自己調適符合 Don 對一個伴侶的要求我成為一個相對道德論的用戶這個習俗它總是最後會提供一個挑戰事情是這樣的Don 想要禁慾這件事在我們交往六個月之後變得明顯那段時期是1968 我總是說在一開始那幾個月他沒有能力抗拒我與我同居是我這一生中獲得的最大讚美
我嚐試過一個禁慾的生活當我們把這個話題談開之後大概過了二年多一點我做出結論禁慾並不適合我Don 也覺得我們不應該結婚這一點向我暗示了我們的關係是建立在形而上的共同基礎而不是建立在物質的基礎上這是很合邏輯的於是我和 Don 進行我們可以做一個協議也就是我會在找到一個愛人之前先告訴他然後當我停止和他交往的時候我也會告訴他在我跟其他愛人交往的過程中間都沒有必要去討論這件事這樣協議的好處就是他可以這個過程中避免聽到我又和誰在一起的這些瑣事因為他幾乎有一半的時間都在空中飛翔所以我沒有困難地挪出時間去找到一個愛人的關係最長時間的愛人關係大約維持有十年而我跟 Don 在一起相處的時間有十六年關於我這一個愛人他是值得信賴而且很受喜愛的一個男人我們從高中的時候就認識了我們曾經想過結婚但最後決定不要這麼做但是我們始終保持緊密親密他的想法是大約每個月來找我一次但是當他開始希望我們的關係更進一步時我就停止去找他了於是我又再次禁慾大約有四年之久直到遇到 JimJim 開始進入這個小組的時候我們最終在一塊而且他成為我的愛人所有這些事情都是建立在良好的互相信賴介於唐納與我之間的信心他純然地為我高興能夠擁有這些關係而這些事情並沒有妨礙到我們的和諧

However, in time, after Donald’s death, it became clear to me that my relationship with Jim, especially the intimately sexual part of it, did bother Don at a level below the threshold of his awareness, or mine, for that matter. I doubt he ever realized or acknowledged the emotion. I certainly never saw any trace of it, and I am a sensitive person, able to pick up nuances of feeling. But he must have felt these things, and it led him, in the end, to lose faith in my allegiance. And that completely misplaced doubt was the weakness in his armor of light that resulted in his dying.

無論如何在唐納死後的一段時期我終於有一些比較清晰的輪廓也就說我與 Jim 的關係特別是親密的性欲這部份確實在某個很深的層次打擾了 Don是在他潛意識底下很深的地方關於這件事我懷疑他是否了解或認可有這樣的情感我當然從來沒有看到這方面的痕跡而且我是個很敏感的人能夠偵測到感覺微細的部份我想他一定有感覺到這些事情而在最終這樣的感覺導引他失去對我的忠誠之信心而這個完全被錯置的疑惑正是他光之盔甲的弱點最後導致他的死亡

Long are the hours I have spent reflecting upon this matter. On the one hand, if I had been completely chaste and celibate, he would never have doubted me. He would have still been living, and with me. But we would not have had the contact with Ra that gave us the Law Of One material, because it was the combined energy of us three that contacted Ra, not myself as channel, or any one of us as L/L Research, or even L/L Research as an entity. This is clear from the simple dates: Jim came to L/L permanently on December 23, 1980, and we received our first contact from those of Ra on January 15, 1981, less than three weeks after Jim moved in. And Donald felt from the first session with Ra that this was his life’s work, the culmination of all he had been through since the ’50s, and his gift to the world. Logic fails in matters like these. One can hew completely and faithfully to the agreements one has made, and still err.

但是我們就不會有與 Ra 的通訊不會有 Ra 傳遞給我們的一的法則資料因為是我們三個的綜合能量才能夠接觸Ra不是我自己不是做為器皿的我也不是我們當中的任何一個甚至也不是 L/L 研究機構這個實體
從簡單的日期來看就很清楚了Jim 來到 L/L機構的日期是 1980 12 23 而我們接收到第一次 Ra 的通訊是在 1981 1 15 Jim 搬進來的三週之內 Ra 的通訊就開始從第一次與 Ra 的集會開始,唐納感覺到他就知道這是他畢生的工作是他從 50 年代進行研究以來所累積的最高峰是他給予這個世界的禮物在這些事情中有時候邏輯是失靈的一個人可以完全的遵守信實的遵守這些協議然而卻還是會犯錯

If one can move beyond the mythic tragedy of Donald’s death, and believe me, one can, after a decade or so, barely, one begins to see the inherent humor in that human, prideful assumption that one can control one’s destiny by doing only what is seen as right. One can certainly try to be without error or sin. My pride in myself as being one who always keeps her word blinded me to the suspicions Donald had, but kept completely to himself. His lack of faith in any opinion but his own, even when completely healthy of mind, made it more likely that when he became mentally ill, he would experience paranoia. It is a perfect tragedy.


Don wanted always and only my presence. He never asked for anything else, with the exception of the work we did together. He even begrudged me the time to work on his projects when he was at home. I did all the work for the books we wrote together while he was flying. When he was home, my job was to be in the same room he was in. I was delighted to do this. He could never bring himself to express it, but well I knew how devoted he was, and I felt the same. We had little choice in this; we both felt we were destined to be together, that we were truly star-crossed. Loving him was like breathing, and it did not matter how his needs impinged on mine. Indeed, my spiritual adviser said more than once that I was guilty of idolatry. I did not care what had to be lost to achieve his comfort. I knew these losses included marriage, home and children, things I valued highly and had hoped for. But we were “home” to each other in a way I cannot describe. He rested me, and I, him. I received two compliments from him, in our whole life together. He did not want to spoil me! The lessons were to see through the issues of home, family and reassurance to the ground of being that we shared, to the sensibility we had in common. I embraced them. He was worth whatever it cost. I look back and know I would not change anything. All our choices were made as well as we could make them.

Don 他總是要我在他身旁他從來沒有要求過任何其他事除了我們一起做的這件工作以外當他在家的時候他甚至不願意給我一些時間去做他工作的計劃

This was the jigsaw puzzle within which we were living, in the world-drama, soap-opera consensus reality of our everyday lives. Carla and Don worked perfectly, as did Jim and Carla, and Don and Jim, who loved each other like family from the first meeting. These relationships were strong and true. Naught could have come between us except for doubt. It never occurred to me that Donald could mistake my fondness for Jim for any sort of alteration in Don’s and my un-marriage version of being wed—and we were indeed truly wed, in spirit. You can imagine my wretchedness when one of his friends told me, long after the funeral, that Don had thought I had fallen out of love with him. I was flabbergasted, completely unaware of these doubts, so it never occurred to me to reassure him. How I wish I had! But I was grieving, for the man I knew was gone, and what took his place was a person in very bad need of help. And I was angry that he would not seek help, or follow any medical suggestions. He was my world, and without him, I felt I did not exist. I think most of my grieving was done before his death, in those surrealistic months when he was so very ill, and nothing I did to help was of avail. It took years after he died for me to come to a new sense of myself. That I have now done so is a gift of grace from the Creator, and has been greatly aided by Jim’s sensitive treatment of me during the long years of confinement with debilitating episodes of arthritis and other troubles in the decade following Don’s death, and during my rehab period in 1992. For the first six years after Don died, I actively felt I should kill myself, because I had “caused” his death, inadvertently, but surely. This was my longest walk in the desert until this present moment. I was resigned to having this basic mind-set for the rest of my life, and I was not aware that time had begun its healing work until I picked up something I’d written and forgot about. I read it anew, and thought, “you know, I like this person.” Six years in the desert! Many were the times I was tempted to lay down my faith, but I could not, would not do that. So I survived, and waited for grace. The lesson here is simply that waiting does bring all things to one. Patience cannot be overvalued in the spiritual journey.

我們都活在一個拼圖遊戲之中在這個世界的戲劇中在這個肥皂劇中在我們每天生活的共同實相Carla Don 彼此完美的工作Jim Carla 也完美的共同工作同時 Don Jim 也可以完美的一起工作這三個人彼此相愛就好比家人一樣從第一次的集會開始就是如此
我從來沒有想到 Don 會將我對 Jim 的喜愛誤會成我們盟約的改變雖然我們在形式上並沒有結婚我們真的在靈性中已經結婚了你可以想到我那種悲慘的感覺 Don 的一個朋友在葬禮過後一段時間告訴我Don 曾經想過我已經掉出他的情網我大吃一驚完全的沒有覺察到這些疑慮因為我從來沒有想過要跟他再三保證對他的忠誠),我多麼希望我曾這樣做
我想在他肉身死亡之前我大部份的悲傷與淚水都已經流光了在這些超現實的歲月中他是那樣的不健康我做的事沒有一件是真正有幫助的在他為我而死之後的許多年歲我對於自己有一個新的觀點也就是我現在所做的事情都是來自造物主的恩寵禮物同時得到 Jim 大大的協助他很敏銳地治療我在那漫長的歲月中在我得風濕關結炎以及許多創傷禁錮我的日子裡以及在 Don 死後十年種種肉體上的麻煩還有我在 1992 年的復健時期
Don 死後的前六年我積極地覺得我應該把自己殺死因為是我造成他的死亡這是很悲慘的想法但是很確切的那可以說是我在沙漠中行走的最長旅程直到今日我已經放棄這種基本的思考態度了我過去並沒有覺察時間已經開始它的治療工作直到我撿起某件我所寫的東西那是我忘記的東西我再一次讀著它,心中想著「你知道嗎我喜歡這個人」六年在沙漠的期間有多少次我被誘惑想放下我的信仰但我不能我也不願這麼做所以我存活下來了等待恩寵在這裡的功課單純的就是等待可以將一切事物帶回合一的狀態在靈性的旅程中耐心再怎麼強調也不為過

This world remains to me a sea of confusion. Knowing well how much I have erred, in what I have done and what I’ve left undone, and knowing how little I understand, I am well content to remain in the hands of destiny. One of my desires in publishing this personal material is to expose, with utter lack of modesty or fear, the humanness of the three of us. We were not “worthy” of the Ra contact, in the sense of being perfect people. We were three pilgrims who found comfort in each other, and who sought honestly and deeply to serve the light. The material is completely apart from who any of us was or is, and we are not to be confused with Ra, as having some sort of special excellence. This just is not so.

說實在我們並不值得Ra 通訊如果說做為完美的人才能接收到 Ra 訊息
我們只是三個朝聖者我們在彼此之間找到安慰我們是誠實地去尋求深深地嚐試服務光這個資料是完全跟我們分開的跟我們過去是什麼現在是什麼都沒有關係請不要把我們跟 Ra 混淆在一起或者認為我們有某種特別優越的特質這真的不是這樣

Are relative ethics OK? I still believe they are, and that keeping carefully made agreements is a real key to harmonious living and clear relationships. But it is just the best we can do. That doesn’t make it perfect. Further, one cannot expect the universe to bless us with perfect peace just because we are keeping our agreements. We all are blindsided by life itself, and continue only by blunder, faith and a good humor in the face of all. There is an art to cooperating with destiny. And may I say, I am grateful to James Allen McCarty for that selfsame good humor, and for deciding with me, three years after Don’s death, to take hold of our friendship and create a marriage between us. He was most ill-suited to such, as I said, and his gallant cheer and courtesy in accommodating himself to this role has been and continues to be remarkable to me. Truly, he has been a good companion through many waters.

相對道德論 OK 我現在仍然相信它們是 OK 只要小心的遵守協議這是通往和諧生活與清晰關係的關鍵這是我們能做到的最佳狀態但並不保證完美進一步的一個人不能因為他保持每一項協議他就期待宇宙會祝福他給他完美的平安並沒有這樣的一回事我們全都被生命本身出其不意地襲擊blindsided),我們繼續犯錯然而也繼續虔守我們的信心跟保持良好的幽默感面對這一切這是與命運合作的一項藝術容我這樣說我很感謝 Jim McCarty他總是保持他良好的幽默並且在 Don 死後三年決定跟我在一起我們繼續保持我們的友誼並且在我們之間創造出一個婚姻事實上他是最不適合這種關係婚姻

One thing is sure: in true love, the star-crossed kind, there is incredible sweetness, but also immense pain. Don was a hard man to love. Not communicative in the usual sense, he never said what he wanted of me, but just waited for me to guess right. I did not mind, and still am glad of every bit of pain I went through trying to be what he needed me to be, which was essentially without sexuality or the usual reassurance of words, yet greatly intimate. In the density we came from, we were already one, Ra said. So there was an ultimate satisfaction in being with Don, having to do much more with eternity than any particular time or space. What Jim and I had and have is the devoted love of old friends and lovers, who have an earthly pilgrimage together. Our time together is child’s play after Don, as far as my being able to handle whatever happens with us. Jim will communicate until we find every bit of misunderstanding, and so we have an easy time of it and when we do have catalyst together, it is quickly worked through. Jim’s never had that ultimate romance, and occasionally misses it. But what we do have is so good to us that we have found a considerable happiness with each other, and the good work we have between us.

有件事是確定的在真愛中那流星劃過般star-crossed的戀情有著不可思議的甜美同時也有著巨大的痛苦Don 是一個很難不容易去愛的男人以一般的角度而言幾乎沒有所謂的溝通可言他從來沒有說過他要我給他什麼他只是在那邊等著等我猜到對的答案我不介意我仍然很高興我所經歷的每一分痛苦嚐試去成為他要我成為的那一個人物我們的關係在本質上沒有性關係也沒有通常的言語保證然而卻是那樣十分地親密 Ra 曾經說過在我們來自的密度我們早已是一體的所以單純的跟 Don 在一起即是一種終極的滿足
我與 Don 的關係比較多與永恆有關而不是跟特定的時間或空間有關Jim 跟我的關係其實是一種像老朋友般的誠摯的愛以及一般的戀人關係一起在地球上走過這一趟朝聖之旅
Don 過世之後我跟Jim 相處的時光就變成小孩的玩耍在我跟Jim 的生活中我能處理任何我們之間發生的任何事情Jim 會設法與我溝通直到我們找出我們之間每一分誤解的地方所以我們之間的相處是很容易的我們生活當然也會有一些催化劑但是都很快的能夠化解

We see ourselves as still working for and with Don, keeping L/L’s doors open and our hearts as well, and living the devotional life that we have learned about from the Confederation teachings. These teachings are at one with universal wisdom as well as my Christian heritage, and have to do simply with living in love. This is such a simple teaching that it escapes many people. But that focus upon Love is one’s access to truth, and one’s willingness to keep the heart open, which one may call faith, is the energy that brings to us all that was meant for us, both of lessons to learn and of service to offer.

我們看待自己仍然是為 Don 工作 Don 一起工作同時繼續保持L/L 機構的大門敞開也保持我們的心敞開繼續活出奉獻的生活那是我們從星際聯邦的教導中學到的這些教導是與宇宙的智慧是一體的也跟我所信仰的基督傳承是一致的這些教導單純地指出我們要活在愛中這個簡單的教導卻逃出許多人的眼睛將焦點放在愛之上是一個人通往真理的入口一個人願意去隨時保持心的敞開或者可以稱為是一種信心這樣的能量把我們帶到一切有意義的地方即應該學習的功課以及可以提供的服務

And above all, we may acknowledge, for once and for all, that we are but dust, unless we are living in Love. This helps one to deal with sorrows that inevitably visit our lives. We are not supposed to be in control, or perfect, or any particular thing, but just those who continue to love, through whatever confusion there is. Sheer persistence in faith, regardless of the illusion, is the key to many blessings.



Session 18, February 4, 1981

十八場集會,1981 2 4

Questioner: I was thinking last night that if I was in the place of Ra right now, the first distortion of the Law of One might cause me to mix some erroneous data with the true information that I was transmitting to this group. Do you do this?

問:我昨晚在想,如果我現在處於 Ra 的位置一的法則之第一變貌可能使我將一些錯誤資料混雜在真實的資訊當中傳遞給這個小組你會這樣做嗎

Ra: I am Ra. We do not intentionally do this. However, there will be confusion. The errors which have occurred have occurred due to the occasional variation in the vibrational complex of this instrument due to its ingestion of a chemical substance. It is not our intent in this particular project to create erroneous information but to express in the confining ambiance of your language system the feeling of the infinite mystery of the one creation in its infinite and intelligent unity.

RA︰我是 Ra我們不會故意這樣做無論如何,混淆是存在的。已發生的錯誤是由於該器皿攝取一種化學物質,導致其振動複合體偶爾的變動。

Questioner: Can you tell me what the chemical substance is that, when ingested, causes poor contact?


Ra: I am Ra. This is not a clear query. Could you please restate.

RA︰我是 Ra這個問題不清楚。你能再重新敘述嗎?

Questioner: You just stated that you had some problems with the instrument because of the ingestion of some chemical substance by the instrument. Can you tell me what the chemical substance was?


Ra: I am Ra. The substance of which we speak is called vibration sound complex, LSD. It does not give poor contact if it is used in conjunction with the contact. The difficulty of this particular substance is that there is, shall we say, a very dramatic drop-off of the effect of this substance. In each case this instrument began the session with the distortion towards extreme vital energy which this substance produces. However this entity was, during the session, at the point where this substance no longer was in sufficient strength to amplify the entity’s abilities to express vital energy. Thus, first the phenomenon of, shall we say, a spotty contact and then, as the instrument relies again upon its own vibrational complexes of vital energy, the vital energy in this case being very low, it became necessary to abruptly cut off communication in order to preserve and nurture the instrument. This particular chemical substance is both helpful and unhelpful in these contacts for the causes given.

RA︰我是 Ra我們講到的這個物質被稱為振動聲音複合體LSD*。若它被使用的時機和該通訊同時間,並不會導致不良通訊。這個特殊物質的困難,容我們說,是很戲劇化的退場效果。在每一個案例,這個器皿開始集會時,擁有這個物質產生的極度生命能變貌。然而,這個實體在集會中的某一時點,這個物質不再有足夠的力量放大該實體表現生命能的能力。
*譯註:LSD 在此為 Lysergic Acid Diethylamide 的縮寫,一種強力的迷幻藥。)

Questioner: Are there any foods that are helpful or harmful that the instrument might eat?


Ra: I am Ra. This instrument has body complex distortion towards ill health in the distortion direction corrected best by ingestion of the foodstuffs of your grains and your vegetables as you call them. However, this is extremely unimportant when regarded as an aid with equality to other aids such as attitude which this instrument has in abundance. It, however, aids the vital energies of this instrument, with less distortion towards ill health, to ingest foodstuffs in the above manner with the occasional ingestion of what you call your meats, due to the instrument’s need to lessen the distortion towards low vital energy.

RA︰我是 Ra器皿的身體複合體變貌趨向欠佳的健康,更正這個變貌取向的最好方式是攝取穀物和蔬菜如你所稱

Questioner: The entity Aleister Crowley wrote “Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law.” He was obviously of some understanding of the Law of One. Where is this entity now?

問︰我懂了克勞里Aleister Crowley實體曾寫道承行汝旨意即為全部的律法。他明顯地理解一的法則的某些方面。這個實體目前在哪裡

Ra: I am Ra. This entity is within your inner planes. This entity is in an healing process.

RA︰我是 Ra這個實體位於內在次元層面正在經歷一個治療過程。

Questioner: Did this entity, then, even though he intellectually understood the Law of One, misuse it and have to go through this healing process?


Ra: I am Ra. This entity became, may we use the vibration sound complex, overstimulated with the true nature of things. This over-stimulation resulted in behavior that was beyond the conscious control of the entity. The entity thus, in many attempts to go through the process of balancing, as we have described the various centers beginning with the red ray and moving upwards, became somewhat overly impressed or caught up in this process and became alienated from other-selves. This entity was positive. However, its journey was difficult due to the inability to use, synthesize, and harmonize the understandings of the desires of self so that It might have shared, in full compassion, with other-selves. This entity thus became very unhealthy, as you may call it, in a spiritual complex manner, and it is necessary for those with this type of distortion towards inner pain to be nurtured in the inner planes until such an entity is capable of viewing the experiences again with the lack of distortion towards pain.

RA︰我是 Ra這個實體受到事物的真實本質的過度刺激容我們用該振動聲音複合體。這個過度刺激導致一些行為超越該實體顯意識的控制。


Session 19, February 8, 1981

十九場集會,1981 2 8

(譯註:在 1998 年正式出版的英文卷五中,以下這段放在第十八場集會,但 Tobey 先生重聽錄音帶之後,確認應該要放在第十九場集會末尾!)

Questioner: I just have two little questions here at the end. The instrument wanted to ask if there were any other substances foods, etc. that she should not eat or drink or things that she should not do because she does not wish to have poor contact for any reason.


Ra: I am Ra. There is no activity which this instrument engages in which affects abilities negatively. There is one activity which affects its abilities positively. This is the sexual activity, as you would call it. There are substances ingested which do not aid the individual in the service it has chosen, this being that which you would call the marijuana. This is due to the distortion towards chemical lapses within the mind complex causing lack of synaptic continuity. This is a chemical reaction of short duration. This instrument, however, has not used this particular substance at any time while performing this service. We believe we have covered the use of such chemical agents as LSD, this being positive to a certain extent due to the energizing or speeding up of the vital forces. However, it is not recommended for this instrument due to the toll it takes upon the vital energies once the substance wears off. This being true of any speeding-up chemical.

RA我是 Ra這個器皿從事的活動沒有一個會負面地影響其能力有一個活動可以正面地影響其能力即性愛活動如你所稱器皿曾服用一些物質無助於它所選擇的服務這個物質是你所稱的大麻這是由於化學物質作用期間該物質在心智複合體內導致神經突觸連續性的缺乏這是短暫的化學作用這個器皿在執行這項服務期間並未使用這個特定的物質我們相信我們已經涵蓋化學藥劑如LSD 的用途由於生命力vital forces的加速或增強,這個物質在某種程度是正面的,無論如何,並不推薦這個器皿使用,因為當這個物質的作用消退之後,器皿必須付出一些生命能的代價。這點也適用於任何加速型的化學製品。




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