Contact Report 057/第057次接觸報告
最初英譯:2019年07月13日,星期六,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
改進版本:N/A,Catherine Mossman, Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2023年03月03日,星期五,DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, James Hsu
一、首先 Semjase 再次詳細解說了「冰河時期」的定義與週期,其中有些容易混淆的名詞;例如:「大冰期」、「冰期」與「間冰期」(又稱「小冰期」),還有所謂的與「微冰期」等,都需要用心去仔細分辨。
總體而言,自地球形成以來,「大冰期」(或稱「冰河時期」)至少出現過5次,而其涵蓋時間往往達數億年;我們目前正經歷的是開始於 258 萬年前的「第四紀大冰期」,而在這次「大冰期」中則共經歷了15次「冰期」與「間冰期」。其中「冰期」的週期大約是 70 萬年一次;「間冰期」或「小冰期」發生的週期平均約為 35 萬年。
二、其次 Billy 問到有關癌症(cancer)的問題,是否這種絕症以及其他疾病,是否都已經在 Plejares 的世界受到控制與解決,Semjase 的答案是肯定的,但並不是他們都不會生病,只是通常能夠很快就控制住病情。而關於癌症,這牽涉到某些消極和負面的態度和行為,必須由人類自行按進化的法則,自行覺悟與改正行為模式才能徹底解決。
三、他們談論了 Semjase 的家鄉行星 Erra 的一些相關物理諸元的資料。甚至是他們祖先早在 2,700 萬年前就已掌握了穿梭宇宙的科技。
四、有關地球的年齡,自其第一次原始物質聚集成超微氣體以來,已有 6,460 億年的歷史;至於太陽的年齡是 8,100 億 7,300 萬年,有關其年齡的資訊,也是建立在最初原始氣體的起源開始計算的。
六、有關雅戈泰(Agharta)這個地下城市的更多細節:雅戈泰在地球深處建了兩個城市,分別稱為雅戈泰 A(Alpha)城和雅戈泰 B(Beta)城。雅戈泰 A 城位於戈壁沙漠地表以下幾千公尺處,雅戈泰 B 城也在地下,但位於喜馬拉雅山的下方。雅戈泰 B 城是行政中心,而雅戈泰 A 城則是兩個雅戈泰的權力中心。兩個城市都是由一條地下隧道相連,然而,連接隧道後來在戈壁大災難期間幾乎完全被毀,迄今並沒有修復。
八、有關 Plejarns 如何避孕方面,他們的每個婦女都有在三天內檢測意外懷孕的技術,然後配合服藥方式就會觸發早期的月經,使受精卵在發育前就被排出,由於受孕的三週後,靈魂才會以一種人類的生命形式進駐人體,因此,這種過早觸發的月經過程,只會排出基本的物質,不會破壞生命。
九、在會談最後,他們談到一位小組成員Amata 所看見的「遠端投影」現象,此時 Quetzal 特地為此而來,作出一番詳細的解說,但要求內容在 1980 年前不得對外公開,其中還牽涉到地球人類的起源,以及 Billy 本身的身世之謎。
This is the entire contact report. It is an official and authorised English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
Today I have another question concerning the ice ages of the Earth; something seems not to be clear about the last answer to the question. Look here, so I asked you the question: How many ice ages has the Earth gone through, and what exactly are these?
今天我又有一個關於地球冰河時期(ice ages;又稱「冰川期」或「冰河期」)的問題;在這個問題上,上次的答案似乎不是太清楚。看看這裡,這就是我問妳的問題:過去地球經歷過多少個冰河時期,而這些時期到底是些什麼狀況?
1. I have answered this question to the best of my ability.
Obviously not, because the questioner complained about your answer, something must not be clear. Maybe I made the mistake of asking you the wrong question myself? I am afraid I do not understand these things.
2. How were you asked the question, do you remember it?
No I do not, but I still have the note from that time. Here it says literally: In the more recent geological literature one reads that there were six great ice ages in the last ice age (end of the Tertiary, i.e. about 3 million years ago, to the present day). In my opinion, it is just the four ice ages, like you said. Which is true? (Werner)
我不記得了,但我還有那個時間的筆記。這裡從字面上說:在較新的地質文獻中,人們讀到,在上一個冰河時期(第三紀末期,距今大約三百萬年前)發生時,總共有六個大冰河時期(great ice ages)。但依我的看法,就像妳說的,只有四個冰河時期。那麼到底是哪個正確呢?
3. The question is completely illogical and incomprehensible, if only because it contains a provably false assertion.
4. I would not have answered this question because it obviously serves an unfair purpose in its confused form.
I know that, but I suspected that it would be illogical for you, so I put it in a logical form.
5. That was to be assumed, because your question was very logical.
Okay, now can you tell me why your answer was criticised?
6. What interests does the person asking the question represent?
I understand he's a hobby geologist or something.
7. Then any further answer is superfluous, because hobby scientists of earthly origin are just as stubborn and unteachable as trained scientists.
8. They simply stick to their assertions, even though they are often wrong, but they believe they know.
9. A further answer would therefore not be worthwhile.
You may be right, but I am also very interested in answering my question, because I can thereby expand my own knowledge, but so can all those who are interested in your statements, etc.
10. That sounds very logical.
11. What do you want to know?
12. Clarify your question for me.
As I said, I do not understand much about these things, but it can be inferred from various statements of the hobby geologist that geological science of the Earth accepts and believes to have established that during the last 3 million years there have been 10 ice ages on the Earth. The question concerning the 4 or 6 ice ages would have been only a trick question. So in my opinion the question is whether there have been 4, 6 or 10 ice ages on the Earth in the last 3 million years.
正如我所說的,我對這些事情瞭解不多,但從業餘地質學家的各種說法中可以推斷出,地球的地質科學假設並相信,在過去的 300 萬年裡,地球已經歷過了 10 個冰河時期。關於 4 個或 6 個冰河時期的看法,只是一個陷阱(catch)問題。因此,在我看來,問題是在過去的 300 萬年裡,地球上到底有沒有出現過 4、6 或 10 個冰河時期。
13. The question of this person is very stupid and does not point exactly to a very pronounced consciousness-based activity, this is to be still noticed, because if they had asked the question in honest form and logically, then they would also have received an appropriate answer.
14. His question, however, indicates that this person is very taken with himself and does not take honesty very seriously.
15. How else would they dare to ask such a question in a lying and falsifying manner?
16. That is why I will not answer the question on account of them, but because of you and honestly interested people, as far as I can:
17. As I have already mentioned, on average and to some extent every 700,000 years a great glacial period takes place on Earth, which corresponds to the value of a great ice age.
正如我已經提到的那樣,地球上平均每 70 萬年會發生一次大冰河時期(great glacial period),這與「大冰期」(Great Ice Age)的發生時間相當。
18. Between these great ice ages there are different interglacial seasons, i.e. interglacial ice ages or small ice ages.
在這些大冰河期(great ice seasons;意思是上面說的冰期)之間,有不同的間冰河期(interglacial seasons),也就是間冰期(interglacial ice seasons)或小冰期(small ice seasons)。
19. Their cycle is about 350,000 years on average.
它們發生的週期平均約為 35 萬年。
20. The glacial periods usually cover ⅙ to ¼ of the Earth's surface, while the interglacial periods cover ¹⁄₁₅ to ¹⁄₂₂ of the Earth's surface, although for both ice age types enormous differences can occur both in relation to the area covered and with regard to the timings of the occurances here and there.
冰期(glacial periods)通常覆蓋地球表面的 1/6 至 1/4,而間冰期(interglacial periods)覆蓋地球表面的 1/15 至 1/22,但這兩種冰河時期,在覆蓋面積和各處的外觀時間方面,都可能有著巨大的差異。
1. 「大冰期」(Great Ice Age);也稱「冰河時期」,那是要涵蓋幾千萬到數億年的「冰川期」或「冰河期」;自地球形成以來,「大冰期」曾至少出現過 5 次(包含現代我們所處的第四紀大冰期;詳見後續註解說明。)。
2. 「冰期」(glacial period);又稱亞冰期,是指在一個「大冰期」之中,一段持續的全球低溫、大陸冰蓋大幅度向赤道延伸的時期。
3. 「間冰期」(interglacials);是指兩次冰期之間,全球溫度較高,大陸冰蓋大幅度消融退縮的時期。冰期與間冰期的時間跨度是數十萬年。
在本次接觸會面所談的「大冰河期」(great glacial period;或甚至是誤譯為 Great Ice Ages),顯然指的是上面第 2 項的冰期(glacial period),請讀者明察,不要被英文翻譯名稱弄糊塗了!]
21. It is now easy to calculate from this that this misguided geological person, also with his new assertion that there have been 10 ice ages on Earth in the last 3 (three) million years, again makes a false and misleading assertion without truth, because with 2,800,000 years their 4 Great Ice Ages and their 8 Interglacial Periods have caused new transformations on Earth.
現在很容易計算出這個被誤導的地質學家,即使他聲稱在過去的300萬年裡地球上已經有了 10 個冰期(ice ages),他仍然毫無根據地做出了一個誤導性的說法。因為 280 多萬年來,曾發生了 4 次大冰期(Great Ice Ages;意思是冰期)和 8 次間冰期(Interglacial Periods),給地球帶來了新的變化。
22. In total it can be seen that 12 ice ages covered and changed the Earth alternately during the last 2,800,000 years, while the Earth is now preparing for a new interglacial or stadial period, which will reach its peak in about 160,000 years.
總共可以看到,在過去 280 萬年中,12 個冰期覆蓋並交替改變地球,而地球目前正在準備一個新的間冰期或冰退期(stadial period),這將在大約 16 萬年達到頂峰。
23. The second subsequent ice age, for which the Earth must already prepare itself by terrestrial and extraterrestrial influences, finds its climax in approximately 500,000 years, whereby this will then again be a great ice age.
隨後的第二個冰期(ice ages),地球必須為自身和外星影響做好準備,大約在 50 萬年後達到了頂峰,屆時將又是一次「大冰河期」(Great Ice Age;意思是冰期)。
[中譯者註:按照目前公認資料說法,「冰河時期」(Ice Age),又稱「大冰期」、「冰川期」、「冰河期」或簡稱「冰期」,是指地球大氣和地表長期低溫導致極地和山地冰蓋大幅擴展甚至覆蓋整個大陸的時期。冰河時期內又分為幾次冰期(glacial period、glacials 或 glaciations)與間冰期(interglacials)。
從冰河學的角度,南北半球出現大範圍冰蓋的時期即可視作冰河時期。鑑於格陵蘭和南北極大範圍冰蓋的存在,當今的地球仍處在始於約 260 萬年前更新世的第四紀冰河時期的一次間冰期中,且尚無跡象表明地球正在走出這次冰河時期。
自地球形成以來,「冰河時期」至少出現過 5 次。大冰期中,溫度下降,改變了地球表面的植物相和生物的生存環境,許多生物因此面臨滅亡或被迫遷移,只有能夠適應環境的物種,才能倖存下來。
著名的 5 次「冰河時期」發生時期入下:
1. 新太古代冰河時期,又稱休倫冰河時期(Huronian),出現於 24 億年前到 21 億側年前。
2. 前寒武紀冰河時期,又稱成冰紀冰河時期(Cryogenian),出現於新元古代成冰紀,從 8.5 億年前到 6.3 億年前。
3. 早古生代冰河時期,又稱安第斯-撒哈拉大冰期(Andean-Saharan),時間跨度較小,出現於古生代晚奧陶紀與志留紀,從 4.6 億年前到 4.3 億年前。
4. 晚古生代冰河時期,又稱卡魯大冰期(Karoo Ice Age),出現於古生代末期的石炭紀與二疊紀,從 3.6 億年前到 2.6 億年前。
5. 第四紀冰河時期(Quaternary glaciation),或稱作更新世大冰期(Pleistocene glaciation),當前大冰期(current ice age),或直接叫做大冰期(the ice age),開始於 258 萬年前的上新世晚期(另一說為 2000 萬年前南極大陸出現永久冰蓋之時開始),延續至今。
With that you have answered the question exhaustively. One thing, however, is not yet clear to me: I have been told that the so-called interglacial or between-glacial periods are simply a continuation of the glacial masses, which push very far forward and slowly retreat again. Your answer, however, says that the interglacial periods are real ice ages. Something does not seem quite clear to me here.
我想這已經詳盡回答了這個問題。然而有一件事仍然我不清楚,那就是有人告訴我,所謂的冰間期(interglacial)或間冰期(interglacial periods)只是冰川量的延續,冰川向前推進很遠,又在緩慢後退。但你的回答是,間冰期是真正的冰河期。這裡似乎有些事情我不太清楚。
24. The question might be qualified, because earthly geological science lives in the misconception that a planet has only one real ice age, which always repeats itself, and that the interglacial ice ages are only extensions of the glacials.
這個問題應該是合理的,因為地球的地質學界認為,也就是一個行星只有一個真正的冰期(ice age),然而這個冰河期是反復出現的,而間冰期只是冰期的延伸,因此有這種誤解。
25. With the repetition now, namely the ever-reappearing of the glaciers in the cycle of about 700,000 years, they have recognised the truth, but they, the scientists, are unaware of the average 700,000 year cycle.
他們意識到了重複出現的冰期,也就是大約 70 萬年一次的週期,並且他們已經認識到了真相,然而對於平均 70 萬年的週期這一概念,科學家們卻很陌生。
26. It is, however, completely alien to them that the cyclic interglacial periods, which we also call small ice ages, are also actual glacial periods.
27. They therefore live erroneously in the assumption that the interglacial are only glacial ancestors.
28. But in reality this is not the case, because the interglacial periods are true cyclical ice ages, which have nothing in common with glacier migration, although these actually take place in a cycle of about 70,000 years.
但實際上情況並非如此,因為間冰期是真正的週期性冰期,與冰川遷移沒有任何相似之處,儘管這些遷移的確也在約 7 萬年的週期中發生。
29. However, these are pure glacier advances and glacier migrations, which have an Earth regenerating effect and which also occur due to climate changes.
30. These glacier advances and glacier migrations can be described as small-glacial, i.e. small-glacial periods, but they can also be divided into two different forms, namely larger and smaller, with a period of glacial degradation prevailing at present, which scientists will also establish over the next 20 years.
這些冰川推進和冰川遷移可描述為微冰川(microglacial),即微冰期,但它們也可以分為兩種不同形式,即較大的和較小的,目前存在一個冰川退化期(glacial degradation),科學家們在未來二十年內也將注意到這個現象。
31. Thus the last large glacier advance of this form took place on the Earth about 60,000 years ago and will be repeated already in 10,000 years, to which the forerunners on the Earth already now make themselves felt, just by the forthcoming rapid dismantling of the world-wide ice masses, also in the Arctic and Antarctic.
因此,這種形式的最後一次主要冰川的大推進發生在大約 6 萬年前的地球上,並且這個週期將在 1 萬年內重複出現,而地球上的先兆已經開始顯現,也就是全球冰原的快速消融,包括北極和南極。
32. The small glacier advances or forays have a cycle of about 35,000 years, with the last such event occurring about 18,000 to 25,000 years ago.
小冰川的推進或遷移的週期約為 3 萬 5 千年,上一次發生於大約 1 萬 8 千至 2 萬 5 千年前。
33. After the cycle can be calculated, thus with the next large glacier advance also a small advance follows, whereby however the surfaces of the Earth covered by the ice masses will be in different places.
34. That answer should really be enough.
35. On the other hand, I do not know any more about it either.
[中譯者註:有關冰河時期的週期性,在 1940 年代,就有一位塞爾維亞的地球物理學家兼天文學家米盧廷.米蘭科維奇(Milutin Milanković)提出所謂的「米蘭科維奇循環」(Milankovitch cycles)氣候變化理論。他計算了過去數百萬年地球的離心率、轉軸傾角和軌道的進動的變化,發現了這些參數與地球上氣候模式,尤其是冰河期的關係。
How Ice Ages Happen: The Milankovitch Cycles(英文字幕)
That is more than I expected. Thank you very much. Unfortunately, the last time I asked a question I forgot to ask Koni. He wanted to know if the doctors on your home planet also know the diseases that we have on the Earth. He probably means whether these evils are also rampant on your homeworld or simply present. He also specifically asks about the so-called cancer. He also wants to know if you have or know other pathological evils or if you have simply defeated the diseases?
這已經超出了我的預期,非常感謝妳。不好意思,上次我忘了幫 Koni 問一個問題。他想知道你們家鄉的醫生是否也瞭解我們地球上的疾病。他可能的意思是,這些地球的禍害是否也還在你們的家園肆虐,或者僅僅是曾經存在過。他還特別詢問了所謂的癌症(cancer)。他還想知道你們是否還患有其他的疾病,或者都已經克服了那些疾病?
36. Our scientists have already defeated many so-called diseases centuries or even millennia ago, but even today, illnesses of a diseased nature, transmitted from earlier times, still prevail on other planets.
37. But they are no longer deadly or physically destructive in any form.
38. In the main, they are evils of a minor nature, such as colds, etc., which can also result in pneumonia and the like, but which we are usually able to bring under control very quickly if they do not degenerate.
39. This is also the case with other evils.
40. We are only human life-forms like the inhabitants of the Earth, so we are also susceptible to certain things of a diseased nature, but are usually able to control and heal them very quickly before they really break out.
41. There are also certain evils with us which are unknown on the Earth, but to which our science has also become master.
42. In the case of the cancer, etc. you mentioned, which is embodied in a parasitic, malfunctioning life, it has to be said that fortunately we have long since banished and conquered these diseases.
由於你提到了癌症 —— 這種出現在寄生蟲導致而由錯誤生活所引起的惡疾 —— 這裡要說的是,我們很幸運早已控制和征服了這種惡疾。
43. This, however, was only possible when our humanity and our scientists abandoned certain negating and negative attitudes and actions, etc. and began to think and act in new forms.
So that means you cannot tell us how we can fight these nasty diseases?
44. With this you unfortunately speak the truth, because the Earth-human must acquire the necessary knowledge himself/herself in this regard, because they grow in themselves through it and will understand many things only through it and learn the right manner of acting.
45. But if we were to give them the knowledge, then we would be giving the Earth-humans a method in their hands, which they in turn would exploit destructively and devastatingly, because the knowledge about fighting these diseases holds too many powers and too much power in itself for us to be able to designate it responsibly.
46. It is still too early for the human being of the Earth to be able to possess this knowledge.
47. Only through the ongoing and advancing evolution will they be able to integrate themselves into this knowledge and its power and might, if they will apply it in the given measure and according to creational laws and recommendations, without exploiting it in negative form.
只有透過持續不斷的進化,他才能理解這一知識並認清這一知識的力量和威力,這樣他才能在一定範圍內按照「造物法則與建言」(creative laws and recommendations)來運用它,而不會以負面的形式加以利用。
It is a devilish pity, but I understand your point of view, even if many will say that this is barbaric and megalomaniacal of you.
48. Only Earth-human beings will do that who are not yet capable of thinking in good form and because they themselves live in a barbarity that they are not able to recognise.
49. Therefore, they will scold us barbarously and arrogantly, even though we are not so in any wise, and deeply regret that we are not allowed to provide help in these and certain other things.
50. We do not have the right to influence and advance a human evolution more than is possible according to all creational-natural laws and recommendations and according to the respective level of evolution of a life form.
I understand, you certainly do not have to apologise. But let me ask you a stupid question: Are you also susceptible to the 'Pfnüsel'?
51. – – – ?
52. I cannot uderstand you?
Well, of course you do not understand. Now can you actually say 'chuchichäschtli'?
53. I am still trying, but what was your question earlier?
Oh, I see. Are you susceptible to the cold too? That was my question.
54. I just said that we too have colds, only that we can fight them and contain them.
Oh, yes, of course. That is what you said. I am sorry, I forgot again. Then now a somewhat unusual question: Does the dear Pillen-Päuli (Pope Paul VI) circulate in homophilic groups, or is this only a disparaging assertion of certain scribes?
哦,是的,妳是這麼說的。對不起,我又忘了。那麼,現在有一個有點不尋常的問題:親愛的教宗聖保祿六世(Pope Paul VI)是位同性戀者嗎?還是這只是某些作家的輕蔑言論?
55. This is a very unusual question, but it is based on certain rumours that have been spread recently?
You are right about that. Can you answer the question for me?
56. If it is important to you, certainly.
57. Yes, the rumors are true.
58. This was the case even before he assumed his deviously obtained office.
Okay, that was a guess. Now can you tell me what to think of the 'White Eagle Lo(d)ge' association in Liss/England?
好吧,那是可以預料到的。現在妳能否告訴我,對英國利斯(Liss;是位於漢普郡東漢普郡地區的英國村莊和民事教區)“白鷹旅館”(White Eagle Lodge)協會的看法嗎?
[中譯者註:白鷹旅館(White Eagle Lodge)是最早在英國成立的靈性組織(spiritual organisation),由格雷斯(Grace)和伊万.庫克(Ivan Cooke)於 1936 年創立。格蕾絲(Grace)是一位靈媒(medium),自稱已從名為“白鷹”(White Eagle)的更高領域的精神中接受了這些教導。
(資料譯自:維基百科The White Eagle Lodge)]
59. I do not know that name.
Could you investigate?
60. If it is absolutely necessary, but it does not carry tributes, if my assumption is correct that it is a sect or the like.
61. Must it be so then?
I do not know, but I would like to ask.
62. Please, I would be grateful, if we could then use the time in another form.
Okay, well, before I forget, can you give me some autographs for the kids, because we forgot this last time?
63. My pleasure; on what should I write the greetings?
Here's a pad and a felt-tip pen.
64. Thanks, but you can still keep asking questions.ˊˋ
Well, I still have a very special request, which is very much on my mind: My colleague Konrad seems to have been a bit strange lately. He's really spinning out. Is there perhaps the possibility that I have insulted him or that he simply has a natural depression? Or are there other ghosts buzzing around, driving him crazy?
好吧,我還有一個非常特別的問題,我很想知道:我的同事 Konrad 最近看起來有點奇怪。他快瘋了,我是否有可能冒犯了他,或者他只是自然的情緒抑鬱?或者還有其他的鬼魂在他周圍遊蕩,讓他發瘋?
65. I know nothing about it, but I will do my best to find out.
Thank you, then I have some other questions from Mr. Witzer in Nürtingen: Has one of your spaceships ever been left behind on the Earth?
謝謝,那麼住在尼爾廷根(Nürtingen)的 Witzer 先生還有其他問題:你們的一艘太空船有沒有落在地球上過?
66. We have not lost any spaceships on the Earth, because the question is probably related to that.
It is my own fault, I have to ask you this question logically: Has one of your beamships, a reconnaissance ship or a telemeter disc ever crashed since you returned to the Earth?
這是我自己的錯,我不得不問妳一個有邏輯的問題:自從妳返回地球後,你們的一些飛船、一艘偵察船或一艘遙控飛碟(telemeter disc)曾經有墜毀過嗎?
67. No, our equipment of this kind and those we have here are completely crash proof.
Thank you, then another question: Is it true that there are 10 to 16 glass coffins or glass shrines in the American Pentagon in which dead extraterrestrials are found and which are supposed to be about 120 cm tall?
謝謝。那麼,下一個問題是:美國五角大廈(American Pentagon;國防部)真的有 10 到 16 個玻璃棺材或玻璃櫃,裡面裝著大約 120 公分高的外星人屍體嗎?
68. Something like this is unknown to us.
But is there a possibility?
69. Sure, but we should know that.
Do you doubt that statement?
70. It could be an assertion without any truth.
71. Nothing is known to us regarding such an incident that would suggest a crash of a beamship of foreign origin, in which 16 extraterrestrial life-forms are to have been killed and stored in glass shrines in the Pentagon.
對於這件事,我們並不清楚,這表示有一艘外星飛船墜毀地面,而其中有 16 個外星生命死亡並儲存在五角大廈的玻璃櫃中。
72. In another case however, something similar arises, with the deposit of extraterrestrial dead bodies, etc. which does not concern the Pentagon.
73. So in the Roswell case.
羅斯威爾事件(Roswell case)就是這樣。
Also good; what about Apollo 13, whose oxygen tank is supposed to have flown away from the device part and 'travelled' into free space? What was the real reason for that?
好吧,那麼阿波羅(Apollo)13 號呢?它的氧氣艙是否已經從太空船上飛到了外太空?真正的原因是什麼?
74. I cannot give you any information about this, because I am not informed about these concerns.
Then another question: How many humans of your race currently live on the Earth?
75. Overall there are 114.
總體而言,有 114 位。
This is a quick one. What do you call your sun Tayget in your own language?
這是一個簡短的問題:用你們的語言如何稱呼你們的恆星 Tayget?
76. Similar to yours, namely TAGET.
與你們稱呼的類似,也就是 TAGET。
Aha, and what is the diameter of your home planet ERRA in your Pleiades system?
妳的家鄉行星 ERRA,在你們的 Plejares 星系中的直徑是多少?
[中譯者註:有關此處英語所稱「昴宿星團」(Pleiades system)其實是指「Plejares星系」。]
77. It is very much like Earth's, as I explained earlier.
All right, then a question that you have already answered sufficiently and which must therefore seem illogical to you: Have some of you incarnated on the Earth?
78. You know that this is impossible because none of us died on the Earth, so you ask very illogically.
I already told you. I asked the question not from me, but from Mr. Witzer.
我已經告訴妳了,這不是我提的問題,而是 Witzer 先生提的。
79. I understand.
The next question relates to the troposphere of Erra: What gases and substances does it consist of?
下一個問題與 Erra 星大氣的對流層(troposphere)有關:它是由哪些氣體和物質組成的?
80. It is almost identical to the Earth.
81. The tropospheres of our worlds usually contain between 75 and 70% nitrogen, 25 to 29% oxygen and 1% trace gases such as carbon dioxide, argon, etc.
我們世界大氣的對流層通常含有 75% 至 70% 的氮氣、25 至 29% 的氧氣和 1% 的微量氣體,如二氧化碳和氬氣(argon)等。
82. Erra itself has a higher oxygen content with 32.4%.
Erra 星本身大氣(對流層)的含氧量較高,為 32.4%。
83. Traces of argon and other gases are found at only 0.3% and nitrogen 67.3%.
微量氣體如氬與其他氣體僅佔 0.3%,而氮氣佔 67.3%。
84. However this refers only to the planet Erra, as I have explained.
然而,正如我所解釋的,這僅是 Erra 行星的情況。
That's good, but you are obviously talking about the atmosphere, although the question is related to the troposphere.
85. It is one and the same thing, because usually you call the troposphere the lowest layer of the atmosphere for simplicity's sake simply the atmosphere, which however, viewed from bottom to top, is composed of the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere.
對流層(Troposphere)是地球大氣層中最靠近地面的一層,也是地球大氣層裡密度最高的一層。它蘊含了整個大氣層約 75% 的質量,以及幾乎所有的水蒸氣及氣溶膠(煙霧質)。
平流層(Stratosphere),舊稱同溫層,位於對流層的上方和中間層的下方。其下界在中緯度地區位於距離地表 10 公里處,在極地則在 8 公里左右,其上界則約在離地 50 公里的高度。
中間層(mesosphere),又稱為中氣層,其高度在 50~85 公里,下方是平流層,上方是熱層。中間層的氣溫隨高度的上升而下降,因此其大氣存在相當強烈的垂直方向的運動。
熱層(Thermosphere),亦稱熱成層、熱氣層或增溫層。它位於中間層之上及散逸層之下,其頂部離地面約 800 公里。
散逸層(Exosphere),亦稱外氣層,是地球大氣層的最外層,位於熱層的上方,散逸層的下界距離地表 800 公里、頂界約為 2000~3000 公里,這裡也可被視作地球大氣層的上界。
Ah so, I did not know that. Unfortunately, I have a gap in my education in this respect. Thank you for the information.
86. This knowledge is not of great importance to you either.
Still, it is a lack of education. But how great is the surface gravity of Erra?
儘管如此,這仍然是缺乏教育的情況。但 Erra 行星的表面重力有多大呢?
87. Do you want to know all the data on my homeworld?
It could probably do no harm, because I am constantly asked about it, but unfortunately I do not understand anything about these things.
88. I want to give you the most important data not yet mentioned but then that should be enough because these things are not of great importance for Earth humanity.
89. The surface gravity is 1.00003 according to the Earth's basic measure, i.e. slightly more than the surface gravity of the Earth.
根據地球的測量基準,(Erra 行星的)地表重力為 1.0003,也就是略高於地球表面的重力。
90. The density is 5.521, the axis inclination 22.99 degrees and the equator diameter 12,749 km, whereby the escape velocity of 11.19 kilometres per second is to be mentioned.
此外,其密度為 5.521(公克/立方公分),轉軸傾角為 22.99 度,赤道直徑為 1 萬 2,749 公里,還有 11.19 公里/秒的逃逸速度(escape velocity;又稱宇宙速度,是指物體從地球出發,要脫離天體重力場的四個較有代表性的初始速度的統稱。)。
91. This is the most important data that should really suffice.
平均半徑 6,371.0 公里;
赤道半徑 6,378.1 公里;
極半徑 6,356.8 公里;
表面積 510,072,000 平方公里;
體積 1.08321×1012 立方公里;
質量 5.97237×1024 公斤;
平均密度 5.514 公克/立方公分;
表面重力 9.807 公尺/平方秒;
逃逸速度 11.186 公里/秒;
轉軸傾角 23.4392811 度。
It is good, girl, they were just interested in it.
92. But they are not of importance and for the Earth-humans is still unverifiable for the time being.
93. The answering of such questions only leads to the fact that you yourself are accused of lying by the unreasonableness of earthly astronomers, etc. because their illusory knowledge and their desire to be know-it-alls does not allow them to recognise the truth, thus it is better not to consider such questions anymore.
Okay, you are probably right about that. But can you now tell me how many years your race has already mastered space travel, by which I mean your ancestors up to the most ancient generations?
好吧,這方面妳也許是對的。但現在妳能否告訴我,你們的種族已經掌握太空穿梭(space travel)的技術多少年了,我的意思是你們最古老的祖先所掌握到的部分?
94. It has already been 27 million years since our first ancestors built the first space-worthy flying vehicles.
自我們第一個祖先建造了第一批太空飛行器算起,已經有 2,700 萬年了。
95. It was about six thousand years before the great catastrophe when the Destroyer breached into the home systems.
這是「毀滅者」(the Destroyer)闖入我們家鄉星系,造成那場大災難之前大約六千年。
Quite a span of time. But tell me, do you know how old the SOL system is?
96. That is what we have been dealing with:
97. The Earth is a middle-aged planet with 646 billion (646,000,000,000) years since its first primeval matter agglomeration of ultra-fine gas.
地球是一個中年的行星,自其第一次原始物質聚集成超微氣體(ultra-fine gas)以來,已有 6,460 億年的歷史。
98. Other planets are a little older and are slowly disintegrating, while Jupiter and Saturn only develop into planets if they ever do, before the whole system disappears again.
99. The age of the sun amounts to 810 billion and 73 million (810,073,000,000) years, whereby this information regarding the age is based again on the first origin of the ur-gas, which formed at that time in the constantly changing and the becoming and passing as well as the again forming of the aligned universal material-belt.
太陽的年齡是 8,100 億 7,300 萬年,有關其年齡的資訊是建立在最初原始氣體(Urgas)的起源開始計算的,這些原始氣體在當時形成於不斷變化並逐漸形成和經過同時再次形成為宇宙物質帶(universal belt of matter)。
太陽是在大約 45.7 億年前在一個坍縮的氫分子雲內形成。太陽形成的時間以兩種方法測量:太陽目前在主序帶上的年齡,使用恆星演化和太初核合成的電腦模型確認,大約就是 45.7 億年。這與放射性定年法得到的太陽最古老的物質是 45.67 億年非常的吻合。太陽在其主序的演化階段已經到了中年期,在這個階段的核融合是在核心將氫融合成氦。每秒中有超過 400 萬噸的物質在太陽的核心轉化成能量,產生中微子和太陽輻射。以這個速率,到目前為止,太陽大約轉化了 100 個地球質量的物質成為能量,太陽在主序帶上耗費的時間總共大約為 100 億年。
I think that should answer the question, at least I hope so. But now again a question concerning the dear George Adamski: Has he ever seen a spaceship or a beamship and are his photos all fakes?
我認為這應該能回答這個問題了,至少我希望如此。但現在又是有關親愛的喬治.亞當斯基(George Adamski)的問題:他見過太空船或飛船嗎?而他的照片都是假的嗎?
100. Your question is again illogical, because I have already answered it several times.
I know you said that he never saw a beamship or even a spaceship himself, not even a reconnaissance ship or a telemeter disc. According to your information he built various models, etc. in the size of approx. 30 cm, with which he then took his photos, based on the statements of a woman who once saw a beamship. But what about his pictures, are they all deceitful?
我知道妳說過,根據妳的資料,他從來沒有見過飛船或太空船,甚至沒有偵察船或遙控飛碟。但根據一位婦女的陳述,他曾經看到過飛船,他建造了各種大小約 30 公分的模型,然後用它們來拍照。而他的照片都是騙人的嗎?
101. Sure, it is undoubtedly so.
Well, you once told me that Adamski was concerned before his death about attesting, for posterity, that he was a charlatan. According to your information, he would have written this down and signed it personally. Have you now found out where this document is, and is it possible that I can get hold of it?
102. You have to be patient a little longer, because we still have only a few clues about the person who is keeping the document.
103. But it will certainly be accessible to you within a year.
I am looking forward to it like an arrow's bow. But I am just as excited to hear another answer from you: As you know, I possess from the tomb of Jmmanuel, alias Jesus Christ, a kind of flicker or mica. It looks like a transparent, multi-layered film. This material has now been analytically investigated by microscope at the Max Planck Institute (Institute for Scanning Electron Microscopy) in Munich. The result is just as literal as I wrote it down here: "Apart from sulphur and CO, O2 and H2O are also detectable. In my opinion it is a crystalline substance of calcium sulphate (i.e. gypsum). This does not exist here. The remaining sample is still examined organically, then you can get a better picture. The material is flammable. It burns odorlessly to a white powder." – What I am interested in now is this:
我像箭一樣期待著。但我也很好奇聽到妳的另一個答案:正如妳所知道的,我從以馬內利(Jmmanuel;又名耶穌基督)的墳墓中得到一種閃爍物或雲母(mica)。它看起來像是透明的多層膜(multi-layered film)。這種材料現在已經被慕尼黑(Munich)的馬克斯.普朗克研究所(Max Planck Institute;掃描電子顯微鏡研究所)進行微探針分析研究(microprobe-analytically investigated)。結果和我在這裡寫的文字一樣:「除了硫磺(sulphur)和一氧化碳(CO)外,還可以檢測到氧和水。在我看來,它是硫酸鈣(calcium sulphate;石膏)的結晶物質。但是,這與我們無關。其餘樣本仍將進行有機檢查,這樣你可以獲得更好的圖像。這種材料是可燃的,它燃燒成無味的白色粉末。」我現在感興趣的是:
Do you know where this calcium sulphate comes from or whatever it may be and which does not occur in this form in our country? Do you have any idea?
104. You are talking about the glass-like natural material that was in Jmmanuel's burial cave?
Exactly, that is what I am talking about.
105. It was a gift from Gabriel, Gabriel the guardian-protector, to his son Jmmanuel, whose foster-father was Joseph.
106. The gift was given to Jmmanuel at the age of seven, when his father Gabriel declared that it was a gift for the purpose of constant connection, this material served Jmmanuel as a capacitor.
這份禮物是在以馬內利 7 歲時送給他的,當時他的父親加百列說這是一份用來持續與他保持連繫的禮物,這種材料是提供以馬內利作為電容器(capacitor)之用。
107. His father Gabriel brought it here from Alkyon.
那是他父親加百列從 Alkyon 帶過來的。
A tremendous story. Then I have a personal souvenir of Jmmanuel.
108. He had it all figured out.
You are kidding me, right?
109. I am not kidding about things like that.
It knocks me out – human child –, the world seems to be crazy somehow.
我被打敗了 —— 天哪 —— 這個世界似乎有點瘋狂。
110. But it is not so, because if someone leaves something behind for a later time …
You speak in riddles.
111. I explain no more about it.
It interests me now more than ever. Are you saying that Jmmanuel will once again obtain this souvenir as his own, from his father Gabriel?
112. I told you, I am not going to explain anymore about this.
You are quite stubborn, then ok, leave it. But one more question about you: You said you were 114 people in total here on the Earth. Is this number constant?
妳很執著,那就算了吧。但還有一個關於你們的問題:妳說你們在地球上總共有 114 個人。這個數字是固定的嗎?
113. No, it varies from month to month.
114. Often we are less than 50, then again more than 300.
我們通常不到 50 人,但有時又超過 300 人。
Well, that depends on your duties, right?
115. Sure, but also with the transport of our food and other necessary things.
Of course, you have to eat. But now I want to ask a question about Agarta again: Can you tell me how big this underground city actually is?
116. Certainly.
117. Agarta is built very deep in the Earth in two parts, each in a size of the city you call Zurich, i.e., the Agarta under the Gobi desert is about ⅙ smaller than Zurich, while its satellite city is about ¼ smaller.
雅戈泰在地球深處建了兩個部分,每個部分都有蘇黎世(Zurich;又譯蘇黎士,是瑞士聯邦的最大城市。)城市的大小,也就是戈壁沙漠(Gobi desert)下的雅戈泰比蘇黎世小約 1/6,而它的衛星城約小 1/4。
118. Both cities are called Agarta, but have the additional names Alpha and Beta.
這兩個城市都叫雅戈泰(Agharta),但分別附加代號 A(Alpha)城和 B(Beta)城。
You are not telling me where the satellite town of Agarta Beta is.
妳還沒有告訴我雅戈泰 B 城這個衛星城在哪裡。
119. With your question you explain that you are informed about it, because otherwise you would not know that the second city carries this name.
Of course, Asket explained it to me back then. But we have nothing about it in written form. So can you explain it again?
當然,Asket 當時向我解釋過。但是,我們沒有保留任何書面形式。妳能再解釋一次嗎?
120. Sure, if that is so:
121. Agarta Alpha is located several thousand metres below the surface of the Gobi Desert, but I am not allowed to give the exact location.
雅戈泰 A 城位於戈壁沙漠地表以下幾千公尺處,但我不能透漏確切的地點。
122. Agarta Beta is also underground, but is located below the Himalayas.
雅戈泰 B 城也在地下,但位於喜馬拉雅山(Himalayas)的下方。
123. Agarta Beta includes, besides the city itself, a huge area of cave systems, which are almost uninhabited today, but were inhabited by subordinate human beings at that time.
雅戈泰 B 城除了城市本身之外,還包括一個巨大的洞穴系統,這些洞穴系統今天幾乎無人居住,但當時居住著他們的人。
124. The cave systems were the actual dwelling places of the people, while Agarta Beta was the administrative centre, which in turn was under the higher command of Agarta Alpha, which stood as the absolute centre of the two Agartas.
洞穴系統是人民的實際居住地,而雅戈泰 B 城是行政中心,而後者又由雅戈泰 A 城的上級所指揮,而雅戈泰 A 城是兩個雅戈泰的絕對(權力)中心。
125. Both cities were connected by a 200-foot wide and 130-foot high underground tunnel, which corresponds to a size of 65 x 40 metres, which is not very exactly expressed by me.
兩個城市都是由一條 200 英尺寬、130 英尺高的地下隧道相連,相當於 65 × 40 公尺,這部分我並不十分確定。
126. However, the connecting tunnel was almost completely destroyed and not repaired during the great catastrophe of Gobi.
127. Today, for example, there is only a narrow connecting corridor, which makes weak traffic possible.
So Asket told me. But now there is a man regarding Agarta whose name I have unfortunately forgotten, who has been appearing here and there for about 10 or 15 years, claiming that he is the Lord of the world and the supreme boss of Agarta. What do you think of that?
Asket 就是這麼跟我說的。但現在有一個關於雅戈泰的人,可惜我忘記了他的名字,他已經出現在這附近區域約有 10 或 15 年了,他聲稱是“世界之王”(Lord of the world)以及雅戈泰的最高領袖。妳對這件事有甚麼看法?
128. The existence of this man is unknown to me, but it is clear that he is a fraud.
129. The residents of Agarta would never go out to the world in public, because there are neither reasons nor interests.
130. On the other hand, this would be far too dangerous for him, but also for Agarta itself and its inhabitants.
生命類型:亞洲北歐(Asiatic Nordic)或東方人種,有爬蟲類血統(human reptiles)。
運輸類型:Agharian 的太空艦隊據說稱為“銀色艦隊”(silver fleet)。
畫家想像下的雅戈泰(Agharta)地下世界(圖片資料來自:Juan Carlos Valenzuela)
That should be clear enough. But now I have something again because of the name Christ. Where exactly does this name come from and what connections do they make?
131. Christ is the German version of the ancient Greek term Christos.
132. This term is a direct reference to ancient ritual acts of mystical form.
133. This means that the term Christos was used for all cultic and unreal actions as the designation for the cultic act itself when ointments and oils were applied.
134. And when I speak of ointments and oils, then I do this only for the sake of better understanding, because in the old days, when these cultic and murderous acts still took place, no ointments and no oil were used for them, but small children and virgins were slaughtered bestially, their blood was collected in vessels, kept liquid or thickened and then the consecrations for the idols were smeared with it, whereby these consecrations were usually again human sacrifices.
135. It was not until later that human slaughter and human sacrifice were slowly expelled and blood was replaced by fragrant ointments and oils, while human sacrifice was replaced by animals, fruit and vegetables, etc., which has unfortunately been preserved to this day.
136. The cults have received no change to the progress of evolutionary form, but have remained in the traditional evil, so an anointing or oiling in the present time still possesses only a ritual worthlessness.
137. Therefore, even today the term Christos or Christ means the absolute negative and evil with the numerical value 666.
因此,即使在今天,“基督”這個名稱絕對代表的消極和邪惡,數值是 666。
138. This was also the reason why Jmmanuel resisted the name 'the anointed' when he knew that it would be attributed to him.
這也是以馬內利(Jmmanuel)在知道“塗聖油”(the anointed)這個名稱會授予他時,他拒絕接受的原因。
139. It is similar with the naming of Jesus.
140. Therefore, when the Earth-human speaks of Jesus, of Christ, of Christian or Christ-consciousness, etc., then they act extremely negatively and conjure all negative forces into an ausartenden form. [ausarten = to get very badly out of control of the good human nature]
141. They should therefore never speak of a Christ-consciousness or in similar word formations if they want to address that which is equalised, because by naming and accepting these word formations they promote everything negative towards that which is Ausartenden.
因此,如果他想要平衡問題,就不應該談論基督意識(Christ consciousness)或類似的名稱,因為經由命名和接受這些名稱,他就促使一切的負面朝向了墮落。
142. Earth humanity must therefore be urged that all word formations in connection with the names Jesus or Christ, etc. be erased and renamed to the actual value if they find a true name in the value of that which is equalised.
143. So one may only speak of a Creation-consciousness and the like, but the knowledge in this regard should also be formed.
因此,人們只能談論一種造物意識(creation consciousness)之類的名稱,但這方面的知識也應該形成。
[中譯者註:有關「基督」一詞來自於希臘語 Χριστός 或 Christos,是亞伯拉罕諸教中的術語,原意是「受膏者」(中東地區膚髮易乾裂,古代的以色列王即位時必須將油倒在國王的頭上,滋潤膚髮,象徵這是神用來拯救以色列人的王,後來轉變成救世主的意思),也等同於希伯來語中的 'מָשׂ֧חׇה' 彌賽亞,意思為「受膏者」。
基督一詞常被誤認為是耶穌的姓,因為聖經中曾多次提到「耶穌基督」(Jesus Christ)。相信耶穌基督的人被稱作基督徒,因為他們相信並清楚知道耶穌是他們的救世主,或在舊約書中所預言的彌賽亞。大部分猶太教徒反對這一觀點,並仍然等待着彌賽亞的到來。而所有基督徒現在正在等待基督耶穌的再臨,從而驗證彌賽亞預言的內容。
Thank you very much, that was very detailed. If you do not mind, I have another very unusual question.
144. I am waiting for it.
As you surely know, we have created the so-called pill for our earthly overpopulation problems. The question now is whether you also know something in this form, whether you swallow any medication or the like in order to keep the offspring rate within limits, which does not work with us despite the pill.
145. The question is indeed a little unusual, but it is very justified.
146. – No, we do not need these things, because in observance of the natural laws and recommendations, we align with their order and abide by the periodic rules.
So does this mean that you only make sexual love when this coincides with the female infertility period?
147. This is not quite so, because human life-forms remain human life-forms as long as they are bound to physical bodies.
148. Sexual needs also come to light outside the infertility period of a woman, so that the needs must also be met outside this period.
149. However, in order not to produce offspring, there are many natural aids which we always observe and apply, but this does not rule out the possibility that exceptions may come to light and offspring may be produced unintentionally.
150. However, every woman of our race has the technological means to detect an unwanted pregnancy within three days.
151. If this is the case, then natural preparations trigger early menstruation, whereby the fertilised egg is rejected before it is able to develop.
152. Therefore no abortion procedure, according to an earthly sense, takes place because no spirit-bearing life is destroyed by it.
153. As you know, only at the beginning of the heart's activity and therefore, three weeks after procreation, does the spirit become established in a life-form of a human being, so that through this process of a prematurely triggered early menstruation only the substantial basic substances are ejected and no life is destroyed.
154. This is not the case with terrestrial humans, because their ability to recognise a pregnancy is still very limited, so that they are only able to determine a pregnancy when the newly created life-form is already established and enlivened by the spirit.
155. Destruction of the foetus in this state already means destruction of life in a murderous form, which is not in accordance with the natural laws and recommendations, except in real emergencies, when pregnancy or childbirth endangers the life or health of the expectant mother, or when other compelling reasons exist.
[中譯者註:有關目前地球醫學上偵測女子是否懷孕已(較 1976 年)有進步,主要方式有:
1. 偵測新形成的胎盤所產生的激素(妊娠試驗)。臨床的尿液與血液檢查可以在受精後 10 天左右偵測。
2. 家用的尿液檢查則通常要 14 天後才有效偵測。
Boy oh boy, that is a long speech. But if I have understood you correctly, then you only use purely natural remedies for contraception, such as the one that you simply jump off the train in Oerlikon and do not drive right through to Zurich, right?
156. I find it admirable how you can describe and paraphrase these concerns.
157. Yes, it is one of our natural remedies.
Well, I do not want to ask what the other means are, because surely they are very diverse?
158. Sure, but the harmony between man and woman is necessary in all events, otherwise it would be unpleasant for one or the other partner.
That is understandable. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to talk about such matters, because the human beings of this world are cursed in this respect, and the Pope twerp plays an important role. Especially in Switzerland this topic is practically taboo, because here these things are particularly strongly affected by the laws, but also by moral apostles and the sectarian fringe of a special kind. Yet it is precisely these moral hypocrites who, in public, have the greatest snout and curse and condemn everything that is connected with sex and a naked body, but who, behind them and in secret, lead a licentious, debauched and immoral life and revel in sexual orgies. In short, they play the decent moral personalities in front of the public to hide the fact that they are really the greatest pigs.
159. Unfortunately, that is how it is, I am aware of that.
Then I am not alone in my opinion. Now look here: This is a letter that Mr. Reiz from Munich sent me for you. It is about a certain Lord Surya.
那麼,在我看來,我並不孤單。現在看這裡:這是來自慕尼黑的 Reiz 先生寄給我的筆跡。是關於蘇利耶(Lord Surya;是印度神話中主要的太陽神)的。
160. Give my thanks and greetings to Mr. Reiz.
向 Reiz 先生表示感謝和問候。
161. I will deal with the letter as soon as I can.
I have two more questions from Mr. Schutzbach. He has read a book called 'Verratene Geheimnisse' (Betrayed Secrets) and came across some things. In Italy there is said to be a castle called 'Castel del Monte', which was built by Emperor Frederick II of Hohenstaufen. Is that true? The second question refers to the first, namely that there should be an inscription with the following values in or on this octagonal castle:
我還有 Schutzbach 先生的問題。他讀過一本名為《Verratene Geheimnisse》;也就是《被出賣的秘密》(Betrayed Secrets)的書,並遇到了一些東西。在義大利,據說有一座城堡,叫做「蒙特城堡」(Castel del Monte),由霍亨斯陶芬家族(Hohenstaufen)皇帝腓特烈二世(Emperor Frederick II)所建造,這是真的嗎?第二個問題涉及第一個問題,即在此八角形的城堡(Castel)中或其上應有以下的一句銘文(inscription):
In addition, I would like to ask what this inscription means?
162. I am not aware of anything like that.
163. I have no knowledge of it, neither of such a castle nor of the mentioned inscription.
No big deal. But now a question that concerns us all: You know how we earthworms grapple with so-called professions. So our question now just refers to what you have actually learned as a profession?
164. I understand, even if we do not interpret our activities in your form.
165. But when I have to talk about a profession, it gets a bit complicated, because I have learned several of them according to earthly human concepts.
166. My tasks are closely connected with my learned knowledge, which relates to spiritual education, coordination, technology, archeology research through time travel into the past, earthly religion, politics and economics, earthly history of humankind and various other things, for which I am taught and trained in every single value.
167. It is not the same with us as with you, because you learn only one or two professions or fields of knowledge, because with us we usually master 12 to 30 and more fields of knowledge.
我們和你們不一樣,因為你們只學習一到兩個專業或知識領域,而我們通常要掌握 12 到 30 個以上的知識領域。
Man, that is the kind of head I want.
168. You are already a very great exception among the Earth-humans.
Aha, now you start planting flower gardens again. I will remedy that right away: You told me that Quetzal will give me another report this week about Amata. So far I have not received anything yet.
啊哈,妳現在又開始在種植花圃了。我馬上就導正回來:妳告訴我 Quetzal 本週會再給我一篇關於Amata 的報告。但到目前為止,我還沒有收到任何東西。
169. But this will still be the case today, because in about 10 minutes Quetzal will personally come here and explain the necessary things to you.
今天情況仍然如此,因為大約十分鐘後,Quetzal 會親自來到這裡,向你解釋該說的事情。
Great, I will be happy to see him again. – Ah – we were able to take photos and films of your ship about ten days ago at night. We got quite good light effects on the films. It would be very useful if we could roll one more film. Would that be possible?
170. This has become a somewhat dangerous concern, because we have drawn the attention of many observers to us with the generation of energy burns.
這已成為一個有點危險的問題,因為我們產生的能量燃燒(energy burns)已經引起許多觀察人士的注意。
171. But it should still be possible to set it up again.
172. I see you have your camera with you; I will therefore speak with Quetzal; he will certainly grant it again.
我看見你帶著你的相機;因此,我要和 Quetzal 談談;我想他一定會再次同意的。
173. After that, however, for reasons of prudence, we must stop such demonstrations in the future, at least for a longer period.
174. Nor can we demonstrate in such an official manner as we have done in recent months.
175. It is really all becoming too dangerous.
176. Therefore, if we demonstrate something again today, perhaps it will be the last time for many months or even years.
Too bad, but it cannot be changed, can it?
177. I am afraid not, and that is final.
178. We dared too much.
It is too bad, really. Are there actually no more sightings in it at all?
179. Probably from very high up, but not in the form we have done in recent months.
180. But in this respect we still have to clarify everything exactly, therefore the last word has not yet been discussed about it.
At least something.
181. Sure, you will have to settle for that.
182. But what I would like to ask now:
183. Were you really on the move last Sunday with one of those dangerous combustion-engine flying vehicles?
184. Unfortunately I could not monitor it, because I was otherwise engaged.
Of course, we were racing around through the air in the box for two hours or an hour and a half, and 360 things at that. The wind turbulence had thrown this combustion box around a bit, but it was very interesting on the one hand and very fun on the other hand. I really had the chat about the bucket getting thrown around. For all I care it could have been much more, you know, a really adventurous flight against the elements where we would have been more upside down. Although I imagine the box jumps and shakes not so strongly in nice and calm weather, but you never stop learning. I then tried very easily to test the responsiveness of the box in the controls by pulling the bucket up and down. Then I took a slight right and left turn, but I was content with a 70 degree deviation if I had orientated myself correctly with the panel compass. What I had to deal with were the curves, because I performed them excessively strongly.
當然,我們用箱子在空中呼嘯了大約兩個小時或一個半小時,外加 360 件東西。風的氣流使這個爆炸箱稍微晃了一下,但一方面很有趣,另一方面也很好玩。我聊了很久桶是怎麼扔的。從我的角度來看,與元素之間如此冒險的飛行可能還遠遠不止於此,我們當然會倒掛更多。雖然我沒想到在晴朗安靜的天氣裡,箱子的跳躍和晃動會如此強烈,但是你永遠都不會停止學習。然後,我很容易地試過一次,通過上下拉把來測試箱子在控制系統中的回應能力。然後,我稍微右轉和左轉,但如果我在面板上的指南針正確定位,我滿足於 70 度的偏差。我必須處理的是曲線,因為我意識到它們太強了。
185. You are very sensitive in your sense of orientation and balance, which is controlled by the inner structure of the auditory organs.
186. You are also very close to nature and therefore react very strongly to changes of any kind.
I would like to make a blind flight in such a box, in order to be able to one time experience how I react to it. It just does not make sense to me that one can suffer from blind flying or balance problems.
187. This has to do with your closeness to nature and your pronounced sense of reality.
188. However, it would be better not to try such an experiment, because these combustion engine aircraft are dangerous.
It is really not that bad. They may be a bit primitive and a bit cumbersome, but in these tubs you can really move through the air and grin down at those who are trying to walk through the landscape. I really enjoyed seeing some climbers scrambling up the steep mountain paths as we whizzed over them with ease and without effort.
189. That is very unrefined of you.
You see, that is joyful gloating.
190. It was not what I thought.
191. I also understand that you are joking with me.
192. But you are still a barbarian, because that is the only way I can explain your constant thirst for adventure.
Well roared, after all I live in a world full of barbarians, so I have to be one myself. I am even quite happy about it, because at least I experience something.
193. You should still be careful, and so should everyone else.
194. These howling monstrosities just are not safe enough.
Just remember that we have to be content with these combustion boxes, because we do not have anything else. We live in our world with our technology, which is still quite primitive. In your opinion we may still be damned barbarians with flying suicide boxes, but we are very cursedly proud of them and imagine that we have achieved something with their production and control, even if everything still looks like dwellers of caves and hills. After all, we are only in the early stages of air conquest, so you really cannot ask much yet. Probably you just cannot understand it because your technology is so much more advanced and secure than ours.
195. It certainly is, you may be right about that.
196. Our earliest ancestors also moved through the air with extremely primitive combustion motor devices, but today it seems to us to be very adventurous, barbaric and outrageous.
197. But look here on the screen:
198. Quetzal's coming.
Quetzal 來了。
199. Now wait a few minutes.
(After a little more than a minute Quetzal actually lands next to Semjase's ship, and after a short welcome he comes for the purpose of his visit.)
(過了一分多鐘,Quetzal 已經降落在 Semjase 的飛船旁邊,經過短暫的歡迎後,他開始進行他此次到訪的工作。)
1. Unfortunately it was not possible for me to send you the requested information earlier.
2. I was busy with very gruelling problems.
3. In order to be able to serve the matter better now, you should ask me appropriate questions, which you obviously have in your hand, already written down.
Exactly, these are the questions. They refer to teleprojections sighted by Amata. It is probably best if I read it to you the way Amata wrote it down for me.
沒錯,以下就是這些問題。他們指的是Amata 所看見的遠端投影(teleprojections sighte)。我想我最好是將 Amata 寫下來給我的讀給你聽。
4. It will be fine, but afterwards I have to explain some things to you that are only intended for your group in terms of knowledge.
We can yet straighten that out, for we simply cover things that are only intended for us when we copy the reports. So I want to ask the first question. Amata writes it this way: "Are these large ships, which I see again and again, with a large superstructure and many cabins, simply spaceships or even large-capacity ships? How many people are on a ship like this?
我們已經可以解決這個問題,因為當我們複製報告時,我們只會過濾那些只是針對我們的部分。所以我想問第一個問題,Amata 這樣寫道:我經常看到這些有超大結構和眾多艙間的大型飛船,這些都是太空飛船,甚至是大容量的飛船?像這樣的飛船上有多少人呢?
5. This description of the objects is neither one nor the other, but quite simply very large emigration ships with an average diameter of 120 kilometres, with a capacity for human life-forms of around one million.
這些飛船的描述既不是一艘也不是另一艘,而是那些非常龐大的移民飛船(emigration ships),平均直徑為 120 公里,能容納人類數量的能力約為 100 萬人。
6. These gigantic ships serve exclusively for emigration purposes, especially when a world is very endangered and destruction is to be considered.
7. These are the same giant migratory ships that were used by our ancestors at the earliest times, when they came from the Lyra-Vega region to Earth and later also settled on our Plejaren constellation.
這些是我們祖先在最早時期使用的巨型移民飛船,當時它們從天琴座-織女星(Lyra-Vega;織女一又稱為織女星或天琴座 α)地區來到地球,後來也定居在我們的 Plejares 星系上。
8. Their external shape and size have been maintained since then, but they have been subject to constant innovations of a technological form, so they are equipped today according to the state of the art.
9. When Amata received our teleimpulses as teleprojections, she saw everything in an extremely reduced form, because she would not have been able to grasp and overview the gigantic size and the reality of it.
當 Amata 把我們的遠端脈衝(teleimpulses)當作遠端投影(teleprojections)來接收,那麼她看到的一切都是在極其狹隘的模式中,因為在現實裡,那巨大的規模將無法去捕捉也監督不到。
Aha, then she practically saw something like models?
10. No, that is not quite so, because she sees the projections as quite large.
11. What is the second question?
She goes on to write: "What do these creatures mean who, on Thursday night, climbed out of a wonderful blush in the sky, each time after a bolt of lightning that was not followed by thunder, got out of a vehicle and descended on UFOs stationed in the vicinity of our house, on or over trees, etc.? They were all dressed in white robes and they were all looking at me. One climbed down a staircase in a long white garment with wonderful glittering silver stars on the robe. He went under my window and then went to a UFO stationed under a tree. From there he looked up to me, while more and more other beings in white clothes and in whole groups came here.
她接著寫道:這些生物表示些什麼意涵,他們在星期四晚上從一個奇妙的紅色天空中出來,每次在閃電之後並沒有聽到雷聲,他們從一艘飛船中下來,然後駕著一些不明飛行物(UFOs)到我們家附近的上空,駐留在樹上或樹的上方等處。他們都穿著白袍,每個人都在看著我。其中一位穿著白色長袍從樓梯上爬下來,長袍上裝飾有閃閃發光的銀星。他走到我的窗戶下,然後去了一個停在樹下的 UFO。從那裡他看著我,而越來越多的人穿著白色衣服,成群結隊地走來。
12. This phenomenon is a teleprojection on our part, for the purpose of triggering memory.
13. The beings wrapped in white clothes embody our ancestors from a period of approximately 70,000 years ago, who came to Earth at that time, but who did not live in fixed houses, but in their free-floating beamships, which they had stationed mainly over forests.
穿著白色衣服的人類代表了我們的祖先,大約在 7 萬年前他們來到地球,但他們不是住在固定房子裡,而是主要生活在駐紮在森林上空自由漂浮的飛船上。
14. Hence the UFOs seen by Amata and floating above trees, as she says.
因此,正如她所說,Amata 看到的不明飛行物是漂浮在樹上。
15. Between the ships there were radiation belts of visible nature, which served as connections between the formations and lit up at intervals.
在飛船之間有一些可見的輻射帶(radiation belts),作為各編隊之間的連接,並以間歇性的方式出現。
16. These are the flashes Amata saw.
這些是 Amata 看到的閃光。
17. The man dressed in the wonderful robe with the adorning stars was the JHWH of this emigration group, whose most distant descendants still live somewhere on the Earth as their own smallest group of former extraterrestrials, but whom we have not yet been able to find by any means imaginable.
18. In the meantime we could only find out with certainty that Amata, from her old personalities, must today be a very distant descendant of the brother of the former JHWH, which means that this group of extraterrestrials, who as mentioned were a part of our ancestors, must have mixed with terrestrial people here on Earth and forgot their actual origin.
在此同時,我們只能肯定的是,來自她古老性格的 Amata,今天一定是當時「智慧之王」兄弟的一個非常遙遠的後代,這意味著這群外星人,是所提到我們祖先的一部分,一定與地球上的人混在一起,忘記了他們真實的起源。
19. And to find out how these connections extend now and how, and where today's descendants of these ancestors live is one of our tasks, and that is why we also are making an effort for Amata.
而找出這群人現在是如何生活的,以及這些祖先的後代現在的生活方式和地點,是我們的任務之一,這就是為什麼我們也在為 Amata 而努力。
This is really fantastic; then here's another question from Amata: On Friday evening a vehicle came out behind the moon, hanging on two clouds, and floated down onto the roof opposite our house, which was suddenly covered as if by a white blanket of snow. An old man with white glasses looked out of the window. The vehicle remained only briefly on the roof, rose again and floated past my window, while the old man looked at me insistently. Then it ascended again to the sky and disappeared behind the moon.
這真是太棒了;接下來還有另一個來自 Amata 的問題:星期五晚上,一艘飛船從月亮後面出來,懸在兩朵雲上,飄到我們對面的屋頂上,屋頂突然被一層白雪覆蓋。一個戴著眼鏡、身穿白袍的老人朝窗外望去。那艘飛船只在屋頂上停了一會兒,又再次升起,盤旋在我的窗戶旁,老人盯著我看。然後他再次升上天空,消失在月亮後面。
20. This teleprojection is the representation of the brother of the old JHWH to solve further memory factors in Amata.
這種遠端投影是表示老「智慧之王」的兄弟,以解決 Amata 的進一步記憶因素。
21. The beamship or vehicle, as Amata says, floating between two clouds, means the representative position of the old man as JHWH.
正如 Amata 所說,漂浮在兩個雲朵之間的飛船,是指老「智慧之王」代表的地位。
Good, then the next Amata question: Other white figures sat again on the opposite balconies. A man in a white robe was lifted out of a UFO by two men in grey working clothes and lifted onto a stage where he sat down and looked up to me. Down in the courtyard of the neighbouring house stood a bunch of people in grey working clothes right next to this stage. One of these men detached himself from the group, lit a star and hung it over the garden railing. More and more people came in large beam or space ships and settled on the surrounding roofs. Then came again beings in white garments and in vehicles which looked like thick tree trunks and had large cabins. With these vehicles they drove directly into an already present big ship. Could these white creatures be sons of heaven?
好吧,接下來的一個問題是:其他的白衣人物又坐在對面的陽臺上。一名身穿白色長袍的男子被兩名身穿灰色工作服的男子從不明飛行物中抬出來,接著被抬到一個舞台上坐下看著我。在隔壁的院子裡,站著一群穿著灰色工作服的人,就在這個舞台的旁邊。其中一個人離開人群,點燃一顆星星,把它掛在花園的籬笆上。越來越多的人乘坐大型飛船或太空船來到周圍的屋頂定居下來。接著,又來了一批穿白衣服的人,他們的同伴看起來像是粗壯的樹幹,有大木屋。與這些同伴一起,他們直接駛入了一艘已經出現的大船。這些白色的人像會是「天堂之子」(sons of heaven)嗎?
22. Our ancestors and us in former times were called sons of heaven by the Earth-humans.
23. This teleprojection is a reference to the past, the present and the future.
24. However, I cannot officially give the interpretation, because these are exactly those things that I am only allowed to explain to you and your closest group, as I indicated earlier.
25. A revelation of my declarations may take place only after 1980.
我的說明只能在 1980 年之後才可以對外公開。
Okay, is the explanation taking longer?
26. It will take some time.
Then I can do this later in the report as an additional page only for our internal group.
27. How am I supposed to understand that?
I will simply write and print the information you give me just for our internal group separately and hand it over to our closest members only.
28. I think that is very reasonable and correct.
Well, that reassures me. But now I would like to ask a question first: It seems that Amata is very much involved with teleprojections. Is there not a danger that she will be overwhelmed?
嗯,這我就放心了。但現在我想先問一個問題:似乎 Amata 非常投入遠端投影。她有反應過度的危險嗎?
29. Is that really the case?
Of course.
30. It is not good if she is too busy with it, because otherwise she starts to suffer from imaginations, which would not help the whole thing and would get Amata into trouble herself.
如果她太投入,那可不好,因為她會開始受到幻想的困擾,這對整件事沒有幫助,也會使 Amata 自己陷入困境。
31. She should take note of it, but should not deal with it very much.
But she's already very busy with it.
32. This is not good and we have to do something about it.
33. See to it that she stays in your group next Saturday, so that you can bring her close to our ships, because we will come back for that.
34. In a certain distance from the ship I will stop you as you proceed, after which you will stay there with Amata.
在離船一定距離的地方,我會阻止你們繼續向前,之後你會和 Amata 待在那裡。
35. Then I will call you myself to come to us while Amata waits.
然後,我會呼叫你自己到我們船上,而 Amata 在原地等待。
36. We will take her in our control then.
37. I do not want her to be afraid, not even of the teleprojections.
38. I will give you more instructions on Saturday.
39. Stand by with Amata.
與 Amata 站在一起。
40. But now I want to give you the explanations:
Top secret until 1980
在 1980 年之前的絕對機密
41. The white figures Amata had seen on the opposite balconies are teleprojections of the old venerable ones of long gone times.
Amata 坐在對面的陽臺上看到的白衣人物,是遠古時代的一些古老尊者(old venerable ones)的遠端投影。
42. These are the beings who begat and ruled the white earthly human races.
43. But there are also their descendants among them who in peaceful form pushed forward and determined, up to a certain value, the later earthly development of humankind.
44. So they are the true ancestors of the white earthly human race, while the people in grey working clothes (the folk, as Amata calls them) represent earthly mankind in all its colours and races of today, standing next to a large platform.
因此,他們是白色人類的真正祖先,而身著灰色工作服的人(Amata 稱之為人民)代表今天地球上全部有色的人種,站在一個偉大的舞台旁邊。
45. This platform symbolises the foundation of truth, knowledge and wisdom.
46. Onto which two grey clad Earth-humans lift a man dressed in a white gown, whom they have previously lifted out of a beamship.
47. After they have lifted the white-dressed man onto the stage, one of the two men takes a star and lets it shine in bright light, in order then to hang it brightly on a fence.
48. These pictures symbolise the present.
49. This is the call of time and evolution in the sense of knowledge and dissemination of truth in the Aquarian era.
這是水瓶座時代(Aquarian era)的意義,呼喚著知識和真理傳播的時代與進化。
50. The venerables, dressed in white mentioned above, are and were the origin of all human life existing on the Earth today in their known form.
51. Everything was determined and directed and partly pre-programmed by them, but this never elevates them to hierarchical forces or powers, because such values do not exist.
52. However, due to the wilfulness of the Earth-humans, who are many races, many things failed and went in very ausgearteten [got very badly out of control of the good human nature] and negative tracks.
53. Thus it was determined by the decision of the old venerable ones in foreseeing of the coming events that at the time of the Aquarian era a new prophet should appear, who alreadly would have been so in former times as other personalities had who walked the Earth and patiently fulfilled his very heavy duty, true to his mission.
因此,在普羅維登斯(Providence;舊譯作欖城,是美國的羅德島州的首府。它創始於 1636 年,是州內人口最多的城市,也是美國最古老的城市之一。)的尊者們決定,在即將到來的事件中,應該出現一個新的先知,曾以其他(先知)人物來過地球,他早在以前就忠於他的使命,耐心地承擔起非常重大的責任。
54. So it had been foretold by the venerable ones that at a certain time the same prophet would come again incarnated in a new personality, begotten by predestination and born by earthly parents, as was the case in former times, but begotten at that time by the seed of a son of the heavens.
55. The incarnation of the prophet in the Aquarian age is represented by the image, of two beings dressed in grey, a man and a woman, two Earth-humans, lifting a man dressed in white out of a beam ship and putting him on a platform, from where he will spread the knowledge of truth, wisdom and love.
56. The great multitude, as Amata says, represents the mass of earthly humanity that hears and receives his teaching, while his light of wisdom shines and radiates, symbolised by the shining star suspended from the fence.
正如 Amata 所說,許多的群眾代表著聆聽並接受他教導的地球人類,而他的智慧之光閃耀著,象徵著懸掛在籬笆上的閃亮星星。
57. This action takes place through another grey clad being, an Earth woman.
58. This is Amata herself, for she makes the star shine and hangs it on the fence, which represents the barrier between knowledge and ignorance and between truth and untruth.
這是 Amata 自己,因為她使星星閃耀,並掛在籬笆上,這代表了知識與無知之間以及真理與不真實之間的障礙。
59. The hanging or placing of the star on the fence symbolises the state of the Prophet who has overcome the 'barrier of ignorance' so he is able to fulfil his mission.
60. But the doing of enlightening and putting the star on the fence also shows the state of Amata, her important role which she has to exercise in connection with the mission fulfilment of the prophet, because through her connection to our ancestors, which we have meanwhile established, she was destined to help the prophet in the form of her teleprojective connections and contacts to us, to be able to testify through her teleprojective connections and contacts to us that we exist and maintain actual contacts with the prophet himself.
但是,開悟的行為和把星星放在籬笆上的做法也顯示了 Amata 的狀態,她必須發揮她在履行先知使命方面的重要作用,因為通過她與我們祖先的聯繫,我們已在同時建立了這些聯繫,她註定要以她與我們的遠端投影連接和接觸的形式幫助先知,能夠通過她的遠端投影連接和接觸來證明我們的存在,並且與先知本人有實際的接觸。
61. This, however, is only of importance in the narrowest of circles through which the basic values in every relationship are developed and disseminated.
62. This should remain a secret of the inner circle until 1980 at the earliest, because it would not be of value and not of good to reveal this secret too early.
這個核心圈子的秘密,至少應該保持到 1980 年,因為過早透露這個秘密是沒有價值的,也沒有好處。
63. This is fundamentally the interpretive value of this important teleprojection.
64. In Amata's important interest it should also be mentioned that certain projections of these things are unavoidable for us, because only through them can we track down these very old facts anchored in the memory banks and memories penetrating very deeply into her subconscious, which can provide us with valuable information about the connections that are extremely important to us.
為了 Amata 的重要利益,還應指出,我們對這些事情的某些投影是不可避免的,因為只有通過這些投影,我們才能追蹤到這些深深滲透到他們潛意識中的記憶庫和記憶裡非常古老的事實,它為我們提供了對我們非常重要而寶貴的訊息。
65. But Amata should be careful not to deal with the projections more than necessary.
但 Amata 應要小心,不要處理不必要的投影。
66. On the other hand, we have also noticed that Amata is burdened with misleading teleprojections from an unknown side, which obviously serve a lower purpose.
另一方面,我們也注意到,Amata 被來自未知一方的誤導性遠端投影所困擾,這顯然出於較低層的目的。
67. We have known this for some time, but have not yet been able to produce an analysis.
68. So let her exercise caution.
69. We will continue our efforts to find out where these strange teleprojections come from and what their real reasons are.
70. However, this task is made very difficult for us because the teleprojection impulses are so distorted that we cannot locate their origin.
71. But now I want to interpret the last part of our teleprojection, if you are also informed about it, because also this is important for you to know, about which you should also keep the deepest silence until the year 1980.
但現在我想解釋我們遠端投影的最後一部分,儘管你也已經知道這些,因為這對你也是重要的訊息,而對此你也應該在 1980 年以前保持最深沉的靜默。
72. Consider that the religious powers of the Earth are always anxious to maintain and preserve their power thus they would act maliciously and treacherously against you if the interpretations given to you here were made known to them.
73. They would not shy away from terror, murder and other evil acts of violence and would pursue you everywhere and try to destroy you.
74. The further appearing figures with white clothes are the Earth-humans of the future, who through the teachings of the prophet will knowingly become wise and defeat ignorance in any form, whereby they will build large but still primitive spaceships, with which they will fly to other stars and planets foreign to the [Sol] system for the first time after a very long time and establish contact with other races of humans in the universe.
75. This is represented by the flying tree trunks with the large cabins that fly into an already present large ship.
76. This is the interpretation of this teleprojection, which we sent out by teleimpulses for certain reasons and which was apparently actually received by Amata.
這就是我們出於某些原因,透過遠距脈衝(teleimpulses)發送的這種遠端投影的解釋,顯然 Amata 確實收到了這些訊息。
77. In and of itself these concerns would not be a mystery if the return of the prophet had not already made his appearance.
如果先知的「再度降臨」(Second Coming)還沒有出現,這些事情本身就不是什麼秘密了。
78. It is this fact, however, that must be concealed and kept secret for certain circles at the present time, because if it were known at the present time, a catastrophe could not be avoided, especially for the sake of religion in the Christian sense, which in its irrationality would use the worst means of violence to destroy the mission of the returning prophet and rob him of his life.
然而,這正是目前某些圈子仍然需要隱瞞和保密的事實,因為如果目前消息洩漏,一場災難是無法避免的,特別是具有基督教義(Christian sense)上的宗教,他們會使用最惡劣的非理性暴力手段摧毀降臨先知(returning prophet)的使命,並剝奪他的生命。
A huge thing, I think. But may one know where this prophet now lives, what his name is and where he had already appeared as a prophet before, and under what name?
79. You know him very well because you embody this person, and we suspect that you know that better than we do.
80. But who you used to be in other personalities and where you stayed would be too premature to say, although there are already assumptions in your group about this.
Oh my goodness. You do not have to say anything else. It is enough and I am not getting it.
200. You think very quickly, but keep quiet about it.
201. It is also time for us to go now.
I have had enough of your last remarks. Goodbye, I have to think about that first, but whether I eat it too, that is a second question.
202. You will.
203. Goodbye, dear friend.
Bye, girl.
81. Goodbye, go in peace.
Why would i not?
204. It was a little too much for your modesty.
I guess you could say that.
205. It would be better for you to take an interest in certain aspects of your past lives and their personalities, because this would make many things easier for you, even in terms of revealing your secret, which we cannot simply deal with.
206. If you have the need, then call me, I will be very quickly with you and let my remaining work rest.
Thank you, you are very kind – I will remember that and also worry about your allusion. But what about another film?
82. You want to film again?
If it is possible.
83. It has become very dangerous, because we demonstrated too much during the last months, but one last time I could at least take responsibility for it.
84. Be ready for the weekend, Friday or Saturday, maybe Sunday.
85. I cannot give you a more exact date yet, because the next days we will be very busy.
86. That is why we have to send you tonight's report during the night.
Oh boy, there will be another long night.
207. Unfortunately, there is nothing else to be done, and please take your time to deal with the personalities of your earliest past, the personalities of your previous lives, because you cannot conceal the truth in yourself over the longterm, although I am increasingly of the opinion that you know more about it than we do and that for reasons unknown to us you playing at something through which you want to withhold something from us.
208. But even if you have been resisting the given facts for years, if that really should be the case, which I doubt, the things of the past in reference to your old personalities correspond to the truth, for which you have enough evidence, as we know in the meantime.
209. I really do not actually want to say these thing, even Quetzal before also did not, because we know your attitude and your direction in these things and therefore do not want to burden you with our suspicions.
我並不想告訴你這些事情,而 Quetzal 也不想,因為我們知道你對這些事情的態度和方向,因此不想讓我們的猜測來打擾你。
210. But since you think very quickly and precisely in combination with logic, you have evoked the issue yourself to speak about, which is why you impelled us to talk about it.
211. Now you must finally deal with these given things and acknowledge the truth that we know something about you that you want to conceal, for which we have had enough evidence in certain individual things for three decades.
212. We have often explained to you, however, that your modesty is far too great, which was also the case with the personalities in your previous lives, which is why you do not want to acknowledge the facts now, or rather not call them into the open, despite the fact that they correspond to the full truth and cannot be eliminated by denial and dispute.
213. You know very well that at that time you spoke with a person very well known to yourself, with an important person in the past, who also lives in a new personality today and thus at your current time, only you repress this fact in your head.
214. Now finally think about it rationally and stand by this irrefutable truth, for there is nothing more for you to do in this important factor.
You are all crazy.
87. You know very well that this is not the case and that we know the truth as well as you do.
Okay, damn it, it is driving me crazy, then the salad is baked and fried for all time.
88. You will protect it because you are much too duty conscious.
89. But it is really now time, we have to go.
90. Goodbye, dear friend, and go in peace.
I could really use that, especially now. Goodbye, great master.
215. Remember that you can call me and I will come very quickly if you need my help, even if I assume that you alone will solve your problem.
216. Farewell and keep peace in you.
217. Goodbye.
You whisper around like sermons of church blessings. I am not a baby, damn it.
218. You delight my mind with your words, because you prove to me that you can cope with everything.
Okay, then it should be just like that, but finally go now, otherwise you will get a spanking from mama, because she has to wait.
91. I understand very well that you are being aggressive.
92. It is this very good medicine for you.
93. But now goodbye, dear friend.
Bye together, it is really enough for me now.
中文翻譯借助 Deepl Translator 與 ChatGPT 的協助