

Contact Report 052第052次接觸報告



最初英譯:20190703日,星期三,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin, Stefan Zutt

改進版本:N/ACatherine Mossman, Joseph Darmanin

中譯版本:20230111日,星期三,DeepL Translator, James Hsu







This is the entire contact report. It is an official and authorised English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



It is much more pleasant in here. It's quite cold outside.



1. Certainly.


2. You have brought two people I have never met before.


3. I had to take the lead again, just as I was over the North Sea where I had something to do.

我不得不親自接管這艘船的駕駛,就像我在北海North Sea)上空要做的事一樣。


Oh, you have been busy with something special again, fine. Yes, I brought two other people with me, Mr. Schutzbach and Mr. Moosbrugger. Mr. Schutzbach lives near Hegnau, and Mr. Moosbrugger lives in Walsertal, Austria. They are both lovable and good people.



4. I have checked their honesty, their interest is of an honest nature, only Mr. Moosbrugger for a moment entertained the thought of what it would be like if he followed you.


5. But that is not important, because it was just his curiosity and his honest interest.



I am to greet you from both, also from Ruedi Schultheiss from Biel. By the way, he gave me this document here. He wants to ask you if he can trust it or not. How do you feel about that?

我要致上他們兩位對妳的問候,另外還有來自BielRuedi Schultheiss向妳問候。順便說一下,他給了我這份資料。他想問妳他是否能相信這個。妳覺得怎麼樣?



6. It is a pleasure to receive the greetings.


7. Pay them all my joy and gratitude.


8. They shall also be very much greeted by me.


9. But what does that mean in your hand, do you not want to say anything about it?



No, I want your uninfluenced answer about it.



10. Sure, then let me see. – – –


11. Ah – the document is known to me.


12. It is supposed to be about a message of extraterrestrial intelligence.


13. But it is not, it is a primitive fake.



Then your testimony is consistent with our assumptions. Thank you.



14. It was my pleasure, but now look here, you can give the book back to Professor Slomann in Lindau.


15. From a theosophical point of view it is an extremely valuable work with astonishingly truthful insights.


16. The whole thing is worth good praise, please pass this on to Mr. Slomann.


17. Despite the excellent quality of the work, however, it should be noted that if the book is to be useful, the composition of the whole should be changed.


18. This means that the arrangement should be carried out differently, because everything is somewhat mixed in.


19. Everything should therefore be classified in the correct sequence.


20. And although the work is surprisingly good and truthful, it should not find entrance into the broad mass of humanity because they are not yet able to grasp and understand all these interpretations and explanations.


21. The work is only suitable for people who have already acquired a higher level of knowledge and understanding.


22. If it were therefore brought to the broad, still uncomprehending masses, then this could cause confusion, which would be very unhelpful for the whole elucidation.


23. The actual understanding of the work will only be found in about 150 to 200 years, according to probability calculations.



Thanks, girl, I will tell Mr. Slomann your evaluation. But now I have a very special question: On the 10th of May I received a new world-prophecy from the Petale level, which I have to set up and interpret in poem form. Something now appears in it that is completely unknown to me. These are Indians of giant size who live somewhere in Peru and who, according to the prophecy, must have attacked a village about 10 days ago. They are supposed to be old Inca enemies, hidden somewhere in the jungle in leaf huts and in an underground tunnel. Do you know anything about these Indian giants? If you could give me some information about them, then I would be very happy, and certainly it would be very interesting for other people.

謝謝妳,姑娘,我會向Slomann先生轉達妳的觀點。但現在我有一個非常特別的問題:在510日,我從Petale層級那理接收到了一個新的世界預言(world-prophecy),我必須用恰當的方式來表達並解釋這個訊息。現在裡面出現了一些我完全不知道的事物。這涉及到居住在秘魯某地身材高大的印第安人(Indians),根據預言,他們大約在10天前襲擊了一個村莊。他們被認為是古代印加人Incas)的敵人,躲在叢林中某處樹葉搭的棚子(leaf huts)和地下隧道裡。你對這些印第安人巨人Indian giants)有所瞭解嗎?如果妳能給我一些關他們的訊息,那我會非常高興,相信其他人也會對此十分感興趣的。


24. Sure, the existence of these life-forms are known to us.


25. They are not the very distant descendants of an alien race, as is claimed.


26. On average, they reach a height of about 210 cm.


27. Their skin colour is just as reddish brown as that of the other Indian breeds.


28. Their hair growth is also red, but partly coloured.


29. About 580 years ago, these giants retreated into the depths of the jungle, where they built an underground village and have lived there ever since.


30. But they also live above the ground in huts.


31. However, they are all wild, dress in animal skins and live from plants and hunting.


32. Recently, they have been worried about their offspring as a result of their wives, so for some decades they have been setting out to kidnap women, especially white ones, in civilised areas.


33. Their pedigree goes back to the Incas and they are therefore very distant descendants of them.


34. In earlier times, however, feuds broke out between different Inca tribes, in the aftermath of which they fought each other to the death.


35. So it happened also between the giants and another Inca descendant Indian tribe, which called itself Chanaks or Chanka.


36. They fought against each other very much, because the Chanaks or Chanka fought against the more pure preserved Inca tribes.


37. The giants stood on the side of the even more pure-blooded Incas and went against the Chanka resp. Chanaks into the field, in order to bring them heavily into distress and to fight them.


38. About 580 years ago then, until then the giants had survived, they suddenly disappeared from the society of all other tribes and withdrew deep into the jungle, where they lived a very difficult and deprivation-rich life until then and were considered extinct since their departure.


39. Since they themselves are very distant descendants of the Incas, one can only call them enemies of the Incas if one considers that they were only hostile to the degenerated Incas, like the Chanaks or Chanka.



印第安人巨人的檔案照片(圖片資料來自:Rare Historical Photos


That is interesting. You say Chanka or Chanaks, do you not know exactly what they are called?



40. These are two terms that have always been in use since time immemorial.


41. They were known by both names.


42. There is however still a third name, for which I cannot provide you nevertheless with information, because I am not specifically oriented about it.



That does not matter, you have already told me more than I had expected. But now still another question resp. two of them. They originate from Mr. Moosbrugger in the Walsertal: What about the astronomical data of the Giza pyramid, etc., and does a 'curse of the Pharaohs' exist?

沒關係,妳已經告訴我比我預想的多。但現在還有一個問題,實際上是兩個。它們來自WalsertalMoosbrugger先生,那就是:吉薩金字塔Giza pyramid的天文資料等是怎麼回事?另外,是否存在所謂「法老的詛咒」(curse of the Pharaohs)呢?


所謂「法老的詛咒」想像圖(圖片資料來自:Assassin's Creed


43. I would like to answer your second question first:


44. There is no curse of the Pharaohs.


45. This is just a fantastic concoction of legendary nature, as usual created by human beings of the Earth, who believe in recognising some kinds of secrets and mysteries in all things, because of still being caught too much in their religious fantasies, etc.


46. Well, there have always repeatedly been deaths, when the tombs of the Pharaohs were robbed, also by your scientists, because they too conducted robbery of tombs.


47. That can partially be put down to provoked accidents and on the other hand, to the protection measures of the ancient Pharaohs and priests, who were perfectly aware of the upcoming tomb robberies.


48. For this reason they created for example protective provisions and the like.


49. Thus e.g., they let slaves collect the hair-spines from the fruits of ficus-indica cactus, and had them [the cactuses] poisoned by poisoners.

例如,他們讓奴隸收集梨果仙人掌ficus-indica cactus)果實的毛刺,然後用毒藥塗在仙人掌的毛刺上面。

50. Afterwards these spines, impregnated with a millennia-durable deadly poison, were embalmed in the bandages of the deceased Pharaohs, and thus those who at a later time would come into contact with them, whereby, inevitably, the hair-fine spines penetrated into the skin, killing them.



Fantastic, however with the hairy-spines of ficus-indica, are you talking about those fine as hair spines that grow on the surface of the cactus-fruit?



51. Certainly, but now to the second question:


52. When the pyramids were built, the astronomers at that time were already calculating the further fate of the Earth.


53. According to the derived data from that the measurements of the pyramids were worked out.


54. The calculations revealed that many thousands of years in the future a catastrophe would once again threaten the Earth from the cosmos, like at the time of the construction of the pyramids.

計算結果表明,在未來的幾萬年thousands of years間,將會有另一場災難從太空中威脅到地球,就像在建造金字塔的時候一樣。

55. For indicating the impending catastrophe to the Earth’s inhabitants of later millennia, the obtained measurement data of astronomical nature of the distant future was therefore built into the pyramids.


56. That means that they were constructed according to the data and measurements, which will precisely then match with the astronomical data, when the catastrophe from space begins to loom anew.


57. Astronomy was very capable in those days, and thus calculated the dates very precisely.


58. They even observed several world crashes in their calculations and were able to calculate the dates with extremely accurate precision in that manner.


59. As precalculated the Earth did then actually crash and proved the science of those days, meanwhile long gone, to be right.


60. And now the time is slowly fulfiling, since the astronomical measurement data which, as explained, served and were decisive for the construction of the pyramids, are gradually corresponding with the astronomical values of the present time, and announcing the thus more than 70,000 years ago prophesied happening.


61. And that occurance will precisely be then, when the sunlight of a faraway star passes through the tube-like opening of the revelation, which stretches from outside the Giza pyramid to the centre, in a straight uninterrupted line and illuminates a particular point.


62. I am not allowed to explain more about it.



But it might be important to know that.



63. Sure, but I cannot talk about it.


64. If you want, I can explain it to you alone.



Gladly. I will keep silent about it like fish did in the olden days.





65. OK, but it shall not yet be today.


66. I will call you for that sole purpose telepathically, after submitting this report to you.



Fine as well. But now how about certain secrets, claimed to have grown up around the pyramids, and how had they been built, perhaps with machines?



67. There are no actual secrets to be mentioned, besides these of the existence of the Giza intelligences, as well as the issues around the measurement data in the context of the looming danger and the issue of the starlight which will at the given time shine through the opening of the revelation.

除了吉薩精靈(Giza intelligences)的存在,還有對與即將到來的危險有關的測量資料的議題,以及對在一定時間內通過預設的開啟設計而落下的星光的議題,這裡沒有任何真正的秘密可以被提出來。

68. The pyramids were not built by telekinetic 'spiritual forces', as certain earthly fantasists claim, but through tried and tested techniques, as you however already know, so I need no more to tell about it.



That suffices indeed, thanks. But I am still now wondering, why you were so en-masse circling around above Hinwil during the previous weekend, or shortly before. Did you perhaps lose a 'golden nothing' that you were looking for? It had actually been a really big demonstration. We counted nine machines, from which however you and Quetzal were twice part of, if I picked up your thoughts correctly.

這已經足夠了,謝謝。但我仍然感到驚訝的是,為什麼在前一個週末,或不久之前,你們會成群結隊地在Hinwil上空盤旋。也許你們正在那裡尋找一個遺失的“金色虛無”(golden nothing),是嗎?這實際上是一次真正的大型展示。我們數了數有9架飛船,如果我沒有聽錯的話,其中有兩架是妳和Quetzal的。

[中譯者註:這裡的'golden nothing';德語:‹goldenes Nichts›,應該不是直譯的“金色虛無”,一時不知如何翻譯,尚請先進高手賜教,感謝!


69. Sure, you are right about that.


70. No, I have not lost anything, not even some weird thing you just called it.



You are making me smile, girl, you have really got me on your toes. A 'golden nothing' means nothing.



71. I will know how to settle that debt with you.


72. Well, we found out during a surveillance that the army organisation with primitive equipment and dangerous lifting bladed machines visited several of our landing places and searched for radiation.

現在,我們在一次監視中發現,一直有軍事單位在用簡陋的儀器和危險的直升機(lifting bladed machines)探訪了我們幾個曾著陸的地點,並對其進行輻射掃描。

73. I mean the landing places, where I had landed.


74. Since the possibility of radiation deposition always exists, we have tried to monitor and search and analyse everything.


75. But there was no radiation anywhere.


76. But you may have observed even these primitive lifting blade machines when they made everything unsafe around the ninth hour of the evening a few days ago.


77. Among other things, they also flew around your house.



I know, we have observed the military guys doing it. We did not care much about them, though, because they are not the smartest. But you have offered us a spectacle, which we were very happy about. Which one of you is still hovering northeast with a spotlight?



78. Quetzal; he wanted to make you happy.



That is what he did with that stunt, it was just great. Please give him our best thanks and greetings.



79. Sure, he will be very happy.



What I wanted to say: When I recorded the buzzing of your ship on tape and suddenly so many people appeared as if stamped out of the ground, the Cantonal police were among them. Now they are also sticking their noses in.



80. I have still observed this, but it is not very important, because they have no fixed clues.


81. But how did your photos come out, that you had the opportunity to take shortly before Easter?



You mean the one where they chased you around with that stupid jet fighter? I just wish I could have seen the pilot's damn daffy face. The pictures are quite good, at least I think so.




Two pictures from a series of 17 photographs taken by Billy on the occasion of a demonstration flight on 14th April 1976 at Schmärbüel-Maiwinkel near Bettswil-Bäretswil (Zurich Oberland) during which their ship was harassed and disturbed by a Mirage (jet fighter) of the Swiss Air Force.




Two more pictures from a series of 17 photographs taken by Billy on the occasion of a demonstration flight on 14th April 1976 at Schmärbüel-Maiwinkel near Bettswil-Bäretswil (Zurich Oberland) during which their ship was harassed and disturbed by a Mirage (jet fighter) of the Swiss Air Force.



82. The pilot had a film or photo camera in his plane, but he was not able to take any pictures with it, because I blocked it for him.


83. His face was really very funny to look at, there was incredulous amazement in him.


84. Never before have I seen such a daft face.



I can imagine that vividly, the earthworm looks really often punishably goofy in its astonishment. But tell me, did you not notice anything at 00:20 hrs? There was some object high above us that flashed in a very unusual rhythm and passed by. To see if it was an airplane whose flashing rhythm should have been gone, I tried to order the object to extinguish its light, which it did after a short time, perhaps 5 or 10 seconds. So it must have been a telemeter disc or something similar, because I cannot influence an airplane, I told my companions that too. Do you know anything about this? And by the way, about 10 minutes later Mr. Schutzbach also saw something, a red light in the constellation of the big bear, which went out abruptly.



85. I did not locate the second object, it was probably at the time when I was already down here.


86. The first one, however, where you turned off the light, was one of our telemeter discs.


87. I had already been informed by the station that it had been influenced by some non-locatable forces and had been driven off course.


88. You should be more careful about these things.



Is it so bad when I take the lights off a speedster like that?



89. Sure, because the light of the telemeter ships corresponds to a special value and serves the course determination.


90. As you have rightly noticed, it has a certain interval and is very bright.


91. These are radio-like impulses which serve the control.


92. If you now extinguish these, which you consider to be light, by your thought forces, then the telemeter ship gets out of control and it moves out of course uncontrolled, so it must first be brought under control again by the station on the Earth.



Then I will let it be in the future. I really did not think anything of it.



93. Sure, you could not have known either.



Now one more question: Is it possible for you to give my two companions a little demonstration? You know, they are very interested in everything and above all in our task, and a small contribution from you would certainly be extremely valuable for them.



94. I understand your wish very well, but you know how difficult everything has become in recent times, because we are so much stalked.


95. For this reason I have also informed you that you should be ready between 00:30 hrs and 01:00 o'clock and then already be summoned here at 23:30 hrs.


96. But I want to think about it and consider if I can give a little demonstration.


97. It shall not be a promise.



Good, that's enough for me. Thank you. But would it be possible for you now to give me two or three pieces of your food, you know, I am thinking of little tablets or whatever. But I do not want to embarrass you or somehow that you then would starve.



98. Sure, I can grant your wish, but I do not have anything like that here.


99. The next time I would have to bring it with me, the best would be something similar to what is on Earth, something that can also be produced here.



Thank you, as you think, maybe it is better so, because if it is something strange, then there might be difficulties. You know what people are like.



100. Certainly.


101. Well, it is time for me now, because I have to get back to the North Sea.



Then go, you nightingale – I almost said night owl, but it does not suit you. You are more like a nightingale – also in singing, by which I mean the voice.

那就去吧,妳這個nightingale —— 我差點說是夜貓子night owl),但那不適合妳。妳更像一個夜鶯 —— 還是在唱歌的夜鶯,我指的是妳的聲音。


102. Your compliments are of rare value and very honest.



Thank you, then take all the flowers of the world as a worshiping testimony and let their fragrance feel good in joy and love.



103. You are very kind, I feel very strange.



Even you are very dear – I wish you so much, dear girl, the beguiling scent of the flower world may accompany you in love. Take care and see you soon.



104. – – – Goodbye, my thoughts will be with you.


105. It is often very …

我經常感到很 ...

(I only hear the last words of Semjase weakly and the rest of the sentence not at all anymore, because I glide down the antigravity shaft and remove myself quickly, sit down on my moped and drive away, whereby I find that life can sometimes be quite damn funny and twisted. Anita in Vienna would probably say: "Life is blessed.")


My first UFO Experience on 16th/17th May 1976


In the middle of May this year I went to Hinwil (Zurich Oberland) for the weekend with the intention of testing the credibility of the UFO contactor Edi Meier (Billy) and to find out more details about his activities. He had invited me to visit him and I am grateful to him for this, because with his help I was able to experience exactly what I had long wished for.

今年5月中旬,我去欣維爾(蘇黎世高地)度週末,打算測試UFO接觸者Edi Meier(比利)的可信度,並瞭解他有關活動的更多細節。他曾邀請我去拜訪他,對此我很感謝他,因為在他的幫助下,我才能夠體驗到我長久以來所渴望的。

On Sunday, the 16th of May 1976, I spent the evening in the living room of the Meier family. Later, Mr Konrad Schutzbach joined me. Exactly 5 minutes after 22:00 hrs, Mr Meier called out to me with the terse remark: "Between half past twelve and one!" "What then?" I wanted to know. He only answered with a casual hand gesture, waving his outstretched hand through the air a few times while continuing to watch the TV programme as if nothing had happened at all.

1976516日星期天,我在邁爾(Meier)家的客廳裡度過了一個晚上。後來,Konrad Schutzbach先生加入了我的行列。晚上10點剛過5分,邁爾先生對我簡短說了一句話:「12點半到1點之間!」;「然後呢?」我想知道。他只用一個隨意的手勢回答,他伸出的手在空中揮舞了幾下,同時繼續看著電視節目,好像什麼都沒有發生過。

For those who are not familiar with the conditions there, I must add that Mr Meier always receives a telepathic pre-announcement before he is ordered to make personal contact with the spaceship pilot Semjase.


An hour earlier than expected, at half past eleven hrs, Mr Meier sprang up from his chair as if stung by a tarantula and dashed out of the room into the open air. Curious, we ran after him. Outside, Mrs Meier pointed me in the direction I should look. The next moment I also spotted a glittering point of light that was moving across the firmament about as fast as an Earth satellite. Mrs Meier kindly let me use her binoculars, with the help of which I could clearly see a reddish flashing light on the flying object until it disappeared behind a wooded hilltop. Mrs Meier and I then looked for a somewhat higher observation position in the hope that the object we had just sighted would show itself again. Instead, Mr Schutzbach came panting towards us and told us to hurry along, that a contact was planned. We soon reached the house again and when we entered the living room, Mr Meier was in the process of changing his clothes. Mr Schutzbach helped him to fasten the belt of his jeans and I carefully took the pistol that was lying on the table and put it into Mr Meier's belt pouch. We hurriedly put on warm overcoats to be prepared for the night's excursion, because it was very cold for this time of year. Mrs Meier stayed at home with the children, Mr Meier brought his moped, and we thought about which car we should take. Soon Mr Meier rattled off in his vehicle and we followed him in my car. The person sitting next to me gave me the necessary instructions so that we wouldn't miss the connection, because we had no idea where we were going. At first we criss-crossed the village to shake off any pursuers, as Mr Schutzbach assured me. We took various detours to reach our destination, Dürsteien. On the way, however, we had to stop twice and drive back a short distance because we had obviously taken a wrong turn. Cross-country, we drove with only our parking lights on for some stretches. About half an hour after midnight, our leader suddenly stopped in the middle of a dirt road. H. Meier explained the situation as follows:

比預期的時間早了一個小時,深夜11點半,邁爾先生從椅子上跳了起來,就像是被狼蛛蟄到了一樣,他衝出房間,來到戶外。我們很好奇,就跟著他跑。在外面,邁爾夫人指了一個方向讓我看看。下一刻,我也發現了一個閃閃發亮的光點,它在蒼穹上移動的速度與地球衛星差不多。邁爾夫人好心讓我使用她的望遠鏡,在望遠鏡的幫助下,我可以清楚地看到飛行物上微紅色的閃光,直到它消失在一個樹木繁茂的山頂後。邁爾夫人和我隨後尋找了一個更高一些的觀察位置,希望我們剛剛看到的那個物體能再次出現。然而這時Schutzbach先生氣喘吁吁地朝我們走來,告訴我們快點,說是要計畫進行一次接觸。我們很快又到了房子裡,當我們進入客廳時,邁爾先生正在換衣服。Schutzbach先生幫他系上了牛仔褲的腰帶,我小心翼翼地拿起放在桌子上的手槍,放進了邁爾先生的腰包。我們匆匆穿上暖和的大衣,為夜遊作準備,因為在這個季節,天氣非常寒冷。邁爾夫人留在家裡照顧孩子,邁爾先生牽著他的輕便摩托車,我們則考慮應該坐哪輛車。很快,邁爾先生騎著他的車走了,我們則是開著我的車跟著他。坐在我旁邊的人給了我必要的方向指示,這樣我們就不會跟丟了車,因為我們不知道我們要去哪裡。起初,我們在村子裡到處穿梭,以甩掉任何的跟蹤者,Schutzbach先生向我保證有那種人。我們繞道而行,以到達我們的目的地—— Dürsteien。然而,在路上,我們不得不停了兩次,然後開回一小段路,因為我們顯然走錯了路。在穿越野外的過程中,我們在一些路段上只開著暫停燈行駛。大約在午夜過後半小時,我們的領隊突然在一條土路中間停下。邁爾解釋當時情況說:

For various reasons, of which I am now aware, the contact locations have to be changed constantly, so that in most cases Mr Meier does not know where he has to go at any given time. That is why he is remote-controlled, so to speak, from the beamship with the help of a computer. If he is travelling alone, he is guided directly to the landing site of the beamship. This spaceship is able to land or take off completely silently and invisibly at any point on our globe, both by day and by night. Of course, the pilot can take "protective measures" to prevent unauthorised access to the spacecraft or other actions in a corresponding manner, whereby only in extreme emergencies will the available defensive weapons be used. The personal meeting between Mr Meier and the pilot Semjase usually takes place inside the spacecraft, but in warm weather also outside. The communication takes place in German. The whole conversation is recorded by machine. At a later time, Mr Meier receives it verbatim by telepathic means and at a moderate pace, so that he can write down the protocol by machine.


When Mr Meier has escorts with him or is being followed, as has already been the case, then the computer guidance is interrupted near the point of contact. The pilot now checks personally whether the persons present appear trustworthy or not. If this check turns out to be negative, the arrangements are immediately rescheduled or the planned contact does not take place.


In our case it took an unusually long time. 20 minutes until the action continued.


The reason we received subsequently was: The pilot still had urgent business to attend to in the North Sea area, just at the time when the computer ceased its activity. From there, Mr Schutzbach and I had been checked by thought analysis.


Meanwhile, we stood on the aforementioned dirt road, trudging back and forth a little, eagerly searching the firmament for all directions. There was excellent visibility in the starry night. A point-like flying object could not escape our attention as it flew straight above the horizon. It blinked incessantly at short intervals. At first I thought it was an aeroplane, but Mr Schutzbach, as a private pilot, knew better. He said the frequency of the flashing light seemed very unusual to him. Mr Meier said that it could be determined whether the object was an aircraft or something else. No sooner said than done, after a few seconds the flashing light suddenly stopped and there was no trace of the flying object. I was so stunned that I did not know what to say.


Mr Meier's explanation afterwards was: "I simply gave the flying object the order to stop flashing – I would not have succeeded with the experiment if it had been an aeroplane. According to Semjase, who by the way was not as enthusiastic about the joke as we were, it was an unmanned telemetry disc used for reconnaissance purposes. After the flashing light went out, it had temporarily deviated from the prescribed course and therefore had to be brought under control again from the station.


At about 1:45 hrs Mr Meier finally got again a telepathic connection with the female ufonaut (like astronaut) Semjase. He informed us that we should wait for his return and to keep an eye on the sky in northern direction. Afterwards he drove to the contact location alone.


After his return he told us that he had travelled for about 5 minutes to a clearing where Semjase had been waiting for him in the spaceship.


When Mr Meier had left us, I thought silently what would happen if I followed him to the contact point, which I would have liked to do.


Interestingly, Semjase must also have caught these thoughts of mine, otherwise she could not have said to Mr Meier during the contact conversation: … H. M. thought for a moment what it would be like if he followed you. But that is of no consequence, because it was only his curiosity and his honest interest.


Mr Schutzbach and I now waited patiently outside, keeping a lookout. After about an hour and a half it gradually became too uncomfortable and we preferred to continue our observation in the car.


Suddenly a fiery red disc appeared in a northerly direction just above a forest aisle, hovering in the air, swinging back and forth a little like a pendulum and then disappearing in a flash. The distance was about 3 km. We measured it on the map during a subsequent daytime inspection.


Soon after, a snow-white, more spherical structure appeared at exactly the same spot, moving in a circular fashion in a horizontal direction. During this manoeuvre, the sphere seemed to triple in size, for, as in a mirror image, one more sphere could be seen on the bottom half-left and one on the half-right. Finally, we saw a fourth, somewhat smaller sphere, which detached itself from the central figure like a drop, but did not quite fall to the ground.


After a short pause, a spotlight-like disc shone again in the same place. It was apparently coming towards us, for it became larger and more intense - but after a short time it shrank to its original size and in the next moment had disappeared from the scene without a trace. Thus the spectacle of "lumiere dans la nuit" was finally over.


This demonstration was given to us by Semjase because Mr Meier had "thankfully" asked for it. Mr Meier himself did not see anything of this performance because he was already on his way back at that time.


Soon we also heard the clatter of a moped and Mr Meier arrived back at our place. After a cigarette break, we started our journey home, which we did without any detours. I was amused by our pilot's cornering technique. (Mr Meier only has one arm) Around half past three in the hrs we returned to Meier's living room. For me personally, this was an impressive experience that I will probably never forget.


As far as the credibility of this story is concerned, I could still tell various binges, e.g. my second UFO experience on the 13th of June 1976, when we were given permission to photograph or film, and so on.


In addition, my witness Konrad Schutzbach can confirm that this report was written to the best of his knowledge and belief.

此外,我的證人Konrad Schutzbach可以證實,這份報告是根據我們的所知所信而寫的。

Of course, I cannot hold it against anyone if they cannot or do not want to accept this story as reality for whatever reason. I will allow myself to be called a fantasist or a crank, but in no case a liar or a fraud.


Hirschegg, 15th June 1976


signed Guido Moosbrugger
署名:Guido Moosbrugger


Mr Konrad Schutzbach
Konrad Schutzbach先生





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