Contact Report 051/第051次接觸報告
最初英譯:2019年07月03日,星期三,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
改進版本:N/A,Catherine Mossman, Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2022年12月30日,星期五,DeepL Translator, James Hsu
五、真名是Samdach Vira Bhante的柬埔寨佛教高僧(於1999年以110歲的高壽平靜而安詳的離世),他的教名是「尊貴的Dharmawara Mahathera」。這位來自金邊上流社會家庭的兒子曾擔任過律師、法官和省長,甚至被國王任命為國家的首席法官。但當他40歲時,他離開了他的妻子和年幼的女兒,進入森林並遵循佛陀的教誨。這位土生土長的柬埔寨人後來成為柬埔寨和印度的國家元首的精神導師。
六、Dharmawara是“比利”愛德華.邁爾(Billy年輕時的稱呼)的老師之一。他的孫女Phobol Cheng(曾擔任柬埔寨駐聯合國大使)在1999年2月首次公開透露:她和她的祖父目睹了阿育王寺上空的眾多UFO蹤跡。在此期間,她的弟弟和她也看到邁爾與外星人的對話(有兩部相關訪談影片)。正如Phobol所說,Dharmawara也曾與奇怪的藍皮膚人相遇,據傳他們來自神秘的地下世界雅戈泰。
This is the entire contact report. It is an official and authorised English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
It was all a bit of an unfortunate thing with the lecture trip, but I hope it will work out better next time.
1. Sure, but you should obviously make a little effort to organise yourself, even if these things do not suit you.
I have thought of that, and I am going to try. But during my short journey, various questions arose; I was also asked many questions. Do you have time to answer all these questions for me?
2. Sure, I am in no hurry.
All right, thank you. My first question is about Mario Bertossi, whom you told me was a real contact person. Can you give me more detailed information about him regarding his contact, its value and the connections, etc.?
好的,謝謝妳。我的第一個問題是關於Mario Bertossi,妳告訴我他是一個真正的接觸者(contact person)。妳能給我更多關於他的詳細資料,包括他的接觸方式、他的價值和人脈方面等等的資訊嗎?
3. Sure, but these things are not very pleasant.
Then why did you name him to me as a contact person?
4. Because he actually had a technical contact, but it was in the range of seconds.
Then please give me more information.
5. This Mario Bertossi is a rather unpleasant person in terms of exploring and spreading the truth, which you will see from my explanations.
這個Mario Bertossi在探索和傳播真相方面是個相當不討人喜歡的人,這方面你從我的解釋中就會了解。
6. For years he has been concerned with matters of frontier and spiritual-science based ideas, of which in reality he has no knowledge at all.
7. His consciousness-based as well as his spiritual level is still so low that he has not yet been able to grasp even the most minimal basic knowledge of the spiritual teaching.
8. Unknowingly however, he unleashed completely uncontrollable powers onto himself, forcing a certain form of being to transmit a short message to him.
9. It was a message concerning a disease of the human being on the Earth.
10. However, Mario Bertossi completely misinterpreted this message, because his statements regarding the information he received were very flawed in their accuracy.
然而,Mario Bertossi完全誤解了這個訊息,因為他對這個訊息的陳述在準確性方面有很大的瑕疵。
11. But since he does not have the ability of a clear consciousness understanding as well as no logic, it is not surprising that he was not able to interpret the message correctly, which is why his statements are completely worthless.
12. In addition, the data was transmitted to him in a technical impulse-telepathic form, thus he was not able to recognise that it was a technical impulse telepathic transmission form at all, neither were his employees.
此外,訊息是以一種技術脈衝心靈感應的(technical impulse-telepathic)形式傳輸給他的,但他根本無法識別這種傳輸形式,而他的受僱人員也是如此。
13. His assumption was that his statements originated from his own ability to think, which he nevertheless deliberately misrepresented as telepathic transmissions of foreign intelligences.
他的假設是,他的陳述源於他自己的思考能力,但他故意將其曲解為外星智慧體(foreign intelligences)的心靈感應傳輸。
14. But since the technical impulse-telepathic transmission had actually taken place through his coercion and a few of his statements are of importance, one must accept him as a real contact person.
但由於技術上的脈衝 —— 心靈感應的傳輸實際上是在他的脅迫下發生的,而且他的幾個陳述也很重要,所以人們必須接受他是一個真正的接觸者。
15. Very regrettable for this person is the fact that, as a completely ignorant life-form, he was able to compel alien intelligences, which, however, do not belong to us, to a transmission.
16. Equally unfortunate is the fact that Mario Bertossi is very selfish and lacks any ability to think logically.
同樣糟糕的是,Mario Bertossi非常自私,缺乏任何邏輯思考的能力。
17. This is also the reason why he tries to drag all true contacts into the mud and trample on all truth, which you may have noticed.
18. He is a person who does not accept any logical speech or opinion of another person, because he is unable to grasp logic at all.
19. He believes he is greater than he really is.
20. The truth, however, is that he does not possess any valuable knowledge and only promotes pure fantasy creations of his own design.
21. In other words, this means that he is completely uneducated in spiritual matters and the teaching of the spirit itself, and truly does not have the slightest knowledge.
22. All his statements concerning alleged spiritual values and concerns are just as much fantasies of his own making as his alleged evidence, with which he tries to influence his environment at every opportunity and assumes that it will be intimidated by this stupidity.
23. If it were not for the fact that he was forced into a short contact, which he did not really recognise, I would simply call him a charlatan and cheater from my side.
24. Since the forced contact actually took place, however, I unfortunately cannot do this, because this contact fact remains, because he does not simply lie about it, but presumably names a few facts correctly, although he has no knowledge of the truth of the technical impulse-telepathic contact.
然而,由於被迫接觸確實發生了,遺憾的是我不能這樣做,因為這個接觸的事實仍然存在,因為他並不是單純撒謊,而是大概正確說出了一些事實,儘管他對技術脈衝 —— 心靈感應接觸的真相一無所知。
You speak a very hard language for this man. But when I think about your words, I really have to agree with you, because we received similar impressions when we were with him on the 21st of April. My impression was that the man has no knowledge of spiritual values and concerns and that he only wants to show off in order to be a great man.
25. You have observed very closely.
26. It is also advisable to keep away from this person, because he works against the truth in every manner.
27. The man is a person, who is rightly called a know-it-all.
28. He holds no mentionable value for you or any other person.
29. It would therefore also be of value if you would convey this message to him.
30. It is also important that you spread the word about these things, because Mario Bertossi's dishonest machinations are likely to mislead a larger circle of persons again, even though people have already come close to the path of the truth.
同樣重要的是,你要把這些事情傳播出去,因為Mario Bertossi的不實伎倆很可能再次誤導更多的人,儘管人們已幾乎經知道了相關的真相。
I am sure he will not be happy about that.
31. That is certainly the case, but it is also the case with Mr. Hans Jacob in Wetzikon, because he is working in the same direction.
情況當然是這樣,但韋齊孔(Wetzikon)的Hans Jacob先生也是這樣,因為他也正朝著同一個方向前行。
Why do you still think of him? He was also in Munich on the 21st of April. He obviously had enough time to get there, but not for our discussion days.
32. I know that, and we now know with absolute certainty that he is responsible for spying on you and your group members and stalking you at every time of the day or night.
33. This trustee has been working against you and against the whole group for quite some time, and he has established various malicious connections in this respect, including with Mario Bertossi and the DUIST in Wiesbaden.
最近幾個月,這個受託人沒有盡到自己的職責,因為他長期以來一直在反對你和整個小組,因此他在這方面建立了各種惡意的聯繫,包括與Mario Bertossi和威斯巴登(Wiesbaden)的DUIST。
34. His actions, however, are of quite stupid and primitive form, and he does not consider that his negation against the truth will cause him insurmountable damage to his health.
So he is also responsible for the chase on the 28th of March, when I was spied on with cars and mounted parabolic antennas?
35. Sure, and he is also responsible for trying to hunt me down with those primitive combustion engine aircraft and those jet engine planes when you made the tape recordings in the Frecht area.
You mean the Pilate-porters, the 'Big Bertha' (JU 52) and the jet fighters?
36. Sure, all this has to be weighed into his account.
37. This also includes bad written defamations concerning you, which he spreads in Switzerland and Germany as well as in America.
So then he could have actually played the traitor in our own ranks since time immemorial?
38. Sure, he is and was the traitor.
39. But first he did not commit treason in a conscious form.
40. Only recently has he consciously worked against all of us.
41. It is fundamentally due to his low intelligence and religious sectarianism that everything was triggered by him.
42. Since I released him from my control, he has finally surrendered himself to everything negative.
You are talking about him being of low intelligence. What form should I understand by this?
43. The consciousness-based and rational-based, as is also the case with Mario Bertossi.
這是基於意識和理性方面而言,就像Mario Bertossi也是如此。
44. I hope, by the way, that you stick to my wish not to get involved with him anymore, because before you can do that again, he has to overcome hard teachings and change his forms of observation.
You can rest assured that I have followed it and will continue to do so. I have a letter here from Mario Bertossi, which you should read.
妳可以放心,我已經這樣做了,並將繼續這樣下去。我這裡有一封Mario Bertossi的信,妳應該看看。
45. If that is your wish …
如果你希望我這麼做 ...
46. These lines are quite lowly intelligent and even primitive.
47. They correspond entirely to the lower conscious-based level of this person; still very low-standing and even underdeveloped.
48. You should not try to answer those lines.
49. It should be enough if you send him a copy of my statements about him without a personal response.
50. This would be unnecessary work for you, for this person is too taken up with himself and his charlatan and foolish imaginations to accept teaching words from you or any other person.
Whatever you say. Do you not find that you are going very hard on him?
51. On the contrary, I should use an even harder language.
52. You are far too mediatory in these particular cases, which is why I have to take the floor.
53. It is all about much more than just uncontrollable fanaticism, megalomania and the fraudulent charlatanry of some ignorant elements.
54. Think only once of the actions of Hans Jacob, who has clenched certain waves of anger in himself, only because he himself cannot be the person who functions in the first and most important place.
請想想Hans Jacob的行為,他抑制了內心的某些憤怒,只是因為他自己不能成為一個最重要的人物。
55. To this day, he cannot cope with the fact that another person has to fill in this position and not him.
56. He has not yet become aware that with his minimal and rather miserable education, which comes only from books and the like, he will never be able to work himself into a position like yours.
57. But the same goes for Mario Bertossi, who also believes himself to be called to higher things, but who is not even able to give advice of the slightest importance to those of your group, who will still come to you in some time completely ignorant in spiritual matters.
而Mario Bertossi也是如此,他也認為自己是被召喚去做更重要的事情,但他甚至不能給你們小組成員提供絲毫重要的建議,這些人在一段時間內,對你在靈性成就方面仍然一無所知。
I see, now I know a little more. But that leads me straight to another question, namely the tricky three point at Bachtel. Did you find anything there now?
我明白了,現在我又知道的更多了。但這讓我直接想到了另一個問題,那就是巴赫特爾山(Bachtel)棘手的三個點(tricky three point)。你們現在在那裡有什麼發現嗎?
58. Quetzal has been very busy with this.
59. Yes, he did not make an effort for nothing.
60. At three different locations, extremely small amplifier stations were set into trees at intervals of 230 metres each.
61. These stations with a size of just under one square centimetre, functioned and served as relay stations which transmitted interference oscillations from a central transmitter in very intense and dangerous values.
62. The central station floated in a constant position high in free space, but we could not clarify its origin.
63. We only have probability calculations for this, but with only 47 values they allow a very small evaluation.
I understand, but I am still thinking about a certain possibility.
64. We have also considered this possibility, and there are indeed several things that point to Giza.
What do we do now?
65. Quetzal has removed the stations, but this does not mean that such devices will not be reinstalled elsewhere.
66. These things, however, are to be monitored by us in the future, which will reduce the potential for disruption.
Thank you, girl, that is very kind of you.
67. It is also in our interest.
I do not want to argue about it. I have other things: about two weeks ago I found out that I made a terrible mistake in writing down your last reports, which I then explained to Mr. Schutzbach when he asked me a question. I thought you told me Earth was 646 billion (646,000,000,000) years old. This was in connection with the oil production of the Earth and the ores and minerals, etc. Do you remember that?
68. Of course, but why do you ask?
Since I constantly lack the time to correct the reports after writing, I did not notice that I wrote millions instead of billions. I simply twisted the values, which is why I wanted to make a corresponding attachment to point out this and other spelling mistakes, etc. Unfortunately I have not found the time yet. It …
69. This is not of great importance, because all group members, etc., are oriented about the fact that you lack the time for such corrections.
70. So they will not complain about the confused values if you can make a correction later.
71. Besides, we are correcting the contact reports together, so we will correct this error as well.
This may be correct, but not for other people, such as a Herr Arends in Rimstind, or as the village in Germany is called. This man is concerned with astronomy and has complained in writing about this error.
這麼說也對,但對某些人來說就不是這麼一回事了,例如在Rimstind或者是德國什麼村子的一位Herr Arends。這個人關注天文學,他就以書面方式指出過這個錯誤。
72. That is why you do not have the slightest reason to get upset.
73. His understanding of things would probably be very poor if he, as an expert in these matters, did not realise that there was a writing error.
74. If he had processed the whole and taken it in with clarity, that he would have recognised that it was only a case of mistaken spelling.
75. But the earthly astronomers in particular live in pure assumptions and make assertions that are foreign to any reality.
76. For the orientation of this Mr. Arend, however, I would like to explain to you here that you are to tell him that it is only a matter of a writing error.
77. The exact age of the Earth's existence is 646 billion (646,000,000,000) years, calculated from the time when the first gas atoms were formed, merged and later collected.
78. The evolutionary process up to the solid planetary body thus took about 641 billion (641,000,000,000) years, after which the basic life-forms developed later, from which the first lichen-like flora forms developed, from which gradually in the course of further billions of years higher plants and later also animal forms developed.
79. Then after further billions of years human beings were created as independent life-forms, which however were already influenced soon after their emergence by space-travelling foreign human races.
80. This was about 8.5 to 4.5 million years ago.
81. And since Earth has existed as a solid finished mass, this is a period of about 5 billion (5,000,000,000) years.
82. Its entire development, however, took about 646 billion (646,000,000,000) years from the very beginning of the first gas atom formation.
83. In ignorance of the real events surrounding planetary formation, the earthly scientists calculate all the relevant concerns in false values, consequently they achieve endless false results; and they do not want to be instructed.
84. For centuries they have tried to calculate and prove all things according to their very faulty mathematics, but they rarely achieve truthful results, even in relation to the real distances to the stars.
85. Nevertheless, they claim that their calculations correspond to the truth, even if they often have to correct them after centuries, which is very difficult for them because they do not want to admit their mistakes to the masses.
86. They are and remain simply the incorrigible know-it-alls.
I am afraid I am aware of that. But then another question: I was able to take photos of the 'eye of God'. You told me at that time that this structure was a work of human creation, a memorial of a megalomaniac God, so to speak. Is that really true?
恐怕我是知道的。但接下來還有一個問題:我能夠拍到「上帝之眼」(eye of God)的照片。妳當時告訴我,這個結構是人類創造的作品,可以說是一個狂妄上帝的紀念物。這真的是事實嗎?
87. Sure, you doubt my testimony?
Certainly not, I just wanted to check it out again. But is this structure the only such work in the Universe?
88. Your question is truly very illogical.
89. The 'Eye of God' was created by a human being, as I have explained to you before.
90. Such things, however, can only be produced by a human being if the universal force and all natural processes permit such a creation, which in other words means that corresponding models of natural origin must be present.
91. This means that cosmic forces and formations, etc. of any life-forms can only be transformed into certain values and effects if these values and effects already exist.
92. From this you can infer that for the 'Eye of God' there must already have been an example, namely of natural origin, otherwise the JHWH would not have been able to create it.
[中譯者註:這裡的JHWH就是所謂的「四字神名」,為古代希伯來人尊崇的神名,在《希伯來聖經》中,用四個古希伯來文,子音,即יהוה(拉丁化為IHVH、YHVH、YHWH、JHVH或JHWH),來表示。這是猶太教、基督教所信仰的獨一神的名稱之一,一般尊稱神為「主」(the Lord)。
Yet I have known that.
93. Of course, you had to, even if not in astronomical matters.
94. All the more your question seems illogical and even lowly-intelligent to me.
95. It must be clear to you that if the JHWH was able to create the 'Eye of God', then there must already have been similar models in natural form, of which in this galaxy alone 602 are known to us in smaller or larger dimensions, while in the entire universe there are countless numbers.
Aha, that is exactly what I wanted to know, not for me, because the question comes from someone else, also from this Mr. Arends in Rimsting. Here – I also have a letter from him, you should read it sometime.
啊哈,這正是我想知道的,不是針對我的,因為這個問題來自於其他人,也是來自於里姆斯廷(Rimsting)的這位Arends先生。在這裡 —— 我還有一封他的信,妳有時間應該看看。
96. Hence this lowly-intelligent and illogical question.
97. Can I have a look?
... (看過之後)
98. I have already answered the first two questions and there is no need to get involved with the rest.
99. The person asking these questions is obviously caught up in earthly astronomy data and the like and consequently cannot confront the truth.
100. Obviously he does not know the speed changes in the orbit around the central sun of the constellation times, which also includes the Earth and the whole system, so he probably calculates the orbit with only 25,729 instead of 25,860 Earth years.
101. The fact that he still refers to scientific principles in this is probably a little too much, for how can one presume such things if one has based one's knowledge only on assumptions that do not even come close to the truth.
102. The fact that the miscalculations concerning the vernal equinox, as this is called here, make up only a fraction of a second of arc and consequently only two Earth years for the total cycle, is directly an incentive to laugh.
關於這裡稱之為春分點(vernal equinox)的錯誤計算十分令人可笑,這只占幾分之一角秒(second of arc;又稱弧秒),因此在整個週期中只占兩個地球年。
103. Here the human being of the Earth does not even reckon with their time and has interspersed it with serious miscalculations, and there they want to indulge in things of which they know and understand even less than their own existence as a material life-form.
104. I therefore see no need at all to answer these questions even approximately.
You are quite blastedly radical today.
105. I feel fully justified in doing so, as these questions come from people whom you really should have spoken conscientiously to.
106. In Munich you talked to them, and they have no other ideas than to make your otherwise hard work even more difficult.
107. From all their speeches on the one hand only envy and on the other hand the incorrigibility speaks.
108. I am very sorry for you and I am only standing up for you because you do not do it yourself in a proper manner.
This is not so bad. I can take a lot already.
109. But I do not like these things and machinations, because your task is far too important for you to be treated like this.
Now I finally see you angry for once. I like you thus as well. You look very pretty. It is …
現在我終於看到妳生氣了。我喜歡妳這個樣子。妳看起來非常漂亮。那是 ...
110. It gives me absolutely no pleasure, and if I could, then I would do some things …
這完全沒能讓我感到高興,如果可以的話,我會做一些事情 ...。
… which fortunately you are not allowed to do. Leave it alone; you know, you cannot be vengeful, I had to tell one of my companions that, because he really wanted to take an oath to beat up certain people thoroughly and extensively. So be reasonable and do not worry me too much. That is enough.
... 幸好妳不被允許這樣做。不要管它了;妳知道妳不能有報復心,我不得不告訴我的一個同伴,因為他真的想發誓把某些人徹底好好修理一頓。所以要講道理,不要讓我太擔心。這就夠了。
111. It is not easy for me, because I am really angry.
I am very sorry, I did not mean to upset you with my asking.
112. It is really not your fault.
113. But the human beings of the Earth are often able to make my self-control collapse with their illogicality and unreasonableness.
114. Sorry about that.
You do not need to apologise. I also raved around in Vienna, and also in Germany and Switzerland – just because of a stupid telephone, so to speak. So please let it be good. You may be very pretty in your anger, but it is pointless if you get angry at the same time. I cannot tell you otherwise, because I am too coarse for such consolations.
115. You are very kind, thank you.
116. I did not think it was possible to ever lose control of myself.
You are only human, though much further up than us earthworms.
117. That has its validity, but nevertheless …
這話有它的道理,但儘管如此 ...
Please, it is really understandable that you got angry. With such primitive machinations one must really begin to become irritated. Even though I am very sorry for your being agitated, I am still happy about it somehow; it makes you very human, and on the other hand you look unusually pretty in anger. It is not a flattery, it's a statement.
118. You are really very sweet …
你真的非常可愛 ...
Do not talk about it, it is actually so.
119. Sure, if you say so – – – I thank you.
當然,如果你這麼說的話 … 我謝謝你。
It is all right, I was prepared for an outburst of rage. When I drove with my colleagues from Vienna to Munich, I caught a symbolic picture that revealed your anger to me. I had about 24 hours to gnaw at it before I was able to decipher it, because it was a completely strange picture to me. I did not even know where it came from, and three of the signs were absolutely alien to me.
120. That is incredible, you do not even generally know these picture forms.
I did it anyway, and I found out that it meant something like, "There is anger blazing in me."
121. That is very correct.
122. There were some things that escaped me that I had simply lost control of, especially when I realised that you were homeward bound.
123. I analysed the why and found out that it was mainly due to the negative impact of Hans Jacob and Mario Bertossi that the whole undertaking went off course.
我分析了原因,發現主要是由於Hans Jacob和Mario Bertossi的負面影響,使整個事情偏離了方向。
124. I already located these powers on the 21st of April in Munich, when you had a conversation with Bertossi.
125. But I could not do anything about it, because I would have had to use force.
So did you monitor what happened? Is that why you were over Germany? You said hello to us and let us see you when we drove to Vienna, it was about 3 o'clock in the morning. We were all very happy to see you.
126. Sure, I wanted to monitor things, especially because we found out that Hans Jacob, out of pure stupidity and vindictiveness and envy, indirectly initiated all the surveillance and pursuit chases.
當然,我想監視一下,特別是因為我們發現Hans Jacob出於純粹的愚蠢和報復以及嫉妒,間接發起了所有的監視和追捕。
127. The final prompt for my flight to Munich resulted from the fact that Hans Jacob went there himself.
最後促使我飛往慕尼黑的原因是,Hans Jacob親自去了那裡。
I understand, but what are you going to do?
128. I cannot answer that question yet.
129. First I have to consult with the others.
130. It would be appropriate for me to teach these two people a hard lesson.
You cannot be vindictive. On the other hand, remember that these men are somehow like little children who just squirm because they do not have and cannot achieve what they imagine. It is admirable by the way, that you could hold on to yourself so long before you let your anger run free. I must have noticed from the very beginning that everything trembled in you and that your harsh words were only suppressed anger.
131. These unpleasant appearances cannot be concealed from you?
Hardly, because I have personal experience in it, at least from the past. But let's not do that now, I just think there should be enough talking about these things. Look here – wait a minute – this is a book by a Professor Sloman, I am to hand it over to you. Maybe you have the goodness to deal with it in detail and then express your opinion. It is very important for the man to hear your verdict on this.
幾乎沒有,因為我在這方面有親身經歷,至少是過去的經歷。但我們現在先不談這個,我只是覺得對這些事情應該談的夠多了。看這裡 —— 等一下 —— 這是一本Sloman教授的書,我要把它交給妳。也許妳可以好好詳細研究它,然後表達妳的意見。對這個人來說,聽起妳對這方面的評論是非常重要的。
132. If it is your wish, then I would like to do it.
133. You will have to be patient though, maybe two or three weeks.
Of course, thank you very much. But now something else: Especially in Vienna I was asked a lot of questions to arrange a contact with you. Is there not a possibility?
134. You know I cannot respond to that kind of demand.
135. It remains that we are only in personal contact with you alone.
136. There is no possiblity of circumventing this provision, which is what the High Council has ordered.
A brief Visual Contact
On the night of the 23rd of April 1976, Billy, J. Bertschinger and I drove in the car from Munich to Vienna. On the way, in the Linz area, we stopped for a short break. We had just got back into the VW to drive on. Suddenly Billy rips open the door on his side and shouts "she's right above us!" With an acrobatic effort we also jump out of the vehicle. Really, directly above us a red triangle moves swiftly along. It seems to come from the Munich area and is now aiming towards Switzerland. "I am directly above you and greet you". This is what Semjase had just let him know, Billy said. Exciting and at the same time gratifying, this greeting. A short time later, we rolled on towards Vienna.
On the way back from there, we also experienced an interesting interlude. Billy was apparently dozing in the car. But suddenly he grabbed a pen and with his eyes closed he scribbled strange symbols on a piece of paper. Just like us, he could not make sense of these symbols, nor did he know where they came from. They were simply there, picked up like a stray radio message. He thought he could understand some of the signs. But for the rest, he studied it all the way to Switzerland and spent another night there. Then he had the solution: "Anger is burning in me". And that must have escaped Semjase uncontrollably, as she also confirmed to him later. All the difficulties and hardships we had to face on the unsuccessful lecture tour must have aroused her very much. Especially when she noticed that we were on our way back.
Mr Meier has had some experience with symbols of this kind. After all, all the information he receives reaches him in this way. His work then consists of translating them literally into our German and typing them down.
137. Exceptions were only a few Earth-humans who were your teachers and with whom telepathic contacts had always existed.
138. For my part, therefore, I cannot change these provisions and the High Council will not do so either.
139. Apart from your living Dharmawara teacher, only you are capable of our cooperation.
On Saturday morning, the 26th of June 1999, my venerable, dear teacher, monk Dharmawara Mahathera, passed away at the age of 110. He was conscious until the last moment before he passed away painlessly and peacefully.
1999年6月26日星期六上午,我尊敬且親愛的老師,Dharmawara Mahathera和尚去世了,享年110歲。在他無痛而安詳離世之前,他的意識一直保持清醒,直到最後一刻。
Mouseover for AI colourization
Samdach Vira Bhante, as he was known by his real name, was born in Cambodia in 1889 as the child of high-ranking diplomats in Phnom Penh, who provided him with a first-class European education at French schools. The highly educated young man, fluent in several languages, studied jurisprudence, worked as a lawyer and then became a judge before rising to become provincial governor. Later, the Cambodian king appointed him the country's chief justice and he eventually became royal advisor at a relatively young age. He quickly rose to high honours and was considered a highly respected personality.
他的真名是Samdach Vira Bhante,1889年出生於柬埔寨,是金邊(Phnom Penh)高級外交官的孩子,他們在法國學校接受了一流的歐洲教育。這位受過高等教育的年輕人精通多國語言,學習法學,當過律師,然後成為一名法官,後來升任省長。之後柬埔寨國王又任命他為國家首席法官,他最終在相對年輕的時候成為皇家顧問。他很快就獲得了很高的榮譽,被認為是一個備受尊敬的人物。
During his early adult years, he married and started a family, which produced a daughter and later grandchildren.
Gradually seeking more than just professional satisfaction and fulfilment, he decided at about 40 to give up his career, leave his family and become a monk, following the teachings of Buddha. He initially lived in a hut in the forests of Cambodia and lived off what the farmers gave him. Later he moved to India, where in 1963, when I, Billy, came to India, he was running the Ashoka Ashram in Mahrauli near New Delhi, which he had founded and built himself. At that time he was already 75 years old, spry and in good health.
他逐漸尋求的不僅僅是職業上的滿足和成就感,他在40歲左右決定放棄他的事業,離開家庭,出家為僧,並遵循佛陀的教誨。他最初住在柬埔寨森林中的一個小屋裡,靠農民給他的東西生活。後來他搬到了印度,1963年,當我(比利)來到印度時,他正在新德里附近的Mahrauli管理阿育王修行院(Ashoka Ashram),這是他自己創建的。當時他已經75歲了,但身體健康,精神矍鑠。
Asket sent me to Dharmawara Mahathera, as Samdach Vira Bhante was called by his religious name. At that time, he was already one of the most respected Buddhist teachers of our century. For a long time, my venerable teacher taught me the original Buddhist teachings, which conform to the teachings of the mind. I also learned many other things from Dharmawara Mahathera while I was working as a vet in the ashram. At that time, his two grandchildren, Phobol Cheng and her brother, lived with him in the ashram where they were brought up and taught by him. Their parents had entrusted them to his care because of political unrest in Cambodia, where they knew they were in good hands and safe.
Asket讓我去找Dharmawara Mahathera,因為Samdach Vira Bhante的教名就叫這個名字。當時,他已經是我們這個世紀最受尊敬的佛教老師之一。在很長一段時間裡,我的尊貴的老師教我原始的佛教教義,這些教義符合心性的教導。當我在修行院做獸醫時,我還從Dharmawara Mahathera那裡學到了許多其他東西。當時,他的孫女Phobol Cheng和她的弟弟兩人與他一起住在修行院裡,他們在那裡被他撫養和教導。由於柬埔寨的政治動盪,他們的父母將他們託付給他照顧,他們知道他們在那裡會得到很好的照顧和安全。
In 1967, after I had met and married my wife Kalliope in Greece in 1965, we came again on our journey together to the Ashoka Ashram, where we stayed for two months this time. Also during this time, the venerable Dharmawara Mahathera, who in the course of time had reached the highest rank as a Buddhist monk and was held in the highest esteem in his circles, taught me.
1967年,在我於1965年在希臘與我的妻子Kalliope相遇並結婚後,我們再次一起來到阿育王修行院,這次我們在那裡住了兩個月。也是在這段時間裡,尊敬的Dharmawara Mahathera教導我,他在一段時間內達到了佛教僧侶的最高級別,在他的圈子裡受到了最高的景仰。
Throughout the time I spent at Ashoka Ashram, I often witnessed blue-skinned visitors who sought out my venerable teacher and who inexplicably just appeared and disappeared. These blue-skinned human beings came from the underground city of Agartha, located in the Himalayan mountains, which was originally founded by extraterrestrials and is now inhabited by their descendants.
After I left the Ashoka Ashram in Mahrauli in 1967, I did not hear from Dharmawara Mahathera for almost 27 years before his granddaughter, Phobol Cheng, contacted me, thus re-establishing indirect contact. In the last few years, she informed me about her grandfather and his life, and also about the fact that he had handed over the Ashoka Ashram to Tibetan monks and, at the age of 85, had moved to California to live with his grandson. There, his disciples asked him to found a Buddhist temple and monastery, which the aged monk then presided over until his passing. In America, too, my venerable teacher once again attained the highest reputation and great honours.
1967年我離開Mahrauli的阿育王修行院後,有將近27年沒有聽到Dharmawara Mahathera的消息,後來他的孫女Phobol Cheng與我聯繫,從而重新建立了間接聯絡。在過去的幾年裡,她向我介紹了她的祖父和他的生活,包括他把阿育王寺交給了西藏僧人,並在85歲時搬到了加利福尼亞與他的孫子一起生活。在那裡,他的弟子們請他創辦了一座佛寺和修道院,這位年邁的僧人隨後主持了這座寺院,直到他去世。在美國,我尊敬的老師也再次獲得了最高的聲譽和極大的尊榮。
Around the mid-nineties, Dharmawara found himself in a serious health crisis. His condition deteriorated, so he was given medical care in California and Cambodia by some of his disciples who were doctors by profession. Thanks to their help, he soon recovered and resumed his teaching activities, which he continued until his passing.
Dharmawara Mahathera, to whom I owe great knowledge and deep insight into Buddhist teachings, will always be remembered as my venerable, dear teacher.
Dharmawara Mahathera,這位我曾受教於他對佛教教義豐富的知識和深刻的見解,他將永遠作為我尊敬且親愛的老師被銘記於心。
by Michael Hesemann / Editor-in-Chief MAGAZIN 2000, Germany
作者:Michael Hesemann / 德國《MAGAZIN 2000》主編
He died conscious, awake and painless at the ripe old age of 110. Samdach Vira Bhante was one of the most respected Buddhist teachers of our century. Known by his religious name, 'the Venerable Dharmawara Mahathera', the native Cambodian provided spiritual assistance to the heads of state of Cambodia and India. He was the spiritual advisor to Cambodia's King Norodom Sihanoik and watched over the deathbed of India's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. The son of an upper-class family from Phnom Penh made a career as a lawyer, judge and provincial governor, and was even appointed Chief Justice of the country by the King. But when he turned 40, he left his wife and young daughter to go into the forests and follow the teachings of Buddha.
他在110歲高齡時清醒而無痛苦地去世。Samdach Vira Bhante是本世紀最受尊敬的佛教教師之一。他的教名是「尊貴的Dharmawara Mahathera」,這位土生土長的柬埔寨人為柬埔寨和印度的國家元首提供精神幫助。他是柬埔寨國王諾羅敦.施亞努(Norodom Sihanoik)的精神顧問,並在印度第一任總理賈瓦哈拉爾.尼赫魯(Jawaharlal Nehru)的病榻前守候。這位來自金邊上流社會家庭的兒子以律師、法官和省長為職業,甚至被國王任命為國家的首席法官。但當他40歲時,他離開了他的妻子和年幼的女兒,進入森林並遵循佛陀的教誨。
The highly educated man, sent to French schools by his parents – high-ranking diplomats – and fluent in several languages, renounced the luxuries he had known until then, cigarettes and alcohol, to live in a hut and feed on fruits and vegetables given to him by the farmers. Then he went to India to found the 'Ashoka Mission', named after the first Buddhist king of the country, who had tried in vain to spread the teachings of Buddha in the land of the Hindus 2,300 years ago. He spent 45 years there, finally giving the monastery in Mahrauli near New Delhi to Tibetan refugees and going to California, where his grandson lived, while his granddaughter Phobol Cheng worked in New York as her country's UN ambassador. But the 16,000 Cambodians living in Stockton/California asked the aged monk to found a temple and monastery, which he presided over until his death. And again, pilgrims flocked to the holy man. When he passed away, even the 'Los Angeles Times' (on 3rd July 1999) paid tribute to him with an obituary. His ashes were taken to shrines in India and Cambodia.
這個受過高等教育的人,被他的父母 —— 高級外交官 —— 送進了法國學校,並且精通幾種語言,他放棄了在此之前他所知道的奢侈品 —— 煙和酒,住在一間小屋裡,以農民給他的水果和蔬菜為食。然後他去了印度,成立了「阿育王使命」(Ashoka Mission)組織,該佛教組織是以該國第一位佛教國王的名字命名的,他曾在2,300年前試圖在印度人的土地上傳播佛陀的教義,但沒有成功。他在那裡度過了45年,最後將位於新德里附近的Mahrauli的寺院交給了西藏難民,並去了他孫子居住的加州,而他的孫女Phobol Cheng則在紐約擔任她國家的聯合國大使。但居住在加州斯托克頓(Stockton)的1萬6,000名柬埔寨人要求這位年邁的僧人創建一座寺廟和修道院,他一直主持著這些寺廟和修道院,直到他去世。而且,朝聖者再次蜂擁而至,向這位聖人致敬。當他去世時,甚至《洛杉磯時報》(1999年7月3日)都以訃告的形式向他致敬。他的骨灰被帶到了印度和柬埔寨的聖地。
What the newspaper did not mention: Dharmawara was one of the teachers of the Swiss UFO contactor 'Billy' Eduard A. Meier. As his granddaughter Phobol Cheng revealed publicly for the first time in February 1999 – at the UFO conference in Laughlin, MAGAZINE 2000 reported – she and her grandfather witnessed the numerous UFO sightings over Ashoka Monastery. During this time, her brother and she also saw Meier in conversation with extraterrestrials. As Phobol explained, Dharmawara also had encounters with strange, blue-skinned human beings who were rumoured to have come from the mysterious underground world of Agartha. Whether he himself also had contact with Meiers' Pleiadians is one of the great secrets that the monk took with him into Nirvana – several attempts to interview him about this failed because of the very old sage's unstable state of health for several years.
該報紙沒有提到的是,Dharmawara是瑞士UFO接觸者“比利”Eduard A. Meier的老師之一。正如他的孫女Phobol Cheng在1999年2月首次公開透露的那樣 —— 在Laughlin的UFO會議上,《MAGAZINE 2000》報導 —— 她和她的祖父目睹了阿育王寺上空的眾多UFO蹤跡。在此期間,她的弟弟和她也看到邁爾與外星人的對話。正如Phobol所解釋的,Dharmawara也曾與奇怪的藍皮膚人相遇,據傳他們來自神秘的地下世界雅戈泰(Agartha)。他本人是否也與邁爾的昴宿星人有過接觸,是這位僧人帶入涅槃(Nirvana)的巨大秘密之一 —— 由於這位非常年長的聖人幾年來健康狀況不穩定,幾次試圖就此問題採訪他都失敗了。
[中譯者註:以上提到一位關鍵證人,也就是Dharmawara的孫女Phobol Cheng,以下有兩部FIGU官方發布的影片,影片中受訪的就是這位Phobol Cheng。]
Phobol Cheng at the Asoka/Ashoka Ashram
這位Phobol Cheng女士重回當年比利在印度新德里所逗留過的Ashoka Ashram現場,那裡是比利當年(1953年)與來自達爾(DAL)宇宙的Asket見面的地方。當年,她還是一個小女孩,親眼目擊了所發生的事,並與Asket有過接觸。
Phobol Cheng interviewed in New York
這是Phobol Cheng女士2000年在紐約接受媒體的訪問錄影,她談到在印度認識比利的情形,以及對Asket的印象,當時她還是一個十幾歲的小女孩,Asket曾經到過她的房間,輕柔安撫她睡覺。
140. There is no doubt about that, because everything has been checked very carefully with regard to these things.
141. It is indeed regrettable that for this difficult task, as it is imposed on you to such an enormous extent, we were only able to find one suitable life-form, namely you, in the case of humanity on the Earth, which now comprises more than 4 billion (4,000,000,000) beings.
142. But this cannot be changed.
143. So you can explain to all such questioners that a personal contact with me or others of our race is absolutely impossible.
144. What other foreign intelligences visiting the Earth do in this regard, however, is not our concern, if such contacts take place at all without our knowledge – but we are not aware of any such contacts.
然而,其他訪問地球的外星人在這方面做過什麼,並不是我們所關心的事,如果這種接觸在我們不知情的情況下發生的話 —— 儘管我們不知道有任何這種形式的接觸。
145. For my part, I have done a lot more than I should have.
146. Thus also has Quetzal.
147. Several times we have already made ourselves visible to various group members and demonstrated a few things to them.
148. We did this as thanks for their efforts and the great love they show for our task and for you.
149. Quetzal and I took responsibility for this and had to make subsequent representations to the High Council.
150. Fortunately however, we were not reprimanded, and we received permission to continue to make ourselves visible to the group members here and there, but only under very specific security measures.
151. However, there is always the danger that our appearance will also be observed by outsiders, which was the case several times during the last demonstrations in particular.
152. But personal contacts are also completely excluded here.
(With regard to such contacts, there are also swinging-wave-based reasons for rejecting them, which will be explained in detail later.)
I am grateful to you for this information, but you know, the human beings of the Earth believe again and again that they, nevertheless, could still be accessible to a contact. Especially when they deal with certain things, they think they have a right to a contact.
153. I am aware of that, but it cannot be so.
154. We have many contacts with human beings of the Earth, but all of them are only impulse-telepathic in nature.
155. We only maintain personal contact with you.
156. All other contact persons have only small sub-tasks, without knowing the entire connection or even suspecting that we contact them impulse-telepathically, so only you alone are orientated about all things.
It may be presumptuous of me, but I suppose I understand.
157. You understand very well.
It is all right; by the way, I am supposed to send you a very warm greeting from Hannelore. She works in the Ministry of Defence in Vienna. A very nice and lovely woman, I think.
158. That is very kind of her, pay her my dear regards in return.
159. I am very pleased to receive greetings from a person in such an office.
160. I will allow myself to hold Hannelore in my thoughts and strive for her.
161. It is admirable to find a valuable person in a Ministry of Defence.
162. Yes, I see, I am very happy about that …
是的,我明白了,我很高興 ...
You are unfair, you're messing with my mind. I told you not to.
163. I have not done that.
164. But from you very joyful thoughts come in relation to Hannelore.
165. You have lovingly enacted yourself in them and let them escape uncontrollably.
166. So I did not penetrate into you.
Sorry, it is my fault.
167. It was good, because you gave me a very precise impression of Hannelore.
168. I find everything very valuable – pay her my dearest regards.
我覺得一切都很有價值 —— 向她致以我最誠摯的問候。
169. And if I already talk about it, then please, pass on also to my dear friends my cordial and dear greetings – and above all my deepest thanks.
如果我已經說過了,那麼請你也向我親愛的朋友們轉達我親切的問候 —— 首先是我最深切的感謝。
I want to do all this very gladly, but tell me once, what are you actually working on together? Are you not going to tell me about it? Also I have gotten the impression that you obviously try to make some form of effort for Amata, am I right?
170. I cannot answer those questions.
171. I have already told you that these things are a secret among us female beings.
Yes, yes, women's secrets, I know. But I will find out what you are up to.
172. You already promised you would not make any special efforts.
Of course, I am not going to do that either. I told you that you would one day betray yourselves.
173. Maybe, but do not rely too much on it.
All right, I do not want to pester you either, but could I talk to Amata about certain things, because I have experienced certain things regarding appearances, etc. You'll allow me that, will you not?
174. Sure, there is nothing wrong with that, but please do not try to go any further.
I will stick to it.
175. I thank you.
176. But now I want you to thank, in my name, your two friends who accompanied you and stood by you.
177. It is a great pleasure to know them as your friends.
Thank you, dear girl, you really think of everything. I really would not have known how I was going to get through this on my own. I will give your regards. If I forget, they will still get it in writing. You know, my memory is focused on many other things and so I often forget the closest things.
178. Nobody is going to scold you for that.
It is to be assumed. But now I must go, because my colleague is waiting up on the hill. I am sure he will be frozen stiff by now. My moped is unfortunately in the repair shop. I fell twice after our last contact, and now the vehicle is almost ready for demolition, and I can no longer repair it myself. It is not worth talking about, though. Also pay my dearest greetings to all and thank you very much. Goodbye, golden treasure, one day I will hug you.
179. Sure, I would not be mad at you.
You are encouraging me right now – just be careful.
妳現在就在鼓勵我 —— 妳要小心點。
180. I have no fear.
What do you think dad would say?
(laughs softly)
That is how you please me again, do not think about your anger anymore.
181. Your words have removed it from me; your tricks are admirable.
182. Thank you so much.
183. You already know how to grasp my most secret emotions?
Perhaps I have known you long enough; often it seems to me that it has been many thousands of years.
184. Which you are not so wrong about.
185. But enough now, your friend is really freezing.
186. You have to go.
Of course, otherwise I will have to defrost him. So therefore goodbye and all love and good fortune – you have also soothed my anger. Thank you.
當然,否則我就得給他解凍。那麼再見了,願一切順利美好 —— 妳也平息了我的怒火。謝謝妳。
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