

Contact Report 858第858次接觸報告



最初英譯:20230813日,星期DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin

改進版本:N/AJoseph Darmanin

中譯版本:20230818日,星期ChatGPT, DeepL Translator, James Hsu











This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



Well, you are back and here very early. Say hello, and welcome as always.



Greetings also, dear friend. Yes, it is early, I know, but I have some things to discuss with you that are very important. The last 5 days the special meeting of the Board was held, where our presence and task on Earth and the happenings here on this world were also discussed. However, I will tell you about that later.



For your being here again, I want to harass you right at the beginning with the following articles, which I have received for publication. If you want to read them first and then tell me what you think of them, that would be good, because I do not think enough enlightenment can be done on their subject.



What is it about?



That is what I want you to read.



Good, then I will do that …


Switzerland Must Become Truly Neutral Again!


Author: Christian Müller, 1st August 2023

作者:穆正德Christian Müller),202381


On today, the 1st of August, when Switzerland celebrates its birthday, it is not only the historically oblivious relativisers of Swiss neutrality who should have their say. As has often been the case, the world needs an absolutely neutral Switzerland that is in the best position to mediate in international conflicts. But this is only possible if Switzerland abandons its current course of diluting neutrality.


Today, on the 1st of August, Switzerland, the "Confoederatio Helvetica", celebrates its birthday. It has taken the date from a document preserved from the 13th century, where some men from the then valley communities of Uri, Schwyz and Nidwalden in what is now central Switzerland "in the first days of August" – or in the original Latin "Actum anno domini M CC LXXXX primo incipiente mense Augusto" – assured each other of mutual assistance in the event of attacks from outside.

今天,81日,瑞士即將慶祝其「Confoederatio Helvetica」(瑞士拉丁語名稱)的生日。這個日期源自一份保存在十三世紀的檔案,當時來自今天的內瑞士地區的烏里Uri)、施維茨Schwyz)和下瓦爾登Nidwalden)谷地的一些人,在「八月的前幾天」(拉丁文原文為「Actum anno domini M CC LXXXX primo incipiente mense Augusto」)中,彼此承諾在面對外來威脅時提供互助。

Not for over 700 years, but for 175 years Switzerland has seen itself as a neutral country that does not interfere in warlike activities outside of Switzerland. Since the start of the war in Ukraine in February 2022, this neutrality has once again been the topic of discussion – not least also on the 1st of August, when the Swiss traditionally celebrate themselves with a grilled sausage and proper drinks in town and village squares.

雖然不是七百多年,但自175年前起,瑞士一直將自己視為不干涉瑞士境外戰爭活動的中立國。自20222月烏克蘭戰爭爆發以來,這種中立性再次成為人們討論的話題 —— 尤其是在81日,瑞士人傳統上會在城鎮和鄉村廣場上烤香腸、喝適當的飲料來慶祝自己的節日。

Five days after the start of the war on the 24th of February 2022, the Federal Council, Switzerland's seven-member government, already buried this neutrality by deciding at the time to adopt the EU's sanctions against Russia across the board.

2022224日戰爭爆發五天後,瑞士由七人組成的聯邦委員會Federal Council)就決定全面通過歐盟對俄羅斯的制裁,從而葬送了這一中立立場。

At that time, I spontaneously wrote an article on the German platform "NachDenkSeiten". Under the headline "Switzerland has buried its neutrality. I am ashamed." I began my assessment of recent events with these phrases: "The seven members of the Swiss government – the Federal Council, as the government is called in Switzerland – managed on the 28th of February 2022 to be listed by name in the Swiss history books of the future: They buried Switzerland's 173-year-old constitutional neutrality and liquidated Geneva as an internationally highly esteemed political conference venue. Switzerland has never wanted to join the EU, it has always preferred bilateral agreements or, as is the case now, to simply sit out problems and keep its distance. Its only interest has always been market access to the EU. And even the new fighter jets for the army are not to be bought by a company in the EU, but by the USA. But now, last Monday, the Swiss Federal Council decided to fully adopt the EU sanctions against Russia. Of all things, the EU sanctions to massively harm one side of the conflict."

當時,我在德國的網站《NachDenkSeiten》上即時撰寫了一篇文章。標題是《瑞士埋葬了自己的中立,我感到羞愧》(Switzerland has buried its neutrality. I am ashamed.)。我用這樣的措辭開始了我對近期事件的評論:「瑞士政府的七名成員(瑞士稱之為聯邦委員會),他們於2022228日成功地在未來的瑞士歷史中留下了他們的名字:他們埋葬了瑞士長達173年的憲法中立,並消滅了作為國際高度尊重的政治會議地點的日內瓦。瑞士從未想過要加入歐盟,它總是更喜歡雙邊協定,或者,就像現在一樣,簡單地避免問題,保持距離。它的興趣始終只在於進入歐盟市場。甚至軍隊的新戰鬥機也不是從歐盟的公司購買,而是從美國購買。然而,就在上週一,瑞士聯邦委員會決定全面採納歐盟對俄羅斯的制裁。在所有事情中,歐盟的制裁都會對衝突的一方造成巨大傷害。」

However, most politicians and media people did not want it to be understood quite so harshly. And they began a discussion on how Swiss neutrality should be "modernised" after all. At the WEF in Davos, the then Foreign Minister and so-called President of the Confederation Ignazio Cassis created the term "cooperative neutrality" and had a study done on it. The high-ranking politician with an immigrant background – Ignazio Cassis was born Italian – tried to invent a neutrality that does not always have to be absolute. His study on the subject, however, only reached insiders in the media and was quickly off the table again. But the attempts of several politicians and media professionals to make Swiss neutrality "flexible" continue.

然而,大多數政治家和媒體人並不希望人們對它的理解如此嚴苛。他們開始討論瑞士的中立畢竟應該如何“現代化”。當時的外交部長和所謂的聯邦主席伊尼亞齊奧.卡西斯Ignazio Cassis)在達沃斯Davos)的世界經濟論壇上創造了「合作性中立」(cooperative neutrality)這一詞語,並進行了相關的研究。這位背景卓越的政治家,有著移民背景 —— 伊尼亞齊奧.卡西斯出生於義大利 —— 試圖創造一種不必始終絕對的中立。然而,他的研究只達到了媒體內部,並迅速被擱置。但是,一些政治家和媒體從業人員努力使瑞士的中立變得“靈活”,這種嘗試仍在繼續。

In yesterday's CH-Media newspapers – the association of the large German-language regional newspapers – editor-in-chief Patrik Müller wrote a so-called editorial on the front page on the occasion of today's newspaper-free bank holidays. This has the following headline: "Neutrality is ingenious – but if we do not develop it further, it threatens our security". This is – "one recognises the intention and is disgruntled" (Goethe) – in other words, a call to put neutrality into perspective. And in it Patrik Müller criticises the Swiss government, which took "several days" after the 24th of February to "draw the consequences" by adopting the EU sanctions. Neutrality or not, in Patrik Müller's view the Federal Council should have reacted even faster. And the CH media editor-in-chief has no inhibition in manipulating European history once again. Literally: "That it (neutrality) can also be weakness was shown after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the first war of aggression in Europe since Hitler invaded Poland." Really? The first war of aggression in Europe since Hitler? Patrik Müller has easily swept the attack by NATO troops in Yugoslavia under the leadership of the USA in 1999 – the "humanitarian bombing", as the much admired Czech statesman Vaclav Havel put it, under the carpet.

在昨天的CH-Media報紙(大型德語地區性報紙協會)上,主編Patrik Muller(暫譯為派翠克.穆勒)在報紙無刊登的今天瑞士聯邦節之際,發表了一篇所謂的社論。這篇社論的頭條是這樣的:「中立是巧妙的 —— 但如果我們不進一步發展它,它就會威脅到我們的安全」。這實際上是在用其他話來呼籲相對化中立 —— 「人們察覺到意圖並感到不悅」(歌德) —— 換句話說,這是呼籲人們正確看待中立。派翠克.穆勒(Patrik Muller)在文中批評了瑞士政府,在224日之後需要“幾天時間”才能承擔歐盟制裁的“後果”。中立與否,根據派翠克.穆勒的觀點,聯邦委員會應該更快地做出反應。而這位CH-Media的主編又一次毫無顧忌地再次篡改歐洲歷史。字面意思是:「中立也可能是弱點,這在俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭後表現出來,這是自希特勒入侵波蘭以來的歐洲第一次侵略戰爭。」真的嗎?自希特勒以來歐洲的第一場侵略戰爭?派翠克.穆勒將1999年北約軍隊在美國領導下對南斯拉夫的進攻 —— 正如備受敬仰的捷克政治家瓦茨拉夫.哈維爾Vaclav Havel)所說的「人道主義轟炸」(humanitarian bombing —— 輕而易舉地就掩蓋掉了。

Switzerland, with its neutrality, has earned the reputation of an ideal mediator state over many decades, also because of the Red Cross, whose founding can historically be traced back to the commitment of a Swiss. It has represented the respective interests in the conflict between the USA and Cuba, or also between the USA and Iran. One could list many examples. On the Official Switzerland website, one can read the following formulation from the Federal Council's 2016 report:


"Switzerland uses the instruments of good offices in crisis and conflict management. It reflects Switzerland's tradition and willingness to assist human beings in need and to promote peace worldwide. Switzerland enjoys a reputation at home and abroad as a trustworthy mediator. Its neutrality without a colonial past, its democratic system based on exchange, balance and compromise, as well as its experience with cultural diversity create trust and are key characteristics for this."


All this is now to be relativised? Without the Federal Council's historic blunder of the 28th of February 2022, who would have been better suited to mediate in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia than Switzerland?


There is still a chance that the stupidity of the politicians and the current Swiss media stars will be corrected by the Swiss people – with a vote thanks to direct democracy, which is the envy of many human beings in other countries. The current geopolitical situation, not only in Europe, but also in Asia and other places, makes it clear that mediators, international, neutral mediators are needed. And Geneva, as a city in neutral Switzerland, should remain a place for international conferences and the seat of the ICRC. And this is also the case when it comes to conflicts in which Russia is involved.

政客們和當前瑞士媒體明星們的愚蠢行為仍有機會由瑞士人民來糾正 —— 通過直接民主的投票來糾正,這讓其他國家的許多人羡慕不已。當前的地緣政治局勢,不僅在歐洲,而且在亞洲和其他地方,都清楚地表明需要調解人,國際性的、中立的調解人。而日內瓦Geneva),作為瑞士的一個中立城市,應當繼續作為國際會議和紅十字國際委員會的所在地。在俄羅斯捲入的衝突中,情況也是如此。

Christian Müller's comment "Switzerland has buried its neutrality. I am ashamed of it", can also be viewed on the Globalbridge.ch platform.

穆正德(Christian Müller)的評論《瑞士埋葬了自己的中立,我感到羞愧》的評論也可在「Globalbridge.ch」平台上流覽。

Source: https://globalbridge.ch/die-schweiz-muss-wieder-echt-neutral-werden/



So, what do you say to that?



What this man is saying is very much what needs to be said. The direct democracy that is being referred to here, together with neutrality, is unique on Earth in this form and of such value that it is not to be found anywhere else in the world. This was also stated in our committee, and consequently, as it found with all fully 1.5 million votes in favour, even a slight infringement on the one hand of the prevailing democracy is just as much a betrayal as a not insignificant betrayal with regard to neutrality. It be…



… Excuse me, but in my opinion this is not just a simple betrayal, but downright treason against the country and against the Swiss people. As a matter of principle, I do not interfere in politics and I do not engage in it either, so I can always say neutrally what needs to be spoken and said in this regard. Therefore, as far as neutrality is concerned, it is not simply to be seen in political terms, but in such a manner that it concerns not only the country of Switzerland, but also the entire Swiss population, so that the whole thing goes far beyond all politics and is also a matter that privately concerns every single human being of both sexes in Switzerland. Consequently, every human being capable of logic, reason and rationality – female or male – who has Swiss citizenship should know consciously and clearly what neutrality effectively means. This is also true if the human being is a 'bought-in' Swiss, resp. a human being who comes from a foreign country and has been naturalised in Switzerland. Neutrality must be an irrevocable and lifelong duty for every human being who is naturalised in Switzerland, which must be 'vowed' and recorded in writing during the act of naturalisation, and which must also never be broken one iota. Whoever does so, however, is guilty of national treason and betrayal against the people and is to be held accountable, in a harsh process, without pardon, and regardless of the person and the position he or she holds. This alone ensures that Switzerland's democracy and neutrality are preserved and justice is done. This also says that 'equal rights for all' must apply, so it must also be applied equally to all citizens and no exceptions may be made, as when, for example, money and wealth or a public office or government office etc. should offer 'special' protection. If this is done, there is no longer an 'equal right for all', but a 'crony system' resp. a 'crony economy' is operated, with which 'better-off', 'officials', rulers etc. are unlawfully and criminally treated differently and to their advantage, as it is common, for example, in the USA that wrongdoers of any kind are acquitted by payments or their office or title etc. and go without punishment for their offence, their crime or their betrayal etc. Besides, I want to say this: Such persons who do not fully and in every respect represent democracy and neutrality and do not know that these may not be changed or even broken one iota, certainly do not belong in offices of government or other authorities. Neutrality in particular – I learned this from Sfath as a boy during the last world war – cannot be changed or 'adapted' to any other laws, things, directives, ordinances, situations or regulations, etc., by any circumstances, dodges, influences or insults of other national governments or other persons, etc. Neutrality is and remains neutrality in every respect, and this implies that it must not be violated in any form with additions, alterations, adaptations, extensions or other 'nonsense', 'corrections', re-regulations, deviations, variations, revisions, overhauls or other 'redesigns'. Consequently, it does not matter whether a person is a government official, a public authority official or otherwise a country official; if he or she does not know that neutrality against any form of change is absolutely taboo, then such a person does not belong in the office he or she holds. And a citizen of Switzerland without full knowledge of what neutrality is, demands and is absolutely unchangeable in its value, never, ever belongs in the national government or in any official office, etc.

對不起,但在我看來,這絕不僅僅是一個簡單的背叛,而是一種對國家和瑞士人民徹頭徹尾的背叛。原則上,我不干涉政治,也不參與政治,因此在這方面,我總是可以中立地說出該說的話。關於中立,這實際上不僅僅是政治問題,而是涉及整個瑞士國家,甚至是整個瑞士人民,因此超越了政治範疇,成為一個涉及每個瑞士公民的私人問題。因此,每個具有邏輯、理智和理性的男性和女性,不管是出生的瑞士人還是“買來的”瑞士人,或者是從其他國家遷移並獲得瑞士國籍的人,都應該清楚地知道中立的實際意義。中立必須是每個入籍瑞士的人不可改變的終身義務,必須在入籍過程中以書面形式“宣誓”並記錄在案,而且絕不能有絲毫違背。然而,無論誰違反了這一義務,都是對國家的背叛和對人民的背叛,都將受到嚴厲的追究,無論此人是誰,無論其職位高低,都不會得到赦免。只有這樣才能確保瑞士的民主和中立得到維護,正義得到伸張。這也意味著“一切平等的權利”必須成立,因此也必須平等地適用於所有公民,不得有任何例外,例如,金錢、財富、官職或政府職務等都不應該提供“特殊”保護。如果不是採取這種做法,那麼“一切平等的權利”就不復存在,而是實行了“裙帶制度”,或者實行了“裙帶經濟”,將“地位較高者”、“官員”、“執政者”等違法和犯罪行為與其他人不同地對待,以其利益為出發點。例如,像在美國,任何違法行為都可以通過支付罰款、利用其職務或頭銜等方式來免除懲罰,而不受任何懲罰,無論其違法行為的性質如何,無論是違規行為、犯罪行為還是背叛行為等。另外,我還要說:那些不完全、不全面支持民主和中立,不瞭解這兩者不能受到任何改變或違反的人,絕不應該擔任政府或其他職務。尤其是中立 —— 我小時候在上一次世界大戰期間從Sfath那裡學到的 —— 無論是任何情況、任何小動作、外部干擾、其他國家政府的責駡等,都不能改變或適應任何法律、事物、準則、規定、情況或規則等。中立是中立,不受任何形式的增補、更改、適應、擴展、或其他“花樣”、“糾正”、重新調整、偏離、變化、修訂、修改或其他“重新設計”等的侵犯。因此,無論人們是擔任政府職務、官方職務還是其他國家責任的人,如果他們不知道中立絕對禁止任何形式的更改,那麼這樣的人就不應該擔任他們目前的職務。而沒有完全瞭解中立是什麼、中立的要求是什麼,也不能在瑞士的政府或其他官方職務等中擔任職務。


There is probably nothing more to be said about this by me, because you are explaining what I also intended to explain, but in a slightly different …



… Excuse me, please, because I did not want to take your word away, but it is simply not only criminal, but felonious and resembles treason when neutrality is 'tampered with' and even broken by taking sanctions from another country – or by one's own country – and imposing them on another country. Something like the government of Switzerland has done and by this betrayal has created enmity against Switzerland in other countries. This is precisely because there are persons in the government who – in bad language and as the vernacular calls it – are referred to as 'Papierlischwizer' or Swiss citizens on paper, or as 'Füdlibürger' (backside citizens) or 'Bünzli' or as Spiessbürger, Spiesser with an attitude of openly or secretly rejecting the process and behaviour of or any fellow human beings or laws, ordinances and rules etc., to which therefore also belongs neutrality, for which reason such persons are mad and ignorant as well as dumb as a post and consequently believe that they can simply be bent and changed like rubber at will.

... 抱歉,請原諒,因為我並不想打斷你的話,但是,如果“篡改”甚至破壞中立,把別國或本國的制裁強加於別國,這不僅是犯罪,而且是重罪,類似於叛國。這就是瑞士政府所做的事情,這種背叛在其他國家造成了對瑞士的敵意。這正是因為政府中有些人 —— 用粗俗的語言和白話來說 —— 被稱為 "Papierlischwizer" 或“紙上瑞士人”,或者被稱為 "Füdlibürger"(背後的公民)或 "Bünzli",或 "Spiessbürger""Spiesser",其態度是公然或暗地裡拒絕任何人類同胞或法律、條例和規則等的態度,其中也包括中立。因此,這些人既瘋狂又無知,愚蠢得如同豆莢,因此他們認為自己可以像橡皮一樣被隨意彎曲和改變。


There is no need for your apology, because you said what is correct. There is also no need for us to go on about this unpleasantness and disgracefulness committed by leaders of the Swiss state, namely a betrayal and a shabby violation of the neutrality of the state and the people.



You are probably right, but it is simply not correct that such elements are in government who obviously neither know about the immutability of neutrality, and on the other hand want to betray Switzerland and the Swiss people and sell them out to foreign powers, especially those who are flirting with the EU dictatorship.



Unfortunately, that is an effective fact, but it cannot be changed because the stupidity of those who are generally so underdeveloped that logic, reason and rationality would come into their own.



… I once talked about this many years ago with Asina, the very amphibian woman who, amazingly enough, used about the same language as you are using now. Asina was a very special being and came from a people who called themselves 'Dogan' or something like that, as she also said another name, but I do not remember the context. And she also told me that her very, very early ancestors were able to cross over into the Ankar universe and then emigrated there – from a planet in our cosmos – from a system that was about 8 or 9 light-years away from Earth and had a large sun that could be seen from Earth. However, there was another small structure near this system that could not be seen from Earth with the naked eye. From this system resp. from its planets, various beings resp. species or so of amphibian people, but also other human beings etc. had come to Earth thousands of years ago, and as she knew, their most distant descendants were still here, with whom, however, for some reason unknown to me, they did not want to maintain any contact. And when I think about what Asina said about this, I think about the foreigners and the UFOs that are observed again and again all over the world. I did not want to say that at the time, but now it is perhaps interesting to know for those who want to know where Asina's distant ancestors actually came from. This, as well as what else she said is interesting, namely that today's descendants of the 'Dog' have had no connection with the 'Dogan', i.e. with Asina's people, for more than 800,000 years.

... 很多年前,我曾經和Asina談論過這個問題,她是一位兩棲人種,令人驚訝的是她幾乎用了和你剛才相同的措辭。Asina是一個非常特殊的人,她來自一個自稱為“Dogan”或類似名字的種族,她還說過另一個名字,但我不記得上下文了。她還告訴我,她非常非常早的祖先能夠穿越到Ankar宇宙,然後從一個我們宇宙中的星球遷往那裡,來自一個距離地球大約八或九光年的星系,擁有一顆能從地球上看到的大型恆星。但在這個星系附近還有一個小天體,肉眼無法從地球上看到。大約幾千年前,從這個星系的行星上來了各種不同的生物,或者說物種,包括兩棲人、其他人類等等,根據她所知,它們最遙遠的後代仍然存在於地球上,但出於某些我不知道的原因,她不願與他們保持聯繫。想到Asina所說的這些,我又想起了那些外星人和在世界各地反復觀察到的不明飛行物。我當時並不想說這些,但現在,對於那些想知道Asina的遠祖究竟來自哪裡的人來說,這也許是一件有趣的事情。這一點以及她說的其他話都很有趣,即今天的“狗”人後裔與“Dogan”人(即Asina的族人)已經有八十多萬年沒有任何聯繫了。

Asina's people, who, she said, actually call themselves 'Dogan', according to the ancient term 'Dog', belong to the Plejaren Federation. And what else is to be said: These creatures, which look like reptiles, are those who, however, as Asina said, have changed tremendously physically and no longer bear any resemblance to those who emigrated to the Ankar universe ages ago. And Asina only came to Earth and to me because she was otherwise already in our universe, and that was because she was supposed to investigate what is happening there today in the system that is 8 or 9 light-years or so away from Earth and is actually the true origin of the 'Dogan'. But now enough of all that Asina told me, then now this, ….

根據她的說法,Asina的族人實際上自稱為“Dogan”,根據古代術語"Dog",他們屬於 Plejaren聯邦。還有一點需要提到的是:這些看起來像爬行動物的生物,正如Asina所說,他們的身體已經發生了巨大的變化,與很久以前移民到Ankar宇宙的那些人不再有任何相似之處。而Asina之所以來到地球和我這裡,是因為她本來就在我們的宇宙中,確切地說是因為她本來是要去調查那個距離地球八、九光年左右的星系中現在正在發生的事情,而那個星系實際上就是“Dogan”的真正起源。不過,Asina告訴我的這些已經夠多了,那麼現在就到此為止...

To the following nasty article – as well as at the end of the article – a few things are to be said beforehand, which can also be read in the Special Bulletin no. 82 of the 6th of August 2023

接下來的這篇惡意文章前後都有一些需要說的話,這些內容也可以在202386日的82期特別公告》(Special Bulletin no. 82中讀到。

… But now we have the following article, which was e-mailed to me, but with which I can only agree with regard to the fact that the humanity of the Earth is to be reduced very quickly, but this must not be done by murder and manslaughter and other violent measures etc., but solely by a birth stop. This has to be radical and absolute, worldwide and really controlled by the authorities, but really good and just. For this, a procedure must be worked out that is such that everything remains humane and must also be universally observed throughout, which should not be a problem for every Earthling of either sex in this day and age of the availability of the birth control pill, etc. It would have to be regulated in this respect that, depending on the time, a complete stop of births and a time of limited acceptance of births with regard to a certain number of births is brought about. But what the 30 celebrities have said here in this article in 2018 is evil to shout about and partly nothing else than what Hitler and his NAZI henchmen did in the last world war in an inhuman and criminal manner.

... 現在我們有一篇我通過電子郵件收到的文章,但我只能同意這樣一個事實,即地球人類需要迅速減少,但這不能通過謀殺、暴力等手段來實現,而應該通過生育控制來實現。儘管這種控制必須是徹底和絕對的,且在全球內由政府實際控制,但它必須是合理和公正的。需要制定一個方法,以確保一切都保持人道,並且必須普遍遵守,考慮到現在有避孕藥等方法,對於每個男女來說都不應該是問題。在這方面,需要規定一個時間段,在此期間實行完全的生育停止,以及對一定數量的出生實行限制。然而,這篇2018年的文章中30位名人的言論非常糟糕,部分內容與希特勒及其納粹手下在上一次世界大戰中所做的慘無人道行徑和犯罪行為別無二致。


We have often talked about this, but it is not perceived by the majority of the Earth's population due to widespread indifference and indifference. It is also important to mention that the religious faith of the majority of Earth-humans, which believers in religion cherish, plays a predominant role in this, namely with the illusory idea that the God they believe in would punish all those who would act against his commandments. And that is enough and does not require any special information, because God punishes rightly and does not allow those punished by him to do the same wrongdoing again. But let me now read this article, which really interests me, especially because you are already giving a very negative assessment:


List of 30 'Elites',
Who Support and Encourage Global Depopulation


T.H.G., 2nd August 2023


This article was originally published in 2018.



There is a clear consensus among the global elite that overpopulation is the root cause of the world's most important problems and something urgently needs to be done about it. They truly believe that human beings are a plague on the Earth and that we will literally destroy the planet if left to our own devices …


… The following are 30 population control quotes that show that the elite really believe that human beings are a plague on the Earth and a major cull is necessary:


1. British television presenter Sir David Attenborough: "We are a plague on the Earth. That will become apparent in the next 50 years or so. It is not just about climate change, it is also about sheer space, places to grow food for this huge horde. Either we limit our population growth or nature will do it for us, and nature is doing it for us right now."

英國電視節目主持人大衛.愛登堡爵士(Sir David Attenborough):「我們是地球上的瘟疫。這將在未來50年左右顯現出來。這不僅與氣候變化有關,還與空間、為這一大群人種植食物的地方有關。如果我們不限制人口增長,那麼大自然就會替我們限制,而現在大自然正在替我們這麼做。」

2. Paul Ehrlich, former science advisor to President George W. Bush and author of 'The Population Bomb': "In our view, the basic remedy, reducing the scale of human enterprise (including population) to keep total consumption within Earth's carrying capacity, is obvious but too often neglected or denied."

保羅.埃利希Paul Ehrlich,喬治.布希(George W. Bush)總統前科學顧問,也是《人口炸彈》(The Population Bomb)一書的作者:「在我們看來,基本解決方法是減少人類活動的規模(包括人口數量),以保持整體消耗在地球的可承受範圍內,這是顯而易見的,但往往被忽視或否認。」

3. Paul Ehrlich again, this time on the size of families: "In my opinion, no one has the right to have 12 children, not even three, unless the second pregnancy is twins."

再次是保羅.埃利希(Paul Ehrlich),這次是關於家庭規模的:「在我看來,沒有人有權生育12個孩子,甚至3個也不行,除非第二次懷孕是雙胞胎。」

4. Dave Foreman, co-founder of Earth First: "We human beings have become a disease, the human pox."

Dave Foreman(暫譯為戴維.福爾曼),「地球優先」(Earth First)組織聯合創始人:「我們人類已經變成了一種疾病,人類天花。」

5. CNN founder Ted Turner: "A world population of 250-300 million human beings, corresponding to a 95% decline from today's levels, would be ideal." He was quoted as saying, "We are too many human beings; that is why we have global warming." Unfortunately for him and other ardent depopulation advocates, both the overpopulation myth and human beings-caused global warming have been repeatedly debunked.

美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)創始人泰德.透納Ted Turner):「世界人口為2.5億至3億,比現在減少95%,將是最理想的狀態。」有人引用他的話說:「我們的人口太多了;這就是為什麼我們會出現全球暖化。」但令他和其他熱烈支持減少人口的人感到遺憾的是,人類過度增長的神話以及由人類導致的全球暖化都已被反復駁斥了。

6. Japan's Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso on seriously ill patients: "You cannot sleep well if you think everything is paid for by the government. The problem won't be solved if you don't let them die quickly."

日本副首相麻生太郎Taro Aso)關於重病患者的言論:「如果一切都由政府支付,就難以安心入眠。如果不讓他們儘快去世,問題就無法解決。」

7. David Rockefeller: "The negative effects of population growth on all the ecosystems of our planet are becoming frighteningly clear."

大衛.洛克菲勒David Rockefeller):「人口增長對地球上所有生態系統的負面影響正變得越來越清晰,令人恐懼。」

8. Environmentalist Roger Martin: "On a finite planet, the optimal population that provides the best quality of life for all is clearly much smaller than the maximum that provides bare survival. The more we are, the less for everyone; fewer human beings means a better life."

環保活動家Roger Martin(暫譯為羅傑.馬丁):「在有限的星球上,能夠為所有人提供最佳生活品質的最佳人口數量顯然要比能夠勉強生存的最大人口數量少得多。我們越多,每個人得到的就越少;人口越少,意味著更好的生活。」

9. HBO personality Bill Maher: "I am pro-abortion, I am pro-assisted suicide, I am pro-normal suicide, I am pro-anything that gets the highway moving – that is what I am for. It is too crowded, the planet is too crowded and we need to promote death."

HBO名嘴比爾.馬艾Bill Maher):「我支持墮胎,我支持安樂死,我支持正常的自殺,我支持任何可以讓高速公路保持流動的事情 —— 這就是我所支持的。地球太擁擠了,我們需要促進死亡。」

10. MIT professor Penny Chisholm: "The real trick is to get the birth rate down in the developing world as fast as we can to get it below 9 billion. And that will determine the level at which humanity will settle on Earth."

麻省理工學院教授潘妮.西斯霍姆Penny Chisholm):「真正的訣竅是儘快降低發展中國家的出生率,使其低於90億這個數字。這將決定人類在地球上定居的水準。」

11. Julia Whitty, a columnist for Mother Jones: "The only known solution to the ecological overshoot is to slow our population growth faster than it is slowing now and eventually reverse it – at the same time that we slow and eventually reverse the rate at which we consume the planet's resources. Is a global demographic crisis inevitable? If these two efforts are successful, we will tackle our most pressing global problems: Climate change, food scarcity, water supply, immigration, healthcare, biodiversity loss and even war. On the one hand, we have already made unprecedented progress, reducing the global birth rate from an average of 4.92 children per woman in 1950 to 2.56 today – an achievement of trial and sometimes brutal coercion, but also a result of each woman's individual choices. The speed of this birth revolution, which came hard against biological programming, is perhaps the greatest collective achievement we have yet made."

Julia Whitty(暫譯為茱莉亞.菲提),《鐘斯母親》(Mother Jones)雜誌的專欄作家:「生態超負荷的唯一已知解決方案是要比現在更快地減緩我們的人口增長速度,並最終逆轉這一趨勢 —— 與此同時,我們也要減緩並最終扭轉我們消耗地球資源的速度。全球人口危機是不可避免的嗎?如果這兩個努力都成功,我們將能夠解決我們最迫切的全球問題:氣候變化、食物短缺、水資源、移民、醫療保健、生物多樣性喪失,甚至戰爭。一方面,我們已經取得了前所未有的進展,將全球生育率從1950年平均每位婦女生育4.92個孩子降低到今天的2.56 —— 這是試驗和有時候是強制的成果,也是每位婦女個人選擇的結果。這次生育革命的速度之快,違背了生物規律,也許是我們迄今為止取得的最偉大的集體成就。」

12. Professor Philip Cafaro of Colorado State University in a paper entitled 'Climate Ethics and Population Policy': "Ending human population growth is almost certainly a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for preventing catastrophic global climate change. Indeed, significant reductions in current population levels may be necessary to achieve this."

科羅拉多州立大學的Philip Cafaro(暫譯為菲力普.卡法羅)教授在一篇題為《氣候倫理學與人口政策》的論文中表示:「結束人類人口增長幾乎可以確定是防止災難性全球氣候變化的必要條件(但不是充分條件)。事實上,可能需要顯著降低目前的人口數量來實現這一目標。」

13. Eric R. Pianka, Professor of Biology at the University of Texas at Austin: "I hold no grudge against human beings. However, I am convinced that the world, including all of humanity, would clearly be better off without so many of us."

德克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校的生物學教授Eric R. Pianka(暫譯為埃里克.羅傑.皮安卡):「我對人類沒有怨恨。然而,我確信,這個世界,包括整個人類,如果沒有我們這麼多人,顯然會更好。」

14. Detroit News columnist Nolan Finley: "With national attention on birth control, here's my idea: If we want to fight poverty, reduce violent crime and lower our embarrassing high school dropout rate, we should swap contraceptives for fluoride in Michigan's drinking water. We have a baby problem in Michigan. Too many babies are born to immature parents unable to raise them, too many are delivered by poor women who can't afford it, and too many are conceived by pitiful slackers who spread their seed like dandelions and then run away from the consequences."

《底特律新聞》專欄作家Nolan Finley(暫譯為諾蘭.芬利):「由於全國都在關注節育問題,我有個想法:如果我們想消除貧困、減少暴力犯罪、降低令人尷尬的高中輟學率,我們應該用避孕藥取代密西根州飲用水中的氟化物。密西根州存在嬰兒問題。太多的嬰兒是由無法撫養他們的不成熟的父母生下的,太多的嬰兒是由負擔不起的貧窮婦女生下的,太多的嬰兒是被令人遺憾的懶散者生下的,他們像蒲公英一樣散播種子,然後逃避後果。」

15. John Guillebaud, Professor of Family Planning at University College London: "The impact on the planet of having one less child is an order of magnitude greater than all the other things we could do, like turning off the lights. One extra child corresponds to a whole series of flights across the planet."

倫敦大學學院計劃生育教授John Guillebaud(暫譯為約翰.吉勒博德)表示:「如果我們少生一個孩子,對地球的影響將比我們可能採取的其他措施(例如關燈)大上一個數量級。額外的一個孩子相當於多次飛越地球的旅行。」

16. Democratic strategist Steven Rattner: "WE need death commissions. Well, maybe not exactly death commissions, but unless we start allocating health care funds more prudently – rationing, as it is correctly called – the skyrocketing cost of Medicare will overwhelm the federal budget."

民主黨策略家Steven Rattner(暫譯為史蒂文.拉特納):「我們需要死亡委員會。好吧,也許不完全是死亡委員會,但如果我們不開始更謹慎地分配醫療保健資源 —— 正確的說法是定量配給 —— 醫療保險的爆炸性成本將會超出聯邦預算。」

17. Matthew Yglesias, Slate's economics and business correspondent, in an article titled 'The Case for Death Panels, in One Chart': "But not only is this health spending on the elderly the main problem in the federal budget, but our disproportionate allocation of health care dollars to old human beings is certainly responsible for the remarkable lack of apparent cost-effectiveness in the American health care system. When the patient is already over 80, the plain fact is that no amount of good treatment can work miracles in terms of life expectancy or quality of life."

Slate》雜誌的經濟和商業記者Matthew Yglesias(暫譯為馬修.伊萊夏斯)在一篇名為《死亡小組的案例,在一張圖表中》(The Case for Death Panels, in One Chart)的文章中寫道:「然而,不僅是針對老年人的醫療支出是聯邦預算的主要問題,而且我們對老年人的醫療資金分配不成比例,無疑是美國醫療系統明顯缺乏成本效益的主要原因。如果患者已經年過80歲,那麼無論多麼好的治療,都無法在壽命或生活質量方面取得奇蹟。」

18. Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood: "All our problems are the result of the overbreeding of the working class."

計劃生育創始人瑪格麗特.山額Margaret Sanger):「我們所有的問題都是工人階級過度生育的結果。」

19. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, United States Supreme Court Justice: "Frankly, I had thought that at the time of the Roe decision, the concern was about population growth and particularly about the growth of populations we don't want to have too many of."

美國最高法院法官露絲.貝德.金斯伯格Ruth Bader Ginsburg):「坦率地說,我曾認為,在羅伊判決(Roe decision;通稱羅訴韋德案)時,對人口增長的擔憂,尤其是對我們不希望擁有太多的人口增長,是存在的。」

20. Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood: "The most merciful thing the large family does to one of its small members is to kill it."

計劃生育創始人瑪格麗特.山額(Margaret Sanger):「大家庭對其中一個小成員最仁慈的做法就是將其殺死。」

21. Salon columnist Mary Elizabeth Williams in an article entitled 'So What If Abortion Ends Life?": "Not all life is equal. This is a difficult thing for liberals like me to talk about, lest we come across as death panel-loving, kill-your-granny-and-your-beautiful-baby stormtroopers. But a foetus can be a human life without having the same rights as the woman in whose body it lives."

Salon》網站專欄作家Mary Elizabeth Williams(暫譯為瑪麗.伊麗莎白.威廉斯)在一篇題為《墮胎結束生命又如何?》(So What If Abortion Ends Life ?)的文章中寫道:「並非所有生命都是平等的。對於像我這樣的自由主義者來說,這是一件難以啟齒的事情,以免讓人覺得我們是熱愛死亡小組,或是像『殺死你祖母和你美麗嬰兒的衝鋒隊』一樣的人。然而,一個胎兒可以是人的生命,但卻不享有與在其體內生活的婦女相同的權利。」

22. Alberto Giubilini of Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, and Francesca Minerva of the University of Melbourne in a paper published in the Journal of Medical Ethics: "If circumstances arise after birth that would have justified abortion, what we call post-birth abortion should be permissible. … We propose to call this practice 'post-birth abortion' rather than 'infanticide' to emphasise that the moral status of the individual killed is comparable to that of a foetus … not a child. Therefore, we maintain that the killing of a newborn could be ethically permissible in all circumstances in which abortion would be permissible. These circumstances include cases where the newborn has the potential to live an (at least) acceptable life, but the welfare of the family is at risk."

澳大利亞墨爾本蒙納許大學Monash University)的Alberto Giubilini和墨爾本大學的Francesca Minerva在《醫學倫理學雜誌》(Journal of Medical Ethics)上發表了一篇文章中寫道:「如果在出生後出現了會使墮胎合理化的情況,我們應該允許所謂的『出生後墮胎』(post-birth abortion)。... 我們建議將這種做法稱為『出生後墮胎』,而不是『殺嬰』(infanticide),以強調被殺害個體的道德地位與胚胎相當,而不是與嬰兒相同。因此,我們主張,在所有允許墮胎的情況下,新生兒的殺害可能在倫理上是允許的。這些情況包括新生兒有潛力過上(至少)可以接受的生活,但家庭的福祉受到威脅。」

23. Nina Fedoroff, a key advisor to Hillary Clinton: "We need to keep lowering the rate of growth of the world's population; the planet can't handle any more human beings."

希拉蕊.克林頓(Hillary Clinton)的重要顧問尼娜.費多羅夫Nina Fedoroff):「我們必須繼續降低全球人口的增長率;這個星球無法容納更多的人。」

24. Barack Obama's key scientific adviser, John P. Holdren: "A programme to sterilise women after their second or third child might be easier to implement than trying to sterilise men, despite the relatively greater difficulty of the operation compared to vasectomy. The development of a sterilising long-term capsule that could be implanted under the skin and removed when pregnancy is desired opens up additional possibilities for forced fertility control. The capsule could be implanted at puberty and removed with regulatory approval for a limited number of births."

巴拉克.歐巴馬(Barack Obama)的首席科學顧問John P. Holdren(暫譯為約翰.霍爾德倫):「儘管與輸精管結紮術相比,女性在生育第二或第三個孩子後絕育的手術難度相對較大,但與男性絕育相比,女性生育第二或第三個孩子後絕育的計畫可能更容易實施。開發一種可植入皮下的長期絕育膠囊,並在希望懷孕時取出,為強制控制生育提供了更多可能性。這種膠囊可在青春期植入,並在獲得監管部門批准後在有限的生育次數內取出。」

25. David Brower, the first Executive Director of the Sierra Club: "Childbearing [should be] a punishable crime against society unless the parents hold a government licence … All prospective parents [should be] required to use contraceptive chemicals, with the government administering an antidote to citizens chosen for childbearing."

塞拉俱樂部Sierra Club)的第一位執行主任David Brower(暫譯為大衛.布羅爾):「除非父母獲得國家許可,否則生育[應該]是一種應受懲罰的危害社會罪行 ... 所有未來的父母都[應該]被要求使用避孕藥具,由政府向被選中生育的公民提供解藥。」

26. Thomas Ferguson, former official in the US State Department's Bureau of Population Affairs: "There is a single theme behind all our work – we must reduce population numbers. Either governments do it our way, through nice clean processes, or they will get the kind of chaos we have in El Salvador, Iran or Beirut. Population is a political problem. Once the population is out of control, it takes an authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it …"

前美國國務院人口事務辦公室官員Thomas Ferguson:「我們所有工作背後都有一個主題 —— 我們必須減少人口數量。無論各國政府如何採取行動,我們的方式是通過友好、清潔的方法,否則他們就會出現在薩爾瓦多、伊朗或貝魯特所經歷的混亂局面。人口數量是一個政治問題。一旦人口失控,就需要一個專制政府,甚至是法西斯主義,來減少人口...

27. Mikhail Gorbachev: "We must speak more clearly about sexuality, contraception, abortion, about values to control the population, because the ecological crisis is, in short, the population crisis. If you reduce the population by 90%, there won't be enough human beings left to cause great ecological damage."

米哈伊爾.戈巴契夫Mikhail Gorbachev):「我們必須更清楚地談論性行為、避孕、墮胎,談論用於控制人口的價值觀,因為生態危機簡而言之就是人口危機。如果將人口減少90%,就不會有足夠的人來造成大規模的生態破壞。」

28. Jacques Costeau: "To stabilise the world's population, we have to eliminate 350,000 human beings every day. It is terrible to say that, but it is equally terrible not to say it."

雅克.庫斯托Jacques Costeau):「為了穩定世界人口,我們每天需要消除35萬人。這說出來很可怕,但不說出來也同樣可怕。」

29. Finnish environmentalist Pentti Linkola: "If there was a button I could push, I would sacrifice myself without hesitation, even if it meant the death of millions of human beings."

芬蘭環保活動家Pentti Linkola(暫譯為潘提.林克勒):「如果有一個按鈕我可以按下,我會毫不猶豫地犧牲自己,即使這意味著數百萬人的死亡。」

30. Prince Phillip, husband of Queen Elizabeth II and co-founder of the World Wildlife Fund: "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would love to return as a deadly virus to do something to help solve the problem of overpopulation."

伊莉莎白二世女王的丈夫、世界野生動植物基金會的共同創辦人菲利普親王Prince Phillip):「如果我有機會再次投胎,我很樂意以致命病毒的形式回來,為解決人口過剩的問題做出貢獻。」

Bonus from HumansAreFree.com


Henry Kissinger, one of the leading architects of the New World Order, is considered by many to be one of the greatest living war criminals. He worked hard to put his depopulation plans into action. He has also been quoted as saying, "Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy toward the Third World, because the US economy will need large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries."

新世界秩序的主要設計者之一,被許多人視為最偉大的活躍戰爭罪犯之一的亨利.季辛吉Henry Kissinger)。他為實現人口減少計畫付出了艱苦的努力。他被引述說:「對第三世界的外交政策應將人口減少視為最優先事項,因為美國經濟將需要大量來自國外的礦產資源,尤其是來自較不發達的國家。」

Bill Gates is probably the greatest living depopulation theorist. According to him, his father was the head of Planned Parenthood and influenced his views on population control from an early age. In a TEDx talk, he explains that one way to reduce CO2 levels (which, by the way, is not a problem at all, as it is total CO2 levels) is to reduce the human population:

比爾.蓋茨Bill Gates)可能是最大的現存人口減少理論家。據他所說,他的父親是計劃生育協會的負責人,並從小就影響了他對人口控制的看法。在一次TEDx演講中,他解釋說,降低二氧化碳含量(實際上這並不是一個問題,因為它涉及整個二氧化碳含量)的一種方法是減少人口:

"The world today has 6.8 billion human beings. This number will increase to about nine billion (note Billy: it is already close to 9.3 billion in 2023). If we do a really good job in terms of new vaccines, health care and reproductive health services, we could bring that number down by maybe 10 or 15 per cent."




Source: https://uncutnews.ch/liste-von-30-eliten-die-die-weltweite-entvoelkerung-unterstuetzen-und-foerdern/


Note: FIGU advocates a global birth freeze with birth regulations. FIGU is not, however, in favour of active euthanasia or coercive measures of any kind, such as the killing etc. of wanted, unwanted or disabled babies after birth. The urgent need for worldwide birth control should be done by educating the world's population, namely that overpopulation is in fact the main and root cause of environmental destruction of all kinds and of the planet, of all eco-systems and thus of nature and its fauna and flora. This, as it is also in many ways the cause in terms of triggering wars, famines, climate change and the natural disasters that result from it, and so on. Every single human being on Earth should realise this, as well as that only the reduction of the world population worldwide by means of rapid, humane but consistent and officially controlled birth regulations is necessary, because only this can still prevent the worst destructions, because all the efforts of the very questionable environmental protection are not only insufficient, but pointless.


Achim Wolf, Germany

Achim Wolf,德國


You are …



… yes, and I find it frightening what these 30 persons said about reducing overpopulation. It would really be of the utmost necessity that Earth-humans would finally understand that they have already destroyed their world and everything around it in every respect in such a manner that anything they try to do in terms of counteracting the disaster of destruction and annihilation of the planet and all ecosystems etc., which has been going on for a long time, is pointless. But what has been partly said here in this article by well-known persons is not what would really be correct. It would be virtually nothing other than mass murder and precisely what you have said, namely the NAZI doing of the followers of Adolf Hitler, who, as a result of racial hatred etc., in a murderous and exterminating process persecuted and killed those of different faith, traitors, dissenters and criminals etc., as also with regard to anti-Semitism the Jewish believers to the brink of extermination. Such action by fanatics must of course be prevented and must never happen, even though the rapid and truly radical reduction of Earth-humans is becoming ever more rapid and necessary, and Earth-humans as well as everything of complete ruin can only be mitigated or stopped by it. This means, however, that a worldwide and radical as well as officially controlled birth stop is to be enforced, for only in this manner can the very worst still be prevented. Already many decades ago, the Earth began to fight back, whereby truthfully the stupid and thus in a criminal way non-thinking responsible scientists have so far not or only halfway been able to ascertain this reality and the agonies of the planet and all ecosystems and thus its entire nature. The entire league of narrow-minded scientists, whose fields of expertise are supposedly precisely the ecosystems and thus nature and its fauna and flora, have so far not noticed or apparently still do not notice – or persistently keep silent to the public – how really badly destroyed the condition of the extensive and generally vital whole systems of all kinds are, as well as the fact that the Earth is rebelling and defending itself against all by Earth-humans and their all-destructive machinations.

... 是的,我發現這30位人物對於減少人口過剩的說法令人震驚。地球人必須最終認識到,他們已經從各個方面毀掉了他們的世界和周圍的一切,以至於他們試圖做的任何事情都是毫無意義的,因為地球和所有生態系統的破壞和毀滅等災難已經持續了很長時間。但是,知名人士在這篇文章中的部分觀點並不是真正正確的做法。這實際上等同於大規模屠殺,正如你所說的那樣,即阿道夫.希特勒的追隨者們所做的那樣,由於種族仇恨等,他們以殺人和滅絕的方式迫害並殺害了不同信仰、叛徒、持不同政見者和罪犯等,同樣,他們在反猶太主義方面追隨猶太人信仰,幾乎將猶太人追逐至滅絕邊緣並將其殺害。當然必須阻止極端主義者進行這種行為,這絕不能發生,儘管地球人的迅速和真正的徹底減少正變得愈發急迫和必要,並且只有通過這種方式,地球人類以及所有的東西才能減輕或阻止徹底的毀滅。然而,這意味著必須強制實施全球範圍的激進且受政府控制的生育停止政策,因為只有通過這種方式才能防止最壞的情況發生。早在幾十年前,地球就已經開始反擊了,然而,那些愚蠢並以不負責任的方式思考的相關科學家實際上尚未或僅在某種程度上意識到這個現實,認清地球和所有生態系統的痛苦,從而認清它的整個本質。整個所謂專門從事生態系統以及大自然、生物群和植物群的學者團隊,似乎尚未注意到 —— 或者始終對公眾保持沉默 —— 這些各種系統的真正糟糕狀況,以及地球如何對抗地球人及其破壞一切的活動而發出的警告。


So we are not the only ones who know all this and also what needs to be done. But what these 30 celebrities have said really knocks the bottom out of the barrel, because their senses are so much like the old and new NAZIs that there is practically no difference. It is true that I do not have the right to forbid a human being his/her bad morals and ethics as well as his/her behaviour in this respect and his/her religious or secular faith, so also not the rulers, who are also human beings. However, I have the right to tell every human being in a completely neutral process what is correct and what is wrong, without attacking them with any words and without reproaching them etc. Consequently, I also accept if the human being adheres to a religious or secular faith, because this is and remains his/her personal matter and I do not have to interfere in it. Only then, when the human being in question asks me about it and wants to know what I think about religious and secular faith, am I willing to speak about what is to be said. However, from my side this can only be done in a neutral and non-aggressive process, and especially not in connection with the personal faith of the person in question. So I can also talk to any human being in a completely irrelevant and neutral manner, and this regardless of what view, belief, attitude, way of looking at things or attitude he/she has.



I know that is how you hold it, because your character doesn't allow for anything else. However, what was mentioned earlier is happening more and more in the future, also that Earth's humanity is not told that the Corona rampantly spreading disease is still not completely conquered, as well as that many long-term illnesses resulting from it are present worldwide in human beings affected by it, and that these last for life and those affected sometimes suffer severe pain. This is also true of the rampantly spreading disease, which, in addition to various diseases brought in from foreign countries, has given rise to new unknown and known diseases that have been making themselves felt for several decades. However, the scientists responsible for this are silent about this, and in particular about the fact that new types of cancer are already beginning to develop, this also with regard to the gases that are now escaping from the Earth due to the consequences of climate change and are thus beginning to impregnate the atmosphere as a direct result of the water masses, which fall on the Earth as heavy rain from the cloud formations and soften the Earth in such a manner that the gases bound in it can be released, as you, however, already determined in the 1940s together with Sfath, as I am aware, because this was made known to Ptaah, as he gradually passed on this Sfath information to the population of Erra.



I know all that, also that this gas from the Earth is very carcinogenic, and that unfortunately countless human beings will not only sicken and suffer from it, but will also die. But if you should think that the Earthlings will consciously take note of this and do something about it, then you hope in vain, for they are so stubborn, indifferent and stupid that they do not even think about what you have said. And this idiotic action has been practised by the majority of earthly humanity for a very, very long time, ever since religions and the mad and confused belief in them have existed, which has been the case for thousands of years. But the Earthlings do not allow themselves to be taught reality and its truth, consequently they are moving more and more rapidly towards their downfall, driving the Earth more and more towards total destruction, as well as making a pig of all ecosystems and thus of the whole of nature and its fauna and flora.


Especially the brain-damaged environmental protesters are involved, who cause more harm than good, especially organisations that make a big ruckus on the streets and cause destruction, as well as those who stick themselves everywhere and smear valuable things with paint, etc., such as, for example The 'Last Generation', an extremely criminal and radical activist organisation, which is controlled by '… …', which is financed by rich persons with their money, who also have a bad conscience and a business sense, because the 'donors' of the … earn a lot of money through the destruction and damage, as well as through the means for repairing the damage. Thus, the 'Last Generation' demonstrators are a ready-made meal for these rich people, who have all those work-shy idiots of all ages crawling up their throats, who are so stupid and dumb that they, as sham thinkers, are not even able to think up to the tip of their noses. As a result, the rich, the businessmen involved and the donors of the 'Last Generation' are creating a veritable climate hysteria out of the otherwise already existing environmental pollution. As a result, the rich rake in a lot of money through the machinations and damage devices of the work-shy idiotic stupid elements. Those sticking to their guns everywhere bill for it … … and – as it was revealed – are paid for it. This, among others, also by an American billionaire heiress who praises these cross-dumb and idiotic glue activists, but who do not realise that they are being cheated by clever businessmen. These work-shy glue elements of all ages are so idiotically stupid that they cannot realise, see or comprehend in any process the dimension of their exploitation by unscrupulous rich people, because apart from the capacity of logic, they also lack the intellect, as well as reason, to think at all. It is also worth mentioning that, according to a reliable source, a full-time member of the 'Last Generation' receives around 1300 francs/euros per month 'salary'.

特別是那些腦子有病的環保示威者,他們造成的損害遠遠大於益處,尤其是那些在街頭製造騷亂和破壞的組織,以及那些在各處貼著東西,用顏料等弄髒有價值物品的人,例如“最後一代”,這是一個極其罪惡和激進的組織,他們受到 ... 的操縱,而這些行動是由富人用他們的金錢來資助的,他們可能良心不安,但另一方面也有商業頭腦,因為通過破壞和損壞以及修復損壞所需的資金,這些“捐助者”賺取了大量的金錢。因此,“最後一代”示威者對這些富人來說是一個易於控制的目標,這些有錢人讓所有那些不愛勞動的愚蠢傢伙上鉤,這些人無論年齡大小都是如此愚蠢,以至於他們不能夠作為有思考能力的人,他們甚至無法思考到鼻尖。因此,由於這些富人、涉及的商人以及”最後一代”的捐助者所引起的環境污染已經演變成了一種極端的氣候恐慌。結果,富人們通過那些懶惰、愚蠢的白癡行動和造成的損壞賺了很多錢。那些到處貼著不愛勞動的傢伙對他們的行為付出了代價 ... 而且根據可靠消息,他們還為此得到了報酬。這其中還有一位美國的億萬女繼承人,她對這些極其愚蠢和無能的黏著活動者予以了高度讚揚,但他們並沒有意識到他們被狡猾的商人欺騙了。這些不愛勞動的膠水分子,無論年齡有多大,都是如此愚蠢,以至於他們無法理解這種被無情富人利用的程度,他們既看不到,也無法理解,除了邏輯能力之外,他們也缺乏理解和理性的能力,以至於無法思考。值得一提的是,據可靠消息稱,“最後一代”的全職成員,每月的“工資”約為1300瑞士法郎/歐元。

Well, the demonstrators of the 'Friday for Future' are not much better off, and also quite a few of them are elements who are only sham thinkers and fabricate destruction at the expense of the general public.

那麼,“未來星期五”(Friday for Future)的示威者們也好不到哪裡去,他們中也有不少人只是虛偽的思想家,以犧牲大眾利益為代價,製造破壞。

I would also like to say that the majority of Earthlings have always been incapable of logic, reason and rationality, as evidenced by the enormous increase in overpopulation, which will soon reach 10 billion. Truly there is only a minority of truly understanding and effectively correct thinking human beings, but these are not listened to when they speak of reality and its truth. And this letter here proves that this minority of real thinkers effectively exists. The writer of this letter is a human being from Ukraine:


Reply from Oleh … (Ukraine)

來自Oleh ...(烏克蘭)的回應

I am very happy that Billy let Ptaah read my article. I did not expect that. I wrote this article to get more human beings interested in contact with the Plejaren. So that human beings can see that everything corresponds to the truth. How could there be any other explanation here when the data that has been published over decades makes perfect sense when analysed closely and everything agrees. I wanted human beings to see it, so I wrote the article in the simplest language possible so that it could be understood by all. I don't understand why there are still many critics who criticise everything. I just have one question for them: Have they read anything at all? Have they thought about it carefully? I think the answer will be no. I want to thank Billy for all that he does. Sometimes what he writes and says impresses me and I don't understand why other human beings don't notice it. Why don't they think about it thoroughly? When the war started, the contact reports became a place for me to find my common sense and understand what was happening. Here in Ukraine, people think very differently. It seems as if the human beings have lost their minds. What they say might not make any sense at all. I have never heard greater nonsense in my life than during the war. It looks as if this war will end in the most stupid process, when everything is destroyed and razed to the ground. Then it will be the end of the war. And then the human beings will become a little bit wiser. That is how we learn on this planet – through disasters. I want to thank Ptaah for reading my article. It means a lot to me.

我很高興比利讓Ptaah讀了我的文章。這是我始料未及的。我寫這篇文章是為了讓更多的人對與Plejaren的接觸感興趣。這樣人們能夠看到一切都是真實的。仔細分析幾十年來公佈的資料,一切都非常合理,一切都符合事實,怎麼可能有其他解釋呢?我希望人們能夠看到它,所以我用了盡可能簡單的語言寫了這篇文章,以便所有人都能夠理解。我不明白為什麼還有很多批評家批評這一切。我只想問他們一個問題:他們有沒有真正閱讀過?他們是否認真思考過?我想答案可能是否定的。我要感謝比利所做的一切。有時,他寫的東西和說的話給我留下了深刻的印象,我不明白為什麼其他人沒有注意到這一點。他們為什麼不仔細想想呢?當戰爭開始後,接觸報告成了我尋找合理解釋和瞭解發生了什麼的訊息來源。在烏克蘭,人們的想法大相徑庭。看起來人們似乎失去了理智。他們說的話可能根本毫無意義。在我的一生中,從未聽過比戰爭期間更荒謬的言論。這場戰爭似乎將以最愚蠢的方式結束,那就是當一切都被摧毀並夷為平地時。到那時,戰爭也就結束了。到那時,人類就會變得聰明一些。這就是我們在這個星球上學習的方式 —— 通過災難。我要感謝Ptaah讀了我的文章。這對我意義重大。


This is really interesting, so I want to copy the letter and bring it before the panel, which I am sure everyone will be happy about and which confirms what you and Ptaah and Florena and Bermunda, as well as Jjfa, Juraata and I have stated.



Yes, not all people in Ukraine are war-mongers, because there are indeed persons who really think for themselves and correctly, who do not simply allow themselves to be influenced by the false and mendacious propaganda of those in power and the media and take their lies and deceptions at face value, just as they are not corrupt like them, but are honest and good and truly self-thinking human beings who are not simply believers and simply allow themselves to be influenced by lies and deceptions. But here I have something else that you can also copy and forward to Ptaah, namely these 2 colour pages here. These are the cover pages and the first inside page of a brochure that Ptaah and I have cobbled together, but which Bernadette will fill with pictures resp. drawings of some of the contact persons. We will then have a larger number of these printed in colour by the Pohland company, after which they can be given free of charge to interested human beings and also enclosed by Eva with the book shipments.



I think that will be good, and I also think that what is envisaged will be good.



It will, but here I have received the following, which confirms my mention regarding what I said recently that Sfath and I have seen and experienced on our paths in the future:



What do you think and think of this newspaper clipping and actually also that we are creating these special time signs and spreading them on the net?

你如何看待這段報紙文章,以及我們正在製作並在網絡上傳播這些《特殊時代特徵》(special time signs)?


You have a lot of things to do today. But to your question and what has gone before, I will say that on the one hand the public of the human beings on Earth are not informed enough and are also fooled with falsehood and lies and fraudulent reports far from the truth, as you have often said. On the other hand, your very informative actions regarding the 'Special Time Signs' were found to be very commendable by our panel when we presented this fact informatively. Especially the creation and posting on the net, as you say, was found by the whole panel to be very good and a very valuable action, which, as you know, includes 1.5 million participants who collectively believe that you should continue to work in this regard. It was explained that – according to our findings, which we were able to show as a result of our observations – these special time signs are read much more by many Earth-humans in very many states of the Earth than is generally the case with regard to the public media. This applies equally to our conversations, which you call up and write down in each case, which are then processed as 'contact reports' and also distributed worldwide.



Good, that is what I wanted to know. But how is it now with the list for the trees that we can set regarding the coming time of climate change?



I have drawn it up, and consequently I can now give it to you, whereby a mixed forest is preferable for the coming times. Therefore, I have compiled the following list for deep-rooted trees that can be planted and that are also good heat-resistant with regard to climate change:

我已經擬定了這一份清單,因此現在我可以告訴你,在未來的時間裡,我們更應該選擇種植混合樹林(mixed forest)。因此,我列舉了以下可種植的深根樹木(deep-rooted trees)清單,這些樹木還具有良好的耐熱性,可應對氣候變化:

Sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa) 15-33 metres, (Marigoule), deep-rooted

歐洲栗Castanea sativa1533 公尺,(Marigoule),深根樹木

Black pine (Pinus nigra) 50 metres (Pinus silvestris) 50 metres, deep-rooted

黑松(Pinus nigra50 公尺(松樹)50 公尺,深根樹木

English oak (Quercus robur) 15-30 metres, deep-rooted

夏櫟Quercus robur1530 公尺,深根樹木

Sessile oak (Quercus petraea) 25-30 metres, deep-rooted

無梗花櫟Quercus petraea2530 公尺,深根樹木

Downy oak/soft-haired oak (Quercus pubescens) 20 metres, deep-rooted

柔毛櫟Quercus pubescens20 公尺,深根樹木

Beech (Fagus sylvatica) 30 m, deep-rooted

山毛櫸Fagus sylvatica30 公尺,深根樹木

Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) 25-30 metres, deep-rooted

歐洲白蠟樹Fraxinus excelsior2530 公尺,深根樹木

Hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata) 12 metres, deep-rooted

亮葉山楂Crataegus laevigata12 公尺,深根樹木

Cord tree (Sophora japonica) 40 metres, deep-rooted

槐樹Sophora japonica40 公尺,深根樹木

Hackberry (Celtis asustralis) 20-25 metres, deep-rooted

歐洲朴樹(Celtis australis2025 公尺,深根樹木

American. Gleditsia triacanthos 'Sunburst' 20-30 metres, deep-rooted

美國皂莢Gleditsia triacanthos 'Sunburst'2030 公尺,深根樹木

Large-leaved lime (Tilia platyphyllos) 30 metres, deep-rooted

闊葉椴Tilia platyphyllos30 公尺,深根樹木

Small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata) 10-30 metres, deep-rooted

小葉椴Tilia cordata1030 公尺,深根樹木

Black walnut (Juglans nigra) 20-25 metres, deep-rooted

東部黑核桃(Juglans nigra2025 公尺,深根樹木

Bluebell tree (Paulownia tomentosa) 8-25 metres, deep-rooted

毛泡桐Paulownia tomentosa8-25 公尺,深根樹木

Lampion tree/bubble ash (Kolereuteria paniculata) 5-8-10 metres, deep-rooted

欒樹Koelreuteria paniculata5810 公尺,深根樹木

Trumpet tree (Catalpa bignonioides) 10-15 metres, deep-rooted

南梓木(Catalpa bignonioides1015 公尺,深根樹木

Amber tree (Liqidambar) 10-25 metres, deep-rooted

楓香樹Liquidambar1025 公尺,深根樹木

Walnut (Juglans regia) 10-20 metres, deep-rooted

普通胡桃Juglans regia1020 公尺,深根樹木

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) 35-40 metres, deep-rooted

歐洲赤松Pinus sylvestris3540 公尺,深根樹木

Flat elm (Ulmus laevis) 40 metres, deep-rooted

歐洲白榆Ulmus laevis40 公尺,深根樹木

Mulberry (Morus nigra) 8-25 metres, deep-rooted

黑桑Morus nigra825 公尺,深根樹木

White fir (Abies alba) 30-50 metres, deep-rooted

銀冷杉Abies alba3050 公尺,深根樹木

Thousand-blossom tree/bee tree (Tetradium/Euodia hupehensis ) 10-15 metres, deep-rooted

吳茱萸Tetradium/Euodia hupehensis1015 公尺,深根樹木

European yew (Taxus baccatza) 25 metres, deep-rooted

歐洲紅豆杉Taxus baccata25 公尺,深根樹木

Japanese yew (Taxus cuspidata) 20 metres, deep-rooted

東北紅豆杉Taxus cuspidata20 公尺,深根樹木

White mulberry, (Moraceae/Morus alba). 16 metres, deep-rooted

白桑Moraceae/Morus alba16 公尺,深根樹木

Flowering ash (Fraxinus ornus) 15-25 metres, deep-rooted

花白蠟樹(Fraxinus ornus1525 公尺,深根樹木

Larch (Larix decidua) 35 metres, deep-rooted

歐洲落葉松Larix decidua35 公尺,深根樹木

Field maple variety 'Elsrijk' 6-12 metres, deep-rooted

栓皮槭Acer platanoides'Elsrijk' 612 公尺,深根樹木

Cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus libani) 20 metres, deep-rooted

黎巴嫩雪松Cedrus libani20 公尺,深根樹木

Three-toothed maple (Acer buergerianum) 10 metres, deep-rooted

三角槭Acer buergerianum10 公尺,深根樹木

Silver maple (Acer saccharinum) 20-30 metres, deep-rooted

糖槭(Acer saccharinum2030 公尺,深根樹木

Heart-leaved alder (Alnus cordata) 8-18 metres, deep-rooted

榿木(Alnus cordata818 公尺,深根樹木

Weeping birch (Betula pendula) 18-30 metres, deep-rooted

垂枝樺Betula pendula1830 公尺,深根樹木

Judas tree (Cercis canadensius L.) 12 metres, deep-rooted

加拿大紫荊Cercis canadensis L.12 公尺,深根樹木

Judas tree (Cercis chjuniana) China 6-27 metres, deep-rooted

紫荊(Cercis chuniana)中國 627 公尺,深根樹木

Judas tree (Cercis gabra) China 6-16 metres, deep-rooted

湖北紫荊Cercis gabra)中國 616 公尺,深根樹木

Judas tree (Cercis rascemosa) 8-15 metres, deep-rooted

垂絲紫荊Cercis racemosa815 公尺,深根樹木

Judas tree (Cercis gigantea) China ????? ??????

巨紫荊Cercis gigantea)中國,????? ??????

Fir (Abies altitudo) 40-70 metres, deep-rooted

冷杉(Abies altitudo4070 公尺,深根樹木

Nordmann fir (Abies normanniana) 40-60 metres, deep-rooted

高加索冷杉(Abies normanniana4060 公尺,深根樹木

Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) 100-130 metres, deep-rooted

花旗松Pseudotsuga menziesii100130 公尺,深根樹木

Mountain ash/blackberry (Sorbus aucuparia) 15 metres, deep-rooted

北歐花楸Sorbus aucuparia15 公尺,深根樹木

Sycamore (Acer pesudoplantanus) 20-30 metres, deep-rooted

岩槭Acer pseudoplatanus2030 公尺,深根樹木

Hornbeam, hornbeam, Japanese hornbeam (Carpinus japonica) 8-15 metres, deep-rooted

日本千金榆(Carpinus japonica815 公尺,深根樹木



A remarkable list, to which I would like to add this list, which I copied from Wikipedia and which shows what are not deep-rooted trees:


What Tree Does Not Have Deep Roots?


Botanically speaking, these include kiwi, akebia, rock pear, horse chestnut, alder, trumpet flower, (false) cypress, cornelian cherry, bamboo, elderberry, forsythia, witch hazel, hydrangea, privet, honeysuckle, magnolia, pipe bush, sloe, spruce and pine, vinegar tree, willow, thuja, snowball, blue vine, and so on.

從植物學的角度來說,包括獼猴桃kiwi)、木通akebia)、岩梨(rock pear)、七葉樹horse chestnut)、赤楊alder)、喇叭花(trumpet flower)、扁柏false cypress)、大果山茱萸cornelian cherry)、竹子(bamboo)、接骨木elderberry)、連翹forsythia)、金縷梅witch hazel)、繡球hydrangea)、女楨privet)、忍冬honeysuckle)、木蘭magnolia)、水晶蘭pipe bush)、黑刺李sloe)、雲杉spruce)、松樹(pine)、光滑漆樹vinegar tree)、柳樹(willow)、崖柏thuja)、歐洲莢蒾snowball)、藍藤(blue vine)等都屬於這一類。

I will complete your list of trees by adding the Latin name of each tree and also the approximate maximum size when they grow up. Of course, I do not know everything 'off the boat', but I am sure I will find everything I need on Wikipedia. However, as far as trees from foreign lands are concerned, those who want to be smarter than nature will once again rise to the barricades and unleash their terror. By this I mean those of the passionately stupid and fanatical neophyte enemies, who quickly see invasive invaders resp. rampant plants behind all foreign plants of all kinds. This applies, for example, to plants that were introduced into the country centuries ago and thrive here without proliferating, such as cherry laurel, Turk's cap lily, cat's-foot, arnica, trollflower, orchid, lupines, giant hogweed, vinegar tree, summer lilac, and so on. There is nothing wrong with this if they are truly invasive resp. rampant plants that can really destroy and eradicate the native genera and species. However, plants of all genera and species that are not invasive resp. not rampant do not cause any damage and should not be controlled. This is not because they themselves spread very widely over the Earth through completely normal natural processes in the course of time and all natural movements of change, without even human beings doing anything about it. The wind alone has been doing this for millions of years, and an example can be taken from the fact that it blows thousands of tonnes of desert sand from the Sahara over thousands of kilometres across the sea to South America every year.

我將補充每種樹的拉丁名稱和成年後的大致高度,以完善你的樹木清單。當然,我並不是對所有事情都了然於胸(know everything 'off the boat'),但我肯定可以在《維基百科》上找到所有必要的資訊。不過,關於外來樹種,那些自認比大自然聰明的人將再次站出來,發表他們的恐怖言論。我指的是那些熱情的笨蛋和新種植物的敵人,他們很快就會在各種外來植物的背後看到外來入侵者和肆虐的植物。例如,對於一些幾百年前引進這片土地並在這裡茁壯的植物,如桂櫻cherry laurel)、沼澤百合(Turk's cap lily)、蝶鬚cat's-foot)、山金車arnica)、金蓮花trollflower)、蘭花(orchid)、羽扇豆lupines)、大豕草giant hogweed)、光滑漆樹(vinegar tree)、大葉醉魚草summer lilac)等等。當然,如果它們是真正的入侵性植物,也就是真正會破壞和滅絕本地種類和品種的猖獗植物,這樣做無可厚非。但是,對於所有不具有入侵性或不迅速生長的植物,它們不會造成任何傷害,就不應該被打擊。這是因為這些植物只是通過時間和所有自然變化的正常過程,在地球上自然地廣泛分佈,而且完全不需要人類的干預。數百萬年來,風就一直在這樣做,風每年將撒哈拉沙漠的數千噸沙漠沙子漂洋過海吹到南美洲,就是一個例子。

Well, there was no forest here in the nearby area of Hinterschmidrüti, because it was effectively only clear-cutting all around, consequently there was no tree or bush around any more, except for 3 old and barren cider pear trees and a half-dried little apple tree, which I called 'Semjasebaum' for certain reasons and which I still tried to save by grafting it on. This, while the residential building, together with the cattle shed, the threshing floor, the garage and the bee house, was completely rotten. The residential building, the threshing floor and the garage, as well as the coach house, were restored over the years through hard work to what everything originally was and should be again, as were the immediate surroundings of the buildings, which could only be accessed through 25 centimetres of mud. The bee house suddenly collapsed one day and had to be disposed of, as well as a practically new slurry pump behind the barn, which had to be put into the scrap iron, completely damaged by rust.

還有,在Hinterschmidrüti附近的地方,實際上沒有森林,因為周圍只有一片清除過的地方,因此周圍幾乎沒有樹或灌木,除了三棵老且不結果的蘋果樹和一棵半枯萎的小蘋果樹。我因為特定的原因將這棵小蘋果樹稱為「Semjase樹」(Semjasebaum),並試圖通過嫁接來拯救它。與此同時,住宅建築與牲畜棚、穀倉、車庫和蜜蜂房都非常破舊。這些年來,住宅、穀倉和車庫以及庫房經過辛勤的勞動,恢復到最初的樣子,並且周圍的區域也是如此,這些區域只能通過25公分深的泥漿才能進入。有一天,蜜蜂房突然倒塌,不得不將其處理掉,穀倉後面一個幾乎嶄新的泥漿泵(slurry pump)也因生銹而完全損壞,不得不將其放入廢鐵中。

The 'Hüsli drain' resp. the excrements etc. of the toilet were discharged into the public water for 16 years. – 16 years according to H. Furrer, innkeeper and water inspector in Schmidrüti, who was supposed to check the water meter in Hinterschmidrüti, which could also no longer be read during this time because the cellar was filled 1.20 cm high with water, which I pumped out for 3 days. The toilet pit had no drain and was filled with excrement and slurry up to 10 cm below the ceiling, which is why I had to create a connection with the 'nose up' through it floating and standing then and drain it to the outside when I installed a new toilet. When my ex-wife had to go to the toilet and it simply collapsed under her, there was nothing else to do but to 'do the business' in the forest about 250 metres away. Of course, I immediately stopped the 'manure' from getting into the public water, because the 'manure pit' was emptied and a company was commissioned to build a new large septic tank, which I later had replaced by a sewage treatment plant.

Hüsli排放物」(Hüsli drain),也就是廁所的排泄物等,在十六年內都排放到公共水源中。據Schmidrüti的旅館老闆兼水質監督員H.Furrer說,十六年來,他本應該檢查Hinterschmidrüti的水表,但在這段時間內,因為地下室裡的積水有10~20公分高[中譯者註:這裡的英譯為1.20 cm,但德文是“1,20 cm”,英譯顯然有誤。],水表已根本無法讀取,我花了三天時間天才將積水抽乾。廁所沒有下水道排出口,下水道充滿了排泄物和污水,並且一直堆積到距離頂部不到10公分,因此在我安裝新的廁所時,我必須全身泡在裡面,用“鼻子向上”(nose up)的方式站立,將廁所排出口與外部建立一個連接管道,以將其引向外部。而有次當我的前妻要上廁所時,廁所突然在她的腳下坍塌了,當時別無選擇,她只好到大約250公尺外的森林裡“辦事”。當然,我即時阻止了“糞便”進入公共水源,因為“糞坑” 很快被清空,隨後我委託一家公司建造了一個新的大型化糞池,後來我又將其改換為一個污水處理系統。

Around the main building, as already mentioned, there was only a layer of mud about 25 cm thick, which meant that Jacobus slipped sideways over the adjacent embankment with the tractor, so I had to pull him up again with great difficulty. I did this by attaching a long iron chain to the horse's halter ring on the house wall and in a V-shape to the big wheel of the tractor. Jacobus was of course on the tractor, which was in danger of falling at any time – which was really life-threatening – and now had to let the wheel turn, which caused the iron chain to twist together and pull the tractor up. Only 1 month later the same thing happened again, but this time it was Rolf Wächter who slid down the embankment with the tractor, which fell about 2 metres away from the house. This time, however – Jacobus was already in Wetzikon and working there as a chauffeur, so I was managing everything in Hinterschmidrüti on my own – the horse hook tore out of the wall, so I had to fetch the heavy trax up from the storage area below – with which I was already digging out the biotope and expanding the biotope site – and then pull the tractor up again, which the half-grown Rolf let slide down the slope. Together with helpers who knew nothing about tooting and blowing the horn, but who willingly followed my instructions, Hinterschmidrüti was then put back on its feet, made habitable and the centre was built and extended. Unfortunately, of all the people who worked on the project, I was the one who really knew something about the whole process, which is why I also had to do practically everything myself as an all-rounder – without wanting to boast or put myself in the foreground in any way. This includes – as I have already said – the large septic tank and the sewage treatment plant built by a construction company, as well as about 60% of the electrification of the entire centre, while I did the remaining 40% myself, which was then of course checked by the EKZ and found to be good. Also the roofing of the house – the old one was full of holes and it rained inside, with the rainwater seeping down to the cellar – was done with Eternit panels by a specialist company.

正如之前所說的,主樓周圍有一層約25公分厚的淤泥層,這導致Jacobus的拖拉機側向滑動到鄰近的斜坡上,因此我必須辛苦地將它拉回來。我是這樣做的:我把一條長長的鐵鍊拴在房子牆上的馬籠頭環(horse's halter ring)上,並以V字形拴在拖拉機的大輪子上。Jacobus當然坐在隨時可能崩塌的拖拉機上 —— 這真的很危險 —— 現在必須轉動輪子,從而使鐵鏈扭繞在一起,並將拖拉機拉起。但僅僅過了一個月後,同樣的事情又再次發生,但這次是Rolf Wächter和拖拉機一起滑落到斜坡上,拖拉機掉到了離房子大約兩公尺遠的地方。這一次,Jacobus已經去了韋齊孔(Wetzikon)在那裡當司機,所以是我獨自一人管理著Hinterschmidrüti的一切。當時馬鉤(horse hook)從牆上脫落,所以我必須從儲藏地拉起沉重的拖車(trax —— 我之前已經用它挖掘並擴建了生態池(biotope;又稱群落生境、生物小區)。然後我將拖拉機拉了上來,因為未成年的Rolf讓拖拉機滑下了山坡。隨著與那些對工作毫不了解但願意遵循我的指示的幫手一起,我花了多年的時間將Hinterschmidrüti農場重新整理,使其變得適於居住,並進行中心的建設和擴建。不幸的是,實際上我是所有工作人員中唯一對各種不同工作有所了解的人,這使我必須扮演一個通才的角色,幾乎所有事情都要自己動手。這當然包括由建築公司建造的大型糞池和污水處理系統,以及整個中心60%的電氣化,而我則親自處理剩下的40%,並且經過EKZ(瑞士能源品牌)的檢查和認可。此外,房屋的屋頂也是由一家專業公司用Eternit板鋪設的,舊屋頂千瘡百孔,下雨時屋內的雨水會滲到地下室。

Well, during the work I had good helpers with handouts, which were very helpful for me. These helpers, however, were not specialists in the various tasks of building and repairing the whole thing, but simply human beings who willingly performed their tasks of their own accord and had completely different professions and knowledge from the ones they were helping with. For example, in addition to the women and men of our FIGU, there were also office workers, two teachers, a policeman, a pilot, a butcher, a salesman, a photographer, an electronics technician from the University of Zurich, a chauffeur, a printer, a student, etc., as well as unskilled helpers.


Well, it was completely bare and treeless all the way to the forest, everything in Hinterschmidrüti was dilapidated and broken, and the owners in Roth/LU did not care, just as the authorities of the municipality and the canton did not do anything about it and did not care one iota about the desolate and life-threatening condition of the house. This, as well as not caring about the clear-cutting, just as not caring about the life-threatening condition of the wiring of the electric, as well as not caring about the run-off of the house manure and excrements into the public water. And they also did not care that the condition of the natural road was just as desolate – as was the church road to Sitzberg – as that the cellar flooded with water etc. no longer allowed the water meter to be read. On the other hand, the municipal authorities and the cantonal authorities were terrorised when we restored the Hinterschmidrüti buildings and the destroyed terrain, reforested the clear-cut area and built a correct septic tank and sewage treatment plant. Terror was also made when we put the public communal road back in order, when Jacobus and I together made a hiking trail and so on. And now that everything has been put in order, is clean and all around is green and overgrown with trees and bushes as well as with many kinds of flowers, people are starting again – as they did before – to make terror. This time and just now, when we want to fill up a barren piece of ravine with Earth and forest it – as we did before – the forester comes and makes terror, although he obviously doesn't know anything about anything, apart from the fact that he knows what he learned as a forester in the forestry school. But if something is dared to be announced truthfully – as I am doing now – it will be vehemently denied by the guilty, and possibly in court, because the guilty want – and possibly understand – that by denying the truth they will not get any 'tolggen' in their notebooks.

現在,周圍一直到森林邊緣都是光禿禿的,沒有樹木,Hinterschmidrüti的一切都破舊不堪,Roth/LU的業主對此毫不關心,就像是當地政府和州政府也無所作為,對於房屋的破敗和危險狀況毫不關心。這包括森林被砍伐,電線的危險狀況,以及房屋污水和排泄物流入公共水域。他們甚至不關心自然道路的狀況有多麼糟糕(就像通往Sitzberg的教堂道路一樣),也不關心被水淹沒的地下室無法讀取水表的情況。另一方面,當我們修復Hinterschmidrüti的建築和被毀壞的地形,在被砍伐的區域重新植樹造林,並建造一個合適的化糞池和污水處理系統時,市政當局和州政府都感到非常震驚。當我們把公共道路恢復整齊時,當Jacobus和我一起修建一條徒步小徑時,也讓人感到不安。現在,一切都井然有序,乾淨整潔,周圍綠樹成蔭,灌木叢生,鮮花盛開,人們又開始像以前一樣進行恐嚇了。這一次,就在剛才,當我們想用泥土填平一片荒蕪的溝壑,並像以前那樣造林時,林場場長又來恐嚇我們,儘管他除了知道他作為林場場長在林業學校學到的東西之外,顯然什麼都不知道。但是,如果有人敢於如實公佈一些事情 —— 就像我現在所做的那樣 —— 就會遭到負責的人的堅決否認,可能甚至會在法庭上進行辯論,因為有罪的人想要 —— 並且可能明白如何 —— 通過否認真相來避免留下任何“後果”(tolggen)。


Such action and behaviour by authorities was truly irresponsible, as was also what this forester appears to be doing at present …



… you can say that again, because it is not only irresponsible, but it is an obvious terror that is apparently to start all over again. We have always been and still are the 'foreign fools', as it has been said and held since time immemorial, and therefore one is not left alone as such, not even if one does everything correctly. It is simply searched for and objected to and the human beings' lives are made hell with legal paragraphs until they croak or give up. Behind this is not only that 'foreign fools' are not tolerated, but also envy resp. envy, as well as non-acceptance of what is done, because such people interfere in what is done and done correctly. It is true that over time everything has calmed down a bit, if we disregard the occasional 'little bitch'. And the fact that once upon a time about 80 newly planted fir trees were simply cut away, and then the culprit shot himself when he unexpectedly met Andron, that was a special case. The fact that the roof of the house was pelted with large stones and holes were made in it, as well as the cattle guard's equipment being torn away and thrown down into the ravine, but also that all the lighting gnomes were demolished and torn away and the cars in the parking spaces were scratched and deep gouges made with screwdrivers or something, these were still 'harmless' inflictions of damage. This, if you think about how often shots were fired – for which there are also witnesses who were even endangered themselves – in order to get me out of the world, which, however, had other reasons than because we were 'foreign fools' here and probably still are for certain envious people, because the last incident of this kind was not long ago, when there was a bang from the hiking trail while I was sitting outside the house with visitors who could have been hit. When I immediately ran up anyway, I only saw the shooter disappear at the footpath bend with his rifle in his hand, just as there was a man up in the pulpit who obviously belonged to it. This could have been avoided if the door on the pulpit had been closed, which was specially installed so that no unauthorised person could enter the pulpit area.

... 你可以再說一遍,因為這不僅是不負責任的,而且明顯是一種恐嚇行為,顯然是要從頭再來。我們一直以來都是“外星蠢蛋”(foreign fools),就像長久以來都一直這麼看待,現在也是如此。因此,即使我們做得再好,他們也不會放心。他們只是在找碴和指責,並通過法律條款將人們的生活變成地獄,直到他們死去或放棄。背後的原因不僅僅是不能容忍“外星蠢蛋”,還有敵意和嫉妒,以及對所做之事的不接受,因為這些人會干涉已經做好且正確的事情。儘管周圍的一切事物隨著時間而稍有平靜,偶爾還是會出現一些小爭執。以前有一次約八十棵新種的杉樹被剪掉,然後犯罪者在不料遇到Andron(身高超過五公尺的外星巨人)時自殺,那是一個特殊的案例。房子的屋頂被大石頭砸得千瘡百孔,看守牲畜的設備也被扯掉扔進峽谷,所有的照明燈都被毀壞和扯斷,停車場上的車輛可能被用螺絲刀之類的工具劃傷,造成深深的痕跡,這些都是相對“輕微”的破壞行為。這還不包括考慮到有多少次開槍事件(也有證人可以證明,他們自己也受到了威脅)企圖讓我消失,這當然有其他原因,而不僅僅是因為我們是“外星蠢蛋”,對某些嫉妒者來說,我們可能還是如此,因為這種事情最近才發生,當我們在屋子外面坐著與訪客聊天時,從徒步小徑那裡傳來了一聲巨響,而那個訪客可能被打中。無論如何,當我立即跑上去時,只見開槍者手持步槍消失在人行道的拐彎處,而此時講壇上正站著一個人,顯然是他的同夥。如果當時把講壇的門關上,就不會發生這樣的事情,因為講壇的門是專門安裝的,未經許可的人無法進入講壇區域。


These are all incidents of which I am only partially aware, but which fully justify the surveillance equipment with which everything can be monitored today.



Yes, that is what has increased security. But enough of that, because I would like to talk about something else, namely that it is not only the CO2 of vehicle exhaust etc. that destroys the climate and thus the forests, as well as all of nature in general, as it also brings many diseases, such as cancer for the most part, and that for human beings and animals, animals and all life-forms in general, but that it is overpopulation itself that creates all that CO2 on top of everything else. However, there is never any talk of this, because as the Earthling says: "The singer's politeness is silent about that." The scientists in charge are silent about it because perhaps they do not want to bring overpopulation into the conversation, or they are silent about it because they do not know the truth. But no matter how or what, because the simple fact is that the Earth will be ruined beyond repair by the machinations of overpopulation if it is not finally reduced worldwide by a controlled and radical as well as humane cessation of births.



Unfortunately, the majority of Earth-humans will neither understand the urgency of this, nor will they accept the necessity for it. And this is because the effective truth is concealed and everything is trivialised in an evil process by the mendacity of many media. Also concerning the so-called UFOs resp. their crews, who were also the 'Dagon', the gods they let themselves be idolised as, many media bring lying stories, because they are paid for it, just as also the military in certain countries deceives the population by lies and silence, although they have partly even shot down UFOs. This, however, as other militaries also carry out espionage etc. in this respect and are so stupid that they think that their espionage would not be recognised. But now, dear friend, I must go and do a certain duty, and so I go now and say goodbye.



So be it then. – Goodbye and take care.





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