

Contact Report 859第859次接觸報告



最初英譯:20230817日,星期DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin

改進版本:N/AJoseph Darmanin, David Guerra

中譯版本:20230821日,星期ChatGPT, DeepL Translator, James Hsu


本次接觸中,Quetzal表達了整個Erra 星的人民都在積極關注Billy和所有核心小組成員所做的一切,以及在地球其他國家組建和領導分支小組的被動成員,還有所有FIGU的支持者,或僅僅是對FIGU感興趣的人所做的事情。



This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



There you are again. Greetings, my friend – but be welcome too.



Greetings to you as well, and thank you too – and especially in the name of the whole committee – for accepting the request of the committee yesterday and answering all the questions. You have left a lasting impression on all participants, who have taken in your detailed explanations in their entirety, as everything was also broadcast planet-wide and thus brought to the attention of the population of Erra. So it was not only the more than 1.5 million persons of the whole committee who heard your words and explanations, but it turned out to be the entire population of Erra, which is following very actively all that you and all the core group members do, as well as the passive members who form and lead secondary groups elsewhere in other states of the Earth. However, this also applies to all passive members, patrons or simply interested persons with regard to everything of FIGU, as well as to all persons who make an effort to learn the 'Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Creation-energy, Teaching of the Life', thereby changing themselves for the better and becoming more joyful in life, as well as physically behaving in a more sustainable and vital manner.

同樣向你問好,我也要特別代表整個「高級理事會」感謝你,昨天你遵循理事會的願望,回答了所有問題。你在所有與會者心中留下了深刻的印象,大家都接受了你詳細的解釋,因為所有內容都在全球傳播了出去,從而引起了 Erra 星居民的注意。因此,不僅是全體超過 150 萬人聽到了你的講話和解釋,而且是整個 Erra 星的人民,他們都在非常積極地關注你和所有核心小組成員所做的一切,以及在地球其他國家組建和領導分支小組的被動成員所做的事情。這也同樣適用於所有FIGU的被動成員、支持者,或僅僅是對FIGU感興趣的人,同樣適用於所有努力學習「真相的教導,造物能量的教導,生命的教導」,從中不斷進步,讓生活變得更快樂,身體表現得更健康、更有活力的人。


That is probably so, because I get to hear that on the telephone now and then, as I also get letters written to me, although I do not always find the time to answer them. Now and then I can get Bernadette or Elisabeth to do it, but they also have their hands full, so it is difficult.



For that I still often take you away or come to you to talk. I will have to cut down on that.



That is not necessary, because I can work longer, so I can still do what is absolutely necessary.



If you think? …

如果你這樣認為的話 ...


Of course, because I have nothing against working, it is just so innate in me. In fact, I like to work and I do not see how I could live without working at all. Working has been my profession since I was a little boy, as well as learning all kinds of things in that respect and becoming an all-rounder.



I know that, which is why you only needed 2 or 3 specialist contractors for major work when you built the Centre.




That's right, for about 60% of the electrical, because I did about 40% myself, which was then checked by the EKZ and found to be good and correct. All the carpentry, bricklaying, carpentry and also some of the electrical work etc. fell within my scope of work. We only needed a construction company to build the septic tank and the sewage treatment plant. Then I had a man who knew something about bricklaying and laying tiles to help me in the house. What had to be done outside and built up, as well as the coach house, the hall and everything else, that was all my doing, with everyone simply helping me out, giving me a hand, as well as excavating the earth, etc., whereby not only the men should be mentioned, but remarkably also the women, who really did an exemplary job. Unfortunately, there were no skilled workers among them, so I only had one somewhat skilled worker who knew something about laying bricks and slabs, but who had never attended a vocational school in this field. Unfortunately, I had to chase him away when it came to repairing the garage, because as an alcoholic he was so drunk that he no longer did the work correctly, but rather caused damage. Later on, as a sceptic about you Plejaren, he would lurk on the back of the big cockpit at night with his camera, waiting to see and photograph one of you, until it became too much for Ptaah, and one night, coming from the west, he shone his ship brightly and the man was able to photograph it. Then his scepticism evaporated and he was suddenly on fire and kept telephoning me asking if he could fly around with one of you.

沒錯,由外包承接了大約 60% 的電氣工程,因為我自己做了大約 40%,然後這些工作由 EKZ(蘇黎世電力公司)進行了檢查,並被確認為良好和正確。所有的木工、砌磚以及部分電氣工程等都在我的工作範圍之內。我們只需要一家建築公司來建造化糞池和污水處理系統。然後,我找了一個懂砌磚和鋪瓷磚的人在房子裡幫我。需要在室外做的工作和需要建設的設施,包括車庫、大廳等,這一切都是我自己做的,我得到了所有人的幫助,他們提供了各種幫助,包括幫忙挖土等。不僅僅是男性,還有女性也需要提到,她們真的表現得很出色。遺憾的是,他們中沒有熟練工人,所以我只有一個懂點砌磚和鋪板的工人,但他從未上過這方面的職業學校。而在修理車庫時,我不得不把他趕走,因為他是個酒鬼,經常喝得醉醺醺的而無法好好幹活,反而是造成了一些損壞。後來他成為了對你們Plejaren持懷疑態度的人,他會在夜裡拿著相機潛伏在講壇後面,等著看到並拍下你們中的一個人,直到Ptaah忍無可忍,某天夜晚從西邊飛來,讓他的飛船亮起,那個人終於拍到了照片。之後他的懷疑就煙消雲散了,而且突然變得非常興奮,不停地給我打電話,問他是否可以和你們中的某人一起飛行。


Ptaah told me about that. But now I want to go with you …

Ptaah告訴過我這些。但現在我想和你一起去 ...



But if we are away, then it could be …

但如果我們離開了,那就可能 ...


It will only take about four hours, but I want …

這只需要四個小時,但我想 ...


Good, good, I do not want everything to go down the drain.



But it really is necessary, because …

但這真的很有必要,因為 ...


Yes, I understand. But for the time being I will only make dots regarding ...



That will certainly be good, otherwise you will have no peace with questions to you because of it. But what has been done for a long time is necessary. But it is probably better if you keep quiet about it until you have called up everything and written it down.



That is probably so, but then we can arrange what is necessary and be back here by morning without attracting attention.



Good, let us go then.






中文翻譯借助ChatGPTDeepl Translator的協助






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