Contact Report 223 (1988/5/1) 第223次接觸報告
接觸時間: 1988 年 5 月 1 日,星期日上午 9 時 07 分
Then I still have one last question for today, after which we can turn to the private matters: do you know what predatory animal was ever the largest on Earth, so by this, I mean throughout all times up to the actual primeval times, when the first creatures lived on the Earth, in the air, or in the water?
82. The largest predatory being of all times lived in the original seas.
83. A being that, when full-grown, was up to 32 meters long, weighed up to 185 tons, and had fins up to seven meters in length.
成年後約 32 米長, 185 噸重,鰭長 7 米。
84. Nevertheless, the average of these enormous creatures was about 25 meters, with a fin length of three to four meters and a weight of approximately 150 tons.
這種食肉動物的平均長度是 25 米,鰭長 3 到 4 米,體重約 150 噸。
85. In the future time, indications for this being will be found on Earth by the paleontologists, etc., after which it will then be named Liopleurodon, as I know from a look into the future.
將來地球的古生物學家會發現一些化石,並且為其命名為 Liopleurodon (滑齒龍)。
注意: Quetzal 在 85 中的資訊並不準確,因為 1800 年的時候滑齒龍化石被發現, 1873 年被 H. E. Sauvage 命名。在 2010 年 7 月 17 , 497 次接觸中,比利和 Quetzal 討論了這個錯誤之處, Quetzal 承認這個誤會,並解釋他的說法是源於 Sfath ( Ptaah 的父親) 1724 年寫的一本“ look into the future ”的書裡講的將來會發現,(從 1724 年來看, 1800 年當然是將來了)
Then the predatory dinosaur, Titanosaurus rex or Giganotosaurus rex, was only the largest predator on the mainland!
那麼陸地最大的的食肉恐龍是 Titanosaurus rex 或 Giganotosaurus rex 了。
86. That is correct.
With that, I have asked all questions. So let’s turn to the private matters.