Contact Report 222 (1988/2/3) 第222次接觸報告
接觸時間: 1988 年 2 月 3 日,星期三,清晨 4 時 10 分
在比利 51 歲生日這天, Quetzal 與比利主要談到下列議題:摩洛哥王妃格蕾絲凱利的一些問題; Gilgamesh 人種;關於埃及金字塔的問題等等…… …
Synopsis 摘要
This is the entire contact. It is an authorized but unofficial translation and may contain errors. In this contact, Meier mentions that the Andromeda "Nebula" is actually a galaxy, a fact that has since been proven with the passage of time.
這是一次完整的接觸,一篇授權但非正式的翻譯,而且可能包含錯誤。在這篇報告中, Meier 提到仙女座「 Nebula 」實際上是一個星系,已隨著時間推移得到證明的一個事實。
Dear friend, yesterday, I was asked a question about the Princess of Monte Carlo, that is, of Monaco, just with respect to the American former actress Grace Patricia Kelly, who received the sovereign title and the name Grimaldi through her marriage with Prince Rainier III of Monaco. The princess had an accident with her car on the 13th of September, 1982 during a return trip from the royal summer residence “La Turbie” to Monaco, along with her 17-year-old daughter Stephanie. The next day, on the 14th of September, she succumbed to her serious injuries. The princess and her vehicle went off the road in a hairpin curve, fell down a slope, and flipped over several times. Daughter Stephanie had only suffered minor injuries, and it was said that she had driven the car without authorization. And now, exactly concerning this, I was asked whether this had actually been the case. At that time, to my knowledge, you sought to clarify the matter – for whatever reasons.
親愛的朋友,昨天我被問到一個問題,關於 Monte Carlo 的王妃,那摩納哥的,與美國的前女演員 Grace Patricia Kelly 有關,她獲得最高統治者的頭銜和 Grimaldi 這個名字,透過她與摩納哥王子 Rainier III 的婚姻。在 1982 年 9 月 13 日,王妃與她的車子出了意外,在一次從皇家夏季別墅「 La Turbie 」返回摩納哥的歸途中,與她 17 歲的女兒 Stephanie 一起。第二天,在 9 月 14 日,她死於重傷,王妃和她的車以一道髮夾的弧線飛離馬路,倒在一個斜坡下,並翻滾了數次。女兒 Stephanie 只受了輕傷,有人說,她未經批准駕駛該車,而現在,正是關於這一點,我被問到這是否實際上的情況。當時,據我所知,你試圖澄 清此事 —— 無論基於什麼原因。
1. That is correct.
2. My clarification occurred as a result of my own interests.
3. What I have fathomed with this, however, has no relevance at all to the assertion that the prince ’ s daughter Stephanie had driven the crashed vehicle.
我已揣摸出這一點,但是,對於王子的女兒 Stephanie 曾駕駛失事的車輛這斷言完全沒有關聯。
4. The truth and the reality is that Princess Grace Patricia Kelly, or rather Grimaldi, suffered a sudden, severe brain hemorrhage, which acted like a sudden severe stroke and caused an immediate loss of consciousness, through which, of course, also the control of her vehicle was lost, and she unavoidably came to the serious accident.
真相和現實是王妃 Grace Patricia Kelly ,或者說 Grimaldi ,遭遇突如其來的嚴重腦出血,就像突然出現的嚴重中風一樣,導致立即失去知覺,由此,當然,她的車輛也同時失去控制,而她不可避免地遭受嚴重的事故。
That sounds logical. It also seemed illogical to me that Mrs. Kelly should have left her daughter, who was still a minor, behind the wheel. But since we’re already talking about such things, I would like to concern you once again with regard to a question that appeals to your medical and psychiatric knowledge: recently, I had to concern myself another time with the so-called “voices,” and to be sure, in reference to a man from New Zealand. His name is Kiwi, just as also the Chinese kiwifruit is called, namely the fruit of the Chinese gooseberry shrub, or in the language of the Maori, the New Zealand Kiwi bird, a nocturnal, flightless ratite. The long and short of it: to my knowledge, the “hearing of voices” concerns a form of schizophrenia, through which those who are afflicted by it hear a voice or multiple voices in their heads or something.
這聽起來很合乎邏輯,這對我而言似乎也不合邏輯,因為 Kelly 太太本應該把她尚未成年的女兒留在方向盤。但既然我們已經談論這樣的事情,我想讓你再關注一個問題,那吸引你的醫療和心理知識:最近,我不得不再次關注所謂的「聲音」,並且可以肯定,與一個來至新西蘭的男人有關,他的名字是 Kiwi ,正如中國的 kiwifruit (註:獼猴桃,或稱奇異果),也就是中國醋栗灌木的果實,或毛利人語言中的,新西蘭的 Kiwi bird (註:鷸鴕,或稱奇異鳥、幾維鳥等),一種夜間活動、不會飛的平胸鳥,長話短說:據我所知,那「聲音的聽見」涉及一種精神分裂症,由此那些人受其折磨,在他們的腦海裡或什麼的聽到一把聲音或幾把聲音。
5. That is also correct.
6. With the “hearing of voices,” it concerns a form of schizophrenia, through which acoustic hallucinations are produced in the form of a voice or even several human voices, animal sounds, or thing-related tones, which are heard by the people afflicted by this form of schizophrenia in their consciousnesses because it has fallen to a schizophrenic disorder.
7. Those who are afflicted by this form of schizophrenia suppose to be listeners of conversations or to perceive any other sounds, noises, tones, or even music in an allegedly real form.
8. In severe cases of this type of schizophrenia, even alleged dialogues occur between the hallucinatory voices and schizophrenic people, which also often leads to the fact that those afflicted by this disease of consciousness respond to alleged commands of the hallucinatory voices and carry out and commit actions and deeds that aren ’ t comprehensible for normally healthy people.
9. Thus, homicides of this kind appear not infrequently in a simple or serial form because the murder or killing of humans and animals or the destruction of pictures and articles, etc. are ordered by the alleged hallucinatory communication of the putative hallucinatory voices.
10. An occurrence, through which confused, sick, deranged, and illogical as well as reason-poor thinking is caused with this form of schizophrenia in certain respects.
11. A condition that doesn ’ t have to be permanently present but which can also only appear sporadically.
12. Those afflicted by this may even be people of good education, because the schizophrenia exhibits a split consciousness, which is determined not by the intelligence but by hallucinations and, thus, by an impairment of consciousness or by a pathological change in the state of consciousness.
13. In harmless cases, the form of schizophrenia of the “hearing of voices” appears with the so-called “dead-speakers,” “ghost-speakers,” “otherworld-speakers” and “extraterrestrial-speakers,” who – from time to time, through inner voices, even through the hearing of voices – supposedly accept that they would hear voices of the dead, ghosts, demons, otherworldly ones, and extraterrestrials and would even communicate with these.
在無害的情況下,精神分裂症形式的「聲音的聽見」以所謂的「死者發言人」、「鬼魂發言人」、「冥界發言人」和「外星發言人」出現,他們 —— 不時地,透過內心的聲音,甚至透過聲音的聽見 —— 可能 接受這點,也就是他們會聽死者、鬼魂、惡魔、超凡脫俗者和外星人的聲音,並甚至會與這些溝通。
14. On Earth, you call such people mediums, necromancers, and channelers, etc., but who, as explained, truly only have inner voices and believe that they would receive commands or messages from these and even communicate with them.
在地球上,你們叫這種人做靈媒(註: mediums )、死靈法師和通靈者等,但是他們,如前所述,真的只有內在聲音而已,並相信他們會從中接收指令或信息,甚至與他們溝通。
15. Another form of this illness of consciousness also causes putative “telepathic voices” through unrealistic forms of thought and beliefs, by what means those afflicted by this illness believe that they would stand in telepathic connection with any beings of a worldly, otherworldly, or other-dimensioned or extraterrestrial form.
16. Those afflicted by these forms of delusion believe that their delusions are real.
17. Moreover, on the outside, they appear completely normal to their fellow human beings, who judge the false assertions of the schizophrenics as given and, thus, classify those who are sick in consciousness as completely normal, which, as a rule, is also typical of the professionals, such as psychologists and psychiatrists, who can also be deceived just like the laymen.
Thanks. Your professional explanation will certainly open the eyes of very many people. But since you already speak of dead-speakers, i.e. of necromancers, I would still like to ask a question in reference to a particular deceased person, if you know something about him. It concerns Leonardo da Vinci, which is certainly a name known to you. One asked me if I would know who his father and mother were. Ptaah explained to me on my Great Journey that Leonardo was the illegitimate offspring from a union of his father, Piero da Vinci, with a beautiful slave girl from the Orient, but I didn’t want to answer the question in this way before I had inquired with you again, and indeed, because I’m no longer quite sure if I remember Ptaah’s explanation correctly. You know that through my health collapse in the year 1982, my memory has suffered enormously, so I sometimes confuse some things.
謝謝,你的專業解釋肯定會擴闊很多人的眼界,但既然你已經說到死者發言人,也就是死靈法師,我仍想請教一個問題,關於一個特別的死者,如果你對他有些了解的話。這與達文西(註: Leonardo da Vinci )有關,這肯定是一個你知道的名字。有人問我,我是否知道他的父親和母親是誰, Ptaah 在我的「偉大之旅」中向我解釋過, Leonardo 是私生子,來至他父親 Piero da Vinci 和一個從東方而來的美麗女奴的結合,但我不想在我向你再次查詢之前,以這種方式回答這個問題,而事實上,因為我不再肯定,如果我沒有記錯 Ptaah 的解釋的話,你知道,經過我在 1982 年的健康崩潰,我的記憶力遭受了巨大的損害,所以我有時會混淆一些東西。
18. Your recollection corresponds to the truth, so therefore, you can transmit a useful explanation.
Mrs. Suter will be pleased about that.
關於這點 Suter 太太會很高興的。
19. Do you speak of Mrs. Mariann Suter, who found her life again through your help?
你是說 Mariann Suter 太太嗎?那個透過你的幫助再次找到了她生命的人?
Yes, I mean this Mrs. Suter. She called me and asked the question. She has helped me very much financially on a loan, in order to be able to construct the Center in general. Today, she lives at times in India, Pakistan, Nepal, and in Europe.
是的,我是指 Suter 太太,她打電話給我並問這條問題,她在經濟上的貸款幫助了我很多,為了能夠大體上建立「中心」,如今,她住在印度、巴基斯坦、尼泊爾和在歐洲。
20. She owes you her life and will never forget that.
21. I know this because I know the story about her and you, and I have concerned myself with her character.
Semjase once spoke of the fact that in the distant future, somewhere in the mountains of the Rhine Valley, a volcano will break out, which is currently inactive but which will also become active in the subsoil, like also various volcanoes somewhere in Germany, which will also become active again in the distant future. One has also asked me about this, but unfortunately, I no longer know what place in Germany was meant. Semjase
曾經談到的事實是,在遙遠的未來,在萊茵河谷(註: Rhine Valley )山脈,一座火山將會爆發,它目前處於非活動狀態,但是它也會在地下變得活躍,就像各種在德國某個地方的火山一樣,它也會再次在遙遠的未來變得活躍。有人也問我關於這,但不幸的是,我已經不知道是指德國的什麼地方了。
22. It isn ’ t a place but rather an entire area, which is designated as Eifel.
這不是一個地點,而是整個區域,這被稱為 Eifel 。
23. There prevails a great slumbering of underground volcanism, which will produce powerful aboveground eruptions again in the distant future and destroy entire landscapes.
Yes, exactly, that was the name. Then still another question: Gilgamesh was descended from a race that came from a galaxy that is still unknown on Earth. Moreover, he was about 3 meters tall. How can it be, that he still lives on Earth today unrecognized? Relatively seen to the Earth person, he also doesn ’ t age, for he, as you ’ ve explained, is 50,000 years old or more. And since you know him so well and also have the possibility of taking him back to his world, why don ’ t you do this?
是的,沒錯,就是那名字。那麼另一個問題: Gilgamesh 是出身於一個來至一個在地球上仍然未知的星系的種族,此外,他身高約 3 米,怎麼能這樣,他今天還生活在地球上還未被認出來?相對於被地球人看見,他還不會老化,因為他,如你已經解釋過,有 50,000 歲或以上。而且因為你們很了解他,也有帶他回到他的世界的可能性,為什麼你們不這樣做呢?
24. You are mistaken in reference to the fact that the home galaxy of Gilgamesh is unknown on Earth because it was already discovered in the year 1781 by an astronomer named M é chain.
在提到 Gilgamesh 的家鄉星系在地球上是未知這個事實中你誤會了,因為它在 1781 年已經由一位名為 M é chain 的天文學家發現。
25. This is a somewhat oval spiral galaxy, which is simply called M94 – NGC 4736 by the earthly astro-scientists and which is seen about 20 million light years away from the Earth.
這是一個有點橢圓形的螺旋星系,它被地球上的天文科學家簡單地稱為 M94 - NGC4736 ,而且它被視為離地球約 2000 萬光年遠。
In our space-time configuration?
26. That is correct.
27. But listen further:
28. With Gilgamesh ’ s people, it concerned a race of morphogenetic ones, whose special ability was to change their shape and size.
關於 Gilgamesh 的人民,這涉及一個形態發生的(註: morphogenetic )種族,他們的特殊能力是改變他們的形狀和大小。
29. A process that took several months for each occurrence, however.
First of all: why do you speak of “concerned” and “was?” And secondly: does your explanation with regard to the morphogenetic ones mean that it concerns a morphogenesis, precisely in terms of biological morphology? Morphogenesis, nevertheless, refers to the formation of an organism or life form during his or her development, whereby everything depends on the hereditary predisposition and on the environment. Do you mean this?
首先:為什麼你說到「 concerned 」和「 was 」?(註:都是過去式)第二:你有關形態發生的人們的解釋是否指這涉及一種形態發生(註: morphogenesis ),準確來說是生物形態方面?形態發生。然而,涉及一個生物體或生命形式在他或她的生長期間的形成,因此一切都取決於遺傳傾向和環境,你是否指這個?
30. No, that is not the meaning of my words; rather, I speak of a shapeshifting that can be carried out arbitrarily during normal existence.
Do you mean, for example, when the development of the physical body has already been completed? By this, I mean that a shapeshifting can be accomplished when …
31. That is the meaning of my words, yes.
Shapeshifting – then one could very well call these humans “ shapeshifters. ” Can they change, then, also their external and internal features, apart from their shapes?
變身 —— 那麼人們可以很好地稱這些人類為「變形者」,那麼,他們可以改變他們的外部和內部特徵,除了它們的形狀之外?
32. That is correct.
You have not yet answered my question, however, as to why you said “ concerned ” and “ was. ”
但是,你還沒有回答我的問題,至於為什麼你說「 concerned 」和「 was 」。(註:都是過去式)
33. Gilgamesh ’ s people no longer exists because a sudden and unpredictable planetary catastrophe caused the whole race to become extinct within a few minutes.
Gilgamesh 的人民不復存在,因為一次突然和不可預測的行星災難造成了整個種族在幾分鐘之內遭受滅絕。
34. There were no survivors because no human beings of this people also stayed outside of the planet.
35. Gilgamesh is, thus, the sole survivor, who has adapted his shape, however, to that of the earthly human and has morphogenetically transformed and found a new home in this world, which he no longer wants to leave.
因此, Gilgamesh 是唯一的倖存者,他已經適應了他地球人類的外形,並已形態發生地轉變了,而且在這個世界找到一個新的家,他不想再離開了。
Oh, so that ’ s how it is. Then something else: you recently said something about a water shortage that would be on Earth in the coming time.
36. Yes.
37. Already in the coming nineties, the drinking water on Earth will become a rare commodity in certain countries.
38. Thus, there will be a big drinking water problem that, especially in the so-called developing countries, will lead to very big problems and even to catastrophes.
39. In contrast to this, however, the encouraging fact will arise that some areas, which have been destroyed and made barren by the Earth people, will slowly recover again purely according to nature and become green.
40. Nevertheless, this process will only proceed slowly and bring success, always provided that everything won’t be newly ruined and destroyed again by the people, which is to be feared, unfortunately, when one considers their illogical and profit-demanding thinking and behavior.
This fear probably exists rightfully. Then I once again have a question regarding the Egyptian pyramids, as I was also asked about them. Unfortunately, I no longer remember exactly what Ptaah, Semjase, and Asket explained to me, but somehow, I think it was said to me that the first pyramids were built around 73,300 years ago or so, but later dismantled again because they fell to decay, namely through rotting in the interior as well as through the weather. In particular, this refers to the Pyramids of Giza but also to many other pyramids all over the world. Afterwards, everything was rebuilt, which should have happened around 10,800 or 11,000 years ago. At this time, about 300 years before the Great Flood, a certain king Sahluk was the person of power, who ordered the dismantling and alteration of the Great Pyramid of Giza and allowed this to be carried out. But again, everything moldered over the course of the following millennia and fell to decay, so about 4,500 years ago, an enormous pyramid work resulted once more, as everything that was moldering and decaying was torn away, removed, and replaced; thus, accordingly, new stone blocks were cut and then dragged and set up by human power. At the same time, the main pyramid completely lost its internal structure and organization, and it was built anew under the strict power of Cheops and completely revamped. Therefore, one can very well say that the current pyramid of Giza can actually also be called the Pyramid of Cheops, even though its actual origin traces back to other and partly Earth-foreign builders from the constellation of Orion, and indeed, to a time of two stellar ages ago, one of which is reckoned as around 36,650 years, and thus, in a 2-times form, yields a time of 73,300 years, whereby this time must be set before the Islamic Hegira, however. And when we speak of the Pyramid of Giza, we always speak of the pyramid that must be seen as the original pyramid, even if today, the new production is addressed, which is, of course, already about 4,500 years old and is exposed to rotting and decay, and which also no longer exhibits its original measure of 152.5 meters in height but only 146 or 148 meters. This great pyramid, together with the others, is aligned in its formatting to the constellation of Orion, while the Khafre structure, I mean the Sphinx structure, was aligned to the constellation of Leo. The new pyramid, as well as all the others and the Sphinx structure, were built in more recent times, so about 4,500 years ago, solely by Earth people, by their own forces. The builders were early Egyptians, like also the largest part of the workers, who were free people and artisans to a certain part, while many others, who came in small numbers as slaves from other countries, had to perform their hard work, together with a small number of domestic slaves. That majority of the workers, however, was based on free Egyptians. For the purpose of the nourishment of all workforces, a veritable industrial food-city was built near the pyramid, and also mass campsites were provided for resting and sleeping, as well as tombs for the many deceased, who were at work there. That ’ s how I remember it being explained to me by you. Now, is this right, or did I fall into a fallacy?
這種擔心也許理所當然地存在,那麼,我再一次有一條關於埃及金字塔的問題,正如我也被問到它們。不幸的是,我已經不記得 Ptaah 、 Semjase 和 Asket 向我解釋了什麼,但不知何故,我覺得我被告知過首批金字塔在 73,300 年前左右建造,但後來再次拆卸,因為它們開始破敗,也就是透過內部的破損以及透過天氣。特別地,這是指吉薩金字塔(註: Pyramids of Giza ),同時亦指世界各地許多其他金字塔。之後,一切都被重建,這在大約 10,800 或 11,000 年前應該已經發生,在這個時候,大約是「大洪水」 300 年前,一個國王 Sahluk 是掌權者,他下令吉薩大金字塔的拆卸和改建,並允許此進行。但再一次,一切都在接著的幾千年過程中腐朽了,並變得腐爛,所以太約 4,500 年前,一次巨大的金字塔工程再一次產生,因為已經腐朽和衰敗的一切已破碎不堪、被拆除和被更換;因此,相應地,新的石塊被切割,然後拖動並由人力建立。同時,主金字塔完全失去了它的內部結構和組織,而它在胡夫(註: Cheops )嚴格的政權下重新修建,並全面更新。因此,人們可以很好地說目前吉薩金字塔也被稱為胡夫金字塔(註: Pyramid of Cheops ),即使它的真正起源可以追溯到其他和部分來自獵戶座的地球外來建造者,而事實上,一段兩個恆星年齡的時間以前,其中一個被認為大約 36,650 年,因此,以一個兩倍的形式,得到一個 73,300 年的時間,然而,由此這個時間必須被置於伊斯蘭紀元之前。而當我們說到吉薩金字塔時,我們一直說那一定被視為原本的金字塔的金字塔,即使在今天,新的產生被處理,這是,當然,已經約 4,500 年老,而且被暴露至腐朽和腐敗,並且也不再呈現原來的 152.5 米高,而只有 146 或 148 米。這巨大的金字塔,連同其他,以其規定的格式與獵戶座對齊,而 Khafre 建築,我指的是獅身人面像建築,對準獅子座。新的金字塔,以及其他所有和獅身人面像建築,建於近代,因此約 4,500 年前,完全透過地球人,用他們自己的力量。建造者是早期的埃及人,也就像最大一部分的工人,他們都是自由的人和某一部分工匠,而許多其他的,他們是少數作為奴隸由其他國家而來的,不得不執行他們的辛勤工作,與少數國內奴隸一起,然而,大多數工人,以自由的埃及人為基礎。為了所有勞動力的食物,一個名副其實的工業食品城於金字塔附近被建造,並且還有大量營地供以休息和睡眠,以及為許多死者而備的墳墓,他們都是在那裡工作的。這就是我記得由你向我解釋的,現在,這是正確抑或是我陷入謬誤?
41. Everything is correct; so therefore, no further explanation is necessary.
Already several times, we’ve talked about gene technology and gene manipulation, etc., about which a lot of senseless fuss will be made in the coming time, and indeed, especially by the so-called progress opponents and, in this case, even the genetic opponents, who will conjure up death and the devil with absurd assertions and scare tactics, in order to thwart, stop, and denigrate genetic research and gene technology. This in ignorance of the fact that already for many years, genetically modified vegetables, fruits, and other foods have been produced and have been on the market and have also been eaten by the genetic opponents unknowingly and without hesitation as well as without harm. Now, the question about this is whether this fact will actually be concealed much longer?
42. Silence will probably rule over this for good, because otherwise, an uproar would be caused by the genetic opponents.
I understand. Since ancient times, maniacs have always had a tendency to run amok at every possible and impossible opportunity or otherwise to become abusive. I have also just experienced this again, regarding that which I wrote in one of my stories in the Storybook, that in the atmosphere, the finest dust particles are needed, in which the natural water vapor can condense itself, so that raindrops can develop and, thus, it can rain. One insulted me rather nastily on the telephone and yelled that I shouldn ’ t write such crap and mislead the children with it and so on. But Sfath already taught me that it actually is in such a way as I have written. And if I remember correctly, he called the atmospheric dust particles “aerosols.”
我明白,自古以來,瘋子總是有一種傾向在每一個可能和不可能的機會中胡作非為或否則變為辱罵。我也剛剛再次經歷了這個,關於那我寫在我的「 Storybook 」(註:故事書)的其中一個故事,在大氣中,需要細小的灰塵顆粒,在其中天然的水蒸汽可以自行凝結,因此,雨滴可以形成,並因此可以下雨。有人在電話中相當污穢不堪地辱罵我,並大喊說我不應該寫這樣的廢話並由此誤導孩子等等。但 Sfath 已經教過我,這其實是這樣,正如我所寫的一樣,如果我沒記錯的話,他稱大氣塵埃粒子為「 aerosols 」(註:懸浮粒子)。
43. You have written no falsehoods because the process of rain formation actually takes place in the way that you have represented everything.
44. And the term “ aerosols ” also corresponds to the truth.
而術語「 aerosols 」也相當於真理。
Then once again, I would like to come to speak on the greenhouse effect and on the climate change. A subject that we’ve already discussed several times. One thing has escaped me, however, namely what the Sun produces on the Earth through its energies, which contributes to the greenhouse effect and to the climate change. The Earth person’s destructive influence on the nature of the planet, i.e. on the atmosphere, takes place through the releasing of carbon dioxide and bromine gases as well as through the actual chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs for short. Through these substances, so you have explained, a coat or layer, so to speak, is formed around the Earth, by what means the solar heat reflected by the Earth can no longer escape into outer space. From this, an accumulation of heat arises, by what means even the greenhouse effect emerges, but this isn’t solely evoked by the fault of human beings but rather, to the same extent, also by the Sun. However, this doesn’t mean that the Earth person’s guilt for the greenhouse effect and for the climate change should be minimized and that the cause for it should be imputed to the Sun alone, as the irresponsible scientists in the coming time will do, as you’ve explained. To be sure, your explanation was that the Sun influences the Earth’s climate to a very great extent and, thus, also immensely contributes to the climate change and to the greenhouse effect, but at the same time, also very much is done by human beings, even, for example, through the enormous worldwide emissions of hydrocarbons, bromine gases, and CFCs, along with many other emissions of a climate-damaging nature. Now, from time to time, so I mean in large time intervals, especially strong and extremely great and extensive activities arise on the Sun, through which enormous quantities of radiation are released and hurled out into space, which then inevitably hit the Earth and influence its entire planetary climate. And exactly this is what it concerns now, that is, this is the specific stuff that it basically concerns here, which acts so powerfully that a greenhouse effect and climate change arise, which also appeared at other times than at the present because major causes for this also lie with humans, also stepped into appearance, and can also appear in the future. This is in stark contrast to when periods of very low solar activity arise, through which very cold times or even glaciation can be caused on Earth.
那麼再一次,我想來談談溫室效應和氣候轉變,一個我們已經討論過多次的話題。然而,有一樣東西我忘了,也就是太陽透過其能量產生什麼到地球上,這有助於溫室效應和氣候變化。地球人對行星的自然的破壞性影響,例如對大氣層,透過二氧化碳和溴氣體的釋放發生,以及透過實際的氯氟烴(註: chlorofluorocarbons )或簡稱 CFCs ,透過這些物質,所以你已經解釋過,一層外衣或外層,可以這麼說,被形成環繞地球,通過這樣的方式,太陽熱力被地球反射不能再逃到外太空。由此,熱力積累發生,透過這樣的方式甚至溫室效應出現,但這不是唯一由人類的錯誤引發的,而是,同等程度,透過太陽。但是,這並不意味著,對於溫室效應和氣候變化地球人的罪應該最小化,還有對此的成因應該單獨歸咎於太陽,因為在未來的時間裡不負責任的科學家會這麼做,如你所解釋的。可以肯定的是,你的解釋是,太陽很大程度上影響地球氣候,因此,也極大地有助於氣候變化和溫室效應,但在同一時間,也有很多由人類所做,甚至,例如,透過全球範圍內巨大的碳氫化合物(註: hydrocarbons )、溴氣體和氯氟烴的排放,以及許多其他破壞氣候性質的排放。現在,時不時,所以我的意思是以大的時間間隔而言,特別強大和非常巨大與廣泛的活動出現在太陽上,由此大批量的輻射被釋放,並釋出太空,其後無可避免地撞上地球,並影響其整個行星的氣候。而這正是它現在關係到的,也就是說,這是具體的東西,基本上關係到這裡,其作用如此強大,由此溫室效應和氣候變化產生,除現在外這也在其他時間出現過,因為對此主要的成因還是人類的責任,亦開始呈現,並且還可能在未來出現。與此形成鮮明對比,當非常低的太陽活動週期出現時,由此非常寒冷的時期或甚至冰河時期都可能在地球上引起。
45. You have given an extensive explanation, which shows great knowledge of the addressed matter.
46. Indeed, you amaze me again and again.
It’s all half as bad, for on the one hand, Sfath taught me a lot of knowledge in this respect, but on the other hand, I also learned a lot at school – even though I was a big truant – and moreover, I’m also learning constantly through professional books, professional articles in newspapers and magazines, as well as through professional television broadcasts. But now, what is the specific substance of the Sun, through which the greenhouse climate and the climate change on the Earth are promoted?
一切都沒有那麼糟糕,因為一方面, Sfath 教了我很多這方面的知識,但另一方面,我也在學校學到了很多 —— 雖然我是一個逃學威龍 —— 此外,我也在不斷的學習,透過專業的書籍、報紙和雜誌專業的文章以及透過專業的電視節目。但現在,太陽的具體物質是什麼,由此地球上的溫室氣候和氣候變化得以促進。
47. There are several of these, but the most important factor is formed by carbon-14, as it finds its entrance into earthly climatology as a name.
其中有幾種,但最重要的要素是由碳 14 形成的,它因為發現其進入地球氣候的入口而有這個名字。
So my long speech did have a sense, nevertheless, because it’s probably important to know this. But then, now something else: Professor Sander – I already told you once of him – asked me: since you deal with the prehistoric geology of the Earth, do you know anything about the so-called oceanic Nazca Plate, i.e. the Nazca Plateau, or know where its origin is to be sought?
那麼我的長篇演講也有道理,雖然如此,因為知道這一點也許重要,不過,現在別的東西: Sander 教授 —— 我曾經向你提過 —— 他問我:既然你論及地球的史前地質學,你知道有關所謂海洋的 Nazca Plate (註:納斯卡板塊)嗎?即 Nazca Plateau (註:納斯卡高原),或者知道它的起源可以追溯到哪裡嗎?
48. The origin of the Nazca plateau was at a very different place than where it is located today.
Nazca 高原的起源在一個非常不同的地方,相對它今天所在之處。
49. Around 33 million years ago, it was located about 2,000 kilometers further west in the ocean.
約 3 千 3 百萬年前,它位於海洋以西約 2,000 公里之外。
50. The plateau was a volcanic underwater world, on which there were quite enormous volcanic mountains, whose highest peaks protruded far above the ocean ’ s surface, creating a large island archipelago that was surrounded by beautiful paradise reefs.
51. Over the course of millions of years, however, the underwater world sank about 1,500 meters into the depths of the ocean.
然而,在數百萬年的歷程中,海底世界下沉了約 1,500 米至海洋深處。
52. For my part, the knowledge of the professor, in terms of his knowledge of the Nazca plate, would interest me.
就我而言,教授的知識,他的 Nazca 板塊知識,會令我感興趣。
I will raise an appropriate question with him. Then one last question, after which we can talk about other things that aren’t to be mentioned officially. The Earth, as I have already seen several times from outer space, somehow continuously changes in its shape and sometimes looks not quite round and dented. I’ve seen this through your fantastic devices, which Semjase showed me, by what means this phenomenon became known to me. Can you tell me the reason why our planet continuously deforms itself and exhibits bulges as well as depressions? Do our scientists already know this at all?
53. To my knowledge, this fact is still unknown among the Earth people.
54. The reason for the daily-changing, uneven regularity of the planet, which exhibits a certain elliptical shape, is to be found in the fact that depending on the density of the matter and the water masses, a changing gravity or gravitational force results.
55. This means that the density of the water masses and the solid matter changes continually, and indeed, uninterruptedly.
56. Through this, for example, large areas with higher densities of matter or water swell out in a bump-shaped manner, by what means even bulges emerge.
57. The areas opposing these collapse in and form depressions or craters when a low density of matter or water masses is given, as was explained to me by Ptaah.
該區域相反的這些塌陷並形成凹陷或火山口,當物質或水團的一個低密度被給予時,如 Ptaah 向我解釋的。
58. An additional role is played by the Moon, which also must be involved in these processes.
But now, a few more things still come to my mind, which I would like to ask you: as it follows from your explanations, life on Earth originated in the water, whereby it then developed in the shore sand of the waters. This is in complete contrast to the claims of the earthly scientists, whose explanations purport that life had developed from the so-called primordial soup. If I still remember correctly – completely in accordance with your information – life is to have originated in the fresh waters of the Earth. Seas, however, are very salty – at least here on Earth – whereby the highly sensitive genetic material and outer covers of the first organisms would have probably been destroyed because saltwater is extremely aggressive, and the life forms that emerged first were still highly susceptible to such influences. So I ask myself, what type of water was given then, in which life could evolve, before it could also find its way in saltwater at a later time?
但現在,更多的一些東西還出現在我的腦海裡,我想問你:因為它由於你的解釋而產生,地球上的生命起源於水,由此,隨後在水域岸邊沙灘發展,這與地球上的科學家的聲稱完全相反,他們的解釋認為生命已經由所謂的原始湯(註: primordial soup )發展。如果我沒記錯的話 —— 完全按照你的資料 —— 生命起源於地球的淡水水域。然而,海洋都非常咸 —— 至少在地球上 —— 因此高度敏感的遺傳物質和第一個生物體的外層將有可能被毀壞,因為海水是非常具攻擊性的,而首次出現的生命形式都仍然極易受到這種影響。於是我問自己,那麼什麼類型的水被給予,生命才可以在其中演化,在它還可以在以後的時間在海水中找到它的路之前?
59. The saltwater of primeval times was actually very aggressive in the primordial seas and contained values that were twice and three times as high as those of the current salt concentrations in the earthly seas.
60. Thus, life also did not originate in these salty primordial seas which were also partly strong in potassium but rather in smaller and larger land waters, in small and large ponds, as well as in small or larger lakes, which consisted of fresh water that arose from torrential rains.
Then still this: on my Great Journey with Semjase and Ptaah in his Great Spacer, we also flew to the so-called Andromeda Nebula, as this enormous structure is erroneously called by the earthly astronomers because they just assume that it would concern a galactic nebula. But as I could see with my own eyes, this structure is not a nebula but an enormous galaxy, in which many solar systems exist with their own planets, a large number of which also carries diverse and even human life. My question: why do the earthly astronomers constantly say that Andromeda is a nebula? Do they actually not know that it is a galaxy with suns and planets and all the trimmings, which exactly constitutes a real galaxy?
然後還是這個:在我與 Semjase 和 Ptaah 的「偉大之旅」在他的 Great Spacer (註:昴宿星人的母船)中,我們也飛到所謂的 Andromeda Nebula (註:仙女座大星雲),正如這個巨大的結構被地球上的天文學家錯誤地稱呼,因為他們認為它只涉及一個銀河星雲,但是因為我可以用自己的眼睛看見,這個結構並不是星雲而是一個巨大的銀河系,其中很多恆星系連同其自身的行星存在著,其中大量還具有多樣化乃至人類生命。我的問題:為什麼地球上的天文學家一直說仙女座是一個星雲?難道他們真的不知道它是一個有著恆星與行星和所有其他部分的銀河系,正好構成一個真正的銀河系?
61. This fact is still unknown to them; therefore, they also speak of an Andromeda Nebula.
62. This is due, not in the least, to the fact that their astronomical instruments are not yet sufficient to be able to see the reality of the Andromeda Galaxy.
63. Their instruments are still too insufficient to be able to recognize more than just a nebula at a distance of about two million light years away, which is the distance from the Earth to the Andromeda Galaxy.
他們的儀器還是非常不足以在一段大約 200 萬光年遠的距離識別出這不僅僅是一個星雲,這是從地球到仙女座星系的距離。
64. In the newer time, however, this will change, and to be sure, in the coming nineties or at the beginning of the new millennium at the latest, when the Hubble Space Telescope fulfills its function.
That was my last question. Then we can now turn to the other things …