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Contact Report 226 (1989/2/3)   第226次接觸報告

接觸時間: 1989 2 3 日,星期五,深夜 12 07


在比利 52 歲生日這天, Quetzal 與比利主要談到下列議題: Prejaren 婚姻關係方面的問題 ;談到曬傷可能會引發癌症,人造光也會造成一定的損害;預言美國在何時攻打伊拉克以奪取其石油等等

Synopsis      摘要

This is the entire contact. It is an authorized but unofficial translation and may contain errors.




Let s leave that and talk about something else, for the whole thing brings nothing with it anyways. Here, I ve written down a series of questions, which I would like to have answered. It s about the terms single and abstinence, as you Plejarens understand these. As I know, your conceptions of these differ from those that prevail here with us on Earth. First of all, the term single. Please explain what you understand by it.

我們來說點其他的,我在紙上寫了一些問題,是關於“單身”和“禁欲”,據我所知, Plejaren 對這方面的概念與地球人不同,首先能給我解釋一下“單身”嗎?


33. You know the meaning, nevertheless.



Now I say it again: that is correct. But explain it once again, so that I can immediately write it down in accordance with your words, for I am often asked in the aforementioned direction.



34. If that is so.


35. With us, “single” means that a woman is without a man or that a man is without a woman and, therefore, that no marital constraint is given.

36. This also applies when a marital relationship once existed but one of the partners has passed away.

Plejaren 對“單身”的概念是這樣定義的,一個女人沒有男人或者男人沒有女人,也就是沒有婚姻約束。



So with you, it isn t then referred to as widowed but simply and plainly as single again.



37. That is correct.



But what about when a marriage ends in divorce?

那如果離婚呢 ?


38. The same rule would apply.



"Would" what should that mean?



39. That with us, marriages no longer end in divorce.

Plejaren 不存在離婚。


You must explain the grounds for that to me.



40. With us, at the 14th year of age, the full responsibility for the female and male gender begins, and from this time, one can devote oneself to a life partner, with whom one lives in an unmarried relationship during the following period up to the 68th year of life.

Plejaren 14 歲(男女)開始履行職責,從這個年紀開始一直到 68 歲,可以開始尋找合適自己的伴侶,當然這個階段是一種未婚的關係。

41. During this period, it is decided whether the two partners will remain together for their entire lifetimes or not.


42. In this time, which represents an actual probationary period, the couple can decide for a final, life-long relationship or to separate at their sole discretion at any time.

這個階段是一種真正的互相適應階段( probationary period )。

43. If no separation takes place, then an additional two-year probationary period is attached, during which the couple has to separate and live far apart and fulfill their duties.

如果這個階段結束後兩個人沒有分開,那麼又有 2 年時間,這 2 年兩個人完全分開而且會離的非常遠,同時履行他們的職責。

44. No personal contacts take place during this time but only contact conversations over the usual means of communication, which also extends to holography contacts.

2 年兩個人不能物理接觸,當然可以交流(譯者:大概像地球的電話交流一樣),也可以通過全息技術交流。

45. During this time, the couple has to decide definitively as to whether they want to enter a life-long relationship with each other or not.

2 年中,兩個人必須決定是否要廝守一生。

46. If the decision is positive from both sides, then a free marriage alliance takes place, which is announced publicly, but it is not closed, as on the Earth, by a registry office.


47. The partnership is so free in every relation that no constraints can appear and each partner can preserve his or her own personality as well as everything that is in his or her own best interests.


48. Infidelity, as this is known among the Earth people, has no longer existed with us for tens of thousands of years.

婚姻不忠在地球上很常見,但是 Plejaren 已經幾萬年都沒有發生過這樣的事情了。

49. The entering of the marriage alliance is committed with us with a small ceremony, whereby the relevant spirit leader, who monitored the exact circumstances of the couple during the previous two probationary years, leads everything.

婚姻儀式由相關的精神領袖主持,這個精神領袖在額外的 2 年( 68-70 歲期間)中會監控兩個人的情況。

50. And for thousands of years, it has no longer happened that a partnership had to be designated as unsuitable by a spirit leader.


51. A marriage alliance may first be entered at the age of 70 years.

婚姻關係確立會在 70 歲那年。

52. And if a couple first becomes acquainted with each other after the 70th year of age or shortly before it, then an unmarried relationship of seven years is assigned to them, after which the special two-year probationary period is to be passed through, before a marriage alliance can be closed.

當然如果有兩個人在稍早於 70 歲或者晚於 70 歲,那麼兩個人之間會有 7 年的試婚期,之後當然還有 2 年適應期(互相不能見面的)。


You have, however, the law that a marriage alliance of a man and women is allowed in the way that a man can have up to four women around himself and can, thus, maintain a marriage alliance with these. This is in accordance with the naturalness that a man can copulate with several women but not a woman with men, which is why every woman can only be attached to one man.

昴宿星男人可以允許最多與 4 個女人結婚,但是女人只能與一個男人結婚。


53. That is correct.



And how do the women get along with this? And how do the men behave? And how does it stand with the satisfaction of sexuality, whereby I also address the single ones? Abstinence would also be interesting to explain, since you understand something else by it than what the Earth people do.



54. Your first question can be answered with the fact that the women have no problems with the law that each one can have only one man, but every man can have up to four women in his marriage alliances.

關於男人可以有 4 個老婆而女人只能有一個男人這個問題,女人們是毫無問題的。

55. There is no jealousy among the several wives of one man.


56. Also, it is not the case that all women or men enter a marriage alliance; rather, some remain completely single or lead an unmarried relationship with a partner, which is also possible for same-sex couples.


57. Once men are in an alliance with a partner or with several of these, they do not turn to any other women in the way that they would have sexual contacts with them, for such are, in fact, only maintained in partnerships.


58. If a single state is given, then an intimate friendship, which allows a sex life, can very well exist.


59. But on the other hand, there are also single females and males who live free of sexual relationships, and their reasons for this are of the most diverse and absolutely personal nature.


60. Thus, there are with us, in reference to the exercising of the sex life, marriage alliances, unmarried relationships, or intimate friendships, which allow a sex life.


61. Prostitution last appeared with us Plejarens 34,761 years ago and, since then, has never been exercised again.

賣淫只在 34,761 年前出現過。

62. At that time, a provision for its prohibition was also issued, in reference to the practice and utilization of the degrading form of sexual love-servants.


63. And all Plejarens have always strictly held to it.

所有 Plejaren 都嚴格遵守。

64. And since that time, even when other worlds are visited, etc., no Plejaren has violated this regulation; consequently, they would also never take advantage of love-servants.

自那時起,雖然會去到其他星球, Plejaren 都嚴格遵守此禁令。

65. All Plejarens are able to control their sexual desires in such a way that they would never commit a wrong action in this regard.

所有 Plejaren 在性需求方面都能自控

66. Thus, for 34,000 years, the whole thing has also had the effect that since then, no more sexually transmitted diseases have ever appeared among the Plejarens, as was previously the case.

因此 34,000 年以來, Plejaren 不再出現性疾病。

67. This may sound very unlikely and strange to the Earth people, but it corresponds to the actual truth.


68. As for abstinence:


69. Our established determination-related interpretation of abstinence does not mean that a sex life will not or should not be maintained.


70. With us, sexual abstinence means that we control ourselves in our sex lives in such a way that no descendants are witnessed, and therefore, we give ourselves to abstinence in this respect.


71. This guideline applies to all single persons as well as to all couples who live in unmarried relationships.


72. But this likewise applies to couples in marriage alliances, when the established maximum of three children has been witnessed.

當然也同樣適用于所有夫妻,同一對夫妻最多只能有 3 個孩子。

73. In this regard, our guidelines are based on the fact that only actual couples in regular marriage alliances may witness descendants; otherwise, they have to control themselves sexually in such a way that no descendants are witnessed.


74. But this doesn’t mean, as I already explained, that a sex life isn’t supposed to be or isn’t allowed to be maintained, for with humans, the sex act – in contrast to animals, etc. – isn’t just a pure act of propagation or of generating descendants; rather, it is also conditioning for the health of the psyche and the physical body, which is why for the human species, a controlled sex life, but one that is held within the normal framework, is of enormous importance.

這些並不是說不能有性生活,與動物相比 - 人的性生活不再是單純為了繁殖後代的行為,它同樣對身心健康有利。


Thanks. Your explanations should probably be detailed enough. Can you now tell me, when and by whom the first mechanical clockwork on Earth was invented and created? As one explained to me, this is not well-known. Do you know anything at all in this respect?



75. It was a man named Agarich Sickel, who invented the first mechanical clockwork in the middle of the 13th century.

是一個叫 Agarich Sickel 13 世紀中葉發明的。

76. He lived in the city that is now named Cologne.

他住在一個叫科隆(德國 )的城市。


So no Swiss can claim the honor of being the inventor of the first mechanical clockwork, even though the best precision clocks are produced in Switzerland. This supposition was, indeed, expressed.



77. Really?



Yes. It was actually supposed that a Swiss had invented the first mechanical clockwork. But for me, this makes no difference, and I may grant Germany this plus point of the invention history. And as we re talking about technology, the question is whether you can explain how energy is obtained from Erra s thermosphere, which, like with us, is around 2000 degrees hot, if you may explain this?

是,有一種說法說是瑞士人首先發明了機械表。那麼實際上是德國人先發明的了。你能給我說說 Erra 星是如何獲得地熱(約 2000 °)的嗎?

Quetzal 不能詳細解釋技術細節,他和 billy 解釋,如果地球的科學家一旦掌握利用地熱的技術,那麼就會把這種技術用於戰爭和武器上,地熱技術會瞬間毀滅掉一個國家,讓其灰飛煙滅,比原子彈的威力更強大。另外告訴了 billy 緊張和壓力會帶來免疫方面的問題。)



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