
(上承  來自我們未來生命的訊息CH05-06



第六章 生命會發揮它的功用

Being in Love


Let us begin with the understanding that the transformation of consciousness you are undergoing on your planet at this time involves the very simple concept of learning to be in love with the entire world in which you exist; in learning to be in love with the entirety of the multiverse, the entirety of creation. Love is the primary vibration out of which everything has been created by the Infinite Creator. It is the very substance, the very fabric you all experience, as your manifestable reality. For each and every one of you is made of love, and thus in a fundamental sense everything you do is an act of love.


You have talked about love for quite some time in your civilization, but many of you have not realized that what you are actually talking about is the very essence of creation itself. All of physical reality, all of non-physical reality – any experience, any conception, any imagination – pulls from the fiber of love the energy required for the idea to blossom into a type of reality that can be experienced by your form of consciousness – whatever form you have created your consciousness to be.

你們在自己的文明中談到愛已有好一陣子,但你們很多人仍沒有領悟到,你們所談的正是造化」本身的真諦所有的物質實相以及非物質實相 —— 任何的經驗、任何概念、任何想像 —— 都是從愛的結構中抽取出所需要的能量,才能讓意念綻放為某一類型的實相這種實相可以被你們那種形式的意識所體驗 —— 無論你們把自己的意識創造成何種形式。

In the idea of learning how to create the realities you wish to create, in the way you wish those realities to be, it is all the process of learning how to be in love, how to identify with that vibratory fundamental basic out of which you create everything anyway. You are all natural creators; you are all automatic creators. We are not suggesting you must learn something new that you do not already know how to do; we are here to assist you in realizing that you create your reality anyway. And thus if you are willing to shift the focus of how you create that reality, you will be able to perceive and experience the type of reality you say you prefer.

在這項學習如何按照自己所希望的樣子來創造實相的意念中,那整個過程其實就是學習如何相愛如何與你們由此而創造出一切的那種原始振動的基礎相認同。你們都是天生的創造者;你們都是自動的創造者。我們並非在建議你們必須學習某種你們仍然不懂的事情;我們是要幫助你們去瞭解:你們總是要去創造自己的實相。因此,如果你們願意轉移如何創造那種實相的注意,你們便將會能夠看到並體驗到那種實相 —— 你們較為喜愛的那種。

Do allow yourselves to recognize that the whole process of understanding is not the idea of learning something new, but the process of remembering more and more of what you already are. When you allow yourselves to truly work with, and not against, the fabric of love out of which all reality is created, and blend with that flow, you will be able to sculpt your reality out of that love into any form that represents your true heart's desire.


Could you clarify what it means to create our own reality?


As most of you have been learning these past few years, you are the creators of your own physiological reality, but not many of you understand what the mechanism is by which you create that reality. This mechanism is directly interlinked with your definitions, your belief systems, of the physiological reality you think you ought to be experiencing, the physical reality you have been taught to think you ought to be experiencing.


The idea always falls down on the notion of definitions. Your own physicists now – many of them – are beginning to realize that your physiological reality really does not have an empirical existence apart from you, that there is no such thing as physical reality without your definition of it, without your imagination to give it life, to give it existence.




(續接  來自我們未來生命的訊息CH06-02


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