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Now, this fourth density experience is a little bit more rarified, a higher degree of energy expression. And thus, many of you now are finding that as you are beginning to acclimate to the idea of the new accelerated energy – but are still thinking you exist in the old third density – many of you will be, or already have been, feeling this energy in different ways, as long as you are attaching comparisons to your body and what you think your body can and cannot tolerate.

現在,這種第四密度的經驗,是一種更稀有、更高層次能量的表現。而你們有很多人會發現,當你正在開始適應這種嶄新、加速能量的概念 —— 但又仍然認為自己處在原來第三密度 —— 的時候,你們將會或已經正在以不同的方式感覺到這種能量 —— 只要你不停對你的身體與你認為它能或不能忍受的東西作各種的比較。

Many of you are feeling the acceleration of this energy in various ways. For instance, perhaps you are experiencing fevers, flushing’s, adrenalin rushes, anxiety rushes. Many times there will be pain in the spine, the shoulder blades, the base of the neck; even migraines; sinus pressure; palpitations of the heart or rushes of anxiety in the solar plexus.

你們有很多人正以各種方式感受到這個能量的加速現象 。例如,你可能會經歷發熱、臉紅、腎上腺素飆升、焦慮衝擊等。痛苦常常會出現在脊椎、肩胛骨以及頸下部位;有時甚至會出現偏頭痛、脈竇壓力、心悸以及太陽神經叢內焦慮的衝擊。

I 've been feeling disoriented and tired and off balance, as has my son. We were told it's from the energy being beamed to Earth. Can you tell me any more–?


I n a sense, but keep it simple. Recognize that you are now allowing there to be the idea that there is more energy than there used to be, even though there isn't. But you are becoming more aware of the energy that is available; and therefore, to you, it is the same thing as having more energy.


Again, the disorientation is simply the time you are creating for yourselves to get used to the new level of energy. You are dis-orienting yourselves from the old reality, and re-orienting yourselves into a new one. New definitions. Thus, the importance of having clear intention, clear definition, clear desire, clear deservability and clear action. They will reorient you very quickly.

再說,那種迷失方向的感覺,只是你為自己所創造的時光,目的是要去適應那個新的能量層次。你正在把方向導離舊有的實相,並且重新導入一個新的實相之中 —— 一個嶄新的境界。於是,懷有清晰的意圖、界定、渴望、價值和行動,其重要的意義,是會十分迅速地將你重新定向

U se the energy, use the limbo state, to define what you prefer; then act accordingly, and you will be aligned; you will be reoriented. Remember that some of this disorientation, as we have said before, is also part of the process, if you wish, of literal, literal disillusionment. You are redefining your physical reality as an extension of you. It is the same energy you are; it is the idea you are; it is made of your consciousness. So in a sense, now that everything is dissolving in its old definitional sense, you are becoming disoriented because there isn't as much solid structure to hold on to. You are floating in the center of your being; making up your mind as to what the new structure will be like.

運用那個能量與那種過渡狀態,去弄清楚你的喜好;然後就順著做,而你也將找到方向;你將會被重新定向。記住,我們曾說過,有些迷失方向的現象其實也是個過程 —— 如果你希望這樣 —— 那就是個實實在在的覺悟過程之一部分你正在把你的物質實相重新視作自己的延伸。它是與你相同的那個能量;它是與你相同的那個概念;它是由你的意識所構成。因此在某種意義上,原有世界中的一切都正在溶解,那麼你就會變得方向不清,因為現在已沒有太多實體的結構可以讓你去抓牢了。你正漂浮在自己生命的中心裡,正在決定那個新結構將會是什麼樣子

All of these ideas are fourth-density symptomatic of new awareness of new levels of energy that you are, but still couched in old terminology. You will assimilate; you will acclimate. Do not fear; it is simply one of the ways you can begin to consciously be aware that you are changing; you are transforming.

這一切概念都是第四密度的徵兆 ,顯示出你就是那新能量層次的嶄新覺察,不過卻仍然以舊有的辭藻來加以表述。你將會同化;你將會適應。不要害怕,那不過是你可以開始清醒地去察覺自己正在改變;自己正在轉化的方式之一

All of these different manifestations let you know something is going on. Because you have created yourselves to be a reality which feels the need to rely upon processes in order to become something else, then many of you still have a little bit of the remnants of some of these processes. And that is the only reason why you are feeling these ideas to be taking, seemingly, so much time to work themselves through. But work themselves through they will; for you are the idea of the transformation itself; transformation is now what you are all about.

這一切形形色色的跡象,在在都是要讓你知道,有些事情正在發生 。由於你已把自己創造為這個實相,感到需要依賴某些過程才能變成別的樣子。於是,你們有很多人便仍然保有一點來自於這一類過程的殘餘成分。那是為什麼你會感到,這些觀念看起來要花那麼多時間才能逐漸完成的唯一原因。但它們是會完成的。因為,你就是這個轉化的思維理念;轉化就是現在那個全部的你

I still don't understand what a density is, Bashar. Could you make it more clear?


N ow, this is, to some degree, a colloquial terminology for what you have called dimensions of experience. All it really refers to is different frequencies of existence – a different density, a higher density, being a more accelerated frequency, a less material frequency. It is a label; one way to say that there is a separation, a separation of vibrational resonance. You can make an analogy with your visible light. You have visible light and you have light that you cannot see. You may, therefore, understand that the reason you can see some light and cannot see other light is because of the rate of their vibration. All reality you call physical is of this nature, and it all vibrates at different rates. Some of it you will perceive and some of it you will not. Usually those that are realities you do not physically perceive the way you do this one are ascribed to, what you call, other realities or other dimensions of All That Is – or within All That Is.

啊,這在某方面來說只是一個口頭上的術語,你們也看作是維度的體驗。 它真正指的是不同頻率的體驗 —— 一種不同的密度、更高的密度,也就是一種更高速的頻率、一種更低實體性的頻率。它是一種標記;另一個說法就是一種區分,一種振動反應的區分。你可以用可見光來作一個類比 —— 你們有可見光,也有不可見光。那麼你也許明白,你看得見某些光但又看不見其他光的理由,是因為它們的振動頻率 所有你們所謂的物質實相,都是屬於這一種自然現象,而都以不同頻率在振動 。你會看見其中某些實相,但卻看不見另外一些。那些你們在感官上察覺不到的,你們便把它們劃分到宇宙中所謂的其它實相或其它維度之中

But we will also say this about the idea of densities and your transformation through them, your acceleration and graduation through different densities. You, as a planet, are now going from third density to fourth density. And what this basically means is that fourth density is the last level on which you can experience yourselves in an accelerated state and still remain physical.

不過,我們也會以密度的概念來說,而你們的轉化就是經過不同的密度來完成加速和晉級。 你們這個星球,正從第三密度邁向第四密度 。這基本上是說,第四密度是你們在加速狀態中,而仍維持肉身的情況下,所能經驗的最後一個層次

O ur civilization is going from fourth density to fifth density, which is a non- physical state. Above the fifth are non-physical states, up to and including seventh density, and then you go into an entirely different octave of dimensional experience, for which right now there aren't very many words to describe it accurately in your language. And even we are only beginning to explore that idea. However, the idea itself of going from level to level, density to density, is – now pay attention! – is the process of realizing that you actually are the dimension itself that you previously thought you existed in!

我們的文明正從第四密度邁向第五密度。第五密度是一種非物質狀態。從第五密度開始以上都是非物質狀態,一直到第七密度,而你進入的是一個全然不同維度(密度)經驗的階層,對於它,你們的語言目前並沒有多少字眼可以準確地加以形容。即使是我們也只是剛開始去探索那個概念。無論如何,這個從一個層次到另一個層次; 從一個密度到另一個密度的概念,本身就是 —— 注意聽呀! —— 一個領悟的過程,你領悟到:你其實就是你過去所認為身在其中的那個維度(密度)本身!


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