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Being the Dimension


One more time: you now exist, you think, in a physical universe. Your fourth- density transformation is where you begin to realize you are the creator of your reality. What that means is that physical reality is your expression, is your projection, is your creation; that it's actually made of you. It means you are actually it; that physical reality is you. When you really grasp this, you then see yourselves literally as the dimension of experience of which you previously thought you were only a component.

再說一遍:你認為你現在是存在於一個物質的宇宙之中,而你第四密度的轉變所在,卻是在你開始醒悟到, 你就是自己實相創造者 的那個地方 那就是說,物質實相是你的表達、你的投射、你的創造它其實是由你所組成也就是說,你其實就是它;那個物質實相就是你當你真正掌握到這個道理的時候,你就會確確實實 視自己為這個體驗到的密度 對於它,你從前卻以為自己只是其中的一個成分而已

T hat's how it is for every level. You begin to realize you are the dimension itself that you previously thought you were only a part of. And here's the wonderful paradox of the whole circumstance. Each and every single one of you, as an individual, will experience yourselves becoming the whole dimension. Each of you will think that all the other consciousnesses you have seen as individuals are being in a sense absorbed into you. You will all have the same experience because the universe is holographically structured. That means that any point of view can exist equally everywhere within creation; and that all points of view are relevant and all true.

這就是每一個階層的狀況。你會開始明白 你就是那個密度的本身 ,而你過去卻認為自己只是它的一部分 以下就是整個情況詭譎奧妙之處 作為一個個體,你們每一個人都將會經驗到自己正在成為整個密度 你們每個人都會認為,所有你曾經視為個體的其它意識體,感覺上都正在被吸入到你的意識之中你們全部將都會有同樣的經驗,因為宇宙是全息式結構的也就是說: 在「造化」之中,任何一個觀點都可以平等存在於每一個地方 所有的觀點都是恰當的,並且全都是真實的

Every being, in a sense, can be called a God-thought – one of the ways that God has of thinking of Itself, of expressing Itself, of experiencing Itself. So here you are, being God manifested as physical individuals, with individual personality and individual identity. That's one of the ways the Infinite can experience Itself. There are an infinite number of ways, for there is no end to the growth; there is no end to the transformation. The idea of going from level to level and density to density, as least as far as we can tell, will never, never end.

就某種意義而言,每個存在體 都可以被稱為一種「上帝思維」 也就是:「上帝」正在思考自己、表達自己、經驗自己的方式之一所以你來到這裡 作為「上帝」帶著個別人格與身份的肉身個體 那就是「無垠造化」所能夠體驗自己的方式之一那些方式是無限的,因為成長永無止境轉化永無止境這種一直從階層進入下一階層、從密度轉化下一密度的想法,至少就我們所瞭解:將永遠永遠沒有止境

About the wiring in our brains: our neurophysiologlsts, first of all, have not been able to understand or describe the processes that make up consciousness.


That is because consciousness is not a product of physicality. Physicality is a product of consciousness.

這是因為:意識並非由物質身體所產生,而 物質實相才是意識的產物

Right. But as far as the memory mechanisms are concerned, I don't think they are considered to be pathways, as such. They are more electrical activity—


Yes, that is the point. Pathway is the root of electrical activity, the interaction of electrical activity. As we have said, the brain – which is what they are using to explore the brain – cannot see itself objectively. They will not discover in a mental way what they are after. When they include consciousness in their equations, they will understand what they need to understand. They will not find it analytically, because you never do find anything analytically. If you think you have, it is only because your consciousness has created an understanding, and then you take yourselves through the process of analyzing to find what you already know.

對,說到要點了。“思維路徑”就是電流活動的根基,電流活動的交互作用。正如我們所說的,頭腦 —— 人類也是用頭腦來探索頭腦 —— 無法客觀地看清自己他們將無法使用心智來發現他們身為何物。當他們把意識納入方程式中的時候,他們才會明白自己所需要明白的事情。他們將不會經由分析而發現它,因為你永遠不能用分析的方式來真正發現任何事物。假若你認為自己曾經做到,那也只是因為,你的意識已然創造了一種“理解”,然後你才引領自己經由分析的過程,去找到自己早已知道的事情而已。

You have talked about parallel dimensions, and slipping from one dimension to the next. In applying that information and coming up to a situation that I didn't prefer, my methodology has been to close my eyes and decide that I was in a different dimension. Then when I opened my eyes, I would be in a different dimension, and my preference would be manifested in that different dimension. It was quite outstanding, even to changing a traffic jam on the freeway.


Yes! There are all possibilities, for the ebb and flow of physical reality is but an illusion.


Well, you stated that our mass consciousness hasn't permitted a lot of this. But I presume it's beginning to allow it now, and that is why it's been working.


Yes, this is the timing. All ideas we have discussed with you in the past have been related to the processes allowed by your mass consciousness. Now instantaneousness is allowed.


Yes. Within that context, you have said that we could be losing our memories of the past. So, I presume, any moment in the past is a moment currently in another dimension.


Yes, you will recognize that you are creating it in the present. And it acts as a connection to that other dimension.


In the present. It is not that you are now reaching into a past for the information. You are becoming the idea in the present, in order to have the information you need. So you won't exactly really forget anything. However, you may find that you will not relate to the idea of a past situation in the way you related to it previously: feeling that your present situation was a result of it. You will make a disconnection emotionally. This so-called past event you have had will just be one more way you choose to experience the present. Nothing more.

此時此刻,你並不是由過去取得那些記憶,而是此刻正在形成那些概念,好讓你擁有你所需要的訊息,所以你不會真的忘記任何東西 。無論如何,你可能發現,你將不會以從前的方式(也就是:你感到現在的處境就是過去所導致的結果),來與過去情境的概念發生關聯。你將在情感上與它切斷關聯。這個曾經屬於你所謂的“過去事件”,將只是你所選擇用來經驗此刻的多一種方式,僅此而已。

In fourth density, for the most part, you will still be able to relate to linear time. Once you find yourselves at the end of fourth density, emerging into fifth, you may not relate to it any more.

在第四密度裡,你往往仍然能夠 線性時間 有關聯 。而一旦你發覺自己已到了第四密度的末期,並且正在進入第五密度時你可能就不再與它有任何關聯


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