

The Military Industrial Complex, Part 1


March 15, 2022

Guest Article by Berk Gümüs

客座文章作者:Berk Gümüs

Excerpt from zeitenschrift.com magazine No.77 RAND Corporation: Operation Global Manipulation from 2018.


In London, near Buckingham Palace, there was a house known as Wellington House. It was there in 1913 that the War Propaganda Bureau was established, with the mission of breaking down the strong public opposition to the impending war between Britain and Germany. The British people were to be manipulated into agreeing to Britain’s declaration of war on the German Empire. The project was financed by the British Crown and the Rothschild’s. For this propaganda vehicle, Lord Northcliffe was previously married into the Rothschild family, who was a British journalist and publisher. The war-mongering is not a rarity, even the ancient Romans used this tool. Edward L. Bernays, born in 1891 in Vienna into a family that had produced many rabbis and scholars of Judaism, grew up in New York and deeply internalized the psycho-theories of his uncle Sigmund Freud. He had managed the feat of driving the American public into the First World War with the argument that has since been constantly bandied about by people like George W. Bush: “We want to make the world safe for democracy. Eduard Bernays had manipulated public opinion in the USA as strongly as no one before him, supported by Walter Lippmann, a son of German Jewish parents who also grew up in New York. The influential journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner, coined the term gatekeeper and explained even then in what way the journalists become gatekeepers, and thus the instrument of a broad-based opinion manipulation.

在倫敦,靠近白金漢宮Buckingham Palace),有一座被稱為Wellington House(暫譯為「威林頓館」)的房子。1913那年,英國的「戰爭宣傳局」(War Propaganda Bureau就是在那裡成立的,其任務是瓦解公眾對英德之間即將發生戰爭的強烈反對。英國的民意將被這個組織的宣傳工作所操控,最終同意英國向德意志帝國宣戰。這整個計畫是由英國王室和羅斯柴爾德家族Rothschild)所資助。為了這個宣傳工具,諾思克利夫Northcliffe)子爵之前就已經與羅斯柴爾德家族聯姻,他是一名英國記者和出版商。戰爭宣傳並不罕見,甚至古羅馬人也使用這種工具操控民意。愛德華伯內斯Edward L. Bernays)是1891年出生於維也納一個培養了許多猶太教拉比rabbis)和學者的家庭,他在紐約長大,深深接受了他叔叔西格蒙德弗洛伊德Sigmund Freud)的心理學理論。他成功將美國大眾推向了第一次世界大戰,他的論點此後一直被喬治沃克布希George W. Bush)等人不斷提起:「我們要讓全世界變得更安全,這有利於民主」。愛德華.伯內斯在沃爾特李普曼Walter Lippmann)的支持下,以前所未有的力度操控了美國的公眾輿論,李普曼的父母是德國猶太人,他也是在紐約長大的孩子。這位有影響力的記者和普立茲獎Pulitzer Prize)獲得者創造了“守門人”(gatekeeper)一詞,並在當時解釋了記者以何種方式成為守門人,從而成為廣泛操控輿論的工具。

The gatekeepers would decide what to withhold from the public and what to promote. Every newspaper, when it reaches the reader, is the result of a whole series of selections.


Bernays’ and Lippmann’s clandestine connections to the real powers-that-be were enormous, as can be seen from the fact that both rose to become influential advisors to President Woodrow Wilson at the young ages of 23 and 25. Woodrow Wilson was the first president to have a war, the First World War, managed by a civilian committee that was directed by Bernays and Lippmann. Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays were appointed by Wellington House to manipulate American public opinion. It is also interesting to note that when Woodrow Wilson initiated the creation of the Federal Reserve System, before the bill was sent to Wilson for his signature, a copy was sent to Colonel Mandell House, a representative of Wellington House, and to the banker J.P. Morgan, a representative of the British Olive Oil Company. (J.P. Morgan was also the one who financed Nikola Tesla to build the so-called Wardenclyffe Tower, but this project was never completed because Morgan stopped financing it).

伯內斯和李普曼與真正當權者的秘密關係是極其深厚的,這可以從兩人在23歲和25歲的年紀就都能成為伍德羅威爾遜Woodrow Wilson總統具影響力的顧問就可看出。威爾遜是美國第一個參與世界大戰的總統,一戰是由伯內斯和李普曼領導的平民委員會(civilian committee)管理。李普曼和伯內斯被威靈頓宮任命為操控美國公眾輿論的人。同樣有趣的是,當威爾遜發起建立聯邦儲備系統時,在法案送交威爾遜簽署之前,有一份副本被寄給了威林頓館(Wellington House)的代表曼德爾豪斯Mandell House)上校,以及英國橄欖油公司的代表銀行家J.P.摩根J.P. Morgan)。[J.P.摩根也是資助尼古拉特斯拉Nikola Tesla建造所謂的沃登克里弗塔Wardenclyffe Tower的人,但這個項目從未完成,因為摩根停止了對它的資助。]

Edward Bernays said that propaganda was the executive arm of the invisible government, and this motto was taken to heart by British psychiatrist and later Brigadier General John Rawlings Rees when he founded the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) three years after the First World War. Officially, the year of the institution’s founding is given as 1947, but in reality, the Tavistock leaders began their work much earlier, at that time at the Tavistock Clinic. In 1921, the indoctrination operations were transferred from Wellington House to the Tavistock Institute, where Rees further perfected the methods of mass brainwashing. In addition, he established his own research center for British foreign intelligence. It was Rees who developed the method of controlling political campaigns, as well as mind control techniques that are still used today. At the outbreak of World War II, he was placed in command of British army psychiatry. The experiments begun at the Tavistock Institute eventually led to the secret MK ULTRA project of the American intelligence agency, the CIA, which will be explained in more detail later.

愛德華.伯內斯說,宣傳是無形政府的執行機構,這句格言被英國精神病學家、後來的約翰.羅林斯.里斯(John Rawlings Rees)準將銘記在心,他在第一次世界大戰三年後成立了Tavistock Institute of Human RelationsTIHR;暫譯為「塔維斯托克」人類關係研究所)。官方給出的機構成立年份是1947年,但實際上,塔維斯托克的領導人開始工作的時間更早,當時是在塔維斯托克診所Tavistock Clinic)。1921思想灌輸行動indoctrination operations從威靈頓館轉移到塔維斯托克研究所Tavistock Institute),里斯在那裡進一步完善了大規模洗腦的方法。此外,他還建立了自己的英國對外情報研究中心。正是里斯開發了控制政治運動的方法,以及至今仍在使用的精神控制技術。第二次世界大戰爆發時,他被安排指揮英國軍隊的精神病學。在塔維斯托克研究所開始的實驗最終導致了美國情報機構 —— 中情局的秘密《MK ULTRA計畫》(MK ULTRA project;是指由美國中央情報局統籌的一項人類思想控制實驗計畫),這將在後面的部分詳細說明。

Leading these experiments was the RAND Corporation, another creation of the Tavistock Institute.

領導這些實驗的是蘭德公司RAND Corporation),它是塔維斯托克研究所的另一項創舉。

Four Hundred and Forty-first Contact
Saturday, 3rd February 2007, 00:02 hrs



21. …With the named group, it concerns a worldwide branching from governments, the military, industrial groups, secret services, paramilitary and powerful ones of finance, as you correctly said.


22. Those in the know and contributors are only certain elements of the same, who profit greatly, financially and power-politically, from their secret machinations, for which reason the entire powers of the government, military and industrial as well as finance are not involved in the situation and are also not informed in regard to this.


23. The group is not organized, as such, rather is only a loose collection, whereby their interests, however, have a common form, which, already since the 1920s, was designed to operate a continuous, ingenious, large-scale disinformation campaign regarding the question of extraterrestrial life…..


The RAND Corporation is the most important and influential think tank in the history of the world. (About 30 Nobel Prize winners have worked for this organization, who won their Nobel Prizes while working for RAND.) Originally, the RAND Corporation was an offshoot of the AIR FORCE, which wanted to recreate the Manhattan Project. The Manhattan Project was a combination of civilian scientists and the military. Washington and the country’s industry (General Motors, FORD, US Steel, General Electric) recruited the so-called brightest minds from around the country for the Manhattan Project in 1942. From MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Princeton and Columbia University who gave the world the radar, the fighter jet and the atomic bomb.

蘭德公司是世界歷史上最重要和最有影響力的智庫。(大約有30位諾貝爾獎獲獎者曾為該組織工作,他們是在為蘭德公司工作時獲得諾貝爾獎的)。最初,蘭德公司是美國空軍的一個分支機搆,想要重建《曼哈頓計畫》(Manhattan Project)。曼哈頓計畫是民間科學家和軍方的結合。華盛頓和國家的工業界(通用汽車、福特汽車、美國鋼鐵、通用電氣)在1942年為曼哈頓計畫招募了來自全國各地的所謂最聰明的頭腦。他們來自麻省理工學院(MIT)、普林斯頓大學和哥倫比亞大學,為世界提供了雷達、戰鬥機和原子彈

General Henry Harley “Hap” Arnold, a five-star general in the AIR FORCE, wanted to make sure after World War II that the same combination of civilian scientists and military know-how came together to develop new weapons. On March 1, 1946, Project RAND was launched, at the time still based at Douglas Aircraft Company, then the nation’s largest aircraft manufacturer. But within two years, in 1948, Project RAND grew so large that it had to break away from Douglas Aircraft Company to become its own nonprofit organization. Yet it was inextricably linked to the FORD Foundation, the robber barons like Carnegie, FORD, Rockefeller and Rothschild. There was always a connection between think tanks and the big business interests. Special in the case of RAND there was an inseparable connection to the FORD Foundation. For the lawyer who drafted the charter for RAND later became the first president of the FORD Foundation.

亨利哈雷“哈普”阿諾德Henry Harley “Hap” Arnold將軍是空軍的一名五星上將,他想確保在二戰後,民用科學家和軍事技術的相同組合能夠共同開發新武器。194631日,蘭德項目(Project RAND)啟動,當時仍設在道格拉斯飛行器公司Douglas Aircraft Company),當時是美國最大的飛機製造商。但在兩年內,即1948年,蘭德項目發展得如此之大,以至於它不得不脫離道格拉斯飛行器公司,成立自己的非營利組織。然而,它與福特基金會FORD Foundation)、卡內基Carnegie福特FORD洛克菲勒Rockefeller羅斯柴爾德Rothschild)等強盜大亨(robber barons)有著千絲萬縷的聯繫。智囊團和大企業利益之間總是存在著聯繫。特別是在蘭德公司的案例中,與福特基金會有著不可分割的聯繫。因為為蘭德公司起草章程的律師後來成為福特基金會的第一任主席。

Without FORD’s funding, the RAND Corporation would never have gotten off the ground. The close relationship between FORD and RAND was the great economic interest in protecting their own interests and selling their goods worldwide. FORD wanted to make sure they would have consumers. The RAND Corporation served as a very useful complement to this capitalist outlook.

如果沒有福特基金會的資助,蘭德公司將永遠不會起步。福特和蘭德公司之間的密切關係是保護他們自己的利益和在全世界銷售他們商品的巨大經濟利益。福特想確保他們會有消費者。蘭德公司對這種「資本主義展望」(capitalist outlook)具有一個非常好的增強作用。

One of RAND’s first projects in 1946 was the development of orbiting satellite stations, which until then had only been seen in science fiction comics. But the scientists at RAND made this a reality, so much so that they even said what jet fuel should be used, what the weight, lift-off ratio, and use for that satellite should be. The RAND Corporation was also very instrumental in the development of ballistic intercontinental ballistic missiles, the development of the hydrogen bomb and the deployment, storage and transportation of nuclear weapons. In the late 1950s, they sought a way to maintain communications in the event of a nuclear attack. A RAND computer scientist named Paul Baran developed the concept of packet switching, which became the foundation of the Internet. They were involved in the development of aircraft capable of refueling U.S. bombers in the air with another aircraft that would take off from the United States to bomb various targets in the Soviet Union. RAND was also responsible for the CIA’s subversion policy, holding the first counterinsurgency conference for Third World countries in the 1950s. They incited the military to stage overthrows, which were then also organized a short time later, for example, in Peru, Brazil and Chile, which continue to this day.

1946年,蘭德公司的首批專案之一是開發軌道衛星站orbiting satellite stations;也就是人造衛星),在此之前,這種衛星站只在科幻漫畫中出現過。但蘭德公司的科學家們把這變成了現實,以至於他們甚至說應該使用什麼噴氣燃料,該衛星的重量、升空率和用途都應該是什麼。蘭德公司在洲際彈道導彈的開發、氫彈的開發以及核武器的部署、儲存和運輸方面也發揮了很大作用。在1950年代末,他們尋求一種在發生核攻擊時保持通信的方法。蘭德公司一位名叫保羅巴蘭Paul Baran的電腦科學家提出了封包交換的概念,這成為網際網路Internet;也就是互聯網的基礎。他們參與了能夠為美國轟炸機在空中加油的飛機的開發,另一架飛機將從美國起飛,轟炸蘇聯的各個目標。蘭德公司還負責中情局的顛覆政策,在1950年代為第三世界國家舉行了第一次反叛亂會議。他們煽動軍方進行推翻,然後在短時間內也組織了推翻,例如在秘魯、巴西和智利,這種情況一直持續到今天。

Excerpt from the media platform Voltairenet,org of January 11, 2022:


…The events unfolding in Kazakhstan for the past week are the fifth part of a plan by the RAND Corporation, the sixth of which will take place in Transnistria. The previous four episodes took place in Ukraine, Syria, Belarus and Nagorno-Karabakh in the last two years. The idea is to weaken Russia by forcing it to deploy excessive troops.

... 過去一週在哈薩克發生的事件是蘭德公司計畫的第五部分,第六部分將在德涅斯特河沿岸Transnistria)地區發生。前四次事件發生在過去兩年的烏克蘭、敘利亞、白俄羅斯和納戈爾諾-卡拉巴赫Nagorno-Karabakh)。其目的是通過迫使俄羅斯部署過多的軍隊來削弱其實力。

U.S. President Joe Biden responded to Russia’s proposal for a treaty guaranteeing peace based on scrupulous adherence to the UN Charter and the given word during a telephone conversation with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on December 30, 2021. Not surprisingly, he did not respond to the content of Russia’s request and only mentioned a possible halt to U.S. operations in Ukraine. At the same time, the U.S. National Security Council unleashed several actions against Russia. The goal is not to overthrow governments or start new wars, but to force Moscow to intervene outside its borders in a way that weakens itself. The Russian Federation already has a gigantic territory that it cannot fully manage with a population of only 150 million.

美國總統拜登Joe Biden)在20211230日與俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾普京Vladimir Putin)的電話交談中,對俄羅斯提出的在嚴格遵守《聯合國憲章》(UN Charter)和既定話語的基礎上保證和平的條約建議作出了回應。毫不奇怪,他沒有回應俄羅斯的要求內容,只提到美國可能停止在烏克蘭的行動。與此同時,美國國家安全委員會U.S. National Security Council)對俄羅斯發動了幾次行動。其目的不是推翻政府或發動新的戰爭,而是迫使莫斯科以削弱自己的方式進行境外干預。俄羅斯聯邦已經擁有了一片廣袤的領土,卻無法完全管理只有1.5億的人口。

In May 2019, the Rand Corporation, the think tank of the U.S. military-industrial complex, listed six options in this regard:

20195,美國軍事工業複合體military-industrial complex;簡稱軍工複合體)的智庫蘭德公司在這方面列出了六個選項

1. Arming Ukraine;


2. Increasing support for jihadists in Syria;


3. Promoting regime change in Belarus;


4. Exploiting tensions in the South Caucasus;


5. Reducing Russian influence in Central Asia;


6. Competing with the Russian presence in Transnistria…..


…Washington, however, has now stopped preparing changeovers. After arming Ukraine (1), supporting jihadists in Syria (2), attempting (3) regime change in Belarus [5], using tensions in the South Caucasus (4) with Azerbaijani attack on Armenia [6], Washington is now trying to reduce Moscow’s influence in Kazakhstan (5) and should soon compete with Russia in Transnistria (6). In short, it is following the Rand Corporation plan….

... 然而,華盛頓現在已經停止準備移交。在武裝烏克蘭(一)、支持敘利亞的聖戰分子(二)、試圖改變白俄羅斯的政權(三)、利用南高加索地區的緊張局勢(四)與亞塞拜然對亞美尼亞的攻擊(六)之後,華盛頓現在正試圖降低莫斯科在哈薩克的影響力(五),並應很快與俄羅斯在德涅斯特河沿岸地區競爭(六)。簡而言之,它正在遵循蘭德公司的計畫...

In 1960, RAND conducted the Viet Cong study, which was sponsored by President Lyndon B Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara (Robert McNamara was a U.S. executive and politician. In 1960, he became the first president of Ford Motor Company who was not from the Ford family. He was U.S. Secretary of Defense from 1961 to 1968 and President of the World Bank from 1968 to 1981).

1960年,蘭德公司進行了越共研究Viet Cong study),該研究由林登詹森Lyndon B Johnson)總統和國防部長羅伯特麥納馬拉Robert McNamara;羅伯特.麥納馬拉是美國的行政人員和政治家。1960年,他成為福特汽車公司的第一位非福特家族的總裁。他於1961年至1968年擔任美國國防部長,1968年至1981年擔任世界銀行行長)贊助。

Commissioned on how best to defeat the Viet Cong. To conduct more detailed research, they authorized torture in Vietnam.


RAND found that the Viet Cong would not give up because they wanted a better future for their children and for their country, and because they saw the United States as a colonial power, which it is, and were willing to die for their country. No one listened to them.


In 1970, RAND applied the lessons they had learned in the war of the field to urban planning, making New York City a laboratory experiment for its utopia of a perfect society.


Until the 1970s, medical care was free in America, there were no deductibles. But President Nixon wanted to cut the amount the government spent on these services. He had RAND conduct an experiment, which in turn led to a charge for preventive care.


Ronald Reagan’s 1980s interventionist foreign policy led directly to RAND, while the Persian Gulf War, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and the reorganization of the Pentagon in so-called military affairs were all highlights of RAND’s former employees’ long-standing plans.

隆納雷根Ronald Reagan1980年代的干預主義外交政策直接受蘭德公司的引導,而波斯灣戰爭Persian Gulf War;又稱海灣戰爭伊拉克戰爭Operation Iraqi Freedom)以及五角大廈的所謂軍事事務重組都是蘭德公司前雇員長期計畫的亮點。

RAND has also been involved in the militarization of the police, as well as conducting studies on the world’s problems of hunger, war, drug smuggling, and even traffic congestion, and how best to eliminate these evils.


RAND developed a worldview in the 1950s that would change the world forever. RAND consultant and economist Kenneth Arrow developed what became known as Rational Choice Theory, which after its creation and expansion transformed U.S. citizens into consumers.

蘭德公司在1950年代發展了一種世界觀,這將永遠改變世界。蘭德公司的顧問和經濟學家肯尼斯阿羅Kenneth Arrow)提出了後來被稱為所謂的理性選擇理論Rational Choice Theory),該理論在創立和擴展之後,將美國公民轉變為消費者

Rational Choice ostensibly began as a way to counter the Marxist doctrine of the Soviet Union. The United States needed to establish a theory that would legitimize the individualistic perspective on life that the United States and the Western world had always had. Instead of having rights and responsibilities, citizens became consumers with choices in a world where the only thing that mattered was the sovereignty of the consumer, how much money we spent, and what was in it for ourselves. This changed the whole consciousness of America, and with it the rest of the world.


In the RAND Corporation they have the Cult of Reason, the belief that reason can solve all problems, and that there is nothing that reason can’t cure and fix. One of the main intellectuals of RAND was a man named John Williams, he was the head of the mathematics department and he believed in preemptive nuclear attacks in the Soviet Union. He believed in creating a world government that would be run by technocrats like him and people like the so-called rulers of reason, which would be perfect if only that reason were controlled by ethics.

在蘭德公司,他們有理性崇拜Cult of Reason),認為理性可以解決所有問題,沒有什麼是理性不能治癒和解決的。蘭德公司的主要知識份子之一是一個叫約翰.威廉姆斯John Williams)的人,他是數學部門的負責人,他相信對蘇聯進行先發制人的核攻擊。他相信應該建立一個世界政府,由他這樣的技術官僚和所謂的理性統治者這樣的人管理,只要這種理性被道德所控制,就會很完美

Unfortunately, neither in the world of RAND nor in the world of the FORD Foundation was there much desire for an ethical view of life. Instead, it was to be a world that was all about efficiency. The people of RAND and FORD thought that self-interest alone is what drives people. Of course, that is not the case. People love their families, they love their children and sometimes they are even willing to sacrifice their lives for a person they don’t even know. Principles like altruism, compassion, selflessness are denied by the rational choice theory. You can also say that humanity is denied by rational choice theory.


There is no place for such a thing in their worldview.


Excerpt from the book: Soldiers of Reason: The Rand Corporation and the Rise of the American Empire by Alex Abella (Author) May-2009

摘自《理性的士兵:蘭德公司和美國帝國的崛起》Soldiers of Reason: The Rand Corporation and the Rise of the American Empire一書,作者:Alex Abella(暫譯亞歷克斯.阿貝拉20095

>John Williams owned a Jaguar Coupe, and replaced the engine with that of a Cadillac Behemoth, which caused him to race down the Pacific Coast Highway at over 240km/h every midnight. He installed a radar device in this car, which was state of the art at the time, so as not to get into trouble with the highway patrol. Williams often threw well-attended soirees at his home, and these parties were so distinguished that he and his brilliant guests got drunk and rolled around on the floor. This was a popular behavior among mathematicians who believed in the therapeutic effect of alcohol consumption.<

約翰.威廉姆斯擁有一輛捷豹轎跑車(Jaguar Coupe),並換裝了凱迪拉克“巨獸”(Cadillac Behemoth)的引擎,這使得他每天午夜都會以時速超過240公里的速度在太平洋海岸高速公路上飛馳。他在這輛車上安裝了當時最先進的雷達裝置,這樣就不會惹上高速公路巡警。威廉姆斯經常在自己家裡舉辦參加人數眾多的晚會,這些晚會是如此的不同凡響,以至於他和他那些才華橫溢的客人都喝醉了,在地板上打滾。這是一種在數學家中流行的行為,他們相信飲酒的治療效果。」

The famous Princeton University physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer was so loose with alcohol that the nickname of his house was Bourbon Manor.

著名的普林斯頓大學物理學家羅伯特歐本海默J. Robert Oppenheimer)也酗酒成性,以至於他的房子的綽號是波旁莊園”(Bourbon Manor;位於美國肯他基州的一家四星級豪華民宿)。

The economist John Nash developed the game theory, which sees man as a selfish animal that ruthlessly pursues its selfish goals.

經濟學家約翰納什John Nash)提出了賽局理論game theory;又譯為對策論或博弈論),認為人是一種自私的動物,都在無情地追求自私的目標

For the development of this theory, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1994, he also worked for a couple of years at the RAND Corporation (his life was even made into a movie called A Beautiful Mind, which was one of the two big winners of the 2002 Oscars with four awards, including best film of the year).

由於這一理論的發展,他在1994年獲得了諾貝爾獎,他還在蘭德公司工作過幾年(他的一生甚至被拍成了一部電影《美麗境界》(A Beautiful Mind;大陸譯《美麗心靈》),該電影是2002年奧斯卡的兩大贏家之一,獲得了四個獎項,包括年度最佳影片)。

Because again, it all stems from the concept of reason without ethical guidelines, and that people only care about self-interest because the technocrats only look at life in terms of numbers and quantities.


Game theory was developed as a way to find out what people would do under the most unknown situations, because they thought that people are always self-interested actors and therefore it is rational to betray one’s best friends in order to gain one’s own advantages. RAND was proven wrong in the 1950s and 1960s during the Viet Cong study, when they discovered that the Viet Cong in Vietnam refused to act as rational actors. This was the first major experience RAND had in dealing with people who were not rational. The U.S. government said it was using rational choice theory in Vietnam by saying:


>If we bomb the Viet Cong long enough and hard enough, they will eventually come to the negotiating table, because otherwise they will be wiped out.<


After a while, they realized that wasn’t going to work because the Viet Cong, as I said, were standing up for something that was bigger than them. And that’s why rational choice theory, rational self-interest, didn’t work with these people. So RAND gave up using game theory as a predictor of human behavior because they realized that people are more than that. However, this has not stopped them from continuing to use this theory to transform citizens into consumers. Knowing that they can address this particular aspect of human nature, because after all, of course we have self-interest to a certain extent, but that is far from all that makes us human.


RAND began a study in the 1950s of how vulnerable the United States was to Soviet surprise attacks that would destroy the entire country and its aircraft with all the nuclear weapons stationed in Europe. Based on a study prepared by one of RAND’s chief intellectuals Albert Wohlstetter that changed the US AIR FORCE in 1953 by developing the nuclear strategy, the second-strike capability, and how nuclear weapons were deployed and handled. The whole theory of second-strike capability is that if you survive your enemy’s attack and are still able to counterattack, that’s what really counts. Better said, he taught the AIR FORCE to take revenge at any cost.

蘭德公司在1950年代開始研究美國有多容易受到蘇聯的突然襲擊,這些襲擊將摧毀整個國家和駐紮在歐洲的所有核武器的飛行載具。根據蘭德公司首席知識份子之一阿爾伯特.沃爾斯泰特Albert Wohlstetter)編寫的研究報告,通過制定核戰略、二次打擊能力以及如何部署和處理核武器,在1953年改變了美國空軍。二次打擊能力的整個理論是,如果你在敵人的攻擊中倖存下來,並且仍然能夠進行反擊,這才是真正重要的。更好的說法是,他教導空軍不惜一切代價進行報復

He was also the one who fed the Kennedy camp information about the alleged missile gap in the 1970s to scare the American people into thinking that the Soviet Union was more powerful than it really was.

他也是在1970年代向甘迺迪陣營提供所謂的導彈缺口missile gap)資訊的人,以嚇唬美國人民,讓他們認為蘇聯比實際情況更強大

Albert Wohlstetter was a U.S. political scientist, and the founder of the neoconservative movement in the United States, who paved the way for the development of the Star Wars SDI project, which was then endorsed by the Reagan administration in the 1980s.

阿爾伯特.沃爾斯泰特是美國政治學家,也是美國新保守主義運動neoconservative movement的創始人,他為星際大戰戰略防禦計畫Star Wars SDI project的發展鋪平了道路,該計畫隨後在1980年代得到雷根政府的認可

[中譯者註:戰略防禦計畫,正式名稱為戰略防衛先制Strategic Defense Initiative, 亦稱Star Wars Program簡稱SDI),是美國在1980年代研議的一個軍事戰略計劃,目標為建造太空中的雷射裝置來作為反彈道飛彈系統,使敵人的核彈在進入大氣層前受到摧毀。(資料來自《維基百科》)]

Among others, Paul Wolfowitz, Ahmad al-Jalabi, and Zalmay Khalizidad received their doctorates from Wohlstetter.

其中,保羅伍夫維茲Paul Wolfowitz艾哈邁德沙拉比Ahmad al-Jalabi扎勒米.哈利勒扎德Zalmay Khalizidad從沃爾斯泰特Wohlstetter)那裡獲得博士學位”。

Paul Wolfowitz is an American politician. He was President of the World Bank from 2005 to 2007. Previously, he served as a policy advisor to George W. Bush and as Deputy Secretary of Defense under Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. He orchestrated the war in Iraq and also worked one summer at the RAND Corporation.

保羅.伍夫維茲是一位美國政治家。他在2005年至2007年期間擔任世界銀行行長。此前,他曾擔任喬治.沃克.布希(George W. Bush)的政策顧問,並在唐納.倫斯斐Donald Rumsfeld)部長手下擔任國防部副部長。他策劃了伊拉克戰爭,還在蘭德公司工作過一個夏天

Ahmad Abd al-Hadi al-Jalabi was an Iraqi mathematics professor, politician, and chairman of the Iraqi National Congress, an Iraqi political party and former umbrella organization for various Iraqi opposition groups.


Jalabi was George Bush’s man in Iraq who prepared the invasion, and he was also the one who spread the rumor that Saddam Hussein was making bio-weapons and nuclear bombs, which later proved to be false.

沙拉比是喬治.布希在伊拉克的親信,他是為美國入侵伊拉克作準備的人,他也是散佈薩達姆侯賽因Saddam Hussein;前譯為薩達姆.海珊正在製造生化武器和核彈的謠言的人,而後來證明這些都是假的

Zalmay Khalilzad was the U.S. Permanent Representative to Afghanistan, Iraq and most recently to the United Nations under the Bush administration. Prior to that, he was Special Advisor to the U.S. State Department for Afghanistan.


From 1993 to 2000, Khalilzad was director of strategy, doctrine and force structure at the RAND Corporation.


The United States developed a plan in the 1960s that said it had a problem with the Soviet Union because there weren’t enough American soldiers stationed in Western Europe. So they said they would simply drop several bombs on them to wipe them all out. The plan was called SIOP (Single Integrated Operation Plan), the plan to blow the Soviet Union to pieces, and not just the Soviet Union but all of Eastern Europe, the whole Warsaw Pact alliance, and China while they were at it.

美國在1960年代制定了一項計畫,稱其與蘇聯存在問題,因為駐紮在西歐的美國士兵不多。所以他們說,乾脆向他們扔幾枚炸彈,把他們全部消滅掉。這個計畫被稱為單一綜合作戰計畫(SIOPSingle Integrated Operational Plan),這個計畫要把蘇聯炸成碎片,而且不僅僅是蘇聯,還有整個東歐,整個華沙條約組織聯盟,還有當時的中國

第一個SIOP,名為SIOP-62,於19601214日完成,並於196171日(1962財年開始)實施。SIOP每年更新一次,直到20032月,它被作戰計畫OPLAN8044取代。20127月起,美國的核戰爭計畫是OPLAN 8010-12,供戰略威懾和部隊用。



Daniel Ellsberg, an economist with the RAND Corporation, who later became famous worldwide for the Pentagon Papers, was the one who was able to pressure Robert McNamara and the Kennedy Administration to change this insane plan and to make sure that if there was a problem they would not simply try to wipe out the Soviet Union and the other countries mentioned.

蘭德公司的經濟學家丹尼爾埃爾斯伯格Daniel Ellsberg)後來因《五角大廈文件》(Pentagon Papers)而聞名於世,是他向羅伯特麥納馬拉Robert McNamara)和甘迺迪政府施壓,要求他們改變這個瘋狂的計畫,並確保如果出現問題,他們不會直接試圖消滅蘇聯和上述其他國家。

The first atomic bomb was dropped in Nagasaki in 1945, but no one really knew what to do with it. When the very first atomic bomb was dropped for testing in New Mexico Alamogordo, no one knew what to expect. Some scientists took bets on whether the whole world would go up in flames or whether it would start a chain reaction and destroy the whole earth. But once this weapon was developed and ready for use, they had to come up with a way to use it.


J. Robert Oppenheimer was at first very proud of his creation, but later he regretted it. When he witnessed the first test explosion at Alamogordo in New Mexico on July 16, 1945, he had uttered the words Bhagavad Gita. According to the words of one of the central scriptures of Hinduism, where the god Vishnu appears equipped with multiple weapons and says: “Now I have become death, the destroyer of worlds“.

歐本海默起初對自己的創造非常自豪,但後來他後悔了。當他於1945716日在新墨西哥州的阿拉莫戈多見證了第一次試驗爆炸時,他曾說出了薄伽梵歌Bhagavad Gita這句話。根據印度教的核心經文之一,毗濕奴Vishnu神出現時配備了多種武器,並說:「我現在成了死神,世界的毀滅者。」Now I have become death, the destroyer of worlds

The RAND Corporation has always been about these what-if horror scenarios that basically said America could survive a nuclear war in the 1950s. RAND researchers like Herman Kahn (Herman Kahn served as the inspiration for the main character in Stanley Kubrick s film Dr. Strangelove.) really believed that it didn’t matter because as long as, say, 10 million people survived the nuclear war, they would have won, even if 90 million people died, it wouldn’t matter because the other 10 million survivors would crawl out of hiding to recreate the world afterwards. When these plans were presented to President Eisenhower, he said that this was total nonsense, and there would not be enough shovels to scrape all the dead off the ground that they would have all over the country.

蘭德公司一直在研究這些假設的恐怖場景,基本上說美國在1950年代可以在核戰爭中倖存下來。像赫爾曼.康恩(Herman Kahn)這樣的蘭德公司研究人員[赫爾曼.康恩是史丹利.庫柏力克Stanley Kubrick的電影《奇愛博士Dr. Strangelove中主角的靈感來源。]真的認為這並不重要,因為只要,比如說有一千萬人在核戰爭中倖存下來,他們就贏了,即使有九千萬人死亡也無所謂,因為另外一千萬倖存者會爬出來,在之後重新創造這個世界。當這些計畫被提交給艾森豪Eisenhower)總統時,他說這完全是胡說八道,而也沒有足夠的鏟子來剷除他們在全國各地的所有死者。

But the people associated with RAND, the industrialists, wanted to make a lot of money from the development of these new weapons of destruction, so they kept pushing President Eisenhower to increase the Pentagon budget, but instead he cut it. RAND had always been associated with the heart of the Pentagon and with the financial predation that President Eisenhower called the military industrial complex in his famous speech on January 17, 1961.

但與蘭德公司有關的人,那些工業家,想從這些新的毀滅性武器的開發中賺大錢,所以他們不斷催促艾森豪總統增加五角大廈的預算,但他反而削減了預算。蘭德公司一直與五角大廈的核心和金融掠奪有關,艾森豪總統1961117日的著名演講中稱之為軍工複合體」(military industrial complex)。

Eisenhower's Warning about the Military-Industrial Complex

So they went around and picked someone else who they knew would be much more malleable, and his name was John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who was in some ways a creation of the military industrial complex, and therefore was assassinated primarily by the military industrial complex.

所以他們四處挑選了一個他們知道可塑性更強的人,他的名字叫約翰費茲傑拉爾德甘迺迪John Fitzgerald Kennedy,從某種程度上說,他是軍工複合體的產物,因此主要也是被軍工複合體暗殺的

One of the founding fathers of RAND was also U.S. AIR FORCE Chief of Staff General Curtis Lemay, who also served as a prototype for many generals in Stanley Kubrick’s film Dr. Strangelove and was massively in favor of nuclear attacks against his enemies, whatever enemy America had at the time, such as the Soviet Union. General LeMay was constantly at odds with John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

蘭德公司的創始人之一也是美國空軍參謀長柯蒂斯李梅Curtis Lemay將軍,他也是史丹利.庫柏力克的電影《奇愛博士》中許多將軍的原型,他大量贊成對敵人進行核攻擊,不管美國當時有什麼敵人,比如蘇聯。李梅將軍經常與約翰.甘迺迪發生衝突

During the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, LeMay clashed massively with President John F. Kennedy and Defense Secretary Robert McNamara. He was strongly opposed to a naval blockade and instead called for a more aggressive posture toward the Soviet Union and Cuba, respectively. He argued that the U.S. should dare to fight a nuclear war against the Soviet Union while it could still win it-the U.S. at that time had 17 times as many nuclear weapons as the Soviet Union and had conducted 10 times as many nuclear tests. He therefore pressed vigorously for permission to bomb the Soviet missile bases just stationed in Cuba. LeMay himself expected to be able to destroy only 90% of the positions. After the crisis was averted, extensive military analysis showed that LeMay would have achieved a far lower hit rate in the event of a first strike against the missile bases. As a result, this type of escalation would likely have led to nuclear weapons use on the Soviet side as well. Even immediately after the end of the crisis and the withdrawal of Soviet missiles from Cuba, LeMay continued to advocate an invasion of the island.

1962年的古巴導彈危機中,李梅與約翰.甘迺迪總統和國防部長羅伯特.麥納馬拉發生了巨大的衝突。他強烈反對海軍封鎖,而是呼籲對蘇聯和古巴分別採取更積極的姿態。他認為,美國應該敢於對蘇聯進行核戰爭,同時還能贏得戰爭 —— 當時美國的核武器數量是蘇聯的17倍,進行的核子試驗是蘇聯的10倍。因此,他極力要求允許轟炸剛剛駐紮在古巴的蘇聯導彈基地。李梅本人預計只能摧毀90%的陣地。危機避免後,廣泛的軍事分析表明,如果對導彈基地進行第一次打擊,李梅的命中率會低得多。因此,這種類型的升級可能會導致蘇聯方面也使用核武器。即使在危機結束和蘇聯導彈撤出古巴後,李梅仍然主張入侵該島。

When the assassination of John F. Kennedy occurred in Dallas on November 22, 1963, LeMay was vacationing in Canada but immediately returned to Washington and subsequently supervised the autopsy of Kennedy’s body, with plenty of other people in the room to control Kennedy’s autopsy at the National Naval Medical Center at Bethesda in Maryland.

19631122日約翰.甘迺迪在達拉斯遇刺時,李梅正在加拿大度假,但立即返回華盛頓,隨後監督了甘迺迪的屍體解剖,房間裡還有很多人在控制甘迺迪在馬里蘭州貝塞斯達Bethesda)的國家海軍醫療中心(National Naval Medical Center)的屍體解剖情況。

During the autopsy, the doctor told his intern that there was a lot of smoke in the room and that he couldn’t perform the autopsy properly, and that he should go tell them to stop smoking. The resident Paul O Conner then went to the gallery of the autopsy room and saw General Curtis LeMay with a large cigar in his hand. When the resident asked him to put out the cigar, LeMay looked at him and blew the cigar smoke right in his face. So Paul O Conner went back to the doctor and said that person was not going to put out his cigar.

在解剖過程中,醫生告訴他的實習生,房間裡有很多煙,他無法正常進行解剖,他應該去告訴他們停止吸煙。住院醫生保羅.奧康納(Paul O Conner)隨後走到解剖室的長廊,看到柯蒂斯.李梅將軍手裡拿著一根大雪茄。當這位住院醫生要求他熄滅雪茄時,李梅看著他,把雪茄煙直接吹到他的臉上。於是奧康納回到醫生身邊,說那個人不打算把雪茄滅掉

One of the reasons Kennedy came to the White House is that he said that America had a missile gap and that the Soviet Union had more missiles than the United States, which of course was a lie. Robert McNamara had to admit within the first few months of his inauguration that what they thought about the missile gap was not true and that the information was wrong. The information came from Albert Wohlstetter of the RAND Corporation, as I mentioned earlier. They had fed the information to the Kennedy camp so that Kennedy could go around and say, “The Russians are going to eat us for breakfast and wipe us all out.

甘迺迪來到白宮的原因之一是,他說美國有一個導彈缺口,蘇聯的導彈比美國多,這當然是一個謊言。羅伯特.麥納馬拉在就職後的頭幾個月內不得不承認,他們認為的導彈差距是不真實的,資訊是錯誤的。正如我前面提到的,這些資訊來自蘭德公司的阿爾伯特.沃爾斯泰特特Albert Wohlstetter)。他們把資訊提供給了甘迺迪陣營,這樣甘迺迪就可以到處說:「俄羅斯人要把我們當早餐吃掉,把我們全部消滅掉。」

Two hundred and fifty-sixth contact
Monday, 13th May 1996, 14:50

513日,星期一, 1450


…Thank you. This information is sufficient for me. Is it possible to ask officially today, how things unfolded in relation to John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the USA, who was murdered in Dallas/Texas on 22 November 1963?

... 謝謝你。這些資訊對我來說已經足夠了。今天是否可以正式問一下,關於19631122日在德克薩斯州達拉斯被刺殺的美國第35任總統約翰.甘迺迪,事情是如何發展的?


30. It was a plot of various interest groups, consisting of CIA, FBI, Mafia, pro-Cubans, oil barons and the military-industrial complex.


31. Lee Harvey Oswald and three other men collaborated with the alliance of conspirators, resulting in them insidiously shooting the US President dead….

哈維奧斯華. Lee Harvey Oswald)和其他三個人與陰謀集團合作,結果他們陰險射殺了美國總統...


John F. Kennedy and General Curtis LeMay


The most famous example of a false flag attack was the Tonkin Incident. President Lyndon B. Johnson knew that the information he received about an attack by the North Vietnamese was completely false, but nevertheless he used that to go to Congress and authorize a resolution authorizing the deployment of American troops in Southeast Asia.

最著名的假旗false flag;亦稱作嫁禍行動)攻擊的例子是「北部灣事件」(Tonkin Incident;也稱作東京灣事件)。詹森總統知道他收到的關於北越發動攻擊的情報完全是假的,但他還是利用這件事去促使國會通過一項決議,授權在東南亞部署美國軍隊。

There is also the Northwoods incident. The Pentagon again used a false flag to get the United States to launch an invasion of Cuba in 1962. This was before the October 1962 missile crisis, so it never happened.

還有Northwoods incident(暫譯諾斯伍茲事件)。五角大廈在1962年再次使用假旗行動,讓美國發動對古巴的入侵。這是在196210月的導彈危機之前,所以從未發生過。

There are documents from RAND that suggested this false flag attack, as well as from the Pentagon and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


President Kennedy pushed the Northwoods plan, which was a pretext to invade Cuba. These are the things that RAND has always considered.


RAND developed a whole series of what if scenarios. What do we do if this happens, what do we if that happens, and so on. But they never stop to ask themselves, “Is this the right thing to do? There is a total immorality in their plans and in their thinking. They are only there to advise and to propose alternatives, they are not there to tell the powerful that this is right and that is wrong.


They called for nuclear attacks, with the plan that a certain city would be attacked and half of the population would die and the other half would die because of the nuclear fallout, and yet they pretend that their work has no ethical consequences.


Many Russian newspapers called the RAND Corporation the advisors of death, or the prophets of doom.


Not only RAND acts in this way, but most think tanks.


These people with their crazy brains are running around creating all these monsters that don’t exist.


The goal of the Military Industrial Complex has always been to come up with a bogeyman. They have to find an enemy to fight. For a long time it was the Soviet Union, then it was China for a short time, then 9/11 happened and it became the Middle East, respectively Islamic fascism, then Al Qaeda, then the Taliban and then the IS (and of course through all these years still Russia, China and many others).

軍事工業複合體的目標一直是想出一個妖魔鬼怪。他們必須找到一個可以戰鬥的敵人。在很長一段時間裡,它是蘇聯,然後短時間內是中國,然後911事件發生後,它變成了中東,分別是伊斯蘭法西斯主義Islamic fascism),然後是蓋達組織Al Qaeda;大陸譯作基地組織),然後是塔利班Taliban),然後是伊斯蘭國IS)(當然這些年來仍然是俄羅斯、中國和許多其他國家)。

It is as if this enemy keeps transforming itself, like the many-headed monster of Greek mythology, the Hydra, if you cut off one head, it grows two new ones.

好像這個敵人一直在改造自己,就像希臘神話中的多頭怪物 —— 九頭蛇Hydra),如果你砍掉一個頭,它就會長出兩個新頭。

America’s early allies suddenly became its worst enemies. They gave weapons to Saddam Hussein so he could fight Iran and invade Kuwait, but suddenly he became the enemy. The Americans invaded Iraq and just decided that he was the enemy from now on.

美國早期的盟友突然變成了它最大的敵人。他們給薩達姆.侯賽因(Saddam Hussein)提供武器,以便他能與伊朗作戰並入侵科威特,但突然間他成了敵人。美國人入侵了伊拉克,就決定從此後他就是敵人。

And suddenly it will be your neighbor on the street who stands up for something that is not >right< and may not be allowed, as we are currently experiencing with the vaccinated and unvaccinated. The military-industrial complex is always looking for a new enemy so that he can build more weapons, make more money and take more resources under the nail. This is a continuity that exists since the Napoleon war. If the enemy does not exist, then it is simply created.


There is a group of people who manipulate others, they go so far as to be able to increase the budget of the Pentagon to produce more weapons and come up with an enemy to say, guys this is our next enemy and we have to invade country X and stop the rebellion by taking over the whole country. And that country would then become a country of interest to American forces because there might be plutonium, uranium, oil or something else that is in the national interest. And then all the attention will be on that country and to pay for it, they will take the money out of the social services of education etc. that should be of benefit to the people, and not to fight an unnecessary war that is anyway only a pretext for the military-industrial complex to become even more powerful. The real enemy is right among us, but unfortunately few see this because they have fallen in love with their so-called kidnappers of consciousness, and suffer from a Stockholm syndrome.

有一群人在操控別人,他們甚至能夠增加五角大廈的預算來生產更多的武器,並構想出一個敵人然後說,夥計們,這是我們的下一個敵人,我們必須入侵X國,通過接管整個國家來阻止叛亂。然後那個國家就會成為美國軍隊感興趣的國家,因為那裡可能有鈈、鈾、石油或其他符合國家利益的東西。然後所有的注意力都會集中在這個國家,為了支付這筆費用,他們會從教育等社會服務中拿出錢來,這些服務應該是對人民有益的,而不是用來打一場不必要的戰爭,反正這只是軍工複合體變得更加強大的一個藉口。真正的敵人就在我們中間,但不幸的是,很少有人看到這一點,因為他們已經愛上了所謂的意識綁架者,並患有斯德哥爾摩症候群Stockholm syndrome;又稱為人質情結)。

RAND was called the Shadow Government because since the 1950’s many people went from the RAND Corporation to the government and then from the governments back to RAND and then back to the governments, it was a constant back and forth.

蘭德公司被稱為影子政府Shadow Government),因為自1950年代以來,許多人從蘭德公司到政府,再從政府回到蘭德公司,然後再回到政府,這是一個不斷的來來回回。

RAND as a haven of the military industrial complex and as the birthplace of the technocrat elite was involved in the formation and creation of the shadow government from the beginning, and they continue to be involved in such things. A number of these government and intelligence agency security clearances were issued to people who were at RAND. 50% of the work that goes out of RAND is for the federal government of America, and a lot of it is classified.


People go from think tanks to governments, and from governments back to think tanks, then to the Military Industrial Complex, to companies that use their expertise to lobby the Pentagon for more weapons, and the money they take out of social services, etc. that are supposed to help people, just to make their giant corporations even more monstrous.


Andrew W. Marshall was an American foreign policy strategist who served as the director of the Office of Net Assessment of the U.S. Department of Defense from 1973 to 2015.

安德魯馬歇爾Andrew W. Marshall)是美國外交政策戰略家,從1973年到2015年擔任美國國防部理論評估辦公室Office of Net Assessment;或譯為淨評估辦公室)主任。

From 1973 to 2015, every president had confirmed him in this post, such as Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.

1973年到2015年,每一位總統都曾認定他擔任這一職務,如理查尼克森Richard Nixon傑拉爾德福特Gerald Ford吉米卡特Jimmy Carter隆納.雷根Ronald Reagan喬治赫伯特沃克布希George H. W. Bush比爾克林頓Bill Clinton喬治沃克布希George W. Bush巴拉克歐巴馬Barack Obama)。

At the age of 89, he was still at the helm of the department, the oldest bureaucrat still in office, one of the original RAND scientists, and a good friend of Albert Wohlstetter.

89歲的時候,他仍然是該部門的掌門人,是仍然在職的最年長的官僚,他是蘭德公司最初的科學家之一,也是阿爾伯特.沃爾斯泰特(Albert Wohlstetter)的好朋友。

Andrew Marshall implemented the policies called the Revolution in Military Affairs, which accompanied Operation Iraqi Freedom and its predecessor, Operation Desert Storm. The war in Iraq was planned 20 years before Saddam Hussein and the planners of it came, as mentioned, from the RAND Corporation.

安德魯.馬歇爾實施了被稱為軍事事務變革Revolution in Military Affairs)的政策,伴隨著伊拉克自由行動(Operation Iraqi Freedom;即伊拉克戰爭)及其前身沙漠風暴行動(Operation Desert Storm;即波斯灣戰爭)。伊拉克戰爭是在薩達姆.侯賽因之前20年就計畫好了的,正如前面提到的,戰爭的策劃者就是來自蘭德公司

Andrew Marshall was the one who came up with the concept of guided missiles used during the Gulf War. Such missiles were able to fly around the bend and land in bunkers to explode. He invented the whole concept of cybercrime (netwars), and the whole concept of soldiers becoming virtual androids, going to war equipped with Exoskeletons, not eating or sleeping for days, not feeling pain, seeing things from miles away, etc. He championed the idea of always working on newer and better weapons to find better ways to defeat the enemy, with more money and more resources.

安德魯.馬歇爾是提出波斯灣戰爭期間使用的制導飛彈guided missiles;即導彈)概念的人。這種導彈能夠在彎道上飛行,落在掩體裡爆炸。他發明了電腦犯罪(網路戰爭)的整個概念,以及士兵成為虛擬機器人(virtual androids)的整個概念,帶著外骨骼Exoskeletons;又稱動力服動力裝甲)上戰場,幾天不吃不睡,感覺不到疼痛,能看到幾英里外的東西等等。他宣導用更多的錢和資源,不斷研發更新更好的武器,以找到更好的方法來擊敗敵人

A Soldier with an Exoskeleton



Condoleezza Rice (From 2005 to 2009 she was Secretary of State of the United States under George W. Bush and from 2001 to 2005 she was his National Security Advisor. 1991 to 1997 she also worked for the RAND Corporation) in the middle of course George W. Bush, and to his right, Zalmay Khalilzad.

康多莉扎.萊斯Condoleezza Rice,從2005年到2009年,她是小布希政府的國務卿,從2001年到2005年,她是小布希的國家安全顧問。1991年至1997年,她還在蘭德公司工作)下圖中間是小布希,右邊是扎勒米.哈利勒扎德


Andrew Marshall and Albert Wohlstetter created strategies and study groups for the war of the future in the 1980s.


America’s motto of peace through force by preemptively attacking other countries to protect their interests and values was nothing more than the ancient Pax Romana used by Cesar Augustus to expand the power of Rome, a precept Paul Wolfowitz advocated when he proposed Pax America.

美國的座右銘是通過武力實現和平,通過先發制人攻擊其他國家的方式來保護他們的利益和價值觀,這不過是凱撒奧古斯都Cesar Augustus使用的古代羅馬治世」(Pax Romana;又稱羅馬和平)的說法來擴大羅馬的勢力,而保羅伍夫維茲Paul Wolfowitz也提出美利堅治世」(Pax America;亦被翻譯為美利堅和平)來仿效這一傳世名言(precept)。

The neoconservatives in the 1980s saw it as an old principle that America should determine the fate of the world. From his seat in the Office of Net Assessment, Andrew Marshall, as mentioned, increasingly called for the development of new weapons, while Albert Wohlstetter lobbied for legislative confirmations. They advocated, for example, the use of cyberspace weapons, mechanized techniques that could, for example, paralyze the enemy’s computer system. They explored possibilities for mind-altering substances that could disorient soldiers in the field.


Many of the leaders of the Military Industrial Complex during the 1980s became Albert Wohlstetter’s and Andrew Marshall’s followers even Donald Rumsfeld considered himself a disciple of Albert Wohlstetter.

1980年代,許多的軍事工業複合體領導人都成為了阿爾伯特.沃爾斯泰特特和安德魯.馬歇爾的追隨者,甚至唐納.倫斯斐Donald Rumsfeld;大陸譯為唐納德.拉姆斯菲爾德)也認為自己是阿爾伯特.沃爾斯泰特特的弟子。

Donald Henry Rumsfeld was a U.S. politician from 1975 to 1977 (in President Gerald Ford’s cabinet) and from 2001 to 2006 (George W. Bush’s cabinet) he was Secretary of Defense of the United States. The Iraq War organized by Rumsfeld and his approval of torture methods during interrogations caused controversy.


Between 1981 and 1986, Rumsfeld was chairman of the RAND Corporation.


We must prepare for war so that we may have peace, said the Roman Emperor Augustus, and Wohlstetter has always acted accordingly. Albert Wohlstetter’s exhortations to prepare for disaster quickly led to a new generation of war planners and politicians, and brought the world to the brink of nuclear war.


Paul Wolfowitz and Albert Wohlstetter were of Jewish descent (as were countless other influential RAND strategists) who fiercely advocated Israel’s interests, with a strong interest in the Middle East. America’s messianic role in the world and Zionism, which sees Israel’s survival as necessary as humanity’s survival, were beliefs encouraged by Albert Wohlstetter.


Albert Wohlstetter was fascinated by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and how he created the Modern Turkish State. He saw it as a model for Iraq.

阿爾伯特.沃爾施泰特對穆斯塔法凱末爾阿塔圖爾克Mustafa Kemal Atatürk以及他如何創建現代土耳其國家非常著迷。他認為這是伊拉克的榜樣

The Middle East, with its vast oil reserves, became the focus of a well-coordinated plan to further expand America’s power and to reshape the anti-Semitic countries.


These plans were exactly what Albert Wohlstetter, Paul Wolfowitz and other RAND strategists had in mind and in their pro-Israel mentality.


In the animal world, each animal must be constantly on the watch, otherwise he does not survive long. The technocrats are like animals gone wild, and have also turned the world into a kind of animal world, where everyone betrays everyone to gain their own profit. Therefore, the motto also applies to us humans as in the animal world: Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom. Only that we humans do not defend ourselves most of the time with violence, but with our mind and our reason guided by ethical guidelines, respectful of the creative natural laws and commandments. (Schöpferisch Natürlichen Gesetzen und Geboten.)

在動物世界裡,每個動物都必須時刻保持警惕,否則就無法長久生存。技術官僚們就像野獸一樣,也把世界變成了一種動物世界,每個人都為了自己的利益而背叛每個人。因此,這句格言也適用於我們人類,就像在動物世界裡一樣:永恆的警惕是自由的代價。只是我們人類在大多數時候不是用暴力來保護自己,而是用我們的思想和理性來指導道德準則,尊重造物的自然法則和戒律」(Schöpferisch Natürlichen Gesetzen und Geboten)。

Sixty-sixth Contact
Wednesday, 10th November 1976, 14:18 hrs



173. …But now listen:

... 但現在聽著:

174. Father has clarified the concerns about the mysterious events of the last months, because among other things they tried to kill you three times.


175. The attacks themselves lead back to two different groups with completely different interests.


176. The first attack was carried out by elements of a secret Israeli-Christian religious command. (Israeli-Christian means that these are Christian forces in the Israeli state).


177. The reason for this lies in the spread of the Talmud Jmmanuel, whose first finder and translator, Isa Rashid, was found and killed by the same elements in Baghdad in March of this year.

其原因在於《以馬內利的教誨》(Talmud Jmmanuel)的傳播,其第一個發現者兼翻譯Isa Rashid於今年3月在巴格達被同一夥人發現並將他殺害。

178. There is still a danger for you that this command will track you down in secret and try to carry out its will.


179. So be very attentive and extremely careful.


180. They have already once destroyed the truth, if it took thousands of years, before it can now be brought anew.


181. The worldly greed for might of the sects and religions is boundless, which is why every means will do for them to realise it.


182. But you represent a danger to them, for your spreading of truth in general and especially about them, especially through the Talmud, very much endangers their belief and domineering plans.


183. Beware, therefore, of the secretly burrowing religious ones….


Seven Hundred and Seventy-ninth Contact
Wednesday, 6th October 2021, 21:32 hrs



…This happened because the … … who have their people even in the state leaders direct everything secretly.

... 發生這種情況是因為 ... … 甚至在國家領導人中也有他們的人,他們秘密地指揮一切


So they really do rule and direct, consequently the rulers who are at the helm, such as …



That is correct. There are also people who work as advisors, whose ‘advice’ is then implemented by the ‘advised’ state leaders and the acquired ‘wisdom’ of what they have been taught and ‘advised’ by the ‘advisors’ is dictatorially passed on to the population. These then usually follow everything without objection and have no idea that they are not being directed by the powerful people officially at the helm, but by ‘advisors’ who in reality pursue completely different goals and are in turn dependent on those on whose behalf they work as ‘advisors’.



In that they then really ‘govern’ – precisely as a shadow government, but no one wants to admit that.

在這一方面,他們才是真正的“政府” —— 準確地說,是一個影子政府,但沒有人願意承認這一點。


Yes, and this also includes those people who are from the American sect … which also commits murders that are never solved because every murder is disguised as a suicide and ‘judged’ as a suicide out of fear of the sect in its favour – or because the police and the judges’ guild themselves belong to the sect, as is the case especially in … This is because the murder victims, on the one hand, know too much and, on the other hand, suddenly represent a danger to the organisation, so these people who know too much and suddenly know too much are eliminated….

是的,這也包括那些來自美國教派的人... 他們也犯下了永遠無法破解的謀殺案,因為每一起謀殺案都被掩飾成自殺,並出於對教派有利的恐懼而被“判定”為自殺——或者因為員警和法官公會本身就屬於教派,特別是在... 。這是因為,一方面,被謀殺的受害者知道的太多,另一方面,他們頓時對組織構成了威脅,所以這些知道太多的人,突然就被滅口了...

Six Hundred and Fourteenth Contact
Monday, 23rd February 2015, 14:03 hrs



…Look here, this fax was beamed to me by Mariann because Willem watched the described film on television. This is a TV film about the OSA secret service of Scientology. I recently watched the film on 21 February together with Bernadette on television, which was released on 8 April 2014, but was shown on television on 21 February. It can also be borrowed, bought or viewed on the Internet….

... 看這裡,這份傳真是Mariann傳給我的,因為Willem在電視上看了描述的影片。這是一部關於「山達基」(Scientology;也譯為「科學教」)特別事務辦公室OSA情報機構電影。我最近於221日與Bernadette一起在電視上觀看了這部影片,這部電影201448日上映,但221也在電視上播放了。同時也可以在互聯網上借、買或觀看

What Mariann faxed me, I copied from the Internet, the following:


The Informers of Scientology – the Sect Secret Service OSA (ARD Docu) SENDETERMIN, Sa. 21.02.15, 22:30 hrs

山達基的告密者 —— 教派情報人員OSAARD DocuSENDETERMINSa. 20152212230



Scientology is one of the most controversial sects in the world. And yet even world stars like Tom Cruise and John Travolta follow the organization of founder Ron Hubbard. What is far less well known is that Scientology has its own secret service, the Office of Special Affairs (OSA), commanded by Scientology leader David Miscavige in Los Angeles. It is the oldest private secret service in the world and larger and more influential than the secret services of many states……

山達基是世界上最有爭議的教派之一。然而,即使像湯姆克魯斯Tom Cruise)和約翰屈伏塔John Travolta)這樣的世界級明星也追隨創始人羅恩賀伯特Ron Hubbard)的組織。鮮為人知的是,山達基有自己的情報機構,即特別事務辦公室(OSA),由山達基領導人大衛密斯凱維吉David Miscavige)在洛杉磯指揮。它是世界上最古老的私人情報機構,比許多國家的情報機構規模更大,影響更深...



1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_wwUgEei14

2. https://www . zeitenschrift . com/artikel/rand-corporation-operation-global e-manipulation

3. Alex Abella《理性的士兵:蘭德公司和美國帝國的崛起》(Soldiers of Reason The Rand Corporation and the Rise of the American Empire),Harcourt出版社

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYrkLwLTrIghttps://

5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIZYucKOzhw

6. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curtis_E._LeMay

7. http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Contact_Report_441

8. http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Contact_Report_256

9. http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Contact_Report_066

10. http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Contact_Report_779

11. http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Contact_Report_614

12. https://www . voltairenet . org/article 215275 . html https://12 . www . zeitenschrift . com/artikel/homo-o economicus-die-grosse-cyber schlacht-um-die-welt

Guest Article by Berk Gümüs, a blog member who joins us from Germany

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