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THE NEW ATLANTIS: Master Plan Of The Ages


原文來自: Cosmic Convergence: 2012 and Beyond

中譯資料編輯自: 黃金時代

原創翻譯: Patrick Shih

As a matter of little-known fact, the very fulfillment of the USA as the New Atlantis is the end result of an extremely secret, multi-century “Master Plan” which was launched by the key members of Queen Elizabeth’s court.  This same “Master Plan” then continued to gain much more traction during the Jacobean era that immediately followed.

鮮少有人知道:伊麗莎白宮廷的關鍵人物在數百年前就非常低調地計劃將美國建設成新亞特蘭提斯 。這項宏大的計畫後來在詹姆士一世時代取得更多的進展。

Which brings us to Sir Francis Bacon and Roger Bacon.

這些進展引領兩位人物登上了歷史舞台:法蘭西斯.培根 Francis Bacon )和羅傑培根 Roger Bacon  

Already it is clear that the reign of Queen Elizabeth I was distinguished in many extraordinary and unparalleled ways. However, it was the unusually wise and truly gifted advisors in her court who set the stage for the secret societies to thrive.  Primary among those talented advisors stands Sir Francis Bacon, who is considered by some of the world’s great writers to be directly responsible for of all of William Shakespeare’s many works. Three centuries before the Elizabethan era there was the English philosopher and Franciscan friar Roger Bacon (1214-1294) who is often considered the ‘Father of the Scientific Method’.  That both Francis and Roger Bacon share the same last name will come as no surprise when their true connection is revealed.

羅傑培根 比伊麗莎白時代早三百年( 1214-1294 )的方濟各會修士和公認的“科學方法之父”。法蘭西斯和羅傑的姓氏都是培根。一旦我們知道他們兩人之間的關連,就不會感到意外了。

Just who were these two giants of English history  And how did they influence the founding and establishment of the New Atlantis — the United States of America

這兩位英國歷史上思想巨人究竟是何許人也?   他們又如何促成新亞特蘭提斯 —— 美利堅合眾國的開國呢?  

Sir Francis Bacon


Sir Francis Bacon was not only an extraordinary writer and philosopher, he was also knowledgeable of many of the occult sciences and nascent arts of his day.  In short, he was the quintessential Renaissance Man of Merry Ole England.  Francis Bacon enjoyed a unique advisory status within Queen Elizabeth’s court which was both well earned as well as a product of nepotism.  Historical records have proven that he was Elizabeth’s son by one her favorite courtiers.  It was this very special relationship between Sir Francis Drake and Queen Elizabeth which was to shape the entire Elizabethan period.

法蘭西斯.培根爵士不僅是偉大的作家和哲學家。他還是秘法學專家和新創藝術家 。法蘭西斯.培根熱衷於擔任女王宮廷的特別顧問。一來收入豐厚。二來可以接近自己的親人。歷史文件早已證明培根是女王和寵臣的兒子。法蘭西斯.德瑞克和伊麗莎白女王之間的非比尋常的關係締造了伊麗莎白時代。  

Roger Bacon and the Scientific Method


An extremely interesting connection exists between Francis and Roger Bacon, “The Father of Experimental Science and Medieval Occultism”.  In addition to being considered the father of the scientific method, Roger Bacon was also regarded as the first philosopher of science who was way ahead of his time during the 13th century in which he lived.   As follows:

法蘭西斯.培根和羅傑培根 —— 實驗科學與中世紀祕法學之父之間有著饒富趣味的關連。除了身為科學方法之父,羅傑培根也是思想遠超過 13 世紀,歷史上第一位科學家


Why is this connection between the two Bacons — Roger and Francis — so very important Because they both play very prominent roles in the creation of the New Atlantis.  Each of them foresaw a time when the New World to the west would be found by their countrymen and colonized in due course of time.  They both understood the importance that this new land lay unspoiled and pristine in order that the New Atlantis would be “raised from the ashes” of the original Atlantis which sank in the sea 12 thousand years ago.

為何兩位培根先生 —— 羅傑和法蘭西斯之間的關連如此重要?因為他們兩位都是新亞特蘭提斯的重要推手。他們在自己的時代就已經預見西方將會出現一個英國人殖民然後建設的新世界。他們都知道這個新世界的重要性 —— 1 2,000 年前沉入大海的舊亞特蘭提斯將會在這塊處女地上重生,變成新亞特蘭提斯

It is well understood in certain esoteric circles that the original Atlantis — far advanced in both scientific knowledge and applied technology compared to our post-modern civilization — doomed itself because of the pervasive misuse of various technologies throughout their society.  In fact, it has been frequently asserted that Atlantis finally sank into the Atlantic Ocean because of the gross and calamitous abuse of their exceedingly powerful asteroid-deflecting technologies.  The three points of the Bermuda Triangle stand as a lasting testament to those Atlantean sites which were home to those centers of crystal-generated energy technology.  The crystalline-based energy grid was not only used to power Atlantis, it was eventually misused by the corrupt leadership to control the population in extremely abusive ways.

許多神祕學人士都知道亞特蘭提斯 —— 一個科技遠比現代社會先進而毀於濫用科技的文明。   許多人相信亞特蘭提斯最終過度濫用超先進的小行星牽引科技而沉入大西洋。百幕達三角的三個點見證了以前亞特蘭提斯時代的水晶能源設施。

Over the course of the last 400 years all the nations ringing the Atlantic Ocean have become home to those very same souls from Atlantis who came back today to get it right. While it is commonly understood in some circles of esoteric knowledge that those kings and queens of the English monarchy who reigned before and during the British Empire were actually the reincarnated souls of the Roman Empire, the following is also understood about the The New Atlantis.  That the modern-day nations which rim the Northern Atlantic are populated with the reborn souls who inhabited Atlantis before it sank into the sea approximately 12,000 years ago.

為了彌補過去的錯誤,亞特蘭提斯人四百年以來陸續投生到所有大西洋周圍的國家   神祕學界普遍認為:威廉一世乃至於統治過大英帝國的國王和女王其實都是從羅馬帝國轉世的靈魂 。至於亞特蘭提斯沉沒之前居住於此的人類,他們後來投生到北大西洋周邊的現代國家。

Both Roger and Francis Bacon, more than any other historical figures of the past millennium, with the exception of Comte de Saint Germain, are directly responsible for setting the stage for the New Age of Aquarius — the Age of Science and Technology as well as the establishment of the The New Atlantis.  So important are the contributions of Francis Bacon in this regard that he has been described as follows:

除了羅傑培根法蘭西斯.培,此外聖哲曼伯爵 Comte de Saint Germain )他們三位有一項遠超任何一位歷史人物的事蹟 ,就是:奠定了寶瓶座時代(科學和科技時代)和新亞特蘭提斯的基礎。世人用這段話評價法蘭西斯.培根的重要貢獻:  

Bacon has been called the father of empiricism. His works established and popularised inductive methodologies for scientific inquiry, often called the  Baconian method , or simply the scientific method. His demand for a planned procedure of investigating all things natural marked a new turn in the rhetorical and theoretical framework for science, much of which still surrounds conceptions of proper methodology today. [3]


法蘭西斯.培根 就是 莎士比亞

Sir Francis Bacon: The Quintessential English Renaissance Man 


Francis Bacon, more than any other royal advisor to Queen Elizabeth I, was ardently preoccupied with the “tilling of the soil” of the New World.  The many and diverse pieces of literature written under his pen-name, William Shakespeare, were integral to his plan of establishing The New Atlantis in the virgin territories of North America. Each Shakespearean composition of comedy and tragedy, history and poetry was coded to disseminate secret information to his many covert collaborators across the realm, as in the entire planetary realm.

法蘭西斯.培根不僅是伊麗莎白一世的皇室顧問,還是一名熱衷開拓新世界的大文豪。他利用自己的筆名 —— 威廉.莎士比亞 創作了各種型式的文學作品 。培根的計畫是在北美大陸的處女地建立新亞特蘭提斯,而這些著作對這項計畫而言是不可或缺的一環。不論是喜劇、悲劇、歷史劇和詩詞,莎士比亞的每一部作品都暗藏培根要傳遞給全世界合作夥伴的加密訊息


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原文網址: http://cosmicconvergence.org/ p=13901

中譯資料編輯自: https://www.golden-ages.org/2017/01/30/new-atlantis-2/






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