
THE NEW ATLANTIS :Master Plan Of The Ages


原文來自: Cosmic Convergence2012 and Beyond


原創翻譯:Patrick Shih

The Hidden Connections between the Elizabethan Court led
by Sir Francis Bacon, the Founding Fathers of the American
Republic guided by Comte de Saint Germain, and the Kremlin
Leaders Assembled by Russian President Vladimir Putin

歷史課沒說的世代傳承 ——


This is a story which spans the entirety of the 6000 yearlong Kali Yuga.  Also known as the Age of Quarrel, which began with the Mayan Long Count Calendar in approximately 3113 B.C.E., the Kali Yuga is analogous to the present Iron Age.  The true history of the current era, which is defined by so many epic wars and longstanding conflicts, is not only very protracted and extremely complex, many of the most important events and personages lie deeply hidden in its murky past.

這是一篇訴說貫串六千年爭鬥時 Kali Yuga)的歷史故事 爭鬥時大約始於瑪雅長曆的公元前 3113 。爭鬥時連結到目前的鐵器時代。人類真實的歷史充滿了許多壯烈而且漫長的戰爭和衝突。真正的歷史不僅淵遠流長而且無比的複雜。許多最重要的事件和人物都被埋沒在時間的長河之中。

[註:爭鬥時 कलियुग Kali Yuga )是印度教中四個宇迦循環中的最後一個宇迦,也是目前所在的宇迦 宇迦 युग Yuga ),又稱為,是印度教中的時代單位,共有圓滿時、三分時、二分時、爭鬥時四個宇迦。目前所在的宇迦為爭鬥時。資料來源: 維基百科

There are several significant threads interwoven throughout this multi-millennial saga which graphically portray our current Age of Conflict.  Of those, the most important threads pass through the histories of Egypt, Sumeria, Persia, Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, the British Empire, and, finally, the United States of America.  However, this essay will concern itself primarily with the most recent Anglo-American chapter of modern history.

這個長達數千年的壯闊史詩有幾條重要的相互交織的重要線索 。這些線索勾勒出衝突紀元的輪廓。這些線索其中最重要的幾條可以貫穿埃及蘇美波斯古希臘羅馬帝國大英帝國美國這篇文章會著重於盎格魯-美國Anglo-American)近代史

Queen Elizabeth


It is the Elizabethan era and the court of Queen Elizabeth I of England which provide the center stage for this essay, as does the American Revolutionary War period in the fledgling Thirteen Colonies.  For it was during these two critical and formative periods that theNew Atlantis was conceived and greatly advanced.  Simply put, the seeds of desire for personal freedom and national sovereignty, which germinated in 16th century England, fully sprouted on American soil two hundred years later.

這篇文章有兩個主要的歷史舞台:英國的伊麗莎白一世時代和美國獨立戰爭時期 新亞特蘭提斯計畫發源於這兩個關鍵的時刻並且取得廣泛的進展簡單地說:萌芽於 16 世紀追求個人自由和國家主權的思想在兩百年後的美洲大陸上成長茁壯  

The leap from the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras (1558 through 1625) to the Thirteen Colonies of the pre and post American War of Independence (early 1770s through 1783) is not well understood, even by the most knowledgeable historians.  The profound inter-relationship between the many major characters of Queen Elizabeth’s (and King James’s) court and the Founding Fathers of the American Republic has never been drawn or sufficiently acknowledged.  Consequently, much of the actual history has been lost, clouded in the mists of time, or purposefully misrepresented by those victors who wrote the history books.

伊麗莎白 時代和詹姆士一世時代( 1558 -1625 )演變到美國獨立前後的歷史( 1770 前期 - 1783 )一直是不甚明白的課題。就連學識最淵博的歷史學家們都不能完全了解這段歷史。鮮少有人可以充分理解美國國父們和伊麗莎白一世以及詹姆士一世宮廷內重要人士之間錯綜複雜的關係,進而導致許多真實的歷史遭後人遺忘或被編寫史書的當權人士刻意曲解。

The subtitle The Illuminism, Freemasonry and the Great White Brotherhood   capture the essence of the underlying epochal conflict of the “Master Plan Of The Ages”.  All three of these entities are now profoundly misunderstood because of how highly charged and closely attached each is to various ideologies and isms, conspiracies and false concepts which abound on the Internet.

這篇文章還有個副標題:光明主義The Illuminism)、共濟會 Freemasonry淨光兄弟會the  Great White Brotherhood 這三者是百年大計畫中各種恩怨情仇的三位主要角色。它們牽涉到各式各樣的意識形態和思想,外加網路上充斥各種陰謀論和錯誤觀念,以至於現代人對這三者都有非常嚴重的誤解。

[註:光明主義又譯為光照派教義;光明主義是光明會的信仰系統;光明會(英語: Illuminati ),又譯為光照派,是啟蒙運動時期的一個巴伐利亞秘密組織,成立於 1776 5 1 日。資料來源: 維基百科

Making their comprehension even more difficult (especially Freemasonry and Illuminism), there is a profusion of crudely uninformed material on the Internet which further muddies the water of that already “murky past”.  Much of this false information has been deliberately disseminated for public consumption over centuries.  Whether it is purposeful disinformation or unintentional misinformation, it must be ignored as these new and significant disclosures are considered.


The Elizabethan Court Set the World Stage, Especially For The Debut of the American Republic

伊麗莎白一世登上世界舞台, 尤其是在美國開國時期

The microcosm of the Elizabethan court from 1558 to 1603 provides the perfect context in which to study the emergence of the secret societies which have come to dominate the modern era. Queen Elizabeth I was surrounded by some of the most brilliant and enlightened men of the age.  This generally accepted fact of English history is precisely why the Elizabethan Period became an unparalleled British era sometimes referred to as England’s Golden Age.  It has also been acknowledged as a high point for all of Western civilization, and especially for European culture and enlightenment.  The high attainments in areas as diverse as spiritual wisdom and mundane knowledge, philosophical discourse and artistic expression, scientific pursuit and occult learning became de rigueur for those who populated the royal court of Queen Elizabeth as well as London’s high society.

凡是有人想了解秘密社團如何從草創到支配現代世界,公元 1558 年至 1603 年的伊麗莎白宮廷是完美的研究史料 伊麗莎白一世的宮廷內有一群當時最精明幹練而且修養最好的能人賢士這個公認的史實正是伊麗莎白時期能成為英國黃金時代的主要原因許多人也認同這個時期是西方文明的巔峰,特別是歐洲文化和啟蒙民智的發展靈性智慧和世俗知識在這個時期都蓬勃發展。哲學演講、藝術、科學研究和鑽研祕法成了女王宮廷和倫敦上流社會的流行時尚。

Just like Jerusalem during the reign of King Solomon and Rome at its height circa 100 A.D., London effectively became the center of the world after the decisive defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588.  The establishment of the East India Company in 1600 set England firmly on the path toward the creation of the British Empire.

如同所羅門王時期的耶路撒冷和公元 100 年的羅馬,倫敦在公元 1588 年英國擊敗西班牙無敵艦隊後成為世界的中心 公元 1600 年成立的東印度公司讓英國日漸成為稱霸全球的大英帝國

The East India Company (EIC) was originally chartered as the Governor and Company of Merchants of London trading into the East Indies, and more properly called the Honourable East India Company (HEIC). It was an English joint-stock company, formed to pursue trade with the East Indies but ended up trading mainly with the Indian subcontinent, Qing Dynasty China, North-West Frontier Province and Balochistan. The company rose to account for half of the world’s trade, particularly trade in basic commodities that included cotton, silk, indigo dye, salt, saltpeter, tea and opium. The company also ruled the beginnings of the British Empire in India.

東印度公司 最初的正式全名是倫敦商人在東印度貿易的公司,又叫『可敬的東印度公司』。這是一家英國的股份公司。東印度公司原先的貿易版圖是在東印度,後來公司主要的貿易對象轉變成印度、清代中國、開伯爾 - 普什圖省和俾路支省。該公司曾經掌握佔世界半數的貿易量,特別是各種大宗用品。例如:棉花、絲綢、靛藍染料、食鹽、硝石、茶葉和鴉片。東印度也在大英帝國初期統治過印度。  

The company received a Royal Charter from Queen Elizabeth on 31 December 1600, making it the oldest among several similarly formed European East India Companies.

伊麗莎白女王在公元 1600 12 31 日授予皇家特許狀給東印度公司。皇家特許狀使得不列顛東印度公司成為同業中經營時間最長的公司。

Labeled by both contemporaries and historians as “the grandest society of merchants in the universe”, the English East India Company would come to symbolize the dazzlingly rich potential of the corporation, as well as new methods of business that could be both brutal and exploitative. [1]

當時的世人和歷史學家都認為不列顛東印度公司是全宇宙最偉大的商人組織 。它象徵企業經營能帶來的龐大財富,也同時代表蠻橫以及創新的商業模式。

It is now self-evident as to why Great Britain was destined early on to become the sprawling British Empire upon which the sun never set.  It should therefore be understandable why the English-speaking nations of the world would eventually emerge as the most powerful and wealthy and influential on Earth. The extraordinary destiny of the United States of America stands as a powerful testament to the vision and determination, planning and execution of those great men of letters and science of the Elizabethan era.

正是因為東印度公司,大不列顛才能成為日不落的大英帝國 。英語系國家也因而成為地球上最強大、最富有而且最具影響力的國家。正是因為伊麗莎白時代有一群富有遠見、決心、決策力和執行力的文人和科學家,美國才能締造獨一無二的開國之路



原文網址: http://cosmicconvergence.org/?p=13901

中譯資料編輯自: https://www.golden-ages.org/2017/01/28/new-atlantis-1/





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