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THE NEW ATLANTIS: Master Plan Of The Ages


原文來自: Cosmic Convergence: 2012 and Beyond

中譯資料編輯自: 黃金時代

原創翻譯: Patrick Shih

The sinking of the Spanish Armada broke Spain’s monopoly of the New World, held since the time of Columbus, and opened up a rush of European countries staking their claims in North America.


It has even been speculated that Dee knew in advance what the prevailing weather patterns would be from day-to-day.  Others have surmised that it was through his magical powers that he was actually controlling the devastating weather events which followed the Spanish Armada wherever they went. As follows:

有些人甚至懷疑迪伊可以預知每一天的天候。有些人則揣測迪伊用魔法在西班牙無敵艦隊的航路上引發多次毀滅性的天氣。史書記載:迪伊深信自己就是梅林 Merlin)的轉世,而伊麗莎白女王就是亞瑟王Arthur)的轉世  

In 1572, a new star appeared in the heavens, which remained visible night and day for 17 months we now know that it was a Type Ia supernova, in the constellation Cassiopeia). For the public, it could only mean immanence of the Eschaton—the end of the world. For Dee, it signaled that a new world order was to come—an English Protestant Empire, instead of a Holy Roman one.

公元 1572 年,天上出現了一顆新星。這顆星星連續 17 個月高掛在天上,而且白天和晚上都能看見 (我們現在知道這顆星星其實是仙后座的 Ia 超新星 )。當時的民眾都相信這顆星星代表末日即將來臨。對迪伊而言,它代表新的世界領袖即將誕生 —— 英國人的新教帝國即將取代羅馬的天主教帝國

It is in this context that Dee proposed a “British Empire,” a phrase he coined—for Dee, this would be nothing less than a restoration of the reign of Arthur, as he believed that Arthur’s original colonies were, in fact, in the New World—even that America was Atlantis itself. Dee saw Elizabeth as the living Arthur; himself, Merlin. He formed a company to colonize, convert and exploit the Americas, even to open a northeast passage to Asia, with a mind to seeking the perceived source of all occult wisdom. There is strong evidence that Dee was the intellectual force behind Francis Drake’s 1577-1580 circumnavigation of the globe. Dee himself was awarded the rights to all newly discovered land north of the 50th Parallel, which would have given him Canada—had Drake gone any further north than Oregon.

迪伊在觀測到這顆星星之後開始提倡“大英帝國 。對迪伊而言,大英帝國的重要程度不亞於重現亞瑟王的統治。迪伊相信:亞瑟王原本的領土其實是在新世界 —— 就連美洲都是亞特蘭提斯的一部份 伊麗莎白就是當代的亞瑟王,而他自己就是梅林。他創辦了一家公司在美洲進行殖民、傳教和開發。他甚至為了找尋所有祕法智慧的根源而開闢一條航向亞洲的東北航道。史書上有明確的證據表示迪伊在 1577-1580 年德雷克提督航海繞行地球一圈期間擔任他的顧問。迪伊後來的封賞是所有在北緯 50 度發現的新土地 如果當時德雷克從奧勒岡州繼續往北走,加拿大就會變成迪伊的領地了

So began the Empire on which the sun never sets, or at least didn’t until the end of the 20th century. What are we to make of the fact that one of history’s most successful and brutal) empires, which held much of the globe in its control for four hundred years, and is responsible for the modern world, was masterminded by an alchemist who spoke to angels in a crystal ball?  [7]

迪伊和其他人的努力開創了長達四百年的日不落帝國 。一個用水晶球跟天使對話的煉金術師構想出人類歷史上最成功(又殘忍)的帝國。這件事情跟後續的故事有甚麼關連?

Who were the many loyal, talented and wise colleagues of  Sir Francis Bacon?


Sir Walter Raleigh


Francis Bacon enjoyed the company and close collaboration of the most accomplished men of his day.  In fact, they represent a veritable Who’s Who of 16th and 17th century England.  Writers and philosophers, statesmen and politicians, explorers and sea captains, soldiers and spies, they came from every walk of life.  There was Sir Walter Raleigh, another giant — both literary and political — of the Elizabethan era.  He was directly responsible for various endeavors concerned with the colonization of the New World.

Raleigh’s charter explored from North Carolina to Florida and named the region ‘Virginia’ in honor of the “Virgin Queen”.

法蘭西斯.培根熱衷和當代修養最好的一群人為伍 。這些人堪稱英國 16 17 世紀的名人作家、哲學家、政治家、探險家、船長、軍人和間諜…等等各行各業的人物。   其中還有一位伊麗莎白時代的大文豪和朝廷重臣 —— 華特.雷利 Walter Raleigh )爵士 。他年輕時致力於早期英國在新大陸的殖民地開拓,並在 1584 年於北美洲建立維吉尼亞( Virginia )(約現今美國的北卡羅萊納州與維吉尼亞州部分)以歌頌當時的英國女王伊莉莎白一世(歷史著名的童貞女王,而維吉尼亞有處女( Virgin )地之意)。

Raleigh’s plan in 1584 for colonisation in the “Colony and Dominion of Virginia” in North America ended in failure at Roanoke Island, but paved the way for subsequent colonies. [8]

公元 1584 年,雷利的北美洲處女地殖民和治理計畫在羅阿諾克島宣告失敗。但是這次的計畫為將來的殖民工作打下穩定的基礎。

In addition to Sir Walter Raleigh, other colleagues and acquaintances of Sir Francis Bacon include the likes of Edward de Vere the 17th Earl of Oxford, Sir Francis Drake, Sir Francis Walsingham, Thomas Hobbes, Edmund Spenser, John Donne, Ben Jonson, John Selden, Christopher Marlowe, Dr. William Rawley, Lancelot Andrewes, Tobie Matthew, George Wither, Thomas Hariot as well as Bacon’s older brother, Anthony Bacon.  This particular group of 16th century English luminaries represents many of the greatest minds in the history of Great Britain.  Quite significantly, this list is by no means exhaustive since there are other key players whose roles were but dress rehearsals for what was to be the greatest drama of the 2nd millennium.

除了華特.雷利爵士,法蘭西斯.培根的同僚還包括第 17 代牛津伯爵 —— 愛德華.德.維爾、法蘭西斯.德雷克、法蘭西斯.沃辛漢、湯瑪斯.霍布斯、愛德蒙.史賓賽、約翰.多恩、班.強生、約翰.塞爾登、克里斯多福.馬羅、   威廉.羅利、蘭斯洛特.安德魯、托比.馬修、喬治.威瑟、托馬斯.哈里奧特和培根的兄長安東尼.培根 —— 這一群 16 世紀的能人賢士是大不列顛當代史上最優秀的人才 。這份名單當然還可以繼續寫下去,只不過其他的關鍵人物要準備為公元 2000 年後最偉大的史詩劇碼做好總排演。

Sir Francis Drake


Sir Francis Drake’s inclusion in this list is quite noteworthy.  He was successful in completing the second circumnavigation of the Earth, a feat attempted earlier by Ferdinand Magellan.  “Magellan did not complete the entire voyage, as he was killed during the Battle of Mactan in the Philippines.“[9]  This particular achievement of an English expedition circling the entire globe was an auspicious omen for the future British Empire.  It served to preconfigure the outlines of the massive trading commonwealth which ensured that English would become the dominant language of the world, especially in matters of trade and commerce, diplomacy and war.

法蘭西斯.德雷克 Francis Drake )在這一群頂尖人才中的地位是可以再三著墨的。他是繼斐迪南.麥哲倫(本人並沒有親自完成航行)之後歷史上第二位成功繞行世界一圈的航海家。這項由英國人完成的壯舉對將來的大英帝國而言自然是一個吉兆。這次環球航行奠定了英國龐大貿易版圖的基礎進而使英語成為國際通用語言,更是在貿易、商業、外交和軍事領域的主流語言

The Great White Brotherhood

淨光兄弟會( The Great White Brotherhood

The history books often fall silent where it concerns the most consequential events leading up to the establishment of The New Atlantis.  Missing are the highly influential overseers of the Great White Brotherhood whose eminent members still lie in the shadows of history.  How many have ever heard of the incomparably great ascended masters such as the Comte de Saint Germain?  Who has heard the names of Kuthumi and El Morya, Maha Chohan and Djwal Khul, Lady Nada and Lady Portia?  Truly, it is these and many otherAscended Masters who have assumed the solemn responsibility for the physical welfare and spiritual advancement of the current race of humanity.

史書往往不會記載促成新亞特蘭提斯的各種重要歷史事件。史書也沒有記載淨光兄弟會的諸位重要先知;任由兄弟會的顯赫人物埋沒於歷史的洪流。試問有多少人聽說過諸如 聖哲曼伯爵 Comte de Saint Germain ;又譯為聖日耳曼伯爵)和其他揚升大師們的事蹟?又有多少人聽說過庫圖彌、艾摩亞、瑪哈霍汗、迪瓦爾.庫爾、娜達夫人和波夏女士?事實上,這些大師和其他諸多的揚升大師們肩負著一項神聖的使命:提升現代人類的生活福祉和靈性修養  


*The preceding photograph is quite distinguished by the fact that St. Germaine appearing on the far right in the photo) was already deceased at its taking.  His ‘official’ bio indicates his passing on 27 February 1784.  Helena Blavatsky lived from 31 July, 1831 until 8 May 1891 according to most of her biographies.  Such is the power of an ascended master.

* 這張照片有一個亮點:聖哲曼伯爵(照片中右後方)並不是這個時代的人物。根據 官方”傳記記載:聖哲曼伯爵於公元 1784 2 27 日過世。海倫娜.布拉瓦茨基出生於 1831 7 31 日,殁於 1891 5 8 日。   這就是揚升大師超越時空的力量。

Only by understanding the Great White Brotherhood, and its indispensable role in the liberation of the present race of humanity, can the true back story of The New Atlantis be properly understood.  Toward that end there is no more prominent and pivotal a figure over the past 1000 years than the incomparable Comte de Saint Germain. Count Saint Germain, as he is also known, stands as a towering presence in the clandestine process of the founding and subsequent formation of the American Republicwhich would eventually become known as the United States of America. Without his ever-present guidance, profound spiritual wisdom and all-encompassing mundane knowledge informing the entire “USA creation enterprise”, it would not exist today in its current form.

我們得先認識淨光兄弟會和它在地球解放任務中不可或缺的地位,才能確切地理解新亞特蘭提斯的幕後故事。過去一千年間,沒有人比聖哲曼伯爵在新亞特蘭提斯計畫中佔有更顯赫和更重要的地位。聖哲曼伯爵是美國開國和後續成為美利堅合眾國的幕後功臣倘若沒有聖哲曼伯爵無時無刻的指導、深奧的靈性智慧和提供給 美國建國企業 ”的全盤世俗知識,美國就不會是今日的模樣了


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原文網址: http://cosmicconvergence.org/?p=13901

中譯資料編輯自: https://www.golden-ages.org/2017/02/01/new-atlantis-3/






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