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THE NEW ATLANTIS: Master Plan Of The Ages


原文來自: Cosmic Convergence: 2012 and Beyond

中譯資料編輯自: 黃金時代

原創翻譯: Patrick Shih

There are three vital points of information to know about Comte de Saint Germain. First, that this giant among men was no ordinary man, as he is well known to be an authentic Ascended Master and leader of the Great White Brotherhood.  Secondly, that Count St. Germain was chosen to be the Keeper of the Violet Flame for the current age of humanity (Quan Yin was the previous Keeper of the Violet Flame).  Thirdly, that Saint Germain is regarded in the highest circles of the Great White Brotherhood as the “Father of the American Republic” and patron saint of the United States of America.

關於 聖哲曼伯爵 ,有三個讀者們不能不知道的重點 首先,這位偉人並非凡人。他是一名揚升大師,也是淨光兄弟會的領導人第二   ,聖哲曼大師是為現代人類保管紫羅蘭火焰的守護者   音菩薩是前任的紫火守護者) 第三,淨光兄弟會的核心成員對聖哲曼大師的定位是“美國共和國國父”和“美利堅合眾國的主保聖人”

None of these extraordinary roles of Count St. Germain is to be taken lightly.  Certainly, they are not to be disrespected by those who know not the gravity of his purpose in the affairs of the current human race.  St. Germain’s overarching stewardship of Planet Earth for the benefit and upliftment of humankind is a sacred mission very few souls can ever measure up to in any era.  Just because the history books — written by men with very narrow agendas — represent him in such a limited and superficial way doesn’t dim the light of his prodigious contributions to humankind.  Therefore, both the wise and the ignorant would be well-served by keeping a very open mind to the true workings of Saint Germain’s Great White Brotherhood.

聖哲曼伯爵扮演的各種角色都至關重要 。就算是不知道他對現代人類有多麼重要的民眾,也不能輕視他的各種身份。聖哲曼大師為了人類的福祉和提升,精心打理著地球的各種事務。他的神聖使命不論在哪個時代都鮮少有人可以並駕齊驅。即便史家用非常短淺的篇幅草草描述聖哲曼大師的事蹟,也無法抹滅他對人類的龐大貢獻。只要敞開心胸了解聖哲曼和淨光兄弟會的點滴事蹟,不論是智者或愚人都將受益良多

Regarded as the Father of the American Republic, St. Germain was quite well known in all the capitals of 17th century Europe.  Fluent in many of the European languages of his day, he proved himself to be a highly skilled diplomat whose peerless statecraft often arrived at the perfect time.  Many of his diplomatic efforts were designed to ensure that the fledgling 13 Colonies of North America would be supported in every way possible.  In these many acts of statesmanship St. Germain has been compared to Sir Francis Bacon, whose life’s mission was to see a utopian society established in the New World.

身為美國共和國國父,聖哲曼伯爵在 17 世紀歐洲的各國首都都是家喻戶曉的人物。他能流利地使用許多種當代的歐洲語言。他是一名精明幹練的外交家;總是能在關鍵時刻發揮無人能出其右的治國韜略。他在外交圈的諸多努力都是為了讓北美洲的 13 個新生殖民地能獲得各方面的援助。許多人會比較聖哲曼伯爵和法蘭西斯.培根爵士的治國方略。後者一生的使命就是見證人類在新世界建立烏托邦社會

Throughout his life, Francis Bacon’s fondest hope was the creation of a Utopia across the Atlantic, the realization of his “New Atlantis” in the form of a society of free men, governed by sages and scientists, in which his Freemasonic and Rosicrucian principles would govern the social, political and economic life of the new nation. It was for this reason why, as Lord Chancellor, he took such an active interest in the colonization of America, and why he sent his son to Virginia as one of the early colonists. For it was in America, through the pen of Thomas Paine and the writings of Thomas Jefferson, as well as through the revolutionary activities of his many Rosicrucian-Freemasonic followers, most prominent among whom were George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, that he hoped to create a new nation dedicated to his political philosophy.

法蘭西斯.培根一生的宿願就是在大西洋的彼岸建立一個烏托邦。他心目中的新亞特蘭提斯是一個人人皆自由並且聖賢和科學家治理的社會。共濟會玫瑰十字會的理念主導新國度的社交規範、政治和經濟。基於這個理想,身為英國大法官的培根會想積極地參與美洲殖民計畫並且將自己的兒子送往維吉尼亞州當早期的殖民者。培根希望在美洲建立一個可以體現他的政治哲學的新國家。後世的湯瑪斯.潘恩、湯瑪斯.傑弗遜透過出書著作以及許多玫瑰十字會 - 共濟會會員的革命活動實現了培根的理想。順帶一提:玫瑰十字會和共濟會出了兩位非常有名的革命人士 —— 喬治.華盛頓 班傑明.富蘭克林

In his  Secret Destiny of America, Manly Hall, Bacon’s most understanding modern scholar, refers to the appearance in America, prior to the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, of a mysterious Rosicrucian philosopher [Saint Germain], a strict vegetarian who ate only foods that grew above the ground, who was a friend and teacher of Franklin and Washington and who seemed to have played an important role in the founding of the new republic. Why most historians failed to mention him is a puzzle, for that he existed is a certainty.

曼利.霍爾是現代最了解法蘭西斯.培根的學者。他在著作《  Secret Destiny of America 》提到:北美洲十三個英屬殖民地尚未簽署《美國獨立宣言》之前曾經出現一位神秘的玫瑰十字會哲學家(聖哲曼)。這位哲學家不僅嚴格茹素甚至不吃根莖類的食物。他和富蘭克林以及華盛頓之間有著亦師亦友的關係而且在美國建國期間擔任重要的角色。至於為何大多數史家沒提過歷史上確實存在過的一位人物,始終一個謎團。

He was known as the “Professor.” Together with Franklin and Washington, he was a member of the committee selected by the Continental Congress in 1775 to create a design for the American Flag. The design he made was accepted by the committee and given to Betsy Ross to execute into the first model.

外人對哲學家的稱呼是“教授” 教授、富蘭克林和華盛頓在 1775 年的大陸會議上獲選為美國國旗設計委員會的成員 委員會採納了教授的設計,隨後將圖稿交給貝特西.羅斯製作美國第一面國旗

A year later, on July 4, 1776, this mysterious stranger, whose name nobody knew, suddenly appeared in Independence Hall and delivered a stirring address to the fearful men there gathered, who were wondering whether they should risk their lives as traitors by affixing their names to the memorable document which Thomas Jefferson wrote and of whose ideals Francis Bacon, founder of Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism, was the true originator. [10]

一年之後,這位極其神秘的陌生人在 1776 7 4 日突然出現在賓州議會(現為美國獨立紀念館)。正當北美十三州的代表徬徨不安,仍在猶豫是否要背負叛國罪名乃至賭上身家性命簽署湯瑪斯.傑佛遜的《美國獨立宣言教授對著眾人宣講了一段慷慨激昂的演說,讓眾人鼓起勇氣簽署獨立宣言;進而實現了該宣言的真正原創者 —— 法蘭西斯.培根的理想

Where Sir Francis Bacon is considered the founder of the Rosicrucians, as well as the modern form of Freemasonry, it is Saint Germain who utilized both groups to accelerate considerably the causes of scientific advancement and universal brotherhood.  He was generally known in his day, especially throughout the various royal courts of 18th century Europe, to be a master alchemist and brilliant philosopher, virtuoso musician and consummate artist, accomplished statesman and expert diplomat.  Because of St. Germain’s impressive command of the occult sciences, particularly alchemy, he was known to produce all sorts of priceless gemstones and precious metals, sometimes on demand.

法蘭西斯.培根是玫瑰十字會和現代共濟會的創始人。聖哲曼則善用這兩個團體大幅加快世界的科學進展和世界大同 。他在 18 世紀的歐洲尤其是歐洲各國的宮廷有幾個常見的頭銜:煉金術大師、睿智的哲學家、音樂大師、頂尖藝術家、大政治家和外交專家。聖哲曼擁有深厚的秘法學造詣,更是煉金術的大師。根據文獻記載:他會製造各種名貴的寶石和貴金屬,有時候還會按照別人的要求訂製物件。

Comte de Saint Germain


It ought to be noted that St. Germain’s well-deserved moniker — Father of Modern Science — is directly related to his much higher status as a Spiritual Adept.  For those who embrace the notion of reincarnation, it is very easy to understand that the Comte de Saint Germain was quite likely a reincarnation of both Roger Bacon and Sir Francis Bacon. Thus completed the transmigration of an extraordinarily great soul whose various embodiments greatly advanced the civilization through the establishment of the many necessary arts and sciences which have been developed over the past 750 years.

值得注意的是:聖哲曼的其中一個頭銜:現代科學之父其實和他本人高深的靈性修行有直接的關連。對於能接受輪迴轉世觀念的人而說,要相信聖哲曼伯爵是羅傑培根和法蘭西斯.培根的共同轉世並不是多困難的事情。換句話說,這個無比偉大的靈魂藉由許多次的轉世在過去 750 年內留下許多關鍵的藝術作品和科學研究,進而大幅推進人類的文明

In order to succinctly acquaint the reader with the far-reaching ramifications of these revelations, the following statement is made for everyone’s consideration:  Despite the fact that St. Germain is still a relatively unknown personage of historical note, had it not been for his crucial influence at critical points of human history, many might still be living under the rubric of naked feudalism.  His numerous and monumental initiatives were literally responsible for lifting mankind out of the Dark Ages when serfs served their masters in exchange for protection.  Such is the extraordinary and invaluable contribution to the current civilization by Saint Germain and his various incarnations over many centuries, if not millennia.


There are numerous sages and seers, saints and siddhas, ascended masters and spiritual adepts, advanced souls and light-workers who, just like Saint Germain, have carefully watched over the evolution of this tract of humanity.  Their presence can be felt in those places and during those events when highly consequential history is being made.  Without their deliberate nudge or needed encouragement, wise guidance or urgent cajoling, history would have taken one wrong turn after another during this present age of Kali Yuga.

世界上有許多聖者、先知、揚升大師、靈修高人、高等靈魂和光之工作者和聖哲曼一樣細心監督著人類的進化 。他們在關鍵的時間和地點付諸努力,進而塑造了人類的歷史。若不是他們細心的扶持、無畏艱難的勇氣、悉心的指導和必要的牽引,爭鬥時的歷史可能已經變得雜亂無章了

It is said that it was St. Germain who mysteriously showed up at the original signing of the Declaration of Independence and encouraged the very first signature when all present were paralyzed with apprehension. [11]


What else can be said about the Great White Brotherhood?


An exceedingly powerful and indomitable entity, the Great White Brotherhood frequently acts through specially ordained human instruments and their spiritually endowed organizations.   Many people are now aware of some of the groups whose pasts are still shrouded in mystery, as their names have become the talk of the internet.  Who has not heard of Freemasonry and Illuminism, the Rosicrucians and the Theosophical Society, the Knights Templar and the Priory of Sion?  However, it is the most secret societies of all — those which have no name — that have had the greatest impact on the past 1000 years of human history.

淨光兄弟會 是一個擁有無比力量和不屈不撓的兄弟會。淨光兄弟會經常利用他們指派的人類特使和附屬的靈修團體影響人類世界 。許多民眾已經在網路上注意到這些過去行蹤不明的團體。試問哪位讀者從沒聽說過共濟會光明主義神智學會聖殿騎士團錫安會?然而,對人類過去上千年歷史造成最深遠影響的,往往都是那些默默無聞,神秘至極的秘密社團

For that very reason virtually all of the aforementioned groups have ‘somehow’ come to be associated with the current ‘incarnation’ of the nefarious Illuminati.  This is an exceptionally important point.  Especially during this “Age of Conflict” (also known as the Kali Yuga), as soon as any powerful and/or influential organization goes public, it draws attention to itself.  The more prominent and well-funded that group becomes, the more likely it will become a target of those who wish to take it over.  In every single case of a “hostile takeover”, whether by overt or covert means, those compromised secret societies have inevitably taken a turn for the worse.


This is precisely why those organizations, which work directly on behalf of the Great White Brotherhood, virtually always do their work in total secret.   Their endeavors are of such consequence that the disclosure of either their members or their agenda can never be risked.  Therefore, it is important to understand that the most benevolent of secret societies down through the ages are never heard of, never written about and unlikely to appear on a dedicated Wikipedia page.



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原文網址: http://cosmicconvergence.org/?p=13901

中譯資料編輯自: https //www.golden-ages.org/2017/02/04/new-atlantis-5/





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