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(上承 魔鬼盤據的世界 原版序文



The Most Precious Thing

第一章 人生至寶

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  (上承 魔鬼盤據的世界   簡介


Preface      序文

My Teachers      憶恩師

It was a blustery fall day in 1939. In the streets outside the apartment building, fallen leaves were swirling in little whirl-winds, each with a life of its own. It was good to be inside and warm and safe, with my mother preparing dinner in the next room. In our apartment there were no older kids who picked on you for no reason. Just the week before, I had been in a fight - I can't remember, after all these years, who it was with; maybe it was Snoony Agata from the third floor - and, after a wild swing, I found I had put my fist through the plate glass window of Schechter's drug store.

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The Demon-Haunted World
Science as a Candle in the Dark
《魔鬼出沒的世界》—— 科學照亮黑暗的蠟燭
《魔鬼盤據的世界》—— 薩根談UFO、占星與靈異

The_Demon-Haunted_World-Cover  getImage-1  P_CS051

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